Golden State Warriors draft history

Last updated

This is a list of draft picks by the Golden State Warriors of the NBA. In total, the Warriors have had 465 draft picks.



Naismith Basketball Hall of Famer First Overall NBA Draft Pick Selected for an NBA All-Star Game

Draft picks

YearLeagueRoundPickPlayerCollege/High School/Club
2024 NBA252 Quinten Post Boston College
2023 NBA119 Brandin Podziemski Santa Clara University
2023NBA257 Trayce Jackson-Davis Indiana University Bloomington
2022 NBA128 Patrick Baldwin Jr. University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
2022NBA244 Ryan Rollins University of Toledo
2022NBA255 Gui Santos Minas
2021 NBA17 Jonathan Kuminga NBA G League Ignite
2021NBA114 Moses Moody University of Arkansas
2020 NBA12 James Wiseman University of Memphis
2020NBA248 Nico Mannion University of Arizona
2020NBA251 Justinian Jessup Boise State University
2019 NBA128 Jordan Poole University of Michigan
2019NBA239 Alen Smailagić Santa Cruz Warriors
2019NBA241 Eric Paschall Villanova University
2018 NBA128 Jacob Evans University of Cincinnati
2017 NBA238 Jordan Bell University of Oregon
2016 NBA130 Damian Jones Vanderbilt University
2016NBA238 Patrick McCaw University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2015 NBA130 Kevon Looney University of California, Los Angeles
2012 NBA17 Harrison Barnes University of North Carolina
2012NBA130 Festus Ezeli Vanderbilt University
2012NBA235 Draymond Green Michigan State University
2012NBA252 Ognjen Kuzmić Clinicas Rincón
2011 NBA111 Klay Thompson Washington State University
2011NBA244 Charles Jenkins Hofstra University
2010 NBA16 Ekpe Udoh Baylor University
2009 NBA17 Stephen Curry Davidson College
2008 NBA114 Anthony Randolph Louisiana State University
2008NBA249 Richard Hendrix University of Alabama
2007 NBA118 Marco Belinelli
2007NBA236 Jermareo Davidson University of Alabama
2007NBA246 Stéphane Lasme University of Massachusetts Amherst
2006 NBA19 Patrick O'Bryant Bradley University
2006NBA238 Kosta Perovic
2005 NBA19 Ike Diogu Arizona State University
2005NBA240 Monta Ellis
2005NBA242 Chris Taft University of Pittsburgh
2004 NBA111 Andris Biedrins
2003 NBA111 Mickael Pietrus
2003NBA240 Derrick Zimmerman Mississippi State University
2002 NBA13 Mike Dunleavy Jr. Duke University
2002NBA229 Steve Logan University of Cincinnati
2001 NBA15 Jason Richardson Michigan State University
2001NBA114 Troy Murphy University of Notre Dame
2001NBA230 Gilbert Arenas University of Arizona
2000 NBA255 Chris Porter Auburn University
1999 NBA121 Jeff Foster Texas State University
1999NBA256 Tim Young Stanford University
1998 NBA15 Vince Carter University of North Carolina
1997 NBA18 Adonal Foyle Colgate University
1997NBA237 Marc Jackson Temple University
1996 NBA111 Todd Fuller North Carolina State University
1996NBA240 Marcus Mann Mississippi Valley State University
1995 NBA11 Joe Smith University of Maryland
1995NBA234 Andrew DeClercq University of Florida
1995NBA240 Dwayne Whitfield Jackson State University
1995NBA250 Martin Lewis Seward County Community College
1995NBA255 Michael McDonald University of New Orleans
1994 NBA116 Clifford Rozier University of Louisville
1994NBA239 Anthony Miller Michigan State University
1994NBA245 Dwayne Morton University of Louisville
1993 NBA13 Penny Hardaway University of Memphis
1993NBA234 Darnell Mee Western Kentucky University
1992 NBA124 Latrell Sprewell University of Alabama
1992NBA243 Sasha Danilovic
1992NBA250 Matt Fish University of North Carolina at Wilmington
1991 NBA116 Chris Gatling Old Dominion University
1991NBA117 Victor Alexander Iowa State University
1991NBA125 Shaun Vandiver University of Colorado
1991NBA243 Lamont Strothers Christopher Newport University
1990 NBA111 Tyrone Hill Xavier University
1990NBA228 Les Jepsen University of Iowa
1990NBA234 Kevin Pritchard University of Kansas
1989 NBA114 Tim Hardaway University of Texas at El Paso
