List of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross recipients of the Kriegsmarine

Last updated

The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (German: Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) and its variants were the highest awards in the military of the Third Reich. Recipients are grouped by grades of the Knight's Cross. During or shortly after World War II, 318 German sailors and servicemen of the Kriegsmarine received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Of these, 316 presentations were formally made. Two recipients received the award after 11 May 1945, when Großadmiral Karl Dönitz ordered a cease of promotions and illegalized subsequent awards. The final two recipients are therefore considered to have received the medal without legal authority. [1]



The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its higher grades were based on four separate enactments. The first enactment, Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 1573 of 1 September 1939 instituted the Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz), the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes). Article 2 of the enactment mandated that the award of a higher class be preceded by the award of all preceding classes. [2] As the war progressed, some of the recipients of the Knight's Cross distinguished themselves further and a higher grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub), was instituted. The Oak Leaves, as they were commonly referred to, were based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 849 of 3 June 1940. [3] In 1941, two higher grades of the Knight's Cross were instituted. The enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 613 of 28 September 1941 introduced the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten). [4] At the end of 1944 the final grade, the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten), based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11 of 29 December 1944, became the final variant of the Knight's Cross authorized. [5]


The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht kept separate Knight's Cross lists, one for each of the three military branches, Heer (Army), Kriegsmarine (Navy), Luftwaffe (Air force) and for the Waffen-SS . In each of these lists a unique sequential number was assigned to each recipient. The same numbering paradigm was applied to the higher grades of the Knight's Cross, one list per grade. [6]

  This along with the * (asterisk) indicates that the Knight's Cross was awarded posthumously.
  This along with the ? (question mark) indicates that historian Veit Scherzer has expressed doubt regarding the veracity and formal correctness of the listing.

Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds

The Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds is based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 613 of 28 September 1941 to reward those servicemen who had already been awarded the Oak Leaves with Swords to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. It was awarded to twenty-seven German soldiers, sailors and airmen, ranging from young fighter pilots to field marshals. Two recipients were members of the Kriegsmarine. [7] The list is initially sorted by the chronological number assigned to the recipient.

NumberNameRankUnitDate of awardNotes
7 Wolfgang Lüth Korvettenkapitän commander of U-181 9 August 1943killed on active service 13 May 1945 [8]
22 Albrecht Brandi Korvettenkapitän commander of U-967 24 November 1944

Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords

The Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords is also based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 613 of 28 September 1941 to reward those servicemen who had already been awarded the Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. The list is initially sorted by the chronological number assigned to the recipient.

NumberNameRankUnitDate of awardNotes
5 Otto Kretschmer Korvettenkapitän commander of U-99 26 December 1941
17 Erich Topp Kapitänleutnant commander of U-552 17 August 1942
18 Reinhard Suhren Kapitänleutnant commander of U-564 1 September 1942
29 Wolfgang Lüth Kapitänleutnant commander of U-181 25 April 1943Awarded 7th Diamonds 9 August 1943
66 Albrecht Brandi Kapitänleutnant commander of U-380 9 May 1944Awarded 22nd Diamonds 24 November 1944

Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves

The Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves was based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 849 of 3 June 1940. The last officially announced number for the Oak Leaves was 843. Higher numbers are unofficial and therefore denoted in brackets. [9] The list is initially sorted by the chronological number assigned to the recipient.

NumberNameRankUnitDate of awardNotes
5 Günther Prien Kapitänleutnant commander of U-47 20 October 1940 Missing in action 7 March 1941 [10]
6 Otto Kretschmer Kapitänleutnant commander of U-99 4 November 1940Awarded 5th Swords 26 December 1941
7 Joachim Schepke Kapitänleutnant commander of U-100 1 December 1940 Killed in action 17 March 1941 [11]
13 Heinrich Liebe Kapitänleutnant commander of U-38 10 June 1941at the same time promoted to Korvettenkapitän [12]
14 Engelbert Endrass Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-46 10 June 1941 Killed in action 21 December 1941 [13]
15 Herbert Schultze Kapitänleutnant commander of U-48 12 June 1941
23 Viktor Hermann Otto Schütze Korvettenkapitän commander of U-103 14 July 1941
40 Ernst-Felix Krüder Kapitän zur See commander of auxiliary cruiser Pinguin (HSK-5)15 November 1941* Killed in action 8 May 1941 [14]
45 Bernhard Rogge Kapitän zur See commander of auxiliary cruiser Atlantis (HSK-2)31 December 1941
51 Heinrich Lehmann-Willenbrock Kapitänleutnant commander of U-96 31 December 1941
56 Reinhard Suhren Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-564 31 December 1941Awarded 18th Swords 1 September 1942
87 Erich Topp Kapitänleutnant commander of U-552 11 April 1942Awarded 17th Swords 17 August 1942
89 Reinhard Hardegen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-123 23 April 1942
104 Rolf Mützelburg Kapitänleutnant commander of U-203 15 July 1942Killed on active service 11 September 1942 [15]
105 Adalbert Schnee Kapitänleutnant commander of U-201 15 July 1942
123 Klaus Scholtz Korvettenkapitän commander of U-108 10 September 1942
125 Heinrich Bleichrodt Kapitänleutnant commander of U-109 23 September 1942
142 Wolfgang Lüth Kapitänleutnant commander of U-181 13 November 1942Awarded 29th Swords 15 April 1943
7th Diamonds 9 August 1943
143 Werner Töniges Kapitänleutnant commander of Schnellboot S-102 in the 1. Schnellbootsflottille13 November 1942
147 Karl-Friedrich Merten Korvettenkapitän commander of U-68 16 November 1942
158 Helmuth von Ruckteschell Kapitän zur See commander of auxiliary cruiser Michel (HSK-9)23 December 1942
171 Friedrich Guggenberger Kapitänleutnant commander of German submarine U-81 (1941) 8 January 1943
177 Johann Mohr Kapitänleutnant commander of U-124 13 January 1943 Killed in action 2 April 1943 [16]
208 Georg Lassen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-160 7 March 1943
223 Karl Dönitz Großadmiral Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine 6 April 1943
224 Albrecht Brandi Korvettenkapitän commander of U-617 11 April 1943Awarded 66th Swords 9 May 1944
22nd Diamonds 24 November 1944
225 Gerhard von Kamptz Fregattenkapitän chief of the 8. Räumbootflottille14 April 1943
226 Siegfried Wuppermann Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-56 in the 3. Schnellbootflottille [Note 1] 14 April 1943
234 Otto von Bülow Kapitänleutnant commander of U-404 26 April 1943
249 Friedrich Kemnade Korvettenkapitän chief of the 3. Schnellbootflottille27 May 1943
250 Robert Gysae Kapitänleutnant commander of U-177 31 May 1943
256 Carl Emmermann Kapitänleutnant commander of U-172 4 July 1943
257 Werner Henke Kapitänleutnant commander of U-515 4 July 1943Killed as prisoner of war on 15 June 1944 [18]
326 Georg Christiansen Korvettenkapitän chief of the 1. Schnellbootflottille13 November 1943
330 Dr.-Ing. Karl-Friedrich Brill Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves commander of Minenschiff "Juminda" and leader of a Minensuch-Gruppe18 November 1943* Killed in action 22 October 1943 [19]
361 Bernd-Georg Klug Korvettenkapitän chief of the 5. Schnellbootflottille1 January 1944
362 Klaus Feldt Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Schnellbootflottille1 January 1944
387 Fritz Breithaupt Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 24. Minensuchflottille10 February 1944Killed in flying accident on 25 December 1944 [19]
461 Otto Pollmann Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-Jäger 221025 April 1944
499 Rudolf Petersen Kapitän zur See Führer der Schnellboote 13 June 1944
500 Götz Freiherr von Mirbach Kapitänleutnant chief of the 9. Schnellbootflottille14 June 1944
523 Karl Palmgreen Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves [Note 2] chief of the 38. Minensuchflottille11 July 1944
524 Heinrich Hoffmann Korvettenkapitän chief of the 5. Torpedobootflottille11 July 1944
577 Richard Seuss Oberleutnant of the Reserves chief of the Marine Küstenbatterie "Île de Cézembre" (Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 608)2 September 1944
583 Otto Kähler Konteradmiral Seekommandant Festung Brest 15 September 1944
614 Theodor Krancke Admiral commander in chief Marine-Gruppenkommando West18 October 1944
645 Werner Hartmann Kapitän zur See Führer der U-Boote im Mittelmeer, commander of U-198 5 November 1944
659 Hans Hoßfeld Korvettenkapitän Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 53125 November 1944* Killed in action 19 November 1944 [21]
823 Theodor Burchardi Admiral Kommandierender Admiral östliche Ostsee8 April 1945
824 August Thiele Vizeadmiral commander of Kampfgruppe "Thiele" 8 April 1945
(852) Rolf Thomsen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-1202 29 April 1945
(853) Hans-Günther Lange Kapitänleutnant commander of U-711 29 April 1945
(866) Adalbert von Blanc ? [Note 3] Fregattenkapitän Führer 9. Marine-Sicherungs-Division10 May 1945

Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross

The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross is based on the enactment Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 1573 of 1 September 1939 Verordnung über die Erneuerung des Eisernen Kreuzes (Regulation of the renewing of the Iron Cross). The list is initially sorted by the chronological number assigned to the recipient.

NumberNameRankUnitDate of awardNotes
1 Erich Raeder Großadmiral Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine 30 September 1939
2 Günther Prien Kapitänleutnant commander of U-47 18 October 1939Awarded 5th Oak Leaves 20 October 1940
3 Herbert Schultze Kapitänleutnant commander of U-48 1 March 1940Awarded 15th Oak Leaves 12 June 1941
4 Otto Schniewind Vizeadmiral Chef des Stabes der Seekriegsleitung im OKM [Note 4] 20 April 1940
5 Karl Dönitz Konteradmiral Befehlshaber der U-Boote21 April 1940Awarded 223rd Oak Leaves 6 April 1943
6 Alfred Saalwächter General Admiral Marine-Gruppenbefehlshaber Marinegruppe West [Note 5] 9 May 1940
7 Erich Bey Kapitän zur See chief of the 4. Zerstörerflottille9 May 1940 Killed in action 26 December 1943 [25]
8 Werner Hartmann Korvettenkapitän commander of U-37 9 May 1940Awarded 645th Oak Leaves 5 November 1944
9 Otto Schuhart Kapitänleutnant commander of U-29 16 May 1940
10 Hans Bartels Kapitänleutnant commander of Minensucher M-116 May 1940
11 Hermann Opdenhoff Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-31 in the 2. Schnellbootflottille16 May 1940 Killed in action 22 March 1945 [26]
12 Erich Grundmann Kapitänleutnant (Ing.)Flottillen engineer in the 1. Räumbootflottille31 May 1940
13 Arthur Godenau Stabsobersteuermanncommander of Räumboot R-51 in the 1 Räumbootflottille31 May 1940
14 Karl Rixecker Stabsobersteuermanncommander of Räumboot R-23 in the 1 Räumbootflottille31 May 1940
15 Rolf Carls Admiral Befehlshaber Marinegruppe Ost14 June 1940
16 Günther Lütjens Vizeadmiral Befehlshaber der Aufklärungsstreitkräfte14 June 1940 Killed in action 27 May 1941 [27]
17 Hubert Schmundt Konteradmiral Befehlshaber der Aufklärungsstreitkräfte und Führer der Kampfgruppe Bergen [Note 6] 14 June 1940
18 Heinz Birnbacher Kapitänleutnant chief of the 1. Schnellbootflottille17 June 1940
19 Wilhelm Rollmann Kapitänleutnant commander of U-34 31 July 1940 Killed in action 5 November 1943 [29]
20 Fritz Berger Fregattenkapitän chief of the 1. Zerstörerflottille4 August 1940
21 Max-Eckart Wolff Korvettenkapitän commander of destroyer Z2 Georg Thiele 4 August 1940
22 Rudolf Petersen Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Schnellbootflottille4 August 1940Awarded 499th Oak Leaves 13 June 1944
23 Otto Kretschmer Kapitänleutnant commander of U-99 4 August 1940Awarded 6th Oak Leaves 4 November 1940
5th Swords 26 December 1941
24 Heinrich Liebe Kapitänleutnant commander of U-38 14 August 1940Awarded 13th Oak Leaves 10 June 1941
25 Fritz-Julius Lemp Kapitänleutnant commander of U-30 14 August 1940 Killed in action 9 May 1941 [30]
26 Kurt Fimmen Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-26 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille14 August 1940
27 Götz Freiherr von Mirbach Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-21 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille14 August 1940Awarded 500th Oak Leaves 14 June 1944
28 Hans-Rudolf Rösing Korvettenkapitän chief of the 7. Unterseebootsflottille and commander of U-48 29 August 1940
29 Fritz Frauenheim Kapitänleutnant commander of U-101 29 August 1940
30 Engelbert Endrass Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-46 5 September 1940Awarded 14th Oak Leaves 10 June 1941
31 Günter Kuhnke Kapitänleutnant commander of U-28 19 September 1940
32 Joachim Schepke Kapitänleutnant commander of U-100 24 September 1940Awarded 7th Oak Leaves 1 December 1940
33 Kurt Böhmer Kapitän zur See Chef des Stabes Befehlshaber der Sicherung der Nordsee6 October 1940 Killed in action 1 October 1944 [31]
34 Kurt Thoma Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Minensuchflottille6 October 1940
35 Gerhard von Kamptz Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Räumbootflottille6 October 1940Awarded 225th Oak Leaves 14 April 1943
36 Hans Jenisch Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-32 7 October 1940
37 Friedrich Bonte Kapitän zur See Führer der Zerstörer und der Kampfgruppe Narvik 17 Oct 1940* Killed in action 10 April 1940 [32]
38 Friedrich Ruge Kapitän zur See Führer der Minensuchboote West21 October 1940
39 Victor Oehrn Kapitänleutnant commander of U-37 21 October 1940
40 Gerd Suhren Oberleutnant (Ing.) chief engineer on U-37 21 October 1940
41 Heinrich Bleichrodt Kapitänleutnant commander of U-48 24 October 1940Awarded 125th Oak Leaves 23 September 1942
42 Wolfgang Lüth Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-138 24 October 1940Awarded 142nd Oak Leaves 13 November 1942
29th Swords 15 April 1943
7th Diamonds 9 August 1943
43 Helmuth von Ruckteschell Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves commander of auxiliary cruiser Widder (HSK-3)31 October 1940Awarded 158th Oak Leaves 22 December 1942
44 Hans Erdmenger Korvettenkapitän commander of destroyer Z21 Wilhelm Heidkamp 3 November 1940 Killed in action 28 December 1943 [33]
45 Reinhard Suhren Oberleutnant zur See I. Wachoffizier U-48 3 November 1940Awarded 56th Oak Leaves 31 December 1941
18th Swords 1 September 1942
46 Heinrich Petersen StabsobersteuermannWachoffizier und Steuermann U-99 5 November 1940
47 Hans Stohwasser Konteradmiral Befehlshaber der Sicherung der Ostsee30 November 1940
48 Bernhard Rogge Kapitän zur See commander of auxiliary cruiser Atlantis (HSK-2)7 December 1940Awarded 45th Oak Leaves 31 December 1941
49 Viktor Schütze Korvettenkapitän commander of U-103 11 December 1940Awarded 23rd Oak Leaves 14 July 1941
50 Wolfgang Kaden Kapitänleutnant of the Reserves commander of U-Jäger 11618 December 1940 Killed in action 9 July 1942 [34]
51 Otto Kähler Kapitän zur See commander of auxiliary cruiser Thor (HSK-4)22 December 1940Awarded 583rd Oak Leaves 15 September 1944
52 Ernst-Felix Krüder Kapitän zur See commander of auxiliary cruiser Pinguin (HSK-5)22 December 1940Awarded 40th Oak Leaves 15 November 1941
53 Hans-Gerrit von Stockhausen Korvettenkapitän commander of U-65 14 January 1941
54 Oskar Kummetz Konteradmiral Führer Kampfgruppe Oslo18 January 1941
55 August Thiele Kapitän zur See commander of cruiser Lützow 18 November 1941Awarded 824th Oak Leaves 8 April 1945
56 Hellmuth Heye Kapitän zur See commander of heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper 18 January 1941
