Nothofagus, also known as the southern beeches, is a genus of 43 species of trees and shrubs native to the Southern Hemisphere in southern South America and Australasia. The species are ecological dominants in many temperate forests in these regions. Some species are reportedly naturalised in Germany and Great Britain. The genus has a rich fossil record of leaves, cupules, and pollen, with fossils extending into the late Cretaceous period and occurring in Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, and South America. In the past, they were included in the family Fagaceae, but genetic tests revealed them to be genetically distinct, and they are now included in their own family, the Nothofagaceae.

Jacaranda is a genus of 49 species of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, native to tropical and subtropical regions of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Sophora is a genus of about 45 species of small trees and shrubs in the pea family Fabaceae. The species are native to southeast Europe, southern Asia, Australasia, various Pacific islands, western South America, the western United States, Florida and Puerto Rico. The generic name is derived from sophera, an Arabic name for a pea-flowered tree.

Radermachera is a genus of about 17 species of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, native to southeastern Asia. They are evergreen trees reaching 5–40 m tall, with bipinnate or tripinnate leaves, and panicles of large bell-shaped, white, pink, pale purple or yellow flowers 5–7 cm diameter.

The subfamily Detarioideae is one of the subdivisions of the plant family Fabaceae (legumes). This subfamily includes many tropical trees, some of which are used for timber or have ecological importance. The subfamily consists of 84 genera, most of which are native to Africa and Asia. Pride of Burma and tamarind are two of the most notable species in Detarioideae. It has the following clade-based definition:
The most inclusive crown clade containing Goniorrhachis marginataTaub. and Aphanocalyx cynometroidesOliv., but not Cercis canadensisL., Duparquetia orchidaceaBaill., or Bobgunnia fistuloides(Harms) J. H. Kirkbr. & Wiersema.

Stereospermum is a genus of trees in the paleotropical clade of the family Bignoniaceae. A species of Stereospermum is used in herbal medicine in Ayurveda as well as it is an integral part of the culture and tradition of the cold desert biosphere reserve.

Weinmannia is a genus of trees and shrubs in the family Cunoniaceae. It is the largest genus of the family with about 150 species. It is also the most widespread genus, occurring in Central and South America including the Caribbean, Madagascar and surrounding islands, Malesia and the islands of the South Pacific. It is absent from mainland Africa and Australia, but some fossils have been attributed to Weinmannia in Australia. Leaves are simple or pinnate, with a margin usually toothed, and interpetiolar stipules. Flowers are bisexual, white, arranged in racemes. The fruit is a capsule opening vertically from the top to the base. Seeds hairy without wings.

Clerodendrum is a genus of flowering plants formerly placed in the family Verbenaceae, but now considered to belong to the Lamiaceae (mint) family. Its common names include glorybower, bagflower and bleeding-heart. It is currently classified in the subfamily Ajugoideae, being one of several genera transferred from Verbenaceae to Lamiaceae in the 1990s, based on phylogenetic analysis of morphological and molecular data.

Allophylus is a genus within the plant family Sapindaceae.
Alloxylon brachycarpum is a species of plant in the family Proteaceae. It is found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It is threatened by habitat loss.

Amphitecna is a genus of plants in the family Bignoniaceae.