1988 NBA15 Mitch Richmond Kansas State University
1988NBA241 Keith Smart Indiana University
1987 NBA114 Tellis Frank Western Kentucky University
1987NBA358 Darryl Johnson Michigan State University
1987NBA483 Benny Bolton North Carolina State University
1987NBA5105Terry WilliamsSouthern Methodist University
1987NBA6127 Sarunas Marciulionis
1987NBA7152 Ronnie Leggette West Virginia State University
1986 NBA13 Chris Washburn North Carolina State University
1986NBA351 Mike Williams Bradley University
1986NBA359 Wendell Alexis Syracuse University
1986NBA475 Dan Bingenheimer University of Missouri
1986NBA597 Clinton Smith Cleveland State University
1986NBA6121 Bobby Lee Hurt University of Alabama
1986NBA7143 Steve Kenilvort Santa Clara University
1985 NBA17 Chris Mullin St. John's University
1985NBA242 Bobby Hurt University of Alabama
1985NBA349 Brad Wright University of California, Los Angeles
1985NBA471 Luster Goodwin University of Texas at El Paso
1985NBA595 Greg Cavener University of Missouri
1985NBA6117 Gerald Crosby University of Georgia
1985NBA7141 Eric Boyd North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
1984 NBA230 Steve Burtt Iona College
1984NBA231 Jay Murphy Boston College
1984NBA235 Othell Wilson University of Virginia
1984NBA245 Gary Plummer Boston University
1984NBA355 Lewis Jackson Alabama State University
1984NBA5101Steve BartekDoane College
1984NBA5110 Scott McCollum Pepperdine University
1984NBA6123Tony MartinUniversity of Wyoming
1984NBA7147 Cliff Higgins California State University, Northridge
1984NBA8169 Paul Brozovich University of Nevada, Las Vegas
1984NBA9192 Mitch Arnold California State University, Fresno
1984NBA10213Tim BellUniversity of California, Riverside
1983 NBA16 Russell Cross Purdue University
1983NBA243 Pace Mannion University of Utah
1983NBA353 Michael Holton University of California, Los Angeles
1983NBA477 Peter Thibeaux Saint Mary's College of California
1983NBA599 Greg Hines Hampton University
1983NBA6123 Tom Heywood Weber State University
1983NBA7145Peter WilliamsUniversity of Utah
1983NBA8169Doug HarrisCentral Washington University
1983NBA9190 Greg Goorjiam Loyola Marymount University
1983NBA10212 Michael Zeno California State University, Long Beach
1982 NBA114 Lester Conner Oregon State University
1982NBA235 Derek Smith University of Louisville
1982NBA238 Wayne Sappleton Loyola University of Chicago
1982NBA360 Chris Engler University of Wyoming
1982NBA483 Ken Stancell Virginia Commonwealth University
1982NBA5106 Albert Irving Alcorn State University
1982NBA6129David VannSaint Mary's College of California
1982NBA7152 Matt Waldron University of the Pacific
1982NBA8175Mark KingFlorida Southern College
1982NBA9198 Nick Morken University of Tennessee
1982NBA10219 Randy Whieldon University of California, Irvine
1981 NBA233 Sam Williams Arizona State University
1981NBA356 Carlton Neverson University of Pittsburgh
1981NBA476 Lewis Lloyd Drake University
1981NBA480 Terry Adolph West Texas A&M University
1981NBA5102 Hank McDowell University of Memphis
1981NBA6126 Carter Scott Ohio State University
1981NBA7148 Robby Dosty University of Arizona
1981NBA8171 Yasutaka Okayama
1981NBA9192 Doug Murrey San Jose State University
1981NBA10213Barry BrooksUniversity of Southern California
1980 NBA11 Joe Barry Carroll Purdue University
1980NBA113 Rickey Brown Mississippi State University
1980NBA224 Larry Smith Alcorn State University
1980NBA225 Jeff Ruland Iona College
1980NBA349 John Virgil University of North Carolina
1980NBA471Robert ScottUniversity of Alabama
1980NBA595 Don Carlino University of Southern California
1980NBA6117 Neil Bresnahan University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
1980NBA7141 Lorenzo Romar University of Washington
1980NBA8162 Kurt Kanaskie La Salle University
1980NBA9182 Billy Reid University of San Francisco
1980NBA10200Tim HigginsUniversity of Nebraska at Kearney