57 Theodor Krancke Kapitän zur See commander of heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer 21 February 1941Awarded 614th Oak Leaves 18 October 1944
58 Werner Töniges Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-102 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille25 February 1941Awarded 143rd Oak Leaves 13 November 1942
59 Wilhelm Meisel Kapitän zur See commander of heavy cruiser Admiral Hipper 26 February 1941
60 Karl-Heinz Moehle Kapitänleutnant commander of U-123 26 February 1941
61 Heinrich Lehmann-Willenbrock Kapitänleutnant commander of U-96 26 February 1941Awarded 51st Oak Leaves 31 December 1941
62 Hans Bütow Kapitän zur See Führer der Torpedoboote12 March 1941
63 Bernd-Georg Klug Kapitänleutnant commander of Schnellboot S-28 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille12 March 1941Awarded 361st Oak Leaves 1 January 1944
64 Jürgen Oesten Kapitänleutnant commander of U-106 26 March 1941
65 Georg-Wilhelm Schulz Kapitänleutnant commander of U-124 4 April 1941
66 Erich Zürn Oberleutnant (Ing.) chief engineer on U-48 23 April 1941
67 Klaus Feldt Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-30 in the 2. Schnellbootflottille25 April 1941Awarded 362nd Oak Leaves 1 January 1944
68 Georg Christiansen Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-101 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille8 May 1941Awarded 326th Oak Leaves 13 November 1943
69 Herbert Kuppisch Kapitänleutnant commander of U-94 14 May 1941 Killed in action 27 August 1943 [35]
70 Herbert Wohlfarth Kapitänleutnant commander of U-556 15 May 1941
71 Georg Schewe Kapitänleutnant commander of U-105 23 May 1941
72 Eberhard Wolfram Konteradmiral Befehlshaber der Sicherung der Nordsee25 May 1941
73 Adalbert Schneider Korvettenkapitän 1st artillery officer on battleship Bismarck 27 May 1941 Killed in action 27 May 1941 [36]
74 Claus Korth Kapitänleutnant commander of U-93 29 May 1941
75 Erich Topp Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-552 20 June 1941Awarded 87th Oak Leaves 11 April 1942
17th Swords 17 August 1942
76 Günter Hessler Kapitänleutnant commander of U-107 24 June 1941
77 Gustav Forstmann Korvettenkapitän chief of the 1. Räumbootflottille28 July 1941
78 Jost Metzler Kapitänleutnant commander of U-69 28 July 1941
79 Fritz Breithaupt Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 12. Minensuchflottille3 August 1941Awarded 387th Oak Leaves 10 February 1944
80 Karl Palmgreen Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves [Note 2] commander of Sperrbrecher IX and I3 August 1941Awarded 523rd Oak Leaves 11 July 1944
81 Siegfried Wuppermann Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-60 in the 3. Schnellbootflottille [Note 7] 3 August 1941Awarded 226th Oak Leaves 14 April 1943
82 Kurt Weyher Fregattenkapitän commander of auxiliary cruiser Orion (HSK-1)21 August 1941
83 Adalbert Schnee Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-201 30 August 1941Awarded 105th Oak Leaves 15 July 1942
84 Werner Dobberstein Kapitänleutnant chief of the 5. Räumbootflottille4 September 1941
85 Rudolf Porath Leutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Vorpostenboot VP-1806 in the 18. Vorpostenflottille8 October 1941
86 Karl Weniger Kapitän zur See 2. Sicherungs-Division15 November 1941* Killed in action 1 October 1941 [37]
87 Rolf Mützelburg Kapitänleutnant commander of U-203 17 November 1941Awarded 104th Oak Leaves 15 July 1942
88 Ernst Mengersen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-101 18 November 1941
89 Robert Eyssen Konteradmiral commander of auxiliary cruiser Komet (HSK-7)29 November 1941
90 Theodor Detmers Fregattenkapitän commander of auxiliary cruiser Kormoran (HSK-8)4 December 1941
91 Friedrich Guggenberger Kapitänleutnant commander of U-81 10 December 1941Awarded 171st Oak Leaves 8 January 1943
92 Klaus Scholtz Kapitänleutnant commander of U-108 26 December 1941Awarded 123rd Oak Leaves 10 September 1942
93 Gerhard Bigalk Kapitänleutnant commander of U-751 26 December 1941 Killed in action 17 July 1942 [38]
94 Ernst Lindemann Kapitän zur See commander of battleship Bismarck 27 December 1941* Killed in action 27 May 1941 [39]
95 Dr.-Ing. Karl-Friedrich Brill Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves Minenschiff Cobra 27 December 1941Awarded 330th Oak Leaves 18 November 1943
96 Axel Goetzke Leutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Räumboot R-16 in the 5. Räumbootflottille27 December 1941* Killed in action (sabotage) 27 September 1941 [40]
97 Hans Rehm Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Minensuchflottille31 December 1941
98 Eitel-Friedrich Kentrat Kapitänleutnant commander of U-74 31 December 1941
99 Robert Gysae Kapitänleutnant commander of U-98 31 December 1941Awarded 250th Oak Leaves 31 May 1943
100 Niels Bätge Kapitänleutnant chief of the 4. Schnellbootflottille4 January 1942 Killed in action 12 December 1944 [41]
101 Reinhard Hardegen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-123 23 January 1942Awarded 89th Oak Leaves 23 April 1942
102 Hans-Diedrich Freiherr von Tiesenhausen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-331 27 January 1942
103 Nicolai Clausen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-129 13 March 1942 Killed in action 16 May 1943 [42]
104 Ernst Bauer Kapitänleutnant commander of U-126 16 March 1942
105 Otto Ciliax Vizeadmiral Befehlshaber der Schlachtschiffe21 March 1942
106 Kurt-Caesar Hoffmann Kapitän zur See commander of battleship Scharnhorst 21 March 1942
107 Johann Mohr Kapitänleutnant commander of U-124 27 March 1942Awarded 177th Oak Leaves 13 January 1943
108 Otto Ites Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-94 28 March 1942
109 Robert-Richard Zapp Korvettenkapitän commander of U-66 23 April 1942
110 Werner Winter Kapitänleutnant commander of U-103 5 June 1942
111 Peter-Erich Cremer Kapitänleutnant commander of U-333 5 June 1942
112 Karl-Friedrich Merten Korvettenkapitän commander of U-68 13 June 1942Awarded 147th Oak Leaves 16 November 1942
113 Jost Brökelmann Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Räumbootflottille14 June 1942
114 Hans-Werner Kraus Kapitänleutnant commander of U-83 19 June 1942
115 Erwin Rostin Kapitänleutnant commander of U-158 28 June 1942
116 Heinz-Otto Schultze Kapitänleutnant commander of U-432 9 July 1942 Killed in action 25 November 1943 [43]
117 Friedrich Kemnade Kapitänleutnant chief of the 3. Schnellbootflottille23 July 1942Awarded 249th Oak Leaves 27 May 1943
118 Karl Bergelt Korvettenkapitän chief of the 1. Minensuchflottille3 August 1942
119 Georg Lassen Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-160 10 August 1942Awarded 208th Oak Leaves 7 March 1943
