Hash House Harriers

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A run of the Lima Hash House Harriers in Lunahuana, Peru. Lima Hash 444 Lunahuana 01.jpg
A run of the Lima Hash House Harriers in Lunahuana, Peru.
Scene at the end of a run by the Hash House Harriers in the arid landscape around Niamey, Niger. During the run, people from surrounding villages have come to see the sudden influx of cars and strangers. Some girls have obtained a water bottle from the participants, while in the distance boys are running after the departing vehicles as a "goodbye" gesture. Niger, Hash, around Niamey (1).jpg
Scene at the end of a run by the Hash House Harriers in the arid landscape around Niamey, Niger. During the run, people from surrounding villages have come to see the sudden influx of cars and strangers. Some girls have obtained a water bottle from the participants, while in the distance boys are running after the departing vehicles as a "goodbye" gesture.

The Hash House Harriers (HHH or H3) is an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a Hash or Run, or a Hash Run. A common denominal verb for this activity is Hashing, with participants calling themselves Hashers. Male members are referred to as Harriers and females are known as Harriettes.


The Hash is humorously known as A Drinking Club With A Running Problem, with the preferred beverage of consumption being beer.


Hashing originated in December 1938 in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, then in the Federated Malay States (now Malaysia). A group of British immigrants began meeting on Friday evenings, to run in a fashion patterned after the traditional British game of hare and hounds, in which one or two "hare" runners scatter a trail of cut paper for the "hounds" to track. [1] Apart from the excitement of chasing the hare and finding the trail, Harriers reaching the end of the trail would partake of beer, ginger beer, and cigarettes. With hash names in parentheses, the original members included Albert Stephen Ignatius Gispert ("G"), Cecil Lee, Frederick Thomson ("Horse"), Ronald Bennett ("Torch"), Eric Galvin, H.M. Doig, and John Woodrow. [2]

A. S. Gispert suggested the name "Hash House Harriers" after the Selangor Club Annex, known as the "Hash House", where several of the original hashers lived and dined. [3] [4] The "Hash House" got its name for "its hodgepodge of edible servings being passed off for food". The term hash was used as an old British slang for "bad food".

Hashing ceased after the Invasion of Malaya during World War II, but several of the original group restarted it in 1946, after the war, and switched to meeting on Monday evenings. A.S.I. Gispert had been killed on 11 February 1942, in the Japanese invasion of Singapore, an event commemorated by many chapters with an annual Gispert Memorial Run.

While attempting to reorganise in the city of Kuala Lumpur after World War II, hashers were informed by the Registrar of Societies that, since they were a "group", they would require a constitution. [5] The objectives of the Hash House Harriers as recorded on the club registration card dated 1950 are:

In 1962, Ian Cumming founded the second chapter in Singapore. Chapters are commonly called Kennels, following in tradition to similar Hound & Hare clubs. The idea spread through the Far East and the South Pacific, Europe, and North America, expanding rapidly during the mid-1970s. [6]

There are almost 1500 chapters in all parts of the world, with members distributing newsletters, directories and magazines, and organising regional and world hashing events. As of 2003, there were even two organised chapters operating in Antarctica. [7]


Regular meetings

Most hashing clubs gather on a weekly or monthly basis. However, some events occur sporadically, e.g., February 29th, Friday the 13th, Typhoon 'T8' or a full moon.

At a hash, one or more members ("hares") lay a trail, which is then followed by the remainder of the group (the "pack" or "hounds"). Paper, flour, or chalk are usually used to mark the trail. The trail periodically ends at a "check". The pack must find where it begins again; often, the trail includes false trails, short cuts, dead ends, check backs, and splits. These features are designed to keep the pack together despite differences in fitness level or running speed, as front-runners are forced to slow down to find the "true" trail, allowing stragglers to catch up.

Members sometimes describe their group as "a drinking club with a running problem", indicating that the social element of an event is as important, if not more so than any athleticism involved. Beer remains an integral part of a hash. However, the balance between running and drinking differs between chapters, with some groups placing more focus on socializing and others on running.

