List of Latin translations of modern literature

Last updated

A number of Latin translations of modern literature have been made to bolster interest in the language. The perceived dryness of classical literature is sometimes a major obstacle for achieving fluency in reading Latin, as it discourages students from reading large quantities of text (extensive reading). In his preface to his translation of Robinson Crusoe, F. W. Newman writes:


[N]o accuracy of reading small portions of Latin will ever be so effective as extensive reading and to make extensive reading possible to the many, the style ought to be very easy and the matter attractive. [1]

Modern literature

Latin titleOriginal titleOriginal authorTranslatorPublisherDateEdition notes
Vestes Novae Imperatoris The Emperor's New Clothes, (Danish original: Kejserens Nye Klæder) Andersen, Hans Christian Landis, FerderickAmerican Classical League1969
Amor est sensus quidam peculiarisLove is a Special Way of Feeling [2] Anglund, Joan WalshLyne, G. M.London: Collins1969
De Corde et Mente Sense and Sensibility Austen, Jane Rumford, JamesManoa Press2020
De Persuasione Persuasion Austen, Jane Rumford, JamesManoa Press2023
Superbia et Odium Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane Cotton, TomLulu.com2014
Magus Mirabilis in Oz The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Baum, L. Frank Hinke, C. J. and Van Buren, GeorgeBerkeley, CA: Scholar Press1987
Vathecus Vathek Beckford, William Van der Pas, SaraLulu.com2018
Nuticulus Satyrique Noddy and the Goblins Blyton, Enid Brice, ElizabethPenguin Books1993
Ursus Nomine Paddington A Bear Called Paddington Bond, Michael Needham, PeterLondon: Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd1999
Nuptiae Abderitanae Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit Brecht, Bertolt Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus 2004
Opera poeticaBásnické spisy Březina, Otokar Šprincl, Jan Pavel Mervart 2013
Fabellae puerilesBilderpossen Busch, Wilhelm Florence: Le Monnier1960
Max et Moritz Max und Moritz Busch, Wilhelm Steindl, ErwinMunich: Braun & Schneider1925
Max et Moritz Max und Moritz Busch, Wilhelm Merten, GottholdMunich: Braun & Schneider1932
Plisch et PlumPlisch und Plum Busch, Wilhelm Benning, LudwigZürich, Munich: Artemis1976
Pericla Navarchi Magonis Les Aventures du Capitaine Magon Cahun, David Léon Avellanus, Arcadius NY: E. Parmalee Prentice (Mount Hope Classics Vol. 1)1914
Makita Sive De Historia Cuiusdam Muris Tempore PharaonumMakit, une histoire de souris au temps des Pharaons Capart, Johannes Deraedt, FranciscaBrussels: Melissa Foundation1997
Alicia In Terra Mirabili Alice in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis Carruthers, Clive Harcourt London: Macmillan / NY: St Martin's Press1964Re-edited with macrons
Aliciae Per Speculum Transitus Alice Through the Looking Glass Carroll, Lewis Carruthers, Clive Harcourt NY: St. Martin's Press1966
The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony in Eight Fits Carroll, Lewis Brinton, Percival RobertLondon: Macmillan & Co.1934
The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony in Eight Fits Carroll, Lewis Watson, Hubert DigbyOxford: Basil Blackwell1936
Jabberwocky: Mors iabrochii Jabberwocky Carroll, Lewis Vansittart, Augustus Arthur Oxford: Oxford University Press1881
Jabberwocky etc. (more English rhymes with Latin renderings) Jabberwocky Carroll, Lewis Watson, Hubert DigbyOxford: Basil Blackwell1937
De familia Pascual Duarte La Familia de Pascual Duarte Cela, Camilo José Pastor de Arozena, BárbaraMadrid: Editorial Coloquio: Ediciones Clásicas1990
Dominus Quixotus a Manica Don Quixote Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Torres, Antonio PeralCentro de Estudios Cervantinos1998
Vere Virginia, Sanctus Nicholas est! Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus Church, Frank Sauer, Walter and Wiegand, HermannWauconda, IL,: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers2001
Pinoculus liber qui inscribitur Le avventure di Pinocchio Collodi, Carlo Maffacini, HenryFirenze: Marzocco1950
De morte Vestae De dood van Vesta Couperus, Louis Jenniges, WolfgangBrussels: Melissa2006
Virtūtis Color The Red Badge of Courage Crane, Stephen Rumford, JamesManoa Press2022With macrons
De Bello Romano A Struggle for Rome, (German original: Ein Kampf um Rom) Felix Dahn BJ SmithIndependent2024
Rebilius Cruso Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel Newman, Francis W. London: Trübner & Co.1884Rewriting. Version updated with macrons on the Project Gutenberg