120 Helmut Rosenbaum Kapitänleutnant commander of U-73 12 August 1942
121 Adolf Piening Kapitänleutnant commander of U-155 13 August 1942
122 Heinrich Schonder Kapitänleutnant commander of U-77 19 August 1942 Killed in action 28 June 1943 [44]
123 Karl Thurmann Korvettenkapitän commander of U-553 24 August 1942 missing in action 28 January 1943 [45]
124 Ernst Kals Korvettenkapitän commander of U-130 1 September 1942
125 Werner Hartenstein Korvettenkapitän commander of U-156 17 September 1942 Killed in action 8 March 1943 [46]
126 Günther Krech Kapitänleutnant commander of U-558 17 September 1942
127 Kurt Fricke Admiral Chief of Staff of the Seekriegsleitung in the OKM 1 October 1942
128 Hermann Bögel Leutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Minensucher M-404013 October 1942
129 Otto von Bülow Kapitänleutnant commander of U-404 20 October 1942Awarded 234th Oak Leaves 26 April 1943
130 Helmut Witte Kapitänleutnant commander of U-159 22 October 1942
131 Siegfried Strelow Kapitänleutnant commander of U-435 27 October 1942 Killed in action 15 July 1943 [47]
132 Fritz Poske Korvettenkapitän commander of U-504 6 November 1942
133 Carl Emmermann Kapitänleutnant commander of U-172 27 November 1942Awarded 256th Oak Leaves 4 July 1943
134 Günther Müller-Stöckheim Kapitänleutnant commander of U-67 27 November 1942 Killed in action 16 July 1943 [48]
135 Wilhelm Dommes Kapitänleutnant commander of U-431 2 December 1942
136 Waldemar Holst Korvettenkapitän chief of the 4. Räumbootflottille3 December 1942
137 Friedrich Wunderlich Korvettenkapitän chief of the 14. U-Jagd-Flottille3 December 1942
138 Rolf Johannesson Kapitän zur See commander of destroyer Hermes 7 December 1942
139 Hans Witt Kapitänleutnant commander of U-129 17 December 1942
140 Werner Henke Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-515 17 December 1942Awarded 257th Oak Leaves 4 July 1943
141 Hermann Rasch Kapitänleutnant commander of U-106 29 December 1942
142 Günther Gumprich Kapitän zur See commander of auxiliary cruiser Thor (HSK-4)31 December 1942 Killed in action 17 October 1943 [49]
143 Harro Schacht Korvettenkapitän commander of U-507 9 January 1943 Killed in action 14 January 1943 [50]
144 Albrecht Achilles Kapitänleutnant commander of U-161 16 January 1943 Killed in action 27 September 1943 [51]
145 Herbert Schneider Kapitänleutnant commander of U-522 16 January 1943 Killed in action 24 February 1943 [52]
146 Heinrich Bramesfeld Kapitän zur See 2. Sicherungs-Division21 January 1943
147 Ulrich Heyse Kapitänleutnant commander of U-128 21 January 1943
148 Albrecht Brandi Kapitänleutnant commander of U-617 21 January 1943Awarded 224th Oak Leaves 11 April 1943
66th Swords 9 May 1944
22nd Diamonds 24 November 1944
149 Siegfried Freiherr von Forstner Kapitänleutnant commander of U-402 9 February 1943 Killed in action 13 October 1943 [Note 8]
150 Gerhard Bielig Kapitänleutnant (Ing.)chief engineer on U-177 10 February 1943
151 Karl Jörß Bootsmannsmaat of the Reserves Flakleiter auf einem Frachter im Mittelmeer17 February 1943
152 Erich Würdemann Kapitänleutnant commander of U-506 14 March 1943 Killed in action 14 July 1943 [56]
153 Reinhart Reche Kapitänleutnant commander of U-255 17 March 1943
154 Hans-Hartwig Trojer Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-221 24 March 1943
155 Harald Gelhaus Kapitänleutnant commander of U-107 26 March 1943
156 Karl Neitzel Korvettenkapitän commander of U-510 27 March 1943
157 Günther Seibicke Kapitänleutnant commander of U-436 27 March 1943 Killed in action 26 May 1943 [57]
158 Ulrich Folkers Kapitänleutnant commander of U-125 27 March 1943 Killed in action 6 May 1943 [58]
159 Karl-Conrad Mecke Kapitän zur See commander of the 22. Marine-Flak-Regiment11 April 1943
160 Hans Heidtmann Kapitänleutnant commander of U-559 12 April 1943
161 Helmut Möhlmann Kapitänleutnant commander of U-571 16 April 1943
162 Hermann Büchting Kapitänleutnant commander of Schnellboot S-27 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille [Note 9] 22 April 1943
163 Gunter Jahn Kapitänleutnant commander of U-596 30 April 1943
164 Klaus Bargsten Kapitänleutnant commander of U-521 30 April 1943
165 Wilhelm Franken Kapitänleutnant commander of U-565 30 April 1943 Killed in action 13 January 1945 [60]
166 Karl-Heinz Fischer Steuermannsmaat Vorpostenboot VP-7113 May 1943
167 Otto Flügel Steuermannsmaat of the Reserves Vorpostenboot VP-15253 May 1943
168 Curt Rechel Fregattenkapitän commander of destroyer Z29 8 May 1943
169 Dr. phil. Walther Fischer Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 13. Vorpostenflottille8 May 1943
170 Otto Pollmann Leutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of U-Jäger 2210 in the 22. U-Jagdflottille19 May 1943Awarded 461st Oak Leaves 25 April 1944
171 Alfred Schulze-Hinrichs Kapitän zur See chief of the 6. Zerstörerflottille15 June 1943
172 Karl Smidt Kapitän zur See commander of destroyer Z27 15 June 1943
173 Martin Saltzwedel Korvettenkapitän commander of destroyer Z24 15 June 1943
174 Otto Maurer Korvettenkapitän chief of the 12. Räumbootflottille3 July 1943
175 Günther Heydemann Kapitänleutnant commander of U-575 3 July 1943
176 Horst Weber Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves [Note 10] commander of Schnellboot S-55 in the 3. Schnellbootflottille [Note 10] 5 July 1943
177 Friedrich Markworth Kapitänleutnant commander of U-66 8 July 1943
178 Karl Müller Kapitänleutnant commander of Schnellboot S-52 in the 5. Schnellbootflottille [Note 11] 8 July 1943
179 Georg Staats Kapitänleutnant commander of U-508 14 July 1943 Killed in action 12 November 1943 [63]
180 Karl-Ehrhart Karcher Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-87 in the 4. Schnellbootflottille12 August 1943
181 Otto von Schrader Admiral commanding Admiral Norwegian West Coast19 August 1943
182 Gerd Kelbling Kapitänleutnant commander of U-593 18 August 1943
183 Gustav Freiherr von Liebenstein Fregattenkapitän of the Reserves chief of 2. Landungsdivision and sea transport chief of the Strait of Messina 3 September 1943
184 Herbert Panknin Kapitänleutnant (Ing.)chief engineer on U-106 4 September 1943
185 Dipl.-Ing. Willi Lechtenbörger Oberleutnant (Ing.) of the Reserves chief engineer on U-847 4 September 1943* Killed in action 27 August 1943 [64]
186 Heinz Krey Leutnant (Ing.)chief engineer on U-752 4 September 1943* Killed in action 23 May 1943 [65]
187 August Maus Kapitänleutnant commander of U-185 21 September 1943
188 Dietrich Schöneboom Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-431 20 October 1943 Killed in action 23 October 1943 [66]
189 Carl-August Landfermann Oberleutnant (Ing.) of the Reserves chief engineer on U-181 27 October 1943