Generally, hash events are open to the public and require no reservation or membership, but most require a small fee, referred to as "hash cash", to cover the costs incurred, such as food or drink, and the club treasurer may also be nicknamed "Hash Cash".

Some hash clubs have a hash home, which could be a bar, restaurant, resort, or a sports club. In that case, the hash always or almost always starts at the hash home. The club may then transport the hashers to some other location to start the run. Other clubs simply post the start on the internet, and the hashers make their own way to that location. The run will then start and finish at that location.

Many hash clubs are in college or university towns, in which case the hashers are probably young, and most will run the trails. Other clubs might be in areas with an older population, so they will probably walk the trails. In the United States, hash clubs tend to have a large number of armed forces veterans. Some hash clubs meet at night, which means that the runners might need a flashlight to find the marks. Some hash clubs are men only, some women only, but most are mixed. Some are very adult-oriented, which means bawdy drinking songs, etc. Others are family-oriented. There are many informal groups attached to various hash chapters. For example, the regular hash meets every Saturday, but there may be an informal group that meets on, say, Wednesday to research trails.


The end of a trail is an opportunity to socialize, have a drink, and observe any traditions of the individual chapter (see Traditions). When the hash officially ends, many members may continue socializing at an "on-after," "on-down," "on-on-on," "apres," or "hash bash," an event held at a nearby house, pub, or restaurant.

Special events

The first Red Dress Run in South America, held in Chaclacayo, Peru. Lima Red Dress Hash Chaclacayo 01.jpg
The first Red Dress Run in South America, held in Chaclacayo, Perú.

In addition to regularly scheduled hashes, a club or chapter may also organize other events or themed runs. Many also hold special events on their anniversaries or when they reach a milestone in the number of runs, e.g. for run number 100, 200, 777, 1000, etc. This may include a special weekend with several runs and evening celebrations

Red dress runs

An event held annually by some chapters is the "Red Dress Run". In 1987, Donna Rhinehart was taken to a hash in Long Beach, California, to be introduced to the sport. She was invited to "wait in the truck" until her host returned. Instead Rhinehart joined the hash in her red dress. The following year, the San Diego Hash House Harriers sent Rhinehart an airline ticket to attend the inaugural "Red Dress Run". Hundreds of hashers wore red dresses for the event which was widely covered by local media. In addressing the crowd, Rhinehart, or "The Lady in Red" as she became known, suggested that such hashes might be held to raise funds for local charities. The event quickly spread around the globe to places such as Beijing, [8] Montreal, [9] Helsinki, Osan/Yangsan Hashers, Moscow, Tokyo, New Orleans, [10] Washington DC and Hobart in Australia. [11] Over the years, it has raised millions of dollars for charity. The New Orleans Hash House Harriers attracted 7,000 participants to their Red Dress Run in 2010, raising more than $200,000 for 50 local charities. [12]

Today the Red Dress Run is another part of the Hash House Harriers' heritage. Rhinehart died in 2013 as the Hash House Harriers were celebrating the 25th anniversary of their Red Dress Run. [13]



Hashing has not strayed far from its roots in Kuala Lumpur (and before that as games 'Hare and Hounds' and 'paper chase'). The hares mark their trail with paper, chalk, sawdust, strings or coloured flour, depending on the environment and weather.

One of the functions of special marks like checks, false trails, check backs, hooks, etc. (see below), is to keep the 'pack' (the 'hounds' or runners) together as faster runners will usually be the first to find them and so go down false trails, check backs, or be sent to the back by hooks while the slower runners and walkers will have time to catch up with them.

Special marks may be used to indicate a false trail, a backtrack, a shortcut, or a turn. The most commonly used mark is a "check", indicating that hashers will have to search in any direction to find the continuation of the trail. Trails may contain a "beer check", where the pack stops to consume beer, water, or snacks, allowing any stragglers to catch up to the group.

Trails may pass through any sort of terrain and hashers may run through back alleyways, residential areas, city streets, forests, swamps, deep mud ("shiggy") or shopping malls and may climb fences, ford streams, explore storm drains or scale cliffs in their pursuit of the hare.