Robinson Crusoëus Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel Goffeaux, François JosephParis: Lycée impérial1809Multiple re-editions
Vita Discriminaque Robinsonis Crusoei Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel Avellanus, Arcadius NY: E. Parmalee Prentice (Mount Hope Classics Vol. 9-71928
Exules SiberianiLa Jeune Sibérienne de Maistre, Xavier Broadhead, H.D.London and Christchurch (N.Z.): Whitcombe and Tombs1932
Regulus vel pueri soli sapiunt Le petit prince de Saint Exupéry, Antoine Haury, AugusteParis: Fernand Hazan Éditeur1961
Regulus Le petit prince de Saint Exupéry, Antoine Winkler, AlexanderMannheim: Artemis & Winkler2010
Principulus - Der kleine Prinz auf Lateinisch Le petit prince de Saint Exupéry, Antoine Schlosser, ErnstDitzingen: Reclam Verlag2015
Somnium Filii de Stella et Fabula FiliiA Child's Dream of a Star and A Child's Story Dickens, Charles Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Carmen ad Festum Nativitatis A Christmas Carol Dickens, Charles Cotton, TomLulu.com2011
Spina Piscis MagicaThe Magic Fishbone Dickens, Charles Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Gruffalo The Gruffalo Donaldson, Julia Harris, BenLondon: Pan Macmillan2012
Ritualia Musgraviensia The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual Doyle, Arthur Conan Churchill, Paul and Fewell, Dale K. Battered Silicon Dispatch Box 1998
Cattus Petasatus! The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss Tunberg, Jennifer Morrish and Tunberg, Terence O.Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers2000
Virent ova! Viret perna! Green Eggs and Ham Dr. Seuss Tunberg, Jennifer Morrish and Tunberg, Terence O.Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers2003
Quomodo invidiosulus nomine Grinchus Christi Natalem abrogaverit How the Grinch Stole Christmas Dr. Seuss Tunberg, Jennifer Morrish and Tunberg, Terence O.Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers1998
O, Loca tu Ibis Oh, the Places You'll Go! Dr. Seuss Roselle, LeonePortland, ME: J. Weston Walch1994
Romulus Magnus Romulus der Große Dürrenmatt, Friedrich Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
De CrambambuloKrambambuli Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Fasciculus florum Kytice Erben, Karel Jaromír Šprincl, Jan Masarykova univerzita 2018
Olivia: The Essential Latin Edition Olivia Falconer, Ian High, AmyNY: Atheneum2007
Petrus Cuniculus et PaPeter Rabbit and His Pa Field, Louise A Hanes, William A.Createspace2015
Werther Iuvenis Quae Passus Sit Die Leiden des jungen Werthers Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Villa deserta The Deserted Village Goldsmith, Oliver Humphries, WilliamLondini: Typis Dennett Jaques1790
Pagus desertus The Deserted Village Goldsmith, Oliver Bulmer, JohnCambridge: Jones & Piggott1881
Pullus Nicolellus Le Petit Nicolas Goscinny, René Antébi, Elisabeth and Seignes, Marie-FranceParis: IMAV Editions2012
De Aranea NigraThe Black Spider Gotthelf, Jeremias Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Aurae Inter Salices The Wind in the Willows Grahame, Kenneth Cotton, TomLulu.com2011
Fallentis semita vitae Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard Gray, Thomas Brinton, Percival RobertOxford: Basil Blackwell1938
Apologi Grimmiani Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Saarbrücken: Verlag der Societas Latina1988
Erat Olim Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Schlosser, FranzStuttgart: Reclam2015
Fabellae pueriles et domesticae a Iacobo & Vilhelmo Grimm collectae: Fabellae 1-5 Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus 2004
Fabellae pueriles et domesticae a Iacobo & Vilhelmo Grimm collectae: Fabellae 6-20 Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus 2007
Nonnulli apologi Grimmiani Die Märchen der Brüder Grimm Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Habitzky, RochusRuppichteroth: Canisius-Werk2003
Rumpelstultulus Fabula Rumpelstilzchen Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Fendrick, John W.Oxford, Ohio: American Classical League1978
De Thilo Custode FerriviaeBahnwärter Thiel Hauptmann, Gerhart Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Et Oritur Sol The Sun Also Rises Hemingway, Ernest Rumford, JamesManoa Press2022
Siddhārtha Siddhartha Hesse, Hermann Rumford, JamesManoa Press2021With macrons
Sub rota Unterm Rad [3] Hesse, Herman Albert, Sigrides C.Saraviponti: Verl. der Soc.1994