190 Franz Kohlauf Korvettenkapitän chief of the 4. Torpedobootflottille29 October 1943 Killed in action 26 April 1944 [67]
191 Hellmut Rohweder Kapitänleutnant (Ing.)chief engineer on U-69 and U-514 14 November 1943
192 Egon-Reiner Freiherr von Schlippenbach Kapitänleutnant commander of U-453 19 November 1943
193 Gustav Kieseritzky Vizeadmiral commanding Admiral Black Sea 20 November 1943
194 Horst-Arno Fenski Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-410 26 November 1943
195 Heinz Franke Kapitänleutnant commander of U-262 30 November 1943
196 Karl-Friedrich Künzel Oberleutnant zur See group leader and commander of Schnellboot S-28 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille12 December 1943
197 Albert Müller Kapitänleutnant commander of Schnellboot S-59 in the 3. Schnellbootflottille13 December 1943
198 Max-Martin Teichert Kapitänleutnant commander of U-456 19 December 1943* Killed in action 12 May 1943 [68]
199 Helmut Klassmann Kapitänleutnant chief of the 3. Räumbootflottille22 December 1943
200 Klaus-Degenhard Schmidt Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-54 in the 10 Schnellbootflottille [Note 12] 22 December 1943 Killed in action 22 December 1944 [70]
201 Dr. med. Günther Brandt Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 21. U-Jagdflottille23 December 1943
202 Paul Hellmann Kapitän der Handelsmarinecaptain Blockadebrecher Motorschiff Osorno6 January 1944
203 Siegfried Koitschka Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-616 27 January 1944
204 Hans-Jürgen Hellriegel Kapitänleutnant commander of U-543 3 February 1944 Killed in action 2 July 1944 [71]
205 Siegfried Lüdden Kapitänleutnant commander of U-188 11 February 1944Killed on active service 13 January 1945 [27]
206 Johann-Friedrich Wessels Kapitänleutnant (Ing.)chief engineer on U-198 9 March 1944
207 Gustav Poel Kapitänleutnant commander of U-413 21 March 1944
208 Waldemar Mehl Kapitänleutnant commander of U-371 28 March 1944
209 Alfred Eick Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-510 31 March 1944
210 Georg Olschewski Oberleutnant (Ing.) chief engineer on U-66 23 April 1944
211 Erich Wulff Oberleutnant zur See commander of Vorpostenboot VP-18 in the 18. Vorpostenflottille [Note 13] 24 April 1944
212 Wilhelm Meendsen-Bohlken Konteradmiral Befehlshaber Deutsches Marinekorps in Italien15 May 1944
213 Arnulf Hölzerkopf Korvettenkapitän chief of the 8. Minensuchflottille15 May 1944 Killed in action 11 August 1944 [73]
214 Walter Käding ObersteuermannIII. Wachoffizier and Steuermann U-123 15 May 1944
215 Helmuth Brinkmann Vizeadmiral commanding Admiral Schwarzes Meer 17 May 1944
216 Otto Schulz Konteradmiral Seekommandant Krim (sea commander Crimea) [Note 14] 17 May 1944
217 Horst Hofmann Obersteuermann Steuermann and watch officer U-672 20 May 1944
218 Karl-Heinz Wiebe Kapitänleutnant (Ing.)chief engineer on U-178 22 May 1944
219 Horst von Schroeter Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-123 1 June 1944
220 Heinrich Hoffmann Korvettenkapitän chief of the 5. Torpedobootflottille7 June 1944Awarded 524th Oak Leaves 11 July 1944
221 Albert Oesterlin Kapitänleutnant of the Reserves chief of the Küstenschutzflottille "Attika"9 June 1944* Killed in action 23 January 1944 [75]
222 Dr.-Ing. Viktor Rall Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 15. Vorpostenflottille10 June 1944
223Kurt Johannsen Kapitänleutnant chief of the 5. Schnellbootflottille14 June 1944 Killed in action 14 June 1944 [26]
224 Walter Ohmsen Oberleutnant chief of the Marinebatterie "Marcouf" in the Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 26014 June 1944
225 Wirich von Gartzen Korvettenkapitän chief of the 10. Torpedobootflottille24 June 1944
226 Dipl.-Ing. Kurt Loewer Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 11. Vorpostenflottille24 June 1944
227 Walter Hennecke Konteradmiral Seekommandant Normandie26 June 1944
228 Rudi Gelbhaar Oberleutnant of the Reserves chief of the Marine-Batterie "Hamburg" of the Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 60426 June 1944
229 Ekkehard Martienssen Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Vorpostenboot VP-203 in the 2. Vorpostenflottille29 June 1944
230 Theodor Freiherr von Mauchenheim genannt Bechtolsheim Kapitän zur See chief of the 8. Zerstörerflottille3 July 1944
231 Wilhelm Anhalt Kapitänleutnant chief of the 4. Räumbootflottille3 July 1944
232 Elmershaus von Haxthausen Kapitänleutnant chief of the 2. Artillerieträger-Flottille3 July 1944
233 Walther Gerhold Marine-Schreiber-ObergefreiterEinmanntorpedofahrer in the Kleinkampfflottille 3616 July 1944
234 Johann-Otto Krieg Oberleutnant zur See chief of the Kleinkampfflottille 3618 July 1944
235 Reinhard König Oberleutnant (Ing.) chief engineer on U-123 8 July 1944
236 Heinz Sieder Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-984 8 July 1944 Killed in action 20 August 1944 [76]
237 Herbert Nau Kapitänleutnant chief of the 10. Räumbootflottille11 July 1944Killed on active service 22 August 1944 [77]
238 Karl Fleige Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-18 18 July 1944
239 Karl-Heinz Marbach Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-953 22 July 1944
240 Herbert Berrer Oberfernschreibmeister- Matrose Einmanntorpedofahrer in der Kleinkampfflottille 3615 August 1944
241 Hermann Stuckmann Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-621 11 August 1944 Killed in action 23 August 1944 [47]
242 Georg Pinkepank Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Räumbootflottille12 August 1944
243 Erich Klünder Korvettenkapitän chief of the 5. Minensuchflottille12 August 1944
244 Alfred Muser Kapitänleutnant chief of the 8. Räumbootflottille12 August 1944
245 Alfred Vetter Leutnant group leader in the Marine-Kleinkampfflottille 21112 August 1944
246 Heinrich Dammeier StabsobermaschinistObermaschinist U-270 12 August 1944
247 Richard Seuss Oberleutnant of the Reserves chief of the Marine Küstenbatterie "Île de Cézembre" (Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 608)15 August 1944Awarded 577th Oak Leaves 2 September 1944
248 Werner Endell Kapitän zur See harbor commander "Saint-Malo"18 August 1944
249 Friedrich Böhme Kapitän zur See Einsatzleiter der Marine-Kleinkampfmittel in Frankreich26 August 1944
250 Hans-Günther Lange Kapitänleutnant commander of U-711 26 August 1944Awarded 853rd Oak Leaves 29 April 1945
251 Karl Schulz Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves group leader and commander of Vorpostenboot VP-1509 in the 15. Vorpostenflottille26 August 1944
252 Rudolf Jesse Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander in the 8. Minensuchflottille5 September 1944
