Kugitang Svita

Last updated
Kugitang Svita
Stratigraphic range: Late Oxfordian-early Kimmeridgian
~160–155  Ma
Type Formation or group
Primary Limestone
Other Mudstone
Coordinates 38°30′N68°36′E / 38.5°N 68.6°E / 38.5; 68.6
Approximate paleocoordinates 43°12′N73°12′E / 43.2°N 73.2°E / 43.2; 73.2
Region Lebap (Turkmenistan)
Kugitang, Shirkent (Tajikistan)
Kashkadarya (Uzbekistan)
CountryFlag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan (Group)
Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan (Formation)
Type section
Named for Kugitang, Kugitang Mountains
Relief Map of Uzbekistan.png
Cyan pog.svg
Cyan pog.svg
Cyan pog.svg
Cyan pog.svg
Cyan pog.svg
Cyan pog.svg
Kugitang Svita (Uzbekistan)

The Kugitang Formation or Group ( Russian : Kugitang Svita) is an Oxfordian geologic formation in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and a geologic group in Turkmenistan. Dinosaur remains diagnostic to the genus level are among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation. [1]


Fossil content

Among the following fossils have been found in the Kugitang Svita: [2] [3]

Reef fauna

See also

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  1. Weishampel et al., 2004, pp.517-607
  2. Kugitang Group at Fossilworks.org
  3. Kugitang Formation at Fossilworks.org


Further reading