1979NBA228 Danny Salisbury University of Texas-Pan American
1979NBA354 Cheese Johnson Wichita State University
1979NBA475 Ron Ripley University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
1979NBA482 Jerry Sichting Purdue University
1979NBA596 George Lett Centenary College of Louisiana
1979NBA6118 Jim Mitchem DePaul University
1979NBA7137 Ren Watson Virginia Commonwealth University
1979NBA8155 Mario Butler Briar Cliff University
1979NBA9175 Gene Ransom University of California
1979NBA10192 Kevin Heenan California State University, Fullerton
1978NBA15 Purvis Short Jackson State University
1978NBA122 Raymond Townsend University of California, Los Angeles
1978NBA240 Wayne Cooper University of New Orleans
1978NBA356 Steve Neff Southern Nazarene University
1978NBA477Derrick JacksonGeorgetown University
1978NBA5101 Bubba Wilson Western Carolina University
1978NBA6122 Buzz Hartnett University of San Diego
1978NBA7142 Rick Bernard Saint Mary's College of California
1978NBA8163 Tony Searcy Appalachian State University
1978NBA9179 Bobby Humbles Bradley University
1978NBA10193 Mike Muff Murray State University
1977NBA116 Rickey Green University of Michigan
1977NBA118 Wesley Cox University of Louisville
1977NBA238 Ricky Love University of Alabama in Huntsville
1977NBA360 Marlon Redmond University of San Francisco
1977NBA482 Roy Smith Kentucky State University
1977NBA487 Leartha Scott University of Wisconsin-Parkside
1977NBA5104 Ray Epps Norfolk State University
1977NBA6126 Jack Phelan Saint Francis University
1977NBA7146 Jerry Thurston Mercer University
1977NBA8165 Ricky Marsh Manhattan College
1976NBA18 Robert Parish Centenary College of Louisiana
1976NBA117 Sonny Parker Texas A&M University
1976NBA234 Marshall Rogers University of Texas-Pan American
1976NBA468 Jeff Fosnes Vanderbilt University
1976NBA586 Carl Bird University of California
1976NBA691 Duane Barnett Stanford University
1976NBA6104Gene CunninghamNorfolk State University
1976NBA7122 Jesse Campbell Mercyhurst College
1976NBA8140 Stan Boskovich West Virginia University
1976NBA9157Howard SmithUniversity of San Francisco
1976NBA10173Ken SmithSan Diego State University
1975NBA114 Joe Bryant La Salle University
1975NBA220 Gus Williams University of Southern California
1975NBA340 Otis Johnson Stetson University
1975NBA351 Robert Hawkins Illinois State University
1975NBA469Billy TaylorLa Salle University
1975NBA587 Larry Pounds University of Washington
1975NBA6105 Tony Styles University of San Francisco
1975NBA7123 Stan Boyer University of Wyoming
1975NBA8141 Mike Rozenski Saint Mary's College of California
1975NBA9157 Scott Trobbe Stanford University
1975NBA10171Maurice HarperSaint Mary's College of California
1974NBA111 Jamaal Wilkes University of California, Los Angeles
1974NBA229 Phil Smith University of San Francisco
1974NBA347 Frank Kendrick Purdue University
1974NBA465 Willie Biles University of Tulsa
1974NBA583Steve EricksonOregon State University
1974NBA6101 John Errecart University of the Pacific
1974NBA7119 Brady Allen University of California
1974NBA8137Clarence AllenUniversity of California, Santa Barbara
1974NBA9155Carl MeierUniversity of California
1974NBA10172 Marvin Buckley University of Nevada, Reno
1973NBA111 Kevin Joyce University of South Carolina
1973NBA229 Derrek Dickey University of Cincinnati
1973NBA346 Jim Retseck Auburn University
1973NBA463 Ron King Florida State University
1973NBA580 Nate Stephens California State University, Long Beach
1973NBA697 Bob Lauriski Utah State University
1973NBA7114Steve SmithLoyola Marymount University
1973NBA8131Jeff DawsonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
1973NBA9146 Everett Fopma Idaho State University
1973NBA10160 Fred Lavoroni Santa Clara University
1972NBA343 Bill Chamberlain University of North Carolina
1972NBA460 John Tschogl University of California, Santa Barbara
1972NBA576 Charles Dudley University of Washington