Signals and terms

Hashers often carry horns or whistles to communicate with each other, in addition to verbal communication. Every hash house employs its own set of trail marks, and the names for these marks may vary widely, so newcomers or visitors will have the local markings explained to them before the run at a "chalk talk." The most common term is "on-on," shouted by runners to let others know they are on the right trail. A yell of "R-U?" (pronounced "are you") is a question to other hashers if they are on trail – it should be responded with either "On-On" or "Looking or Checking."

Sometimes there is a call to "circle up" – this is a call from a leader for the hashers to form a circle, be quiet, and pay attention. Circles are called for the "chalk talk" to give news, or for some ceremony such as to thank the hare for the hash.

Trail markings

Two chalk arrows on a road surface Two chalk arrows.jpg
Two chalk arrows on a road surface

Each hare should explain their markings at the start of the trail, as some marks like X or O may have completely different meanings depending on the local custom and can sometimes even vary from hare to hare within the same kennel.

Many clubs around the world still use shredded or small squares of paper, but due to litter laws and other environmental concerns, most clubs have transitioned to chalk or flour, but other substances may be used too, e.g. saw dust, colored powder, or pieces of toilet paper.

↑, , |An arrow, spot, blob, or a vertical lineThe trail (probably) continues in this direction – unless it is a False trail, that is. (See below.) Be aware that some kennels consider an arrow as an indication that you're on True Trail after a Check while others see them as no different than a normal blob of flour, i.e. you still need three of them.
An arrow with three lines across it.True trail. The trail definitely continues in this direction. Sometimes added by the Hare to reassure the pack after checks or on confusing trails.
An arrow that is missing one of the "wings;" a "half arrow."Pack arrow added by one of the runners as help to other runners. May be right, may be wrong. Could also be an arrow leading to the start of the trail before the run in some kennels.
, ◯, , , An X, O, O with an X, O with a dot, or a horizontal line.Check: A temporary break in the trail. You will have to find where it continues, but be aware because the Hare may have laid multiple false trails to confuse you. You typically know that you're on the right ("true") trail if you can find three marks in a row and it is customary to shout "On One," "On Two," "On Three — On On!" when discovering them, but the exact number may vary from run to run so pay attention during Chalk Talk. A false trail might end with a "false" mark (see below) or none at all, so don't just keep running if you can't find more than two marks.
, F, =, /, An X, F, or two / three horizontal lines, maybe with an arrow pointing back the way you came.False trail: Go back to the most recent Check and look for True trail in a different direction.
F/YBF or just YBFAn extra special false trail ("You've Been F-ed"). Go back to the most recent Check and look in a different direction.
• • •Three blobs in succession after a checkOn, On (You're on the correct trail.)
◯, CB, =, , CB/A circle or "CB", optionally with an arrow pointing back the way you came.Back Check or Check Back. Go back and look for a side trail branching off somewhere behind you.
③, CB 3, CB 3/A circle or "CB" + a number, maybe with an arrow pointing back the way you came.Numbered Back Check / Check Back. Go back as many marks as the number indicates and look for a side trail.
A 'hook' mark with a number in itThe first runners, to the number in the hook, are to go back to the trailing end of the pack (often the 'sweep' a hasher assigned to trail the pack to make sure that no one is left on their own) before proceeding.
↖︎↗︎Two or more unmarked arrows pointing in different directions.Whichy-Way. One of the arrows is right, the other is false and it's your job to figure out which is which.
↖︎T ↗︎ETwo arrows marked with T and E.Turkey / Eagle split. The hare is giving you a choice if you want to run a shorter (Turkey) or a longer (Eagle) segment. It's up to you which you choose. (Some hares like to confuse newcomers by calling them Tough and Easy, but you shouldn't listen to them.)
BC, BS, BH, DC, DS, DH, SN, SSBeer Check / Beer Stop / Beer Here / Drink Check / Drink Stop / Drink Here / shot near, shot Stop – The highlight of the trail! The words vary from place to place, but they all mean the same: Stop for a drink and wait for the group to reform, then treat like a check. Sometimes you will see a BN / DN (Beer Near / Drinks Near) ahead of the stop or even BVN / DVN (Beer Very Near / Drinks Very Near) to encourage you to keep going.
ON-IN or "ON-IN" or three horizontal lines.The end of the trail is near (or here).

