In optical physics, laser detuning is the tuning of a laser to a frequency that is slightly off from a quantum system's resonant frequency. When used as a noun, the laser detuning is the difference between the resonance frequency of the system and the laser's optical frequency (or wavelength). Lasers tuned to a frequency below the resonant frequency are called red-detuned, and lasers tuned above resonance are called blue-detuned. [1] This technique is essential in many AMO physics experiments and associated technologies, as it allows the manipulation of light-matter interactions with high precision. Detuning has use cases in research fields including quantum optics, laser cooling, and spectroscopy. [2] It is also fundamental to many modern and emerging atomic and quantum technologies, such as atomic clocks, quantum computers, and quantum sensors. By adjusting the detuning, researchers and engineers can control absorption, emission, and scattering processes, making it a versatile tool in both fundamental and applied physics.
Consider a system with a resonance frequency in the optical frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. with frequency of a few THz to a few PHz, or equivalently with a wavelength in the range of 10 nm to 100 μm. The most common examples of such resonant systems in the optical frequency range are optical cavities (free-space, fiber or microcavities), atoms, and dielectrics or semiconductors. The laser detuning is important for a resonant system such as a cavity because it determines the phase (modulo 2) acquired by the laser each roundtrip. This is important for linear optical processes such as interference and scattering, and extremely important for nonlinear optical processes because it affects the phase-matching condition.
If this system is excited by a laser with a frequency close to the resonance frequency , the laser detuning is then defined as:
This difference determines how the laser interacts with the system. If , the laser is blue-detuned and if , the laser is red-detuned.
The probability of a stimulated emission or absorption event depends on the strength of the detuning and is represented by a Lorentzian profile:
where is the natural linewidth of the atomic transition.
In a moving reference frame, such as where the atoms in question are moving relative to the propagation of the laser, the Doppler effect modifies the detuning:
where is the laser's wave vector and is the velocity of the atom. Engineering the laser detuning in this way to a specific red shifted value is the basis for Doppler cooling.
For high-intensity lasers, power broadening occurs, altering the effective linewidth. The Rabi frequency quantifies the strength of the atom-laser coupling and is related to detuning by the generalized Rabi formula:
The concept of laser detuning emerged in tandem with formative experiments in laser physics. One of the earliest examples of high-impact work demonstrating the practical uses of laser detuning was Arthur Ashkin’s research in the 1970s, resulting in the first optical trapping demonstrations for which he was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics. [3] Another fundamental advancement in laser physics utilizing detuning was Steven Chu's development of Doppler cooling in the 1980s, demonstrating the role of red-detuned lasers in reducing atomic velocities, for which he was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics. [4] Subsequent advancements, such as sub-Doppler cooling and magneto-optical traps, further showcased the power of detuning in cooling and controlling atomic systems.
By red-detuning a laser just below an atomic resonance, moving atoms absorb photons preferentially from the direction opposing their motion due to the Doppler effect. This causes a net cooling force. In Doppler cooling, lasers are red-detuned a few MHz below resonance. Rubidium, caesium, and other alkali atoms are common examples, with cooling light tuned near their transitions. When extended to three-dimensions, the Doppler cooling technique is often referred to as optical molasses. In such an arrangement, three orthogonal pairs of red-detuned lasers create a viscous “molasses” that slows the motion of the trapped atoms in all three spatial dimensions. Magneto-optical traps (MOTs) utilize an optical molasses scheme as well as a spatially varying magnetic field to trap and cool clouds of neutral atoms. The magnetic field induces a spatially varying Zeeman shift, that when coupled with proper molasses beam red-detuning, preferentially pushes the atoms towards the center of the trap. The detuning of the laser in a MOT ensures that the momentum kick on the atoms is only imparted upon the atoms moving away from the center of the trap, effectively trapping, slowing, and thus cooling the atoms down to temperatures as low as several microkelvin. Sub-Doppler cooling techniques, such as polarization gradient cooling and Sisyphus cooling, utilize more complex detuning schemes to achieve temperatures below the Doppler limit.