1972NBA693 Henry Bacon University of Louisville
1972NBA7110 William Franklin Purdue University
1972NBA8126 John Burks University of San Francisco
1972NBA9141 Bill Duey University of California
1971NBA18 Darnell Hillman San Jose State University
1971NBA459Greg GarySt. Bonaventure University
1971NBA576 Odis Allison University of Nevada, Las Vegas
1971NBA693 Charles Johnson University of California
1971NBA7110 Ken May University of Dayton
1971NBA8127 Jim Haderlein Loyola Marymount University
1971NBA9143Clarence SmithVillanova University
1971NBA10159 Bill Drosdiak University of Oregon
1970NBA336 Earle Higgins Eastern Michigan University
1970NBA453 Ralph Ogden Santa Clara University
1970NBA570 Levi Fontaine University of Maryland Eastern Shore
1970NBA687 Vic Bartolome Oregon State University
1970NBA7104 Joe Bergman Creighton University
1970NBA8121 Jeff Sewell Marquette University
1970NBA9138 Lou Small University of Nevada, Reno
1970NBA10155 Coby Dietrick San Jose State University
1969NBA17 Bob Portman Creighton University
1969NBA222 Ed Siudet College of the Holy Cross
1969NBA336 Tom Hagan Vanderbilt University
1969NBA450 Lee Lafayette Michigan State University
1969NBA564 Willie Wise Drake University
1969NBA678 Dan Obravak University of Dayton
1969NBA792Pat FoleyUniversity of the Pacific
1969NBA8106 Steve Rippe University of California, Santa Barbara
1969NBA9120Greg ReedCalifornia State University, Sacramento
1969NBA10134Dick ChapmanSan Francisco State University
1969NBA11148 Rich Holmberg Saint Mary's College of California
1969NBA12161Joe CallahanSan Francisco State University
1968NBA19 Ron Williams West Virginia University
1968NBA329 Donald Sidle University of Oklahoma
1968NBA443 Edgar Lacy University of California, Los Angeles
1968NBA557 Jim Eakins Brigham Young University
1968NBA671 Bob Allen Marshall University
1968NBA785 Dave Reasor West Virginia University
1968NBA899 Walt Platkowski Bowling Green State University
1968NBA9113 Art Wilmore University of San Francisco
1968NBA10127Bob HeaneySanta Clara University
1968NBA11140 Jerry Chandler University of Nevada, Las Vegas
1968NBA12153Bob WolfeUniversity of California
1967NBA110 Dave Lattin University of Texas at El Paso
1967NBA327 Bill Turner University of Akron
1967NBA439 Bobby Lewis University of North Carolina
1967NBA551 Bob Lynn University of California, Los Angeles
1967NBA663 Dale Schlueter Colorado State University
1967NBA775 Sonny Bustion Colorado State University
1967NBA887 Bob Krulish University of the Pacific
1967NBA998Richard DeanSyracuse University
1967NBA10109 Joe Galbo San Francisco State University
1967NBA11119Bill MorganUniversity of New Mexico
1967NBA12130David FoxUniversity of the Pacific
1966NBA13 Clyde Lee Vanderbilt University
1966NBA213 Joe Ellis University of San Francisco
1966NBA323 Stephen Chubin University of Rhode Island
1966NBA433 Stephen Vacendak Duke University
1966NBA543 Tom Kerwin Centenary College of Louisiana
1966NBA653Jim PittsNorthwestern University
1966NBA762 Lon Hughey California State University, Fresno
1966NBA871 Ken Washington University of California, Los Angeles
1965NBA11 Fred Hetzel Davidson College
1965NBA12 Rick Barry University of Miami
1965NBA29 Will Frazier Grambling State University
1965NBA318 Keith Erickson University of California, Los Angeles
1965NBA427 Warren Rustand University of Arizona
1965NBA536Eddie JacksonOklahoma City University
1965NBA645 Jim Jarvis Oregon State University
1965NBA754 Dan Wolters University of California
1965NBA862 Willie Cotton Central State University
1964NBA16 Barry Kramer New York University
1964NBA214 Bud Koper Oklahoma City University
1964NBA323 McCoy McLemore Drake University
1964NBA432 Gene Elmore Southern Methodist University
1964NBA541 Roger Suttner Kansas State University
1964NBA650Ray CareyUniversity of Missouri
1964NBA759 David Lee University of San Francisco
1964NBA868 Bob Garibaldi Santa Clara University
1964NBA975 Camden Wail University of California