Premna is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, first described for modern science in 1771. It is widespread through tropical and subtropical regions in Africa, southern Asia, northern Australia, and various islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
- Premna acuminataR.Br. - Australia, New Guinea
- Premna acutataW.W.Sm. - southwestern China
- Premna albaH.J.Lam - Palau
- Premna ambongensisMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna amplectensWall. ex Schauer - Thailand, Myanmar
- Premna angolensisGürke - tropical Africa
- Premna angustifloraH.J.Lam - Palau
- Premna annulataH.R.Fletcher - Thailand, Laos, Vietnam
- Premna aureolepidotaMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna balakrishnaniiA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Tamil Nadu
- Premna balansaeDop - Vietnam
- Premna barbataWall. ex Schauer - Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar
- Premna bengalensisC.B.Clarke - Indian Subcontinent, Myanmar, Vietnam
- Premna bequaertiiMoldenke - Uganda, Rwanda, Zaïre
- Premna bracteataWall. ex C.B.Clarke - Himalayas, Tibet, Yunnan, Nepal, Assam, Bhutan, Myanmar
- Premna cambodianaDop - Cambodia, Vietnam
- Premna cavalerieiH.Lév - China
- Premna chevalieriDop - Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China
- Premna chrysoclada(Bojer) Gürke - Kenya, Tanzania, Guinea-Bissau
- Premna collinsaeCraib - Thailand
- Premna confinisC.Pei & S.L.Chen ex C.Y.Wu - China
- Premna congolensisMoldenke - Zaïre, Angola, Cabinda
- Premna cordifoliaRoxb. - Thailand, Vietnam, Malaya
- Premna coriaceaC.B.Clarke - Indian Subcontinent, Thailand, Andaman Islands
- Premna corymbosaRottler - India, Sri Lanka, Andaman & Nicobar Islands
- Premna crassaHand.-Mazz. - Vietnam, China
- Premna debianaA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Arunachal Pradesh
- Premna decaryiMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna decurrensH.J.Lam - Indonesia
- Premna discolorVerdc. - Kenya
- Premna dubiaCraib - Laos, Thailand, Vietnam
- Premna esculentaRoxb. - Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand
- Premna fohaiensisC.Pei & S.L.Chen ex C.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna fordiiDunn - China
- Premna fulvaCraib - Indochina, Indonesia, China
- Premna garrettiiH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna glaberrimaWight - southern India
- Premna glandulosaHand.-Mazz. - China (Yunnan)
- Premna gracillimaVerdc. - Kenya, Tanzania
- Premna grandifoliaA.D.J. Meeuse, illegitimate name, = Premna hutchinsonii
- Premna grossaWall. ex Schauer - Myanmar
- Premna guillauminiiMoldenke - New Caledonia
- Premna hainanensisChun & F.C.How - China (Hainan)
- Premna hans-joachimiiVerdc. - Tanzania
- Premna henryana(Hand.-Mazz.) C.Y.Wu - China
- Premna herbaceaRoxb. - Himalayas, Yunnan, Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea, northern Australia
- Premna hildebrandtiiGürke - Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe
- Premna hispidaBenth. - West Africa
- Premna humbertiiMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna hutchinsoniiMoldenke - Ivory Coast
- Premna interruptaWall. ex Schauer - southern China, Himalayas, Indochina
- Premna jalpaigurianaT.K.Paul - West Bengal
- Premna khasianaC.B.Clarke - Assam, Thailand
- Premna lepidellaMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna ligustroidesHemsl - China
- Premna longiacuminataMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna longifoliaRoxb. - Himalayas
- Premna longipetiolataMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna lucensA.Chev. - West Africa
- Premna macrophyllaWall. ex Schauer - Assam, Indochina
- Premna madagascariensisMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna mariannarumSchauer - Mariana Islands
- Premna matadiensisMoldenke - Zaïre, Angola
- Premna maximaT.C.E. Fr. - Kenya
- Premna mekongensisW.W.Sm. - China (Yunnan)
- Premna micranthaSchauer - India, Assam, Bangladesh
- Premna microphyllaTurcz. - Japan, Ryukyu Islands, China
- Premna millefloraC.B.Clarke - Assam
- Premna milneiBaker - Nigeria, Bioko
- Premna minorDomin - Queensland
- Premna mollissimaRoth - Indian Subcontinent, Yunnan, Indochina, Philippines
- Premna mooiensis(H.Pearson) W.Piep - Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa
- Premna mortehaniiDe Wild - Zaïre
- Premna mundanthuraiensisA.Rajendran & P.Daniel - Tamil Nadu
- Premna neurophyllaChiov. - Ethiopia
- Premna oblongataMiq. - Indonesia, Philippines
- Premna odorataBlanco - - Indian Subcontinent, Yunnan, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, northern Australia; naturalized in Miami-Dade County in Florida