In high-resolution spectroscopy, detuning enhances the ability to distinguish closely spaced energy levels. One specific use case is two-photon spectroscopy, which is when a laser is detuned away from intermediate states to allow access to higher-energy states without populating the lower levels, reducing background noise. Another example is isotope-selective spectroscopy, which is when laser detuning is adjusted to enable selective excitation of isotopes with slightly shifted transition frequencies. [2] This is useful in nuclear physics and geochemistry.
Similar to the laser cooling of atoms, the sign of the detuning plays an important part in optomechanical applications. [5] [6] In the red detuned regime, the optomechanical system undergoes cooling and coherent energy transfer between the light and the mechanical mode (a "beam splitter"). In the blue-detuned regime, it undergoes heating, mechanical amplification and possibly squeezing and entanglement. The on-resonance case when the laser detuning is zero, can be used for very sensitive detection of mechanical motion, such as used in LIGO.
Laser detuning often plays a key role in laser frequency stabilization, notably in the Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) locking technique. [7] PDH locking utilizes phase-modulated sidebands detuned red and blue detuned from the carrier frequency to stabilize the laser frequency relative to a stable optical reference such as a high-finesse optical cavity, resonator, or atomic spectroscopy. The cavity transmission is sent to a high-speed photodetector and when the laser frequency is resonant with the system, the power is minimized. The derivative of the cavity transmission is used as the error signal, since the reflection intensity alone is an even function, but the derivative is an odd function. The error signal indicates both the magnitude and direction of the frequency offset, allowing the creation of a precise PID feedback control loop to lock the laser frequency to the desired frequency, reducing laser frequency noise and allowing for precise frequency control.
Atomic clocks utilize laser detuning to probe specific and spectrally narrow hyperfine transitions in rubidium, caesium, strontium, and other elements. [8] Optical tweezers [3] utilize red and blue laser detuning to trap particles for analysis from the sub-nanometer to micron scale, enabling advancements in many fields including biology and medicine. Laser frequency combs utilize laser detuning to stabilize the comb teeth relative to a stable frequency standard.
Laser detuning does not have to be static and can be dynamically varied in advanced techniques to achieve specific effects. One method is chirped detuning, where the laser frequency is gradually varied. This is used in stimulated Raman adiabatic passage to enable smooth transitions between quantum states, which can be used for qubit control. [9] Another use of dynamic laser detuning is a Zeeman slower, where detuning is adjusted depending on the atomic velocities according to
where is the atomic velocity, which can change over time, causing a dynamic change in laser detuning.
Laser cooling, sometimes also referred to as Doppler cooling, includes several techniques where atoms, molecules, and small mechanical systems are cooled with laser light. The directed energy of lasers is often associated with heating materials, e.g. laser cutting, so it can be counterintuitive that laser cooling often results in sample temperatures approaching absolute zero. It is a routine step in many atomic physics experiments where the laser-cooled atoms are then subsequently manipulated and measured, or in technologies, such as atom-based quantum computing architectures. Laser cooling relies on the change in momentum when an object, such as an atom, absorbs and re-emits a photon. For example, if laser light illuminates a warm cloud of atoms from all directions and the laser's frequency is tuned below an atomic resonance, the atoms will be cooled. This common type of laser cooling relies on the Doppler effect where individual atoms will preferentially absorb laser light from the direction opposite to the atom's motion. The absorbed light is re-emitted by the atom in a random direction. After repeated emission and absorption of light the net effect on the cloud of atoms is that they will expand more slowly. The slower expansion reflects a decrease in the velocity distribution of the atoms, which corresponds to a lower temperature and therefore the atoms have been cooled. For an ensemble of particles, their thermodynamic temperature is proportional to the variance in their velocity, therefore the lower the distribution of velocities, the lower temperature of the particles.
Resolved sideband cooling is a laser cooling technique allowing cooling of tightly bound atoms and ions beyond the Doppler cooling limit, potentially to their motional ground state. Aside from the curiosity of having a particle at zero point energy, such preparation of a particle in a definite state with high probability (initialization) is an essential part of state manipulation experiments in quantum optics and quantum computing.
Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is a coherent optical nonlinearity which renders a medium transparent within a narrow spectral range around an absorption line. Extreme dispersion is also created within this transparency "window" which leads to "slow light", described below. It is in essence a quantum interference effect that permits the propagation of light through an otherwise opaque atomic medium.
Optical molasses is a laser cooling technique that can cool neutral atoms to as low as a few microkelvins, depending on the atomic species. An optical molasses consists of 3 pairs of counter-propagating orthogonally polarized laser beams intersecting in the region where the atoms are present. The main difference between an optical molasses (OM) and a magneto-optical trap (MOT) is the absence of magnetic field in the former. Unlike a MOT, an OM provides only cooling and no trapping.
An optical lattice is formed by the interference of counter-propagating laser beams, creating a spatially periodic polarization pattern. The resulting periodic potential may trap neutral atoms via the Stark shift. Atoms are cooled and congregate at the potential extrema. The resulting arrangement of trapped atoms resembles a crystal lattice and can be used for quantum simulation.
Doppler cooling is a mechanism that can be used to trap and slow the motion of atoms to cool a substance. The term is sometimes used synonymously with laser cooling, though laser cooling includes other techniques.
In atomic, molecular, and optical physics, a magneto-optical trap (MOT) is an apparatus which uses laser cooling and a spatially varying magnetic field to create a trap which can produce samples of cold neutral atoms. Temperatures achieved in a MOT can be as low as several microkelvins, depending on the atomic species, which is two or three times below the photon-recoil limit. However, for atoms with an unresolved hyperfine structure, such as 7Li, the temperature achieved in a MOT will be higher than the Doppler cooling limit.
In quantum optics, the Jaynes–Cummings model is a theoretical model that describes the system of a two-level atom interacting with a quantized mode of an optical cavity, with or without the presence of light. It was originally developed to study the interaction of atoms with the quantized electromagnetic field in order to investigate the phenomena of spontaneous emission and absorption of photons in a cavity. It is named after Edwin Thompson Jaynes and Fred Cummings in the 1960s and was confirmed experimentally in 1987.
In spectroscopy, the Autler–Townes effect, is a dynamical Stark effect corresponding to the case when an oscillating electric field is tuned in resonance to the transition frequency of a given spectral line, and resulting in a change of the shape of the absorption/emission spectra of that spectral line. The AC Stark effect was discovered in 1955 by American physicists Stanley Autler and Charles Townes.
The manipulation of atoms using optical fields is a vital and fundamental area of research within the field of atomic physics. This research revolves around leveraging the distinct characteristics of laser light and coherent optical fields to achieve precise control over various aspects of atomic systems. These aspects encompass regulating atomic motion, positioning atoms, manipulating internal states, and facilitating intricate interactions with neighboring atoms and photons. The utilization of optical fields provides a powerful toolset for exploring and understanding the quantum behavior of atoms and opens up promising avenues for applications in atomic, molecular, and optical physics.
The Bloch–Siegert shift is a phenomenon in quantum physics that becomes important for driven two-level systems when the driving gets strong.
In atomic physics, a Zeeman slower is a scientific instrument that is commonly used in atomic physics to slow and cool a beam of hot atoms to speeds of several meters per second and temperatures below a kelvin. The gas-phase atoms used in atomic physics are often generated in an oven by heating a solid or liquid atomic sample to temperatures where the vapor pressure is high enough that a substantial number of atoms are in the gas phase. These atoms effuse out of a hole in the oven with average speeds on the order of hundreds of m/s and large velocity distributions. The Zeeman slower is attached close to where the hot atoms exit the oven and are used to slow them to less than 10 m/s (slowing) with a very small velocity spread (cooling).