1964NBA1082 Jeff Cartwright Chapman University
1963NBA13 Nate Thurmond Bowling Green State University
1963NBA211 Gary Hill Oklahoma City University
1963NBA320 Steve Gray Saint Mary's College of California
1963NBA429 Dave Downey University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
1963NBA538Don TurnerSouthwestern College
1963NBA647 Gene Shields Santa Clara University
1963NBA756 Don Clemetson Stanford University
1963NBA865 Harry Dinnell Pepperdine University
1963NBA970Chuck WhiteUniversity of Idaho
1962NBA15 Wayne Hightower University of Kansas
1962NBA214 Hubie White Villanova University
1962NBA323 Dave Fedor Florida State University
1962NBA432 Garry Roggenburk University of Dayton
1962NBA541 Jack Jackson Virginia Union University
1962NBA650 Jim Hudock University of North Carolina
1962NBA759 Howie Montgomery University of Texas-Pan American
1962NBA867 Bill Kirvin Xavier University
1962NBA976 Tom Kiefer Saint Louis University
1962NBA1084 Ken McComb University of North Carolina
1962NBA1189 Donnie Walsh University of North Carolina
1962NBA1292Charles WarrenUniversity of Oregon
1961NBA17 Tom Meschery Saint Mary's College of California
1961NBA215 Ted Luckenbill University of Houston
1961NBA329Jack EganSaint Joseph's University
1961NBA438 John Tidwell University of Michigan
1961NBA547 Bruce Spraggins Virginia Union University
1961NBA656 Dick Goldberg University of Southern Mississippi
1961NBA765 Charles McNeil University of Maryland
1961NBA874 Larry Swift Truman State University
1961NBA1089 Leo Hill University of California, Los Angeles
1961NBA1197 Corky Whitrow Georgetown College
1960NBA17 Al Bunge University of Maryland
1960NBA215 Pickles Kennedy Temple University
1960NBA323 Bob Mealy Manhattan College
1960NBA431 Charley Sharp Texas State University
1960NBA539 Al Attles North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
1960NBA647 Jim Brangan Princeton University
1960NBA755Bob ClarkeSaint Joseph's University
1960NBA862 George Raveling Villanova University
1960NBA969Joe GalloSaint Joseph's University
1959 NBA Territorial pick Wilt Chamberlain University of Kansas
1959NBA29 Joe Ruklick Northwestern University
1959NBA317 Jim Hickaday University of Memphis
1959NBA425 Ron Stevenson Texas Christian University
1959NBA533 Bill Telasky George Washington University
1959NBA641 Joe Spratt Saint Joseph's University
1959NBA749Joe RyanVillanova University
1959NBA856 Dave Gunther University of Iowa
1959NBA962 Carl Belz Princeton University
1959NBA1068 Tony Sellari Lenoir-Rhyne College
1959NBA1174Phil WarrenNorthwestern University
1958 NBAT Guy Rodgers Temple University
1958NBA212 Lloyd Sharrar West Virginia University
1958NBA320 Frank Howard Ohio State University
1958NBA428 Temple Tucker Rice University
1958NBA536 Don Ohl University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
1958NBA644 Bucky Allen Duke University
1958NBA752 Jay Norman Temple University
1958NBA860 Tom Brennan Villanova University
1958NBA967Nick DavisUniversity of Maryland
1958NBA1072 Larry Hedden Michigan State University
1957 NBA16 Lennie Rosenbluth University of North Carolina
1957NBA214 Jack Sullivan Mount St. Mary's University
1957NBA322 Angelo Lombardo Manhattan College
1957NBA430 Ray Radziszewski Saint Joseph's University
1957NBA538 Jim Radcliffe Lafayette College
1957NBA646Alonzo LewisLa Salle University
1957NBA753 Max Jameson Kentucky State University
1957NBA860 Woody Sauldsberry Texas Southern University
1957NBA967 Steve Hamilton Morehead State University
1957NBA1073 Jerry Calvert University of Kentucky
1957NBAJerry Gibson
1956 NBA17 Hal Lear Temple University
1956NBAMax AndersonUniversity of Oregon
1956NBA Joe Belmont Duke University
1956NBARonald ClarkSpringfield College
1956NBA John Fannon University of Notre Dame
1956NBA Bevo Francis University of Rio Grande
1956NBA Phil Rollins University of Louisville
1956NBA Phil Wheeler University of Cincinnati