Trail types

There are two types of trails. "Live trails" are laid by hares who are given a head start, while "dead trails" are pre-laid hours or days before the hash begins. Live trails and dead trails are also known as "live hare" and "dead hare" trails, respectively. Live trails are closer to the original "hare and hound" tradition, with the intent of the pack being to catch the hare rather than making it to the end, and are more common in the United States, while the rest of the world tends toward dead trails.

A trail may be "A to A," where the trail returns to the start, or "A to B," where the beginning and end of the trail are widely separated. Some trails are referred to as "A to A′ (prime)," denoting an ending point that is close to (usually short walking distance), but not the same as the start. There is also "B to A," in which the participants are ferried to another location for the run back to the gathering point.

The hash trail depends on the environment of the hash chapter. If there are hills or mountains nearby, that is always the preferred location. Many trails run through rural areas, such as forests, farm areas, jungle, along with or through rivers, etc. In densely populated areas, the hash will often start and finish in a public park, and the trails will run on city streets.



Most hash events end with a group gathering known as "circle," or less commonly as "religion." Led by chapter leadership, the circle provides a time to socialize, sing drinking songs, recognize individuals, formally name members, or inform the group of pertinent news or upcoming events. Circles may be led by the chapter grandmaster (GM), the group's religious advisor (RA), or by a committee. Impromptu input is welcome and solicited.


A "down-down" is a means of punishing, rewarding, or merely recognizing an individual for any action or behavior according to the customs or whims of the group. Generally, the individual in question is asked to consume without pause the contents of his or her drinking vessel or risk pouring the remaining contents on his or her head. Individuals may be recognized for outstanding service or their status as a visitor or newcomer. Down-downs also serve as punishment for misdemeanors real, imagined, or blatantly made up. Such transgressions may include: failing to stop at the beer check, pointing with a finger, pronouncing the letter "r," or using real names. Commonly, hashers who wear new shoes to an event can be required to drink from that shoe.

Many chapters include an ice seat or throne as part of the down-down ceremony. Those who are to consume a down-down sit on a large block of ice while they await the completion of the down-down song. If the offense that resulted in the down-down is particularly egregious, the hasher may be subjected to a long song with many verses.

Hash names

In most chapters, the use of real names during an event is discouraged. Members are typically given a "hash name," usually in deference to a particularly notorious escapade, a personality trait, or their physical appearance. In some chapters, the name must be earned – that is, Hashers are not named until they have done something outstanding, unusual, or stupid enough to warrant one. In other chapters, the process is more mechanical, and Hashers are named after completing a certain number of events (5–10 being the most common) or setting their first run (sometimes referred to as a Virgin Hare).

Naming conventions differ from Kennel to Kennel, with some focusing on "family-friendly" names (for example: Lost My Way), innuendo (for example, Purple Vein), and some go out of their way to make the name as bawdy, offensive, or politically incorrect as possible. But in general, once named, Hashers will refer to you by that name at the Hash irrespective of the Hash itself. For the more offensive names, it might be censored in comical ways to comply with the family-friendly tone of other Kennels, but typically it is kept as-is.

Hashers who have not been named are generally referred to as "Just (Name)," "No Name (Name)" (e.g., "No Name John"), or simply "Virgin."

Naming traditions are also differ based on Kennels. In some, the Grand Master (GM) has the responsibility, while others have the Religious Advisor (RA) do the ceremony. Others still allow the Hares themselves to name the Hasher. In some, the Circle gets to help and shout out suggestions. However, as a general rule, Hashers are not permitted to give themselves a Hash Name due to the obvious conflict of interest. Hashers who do so are often renamed by the chapter at the earliest opportunity and with a more offensive name. Hashers who do get named and do not like their name may be renamed by their Kennel or by another Kennel. Usually, this backfires as Hashers typically strive to give the complaining Hasher an even more offensive or further inappropriate name. Similarly, new Hashers who pursue a desire for an obviously offensive or inappropriate name may intentionally be given a weaker name, such as "Freckles," "Frog Butt," or "Mr. Poo Poo."