- Premna oliganthaC.Y.Wu - China
- Premna oligotrichaBaker - Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania
- Premna orangeanaCapuron - Madagascar
- Premna paisehensisC.Pei & S.L.Chen - China (Guangxi)
- Premna pallescensRidl.- Borneo, Indonesia
- Premna parasiticaBlume - Indonesia
- Premna parvilimbaC.Pei - China (Yunnan)
- Premna paucinervis(C.B.Clarke) Gamble - Kerala, Tamil Nadu
- Premna paulobarbataH.J.Lam - Mariana Islands
- Premna perplexansMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna perrieriMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna pinguisC.B.Clarke - Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Java
- Premna politaHiern - Angola
- Premna procumbensMoon - India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
- Premna protrusaA.C.Sm. & S.Darwin - Fiji
- Premna puberulaPamp. - China
- Premna pubescensBlume - Indonesia, Philippines, Christmas Island
- Premna puerensisY.Y.Qian - China (Yunnan)
- Premna punduanaWall. ex Schauer - Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bangladesh
- Premna puniceaC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna purpurascensThwaites - Sri Lanka
- Premna quadrifoliaSchumach. & Thonn. - West Africa
- Premna rabakensisMoldenke - Cambodia
- Premna regularisH.J.Lam - Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea
- Premna repensH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna resinosa(Hochst.) Schauer - East Africa, Arabian Peninsula, India
- Premna richardsiaeMoldenke - Tanzania
- Premna rubroglandulosaC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna scandensRoxb. - China (Yunnan), Himalayas, Andaman Island, Indochina
- Premna schimperiEngl - East Africa
- Premna schliebeniiWerderm. - Tanzania, Mozambique
- Premna scoriarumW.W.Sm. - Tibet, Yunnan, Myanmar
- Premna senensisKlotzsch - eastern + central Africa
- Premna serrataH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna serratifoliaL. - widespread in East Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, northern Australia, islands of Pacific + Indian Oceans
- Premna siamensisH.R.Fletcher - Thailand
- Premna stenobotrysMerr. - Vietnam
- Premna steppicolaHand.-Mazz. - China
- †Premna sterculiifoliaKing & Gamble - Malaya but extinct
- Premna straminicaulisC.Y.Wu - China (Yunnan)
- Premna subcapitataRehder - China
- Premna sulphurea(Baker) Gürke - Angola
- Premna sunyiensisC.Pei - China (Guangdong)
- Premna szemaoensisPei - China (Yunnan)
- Premna tahitensisJ.Schauer - many islands of the Pacific
- Premna tanganyikensisMoldenke - Tanzania, Mozambique
- Premna tapintzeanaDop - China (Yunnan)
- Premna teniiC.Pei - China (Yunnan)
- Premna thoreliiDop - Laos
- Premna thwaitesiiC.B.Clarke - Sri Lanka
- Premna tomentosaWilld. - Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Queensland, Solomon Islands
- Premna trichostomaMiq. - Southeast Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea
- Premna urticifoliaRehder - China (Yunnan)
- Premna velutinaGürke - Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique
- Premna venulosaMoldenke - Madagascar
- Premna wightianaSchauer - India, Sri Lanka
- Premna wuiBoufford & B.M.Barthol. - China (Yunnan)
- Premna yunnanensisW.W.Sm - China

Anemopaegma is a genus of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae. Species of Anemopaegma along with many other unrelated plants go by the name of catuaba.

Deplanchea is a genus of about eight species of tropical rainforest trees, constituting part of the plant family Bignoniaceae.
Paul Louis Amans Dop was a French botanist who worked extensively in Indochina. From 1908 he was associated with the Mascarene botanist Marcel Marie Maurice Dubard, carrying out much taxonomic work under the name of Dubard & Dop.

Callicarpa (beautyberry) is a genus of shrubs and small trees in the family Lamiaceae. They are native to east and southeast Asia, Australia, Madagascar, southeast North America and South America.

Friesodielsia is a genus of flowering plants in the custard apple and soursop family Annonaceae, with all species found in the Old World, mostly in the tropics. A molecular study shows that Friesodielsia should be more narrowly circumscribed, with the only species remaining being the Asian ones, which can also be distinguished by their possession of globose or ellipsoid monocarps, and six petals per flower arranged in two whorls.

Heterophragma is a genus of two species of tree, constituting part of the plant family Bignoniaceae. The species are found in Southeast Asia and India.