253 Otto Nordt Kapitänleutnant chief of the 14. Räumbootflottille6 September 1944
254 Kurt Blasberg Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves group leader in the 36. Minensuchflottille7 September 1944
255 Edgar Jungnickel Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-Jäger 143010 September 1944
256 Heinrich Timm Korvettenkapitän commander of U-862 17 September 1944
257 Hermann Witt Fregattenkapitän harbor commander Cherbourg 24 September 1944
258 Hermann Knuth Kapitän zur See chief of the 1. Sicherungs-Division24 September 1944
259 Paul Lehmann Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 42. Minensuchflottille24 September 1944
260 Theodor Burchardi Vizeadmiral Kommandierender Admiral Ostland29 September 1944Awarded 823rd Oak Leaves 8 April 1945
261 Gerhard Schaar Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-957 1 October 1944
262 Gerd-Dietrich Schneider Oberleutnant zur See chief of the 8. Artillerie-Trägerflottille3 October 1944
263 Eugen Tellgmann Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Vorpostenboot VP-1313 in the 13. Vorpostenflottille5 October 1944
264 Hans Hoßfeld Kapitänleutnant Marine-Artillerie-Abteilung 5316 October 1944Awarded 659th Oak Leaves 25 November 1944
265 Joachim Szyskowitz Fregattenkapitän harbor commander Antwerp 13 October 1944
266 Hans-Joachim Förster Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-480 18 December 1944 Killed in action 24 February 1945 [78]
267 Joachim Wünning Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves commander of Minenschiff Drache 22 October 1944* Killed in action 22 September 1944 [79]
268 Werner Lange Vizeadmiral commanding Admiral Aegean Sea 28 October 1944
269 Wilhelm Meentzen Kapitänleutnant commander of Torpedoboot T-2430 October 1944
270 Paul Brasack Kapitänleutnant commander of U-737 30 October 1944
271 Heinrich Garbers Leutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Hilfskriegsschiff Passim and leader of special assignments1 November 1944
272 Helmut Bastian Kapitänleutnant Führer einer Sprengbootflottille (Kleinkampfverband) [Note 15] 3 November 1944
273 Friedrich-Wilhelm Thorwest Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 2. Geleitflottille "Adria"5 November 1944* Killed in action 1 November 1944 [81]
274 Walter-Erich Schneider Kapitänleutnant chief of the 25. Minensuchflottille5 November 1944
275 Heinz Guhrke Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Torpedoboot "TA20"5 November 1944* Killed in action 1 November 1944 [82]
276 Heinz Trautwein Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of U-Jäger 2025 November 1944* Killed in action 1 November 1944 [83]
277 Klaus Wenke Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of U-Jäger 2085 November 1944
278 Hellmuth Werther [Note 16] Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander and group leader in the Küstenschutzflottille "Attika" [Note 16] 8 November 1944
279 Heinz Haag Oberleutnant zur See commander of Schnellboot S-60 in the 3. Schnellbootflottille25 November 1944
280 Adalbert von Blanc Fregattenkapitän leader of the 9. Sicherungs-Division27 November 1944Awarded 866th Oak Leaves 7 May 1945
281 Dr. phil. Emil Kieffer Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 3. Minensuchflottille3 December 1944
282 Rudolf Mühlbauer OberbootsmannsmaatBrückenmaat on U-123 10 December 1944
283 Günther Pulst Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-978 21 December 1944
284 Hans Dominik Fregattenkapitän chief of the 9. Torpedobootflottille28 December 1944
285 Erich Brauneis Fregattenkapitän chief of the 24. Landungsflottille28 December 1944
286 Hans-Otto Philipp Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 1. Küstensicherungs-Verband31 December 1944
287 Rolf Thomsen Kapitänleutnant commander of U-1202 4 January 1945Awarded 852nd Oak Leaves 29 April 1945
288 Ernst Lucht Konteradmiral Befehlshaber der Sicherung der Nordsee17 January 1945
289 Ernst Hechler Korvettenkapitän commander of U-870 21 January 1945
290 Dr. jur. Kurt Dobratz Kapitän zur See commander of U-1232 23 January 1945
291 Johannes Limbach Leutnant zur See 1st Officer U-181 6 February 1945
292 Hans-Georg Hess Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of U-995 11 February 1945
293 Friedrich-Karl Paul Korvettenkapitän chief of the 2. Torpedobootflottille4 March 1945
294 Ernst Schirlitz Vizeadmiral commander of fortress La Rochelle [Note 17] 11 March 1945
295 Carl-Friedrich Mohr Kapitänleutnant chief of the 24. Minensuchflottille "Karl Friedrich Brill"11 March 1945
296 Otto Karl Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of Artillerie-Leichter AF-65 [Note 18] 21 March 1945
297 Otto Westphalen Oberleutnant zur See commander of U-968 23 March 1945
298 Dr. rer.pol. Paul Fenn Kapitän zur See commander of the Marine-Flak-Regiment 925 March 1945
299 Friedrich-Wilhelm Maes Kapitänleutnant commander of naval battery "Völtzendorf" in the Marine-Flak-Abteilung 219 of the 9. Marine-Flak-Regiment25 March 1945*
300 Philipp Lichtenberg Kapitänleutnant (Ing.)chief engineer on U-516 31 March 1945
301 Hans Johannsen Oberleutnant (Ing.) chief engineer on U-802 31 March 1945
302 Felix Zymalkowski Korvettenkapitän chief of the 8. Schnellbootflottille10 April 1945
303 Dr. phil. Heinz Stamer Korvettenkapitän chief of the 8. Vorpostenflottille20 April 1945
304 Rudolf Heynsen Korvettenkapitän of the Reserves chief of the 27. Minensuchflottille20 April 1945
305 Hermann Sardemann Oberleutnant of the Reserves chief of the naval artillery battery "Lausitz" in the Marine-Flak-Abteilung 259 of the Marine-Flak-Regiment 920 April 1945
306 Heinrich Witt Oberleutnant of the Reserves chief of the naval artillery battery "Sargorsch" in the Marine-Flak-Abteilung 259 of the Marine-Flak-Regiment 9 [Note 19] 20 April 1945
307 Hansjürgen Reinicke Kapitän zur See commander of the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen 21 April 1945
308 Heinrich Praßdorf Obermaschinistlead machinist on U-1203 21 April 1945
309 Hans Michahelles Konteradmiral fortress commander of the northern Gironde estuary 30 April 1945
310 Ingwer(Jens) Matzen Korvettenkapitän chief of the 6. Schnellbootflottille2 May 1945
311 Heinrich Schroeteler Kapitänleutnant commander of U-1023 2 May 1945
312 Werner Weinlig ? [Note 20] Kapitänleutnant commander of Torpedoboot T-236 May 1945
313 Hans Temming Kapitänleutnant commander of Torpedoboot T-286 May 1945
314 Carl Hoff ? [Note 21] Kapitänleutnant chief of the 1. Räumbootflottille9 May 1945
315 Hans-Joachim Merks ? [Note 22] Kapitänleutnant chief of the 2. Räumbootflottille28 May 1945
317 Hans Lehmann Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves commander of U-997 7 May 1945 [Note 23]