Symbols & Logos

Many Hashes have their own logo for their own Kennel. There are even custom logos made for special events like the [Interhash]. However, due to the running theme, there are many common symbols universally attributed to the Hash that can be seen across multiple items. One such traditional symbol is the outline of a human foot (or a pair), often including the phrase "On-On."

Hash T-shirts are among the most common things to find at a Hash, and some consider them collection material. Unique Hashes and special events usually have a Hash T-shirt that comes from recognizing participation, and carry the symbols of various Kennels, dates, Hares of the run, event locations, sponsors, and more. A large sample is available in the Digital Hash T-shirt Museum [16]


Hashers occasionally wear specialized clothing on trail or to the closing circles. Common items include thick, knee-high socks (commonly referred to as "Shiggy" socks), kilts, or "happi" coats, while some chapters (aka "kennels" in hare-and-hound chapters) offer "earned" clothing such as bibs or sashes. Shiggy socks are worn to protect the shins and knees of the wearer from thorns, mud, branches, or whatever else they run through. The Hash has its own tartan [17] for members' kilts. Custom happi coats, originating out of Japan, are also commonly seen and made to reflect the local kennel.

Hash Hymn

"Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" is the Hash Hymn. All Hashers recognize the Hash Hymn, and it usually commands as much respect as possible. While humorous additions or renditions to the song itself exist, it is one of the few things that remain consistent throughout the Hashing world. There is some dispute to the song's origin; however, its persistence in the Hashing world would suggest it originated from Mother H3 itself which is Royal Selangor Club (RSC), in Malaysia.

International events

There are several international events, where hashers from different groups get together to run and socialize. Still, the most famous is the biennial Interhash , where hashers from around the world gather. The 2006 Interhash—Chiang Mai offered supporting runs in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, and southwest China. The 2018 event was scheduled for the weekend of 27 May on the Fiji Islands.

In addition to Interhash, there are also many regional and continental hash events, such as the Inter-Americas, InterAfrica, InterGulf, InterScandi, EuroHash, and PanAsia. National hash events or "nash hashes" primarily bring together hashers from one particular nation, although visitors from other countries are actively welcomed.

InterAmericas Hashes

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  1. Sekula, Sarah (28 May 2013). "A drinker's guide to running the world". CNN International. Retrieved 31 May 2013.
  2. "A Historical Review of the Hash House Harriers". gotothehash.net.
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  4. Lam Seng Fatt (15 October 2011). Insider's Kuala Lumpur (3rd ed.). Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte Ltd. p. 65. ISBN   9789814435390.
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  6. "Ian Cumming Obituary". Legacy.com . 2015-09-06. Retrieved 2015-09-09.
  7. "Flying Booger's Hash Primer". Half-mind.com. Retrieved 2011-06-03.
  8. BeijingHHH (15 June 2017). "Beijing HHH Run #1808: The Red Dress Run". Beijing HHH.
  9. "MHHH: Montreal Hash House Harriers (MH3)". www.mhhh.ca.
  10. "Red Dress Run 2019 in New Orleans - Dates & Map". rove.me. 23 May 2024.
  11. "UPCOMING Red Dress Run Events". Red Dress Runs.
  12. "Red Dress Run - New Orleans". www.neworleans.com.
  13. "Loss of The Lady in Red mourned". Red Dress Runs. 14 April 2013. Archived from the original on 20 November 2013. Retrieved 9 April 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  14. Singapore Bike Hash "History," https://bikehashsingapore.com/history-lesson/, retrieved 28 December 2022.
  15. O2H3#257 Hash Roster dated 8 June 1991, unpublished.
  16. "International Hash T-shirt Museum" . Retrieved 2013-08-10.
  17. "Tartan Details - The Scottish Register of Tartans". www.tartanregister.gov.uk.
  18. "Interhash Queenstown 2024". www.interhash2024.kiwi.