1956NBA Mickey Winograd Duquesne University
1955 NBAT Tom Gola La Salle University
1955NBA29 Walter Devlin George Washington University
1955NBA317 Bob Schafer Villanova University
1955NBA425 Ed Wiener University of Tennessee
1955NBA533Jack DevineVillanova University
1955NBA6 George Swyers West Virginia University Institute of Technology
1955NBA7 Harry Silcox Temple University
1955NBA8 Al Didriksen Temple University
1955NBA9 Lester Lane University of Oklahoma
1955NBA10 Jerry Koch Saint Louis University
1954 NBA13 Gene Shue University of Maryland
1954NBA212 Larry Costello Niagara University
1954NBA321Ben PetersBenedictine College
1954NBA430 Chuck Noble University of Louisville
1954NBA539 Rudy D'Emilio Duke University
1954NBA648 Len Winogard Brandeis University
1954NBA757Bob BradySan Diego State University
1954NBA866Bob HodgesEast Carolina University
1954NBA975 Vince Leta Lycoming College
1954NBA1083Bill SullivanUniversity of Notre Dame
1954NBA1192 Francis O'Hara La Salle University
1954NBA1298 John Glinski State University of New York at Cortland
1954NBA13100 Joe Holup George Washington University
1953 NBAT Ernie Beck University of Pennsylvania
1953NBA2 Larry Hennessy Villanova University
1953NBA3 Norm Grekin La Salle University
1953NBA4 Fred Ihle La Salle University
1953NBA5Eddie SolomonWest Virginia University Institute of Technology
1953NBA6 Don Eby University of Southern California
1953NBA7 Bob Marske University of South Dakota
1953NBA8Bill DoddColgate University
1953NBA9Bob SassoneSt. Bonaventure University
1953NBA10 Toar Hester Centenary College of Louisiana
1953NBA11John DooganSaint Joseph's University
1953NBA12 Charles Duffley Saint Anselm College
1953NBA Jack George La Salle University
1952 NBAT Bill Mlkvy Temple University
1952NBA2 Walt Davis Texas A&M University
1952NBA Tom Brennan Villanova University
1952NBABob BrownUniversity of Louisville
1952NBA Burr Carlson University of Connecticut
1952NBA Newt Jones La Salle University
1952NBA Nick Kladis Loyola University of Chicago
1952NBA Moe Radovich University of Wyoming
1952NBA Don Scanlon University of Pennsylvania
1952NBA Glen Smith University of Utah
1952NBABen StewartVillanova University
1951 NBA19 Don Sunderlage University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
1951NBA218 Mel Payton Tulane University
1951NBA328 Bob Schloss University of Georgia
1951NBA438 Jud Milhon Ohio Wesleyan University
1951NBA548 Mike Kearns Princeton University
1951NBA658 Bob Swails University of Indianapolis
1951NBA768 George Dempsey King's College
1951NBA877 James Phelan La Salle University
1951NBA981Hugh FaulknerPepperdine University
1951NBA1084 Paul Gerwin Cornell University
1950 NBAT Paul Arizin Villanova University
1950NBA2 Ed Dahler Duquesne University
1950NBA3 Buddy Cate Western Kentucky University
1950NBA4 Paul Sensky Saint Joseph's University
1950NBA5 Ike Borsavage Temple University
1950NBA6 Dick Dallmer University of Cincinnati
1950NBA7 Charles Northup Siena College
1950NBA8 Brooks Ricca Villanova University
1950NBA9Joe KaufmanNew York University
1950NBA10 Bernie Adams Princeton University
1950NBA11 Leo Wolfe Villanova University
1950NBA12Ed MontgomeryUniversity of Tennessee
1949 BAA 15 Vern Gardner University of Utah
1949BAA2 Jim Nolan Georgia Institute of Technology
1949BAA3 Nelson Bobb Temple University
1948 BAA111 Don Ray Western Kentucky University
1948BAA Bill Brown University of Maryland
1948BAA Hugh Compton University of Louisville
1948BAA Joe Nelson Brigham Young University
1948BAA Clint Pace Pepperdine University
1948BAA Roy Pugh Southern Methodist University
1948BAATom ShortKansas Wesleyan
1948BAA Joe Wahl University of Akron
1948BAA Andy Wolfe University of California
1947 BAA16 Chink Crossin University of Pennsylvania
1947BAA Norman Butz Saint Joseph's University
1947BAA Jim Kaeding York College of Pennsylvania
1947BAA Ed Koffenberger Duke University
1947BAA Jim Pollard Stanford University [1]