Saturated absorption spectroscopy measures the transition frequency of an atom or molecule between its ground state and an excited state. In saturated absorption spectroscopy, two counter-propagating, overlapped laser beams are sent through a sample of atomic gas. One of the beams stimulates photon emission in excited atoms or molecules when the laser's frequency matches the transition frequency. By changing the laser frequency until these extra photons appear, one can find the exact transition frequency. This method enables precise measurements at room temperature because it is insensitive to doppler broadening. Absorption spectroscopy measures the doppler-broadened transition, so the atoms must be cooled to millikelvin temperatures to achieve the same sensitivity as saturated absorption spectroscopy.
In atomic physics, Raman cooling is a sub-recoil cooling technique that allows the cooling of atoms using optical methods below the limitations of Doppler cooling, Doppler cooling being limited by the recoil energy of a photon given to an atom. This scheme can be performed in simple optical molasses or in molasses where an optical lattice has been superimposed, which are called respectively free space Raman cooling and Raman sideband cooling. Both techniques make use of Raman scattering of laser light by the atoms.
Circuit quantum electrodynamics provides a means of studying the fundamental interaction between light and matter. As in the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics, a single photon within a single mode cavity coherently couples to a quantum object (atom). In contrast to cavity QED, the photon is stored in a one-dimensional on-chip resonator and the quantum object is no natural atom but an artificial one. These artificial atoms usually are mesoscopic devices which exhibit an atom-like energy spectrum. The field of circuit QED is a prominent example for quantum information processing and a promising candidate for future quantum computation.
Ramsey interferometry, also known as the separated oscillating fields method, is a form of particle interferometry that uses the phenomenon of magnetic resonance to measure transition frequencies of particles. It was developed in 1949 by Norman Ramsey, who built upon the ideas of his mentor, Isidor Isaac Rabi, who initially developed a technique for measuring particle transition frequencies. Ramsey's method is used today in atomic clocks and in the SI definition of the second. Most precision atomic measurements, such as modern atom interferometers and quantum logic gates, have a Ramsey-type configuration. A more modern method, known as Ramsey–Bordé interferometry uses a Ramsey configuration and was developed by French physicist Christian Bordé and is known as the Ramsey–Bordé interferometer. Bordé's main idea was to use atomic recoil to create a beam splitter of different geometries for an atom-wave. The Ramsey–Bordé interferometer specifically uses two pairs of counter-propagating interaction waves, and another method named the "photon-echo" uses two co-propagating pairs of interaction waves.
Cavity optomechanics is a branch of physics which focuses on the interaction between light and mechanical objects on low-energy scales. It is a cross field of optics, quantum optics, solid-state physics and materials science. The motivation for research on cavity optomechanics comes from fundamental effects of quantum theory and gravity, as well as technological applications.
Gray molasses is a method of sub-Doppler laser cooling of atoms. It employs principles from Sisyphus cooling in conjunction with a so-called "dark" state whose transition to the excited state is not addressed by the resonant lasers. Ultracold atomic physics experiments on atomic species with poorly-resolved hyperfine structure, like isotopes of lithium and potassium, often utilize gray molasses instead of Sisyphus cooling as a secondary cooling stage after the ubiquitous magneto-optical trap (MOT) to achieve temperatures below the Doppler limit. Unlike a MOT, which combines a molasses force with a confining force, a gray molasses can only slow but not trap atoms; hence, its efficacy as a cooling mechanism lasts only milliseconds before further cooling and trapping stages must be employed.
Polarization gradient cooling, or Sisyphus cooling, is a technique in laser cooling of atoms by dampening the motion of the trapped particles via photon momentum. It was proposed to explain the experimental observation of cooling below the Doppler limit observed in cesium atom-related laser cooling experiments in 1985. Shortly after the theory was introduced, experiments were performed that verified the theoretical predictions. While Doppler cooling allows atoms to be cooled to hundreds of microkelvin, PG cooling allows atoms to be cooled to a few microkelvin or less.
A neutral atom quantum computer is a modality of quantum computers built out of Rydberg atoms; this modality has many commonalities with trapped-ion quantum computers. As of December 2023, the concept has been used to demonstrate a 48 logical qubit processor.