Legally disputed Knight's Cross recipients

Großadmiral Karl Dönitz ordered a cease of all promotions and awards as of 11 May 1945. Nevertheless, a number of Knight's Crosses were awarded after this without legal authority. At least two members of the Kriegsmarine are often listed as recipients of the Knight's Cross but fall outside of the Dönitz decree. The Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine General-Admiral Walter Warzecha, successor of General-Admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg, without authorization presented Georg-Wolfgang Feller the Knight's Cross on 17 June 1945. Karl Jäckel received his Knight's Cross confirmation after 11 May 1945 and is a de facto but not de jure recipient. Both recipients were delisted by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). [1]

NumberNameRankUnitDate of awardNotes
316 Karl Jäckel Obersteuermann Steuermann on U-29, U-160 and U-907 1 June 1945
318 Georg-Wolfgang Feller Oberleutnant zur See of the Reserves group leader in the 36. Minensuchflottille17 June 1945


  1. According to Scherzer as commander of Schnellboot S-56. [17]
  2. 1 2 According to Scherzer as Korvettenkapitän zur Verwendung (for disposition). [20]
  3. There is no reference that the Oak Leaves were awarded to Adalbert von Blanc in the German Federal Archives. His personal file contains a letter from Admiral August Thiele indicating that von Blanc had been recommended for the Oak Leaves by Thiele. In a file of the German Minenräumdienst dated just after the capitulation is an entry "Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves" without indicating a date of the award. The sequential number "866" and date were assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). Von Blanc was member of the AKCR. [22]
  4. According to Scherzer as Chef des Stabes der Seekriegsleitung und Chef des Marinekommando Amt im OKM. [23]
  5. According to Scherzer as commander of Marinegruppenkommando West. [24]
  6. According to Scherzer as stellvertretender Befehlshaber der Aufklärungs-Streitkräfte und Führer der Kriegschiffgruppe 3 (Zielhafen Bergen)—deputy commander of the reconnaissance forces and leader of the warship group 3 (destination Bergen). [28]
  7. According to Scherzer as commander of Schnellboot S-60. [17]
  8. Sources are inconclusive with respect to date of death. Some sources indicate that von Forstner succumbed to his injuries on 22 October 1943 nine days after the sinking of U-402 on 13 October 1943. [53] [54] [55]
  9. According to Scherzer as commander of Schnellboot S-27 respectively S-51 in the 1. Schnellbootflottille. [59]
  10. 1 2 According to Scherzer as Oberleutnant zur See and commander of Schnellboot S-55. [61]
  11. According to Scherzer commander of Schnellboot S-52. [62]
  12. According to Scherzer as commander of Schnellboot S-54. [69]
  13. According to Scherzer as commander in the 18. Vorpostenflottille. [72]
  14. According to Scherzer as commander of the sea defence of the Crimea. [74]
  15. According to Scherzer as chief of the Kleinkampfflottille 211. [80]
  16. 1 2 According to Scherzer name is spelled Helmuth Werther who received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross as group leader of the Minenschiffe (minelayers) in the 21. UJ-Flottille. [84]
  17. According to Scherzer as commander Atlantic coast and commander of fortress La Rochelle. [85]
  18. According to Scherzer as commander of Artillerie-Leichter AF-65 in the 6. Artillerieträger-Flottille. [86]
  19. According to Scherzer as chief 4 (Battery "Sagorsch")/Marine-Flak-Abteilung 259 in Gotenhafen. [87]
  20. There is no reference of the Knight's Cross awarded to Werner Weidling in the German Federal Archives. His personal file contains a letter from 1955 by the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt), indicating that no proof of the award exists. The date was assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). [88]
  21. There is no reference of the Knight's Cross awarded to Carl Hoff in the archives of the Kriegsmarine. His personal file contains a copy of a letter from 1955 by the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt), indicating that no proof of the award exists. Author Manfred Dörr states that Hoff received the Knight's Cross on 28 May 1945, thus after the capitulation. The date was assigned by Walther-Peer Fellgiebel. [89]
  22. There is no reference of the Knight's Cross awarded to Hans-Joachim Merks in the German Federal Archives. His personal file contains a letter from 1955 by the Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt), indicating that no proof of the award exists. The date was assigned by the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients (AKCR). [90]
  23. Author Clemens Range dates Hans Lehmann's Knight's Cross on 8 June 1945, thus after the effectiveness of the Dönitz-decree. Walther-Peer Fellgiebel, author of Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939-1945, indicates that Lehmann received the Knight's Cross on 11 May 1945 and Veit Scherzer states that 7 May 1945 as the correct date, thus before the Dönitz-decree prohibited the awarding of the Knight's Cross. The sequential number 317 associated to Lehmann's Knight's Cross is based on author Clemens Range's work Die Ritterkreuzträger der Kriegsmarine. [91] [92] [93]


  1. 1 2 Fellgiebel 2000, p. 4.
  2. "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 1573; 1 September 1939" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Archived from the original on 31 March 2019. Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  3. "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 849; 3 June 1940" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Archived from the original on 31 March 2019. Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  4. "Reichsgesetzblatt Teil I S. 613; 28 September 1941" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Archived from the original on 31 March 2019. Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  5. "Reichsgesetzblatt 1945 I S. 11; 29 December 1944" (PDF). ALEX Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (in German). Reichsministerium des Inneren (Ministry of the Interior). Archived from the original on 31 March 2019. Retrieved 21 February 2008.
  6. Fellgiebel, p. 112.
  7. Fellgiebel 2000, pp. 36–38.
  8. Scherzer 2007, p. 518.
  9. Fellgiebel 2000, p. 102.
  10. Range 1974, p. 43.
  11. Range 1974, p. 45.
  12. Fellgiebel 2000, p. 54.
  13. Range 1974, p. 30.
  14. Range 1974, p. 37.
  15. Range 1974, p. 41.
  16. Kurowski 1995, p. 173.
  17. 1 2 Scherzer 2007, p. 800.
  18. Range 1974, p. 33.
  19. 1 2 Range 1974, p. 27.
  20. Scherzer 2007, p. 582.
  21. Range 1974, p. 34.
  22. Scherzer 2007, p. 121.
  23. Scherzer 2007, p. 678.
  24. Scherzer 2007, p. 647.
  25. Range 1974, p. 57.
  26. 1 2 Kurowski 2007, p. 155.
  27. 1 2 Range 1974, p. 118.
  28. Scherzer 2007, p. 674
  29. Range 1974, p. 146.
  30. Kurowski 1995, p. 143.
  31. Range 1974, p. 60.
  32. Range 1974, p. 61.
  33. Range 1974, p. 71.
  34. Range 1974, p. 100.
  35. Kurowski 1995, p. 129.
  36. Range 1974, p. 153.
  37. Range 1974, p. 173.
  38. Kurowski 1995, p. 17.
  39. Range 1974, p. 116.
  40. Fellgiebel 2000, p. 198.
  41. Range 1974, p. 53.
  42. Kurowski 1995, p. 27.
  43. Kurowski 1995, p. 247.
  44. Kurowski 1995, p. 237.
  45. Kurowski 1995, p. 273.
  46. Kurowski 1995, p. 73.
  47. 1 2 Range 1974, p. 165.
  48. Kurowski 1995, p. 177.
  49. Range 1974, p. 85.
  50. Kurowski 1995, p. 221.
  51. Kurowski 1995, p. 9.
  52. Kurowski 1995, p. 231.
  53. Fellgiebel 2000, p. 184.
  54. Kurowski 1995, p. 57.
  55. Range 1974, p. 78.
  56. Kurowski 1995, p. 297.
  57. Kurowski 1995, p. 253.
  58. Kurowski 1995, p. 55.
  59. Scherzer 2007, p. 250.
  60. Kurowski 1995, p. 61.
  61. Scherzer 2007, p. 770
  62. Scherzer 2007, p. 557.
  63. Kurowski 1995, p. 257.
  64. Kurowski 1995, p. 137.
  65. Range 1974, p. 109.
  66. Range 1974, p. 156.
  67. Range 1974, p. 106.
  68. Range 1974, p. 167.
  69. Scherzer 2007, p. 671.
  70. Range 1974, p. 152.
  71. Kurowski 1995, p. 81.
  72. Scherzer 2007, p. 799.
  73. Range 1974, p. 92.
  74. Scherzer 2007, p. 691.
  75. Range 1974, p. 134.
  76. Kurowski 1995, p. 255.
  77. Range 1974, p. 131.
  78. Kurowski 1995, p. 53.
  79. Range 1974, p. 182.
  80. Scherzer 2007, p. 204.
  81. Range 1974, p. 169.
  82. Range 1974, p. 84.
  83. Range 1974, p. 171.
  84. Scherzer 2007, p. 781.
  85. Scherzer 2007, p. 662.
  86. Scherzer 2007, p. 532.
  87. Scherzer 2007, p. 791.
  88. Scherzer 2007, p. 184.
  89. Scherzer 2007, p. 142.
  90. Scherzer 2007, p. 159.
  91. Range 1974, p. 113.
  92. Fellgiebel 2000, p. 287.
  93. Scherzer 2007, p. 498.