The Latin Struwwelpeter Der Struwwelpeter Hoffman, Heinrich Rouse, W.H.D. London: Blackie & Son1934
Petrus Hirsutus Der Struwwelpeter Hoffman, Heinrich Schmidt, Hans JürgenPotsdam: Rütten & Loening1938
Petrus Hirsutus Der Struwwelpeter Hoffman, Heinrich Wiesmann, PeterSt. Gallen: Tschudy1954
Der Struwwelpeter auf lateinisch Der Struwwelpeter Hoffman, Heinrich Bornemann, EduardFrankfurt au Main: Rütten & Loening1956
Petrus Ericius Der Struwwelpeter Hoffman, Heinrich Paoli, Ugo EnricoBern: Francke / Florence: Le Monnier1960
Shock-Headed Peter: in Latin-English-German Der Struwwelpeter Hoffman, Heinrich Wiesmann, PeterWauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers2002
Captivus Zendae The Prisoner of Zenda Hope, Anthony Cotton, TomLulu.com2011
De Aemilio et Investigatoribus Emil und die Detektive Kästner, Erich Krauße, UlrichIbbenbüren: MundusLatinus2011
Commentarii de Inepto Puero Diary of a Wimpy Kid Kinney, Jeff Gallagher, Daniel Office of Latin Letters, The Vatican 2015 [4]
Anecdota KleistianaAnekdote aus dem letzten preußischen Kriege Kleist, Heinrich von Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Walter Canis Inflatus Walter the Farting Dog Kotzwinkle, William Dobbin, RobertBerkeley, CA: Frog Books2004
Ferdinandus taurus Ferdinand the Bull Leaf, Munro Hadas, Elizabeth ChamberlayneNY: David McKay Company1962
Hiawatha The Song of Hiawatha Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Newman, Francis W. London: Walton and Maberly1862
Domus Anguli Puensis The House at Pooh Corner Milne, A.A. Staples, BrianLondon: Methuen/Egmont1980
Winnie Ille Pu semper ludet The House at Pooh Corner Milne, A.A. Staples, BrianNY: Dutton1998
Winnie ille Pu Winnie the Pooh Milne, A.A. Lenard, Alexander London: Methuen / NY: Dutton1960
Beata illa nox The Night before Christmas Moore, Clement Wiegand, Fassung von Hermann and Sauer, WalterNeckarsteinach: Edition Tintenfaß2005
Carmina lunoviliaDas Mondschaf Morgenstern, Christian Wiesmann, PeterZürich: Artemis1965
Mater Anserina: Poems in Latin for Children Mother Goose Minkova, Milena and Tunberg, TerenceFocus Publishing/R. Pullins Co2006
Ave Ogden! Nash in LatinPoems By Ogden Nash Nash, Ogden Gleeson, James C. and Meyer, Brian N.Boston: Little, Brown1973
Fundus Animalium Animal Farm Orwell, George Cotton, TomLulu.com2011
Gemini Batavi - Libellus ElementariusThe Dutch Twins Primer Perkins, Lucy Fitch Hanes, William A.Createspace2015
Fabulae Gallicae Histoires ou contes du temps passé Perrault, Charles d’Aumale, Laurentlatinitium.com2021
Tres Fabulae Edgarii Allani Poe: Cattus niger, Ranunculus, Puteus et PendulumThree Stories by Edgar Allan Poe Poe, Edgar Allan Gross, Nicholas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus 2004
Colloquium Iradis et CharmiiThe Conversation of Eiros and Charmion Poe, Edgar Allan Van der Pas, SaraLulu.com2018
EleonoraEleonora Poe, Edgar Allan Van der Pas, SaraLulu.com2018
Persona Mortis Rubrae The Masque of the Red Death Poe, Edgar Allan Van der Pas, SaraLulu.com2018
Fabula de Beniamine Lago The Tale of Benjamin Bunny Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Fabula de Crusto et Catinulo The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2014
Fabula de Domina Tiggi-Uinkel The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Fabula de Domine Tode The Tale of Mr. Tod Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Fabula de Domino Ieremia Piscatore The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher Potter, Beatrix Walker, E. PerotoLondon: Frederick Warne & Co., Ltd.1978
Fabula de Duobus Muribus Improbis The Tale of Two Bad Mice Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2014
Fabula De Jemima Anate Aquatica The Tale of Jemima Puddleduck Potter, Beatrix Musgrave, JonathanLondon: Frederick Warne & Co., Ltd.1965
Vestitor de Gloucestre The Tailor of Gloucester Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2014
Fabula de Iohanno Mure Urbano The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Fabula De Petro Cuniculo The Tale of Peter Rabbit Potter, Beatrix Walker, E. PerotoLondon: Frederick Warne & Co., Ltd.1962
Fabula de Petro Cuniculo The Tale of Peter Rabbit Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Fabula de Samuhele Barbato The Tale of Samuel Whiskers Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2014
Fabula de Sciuro Nuciola The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Fabula de Thoma Feliculo The Tale of Tom Kitten Potter, Beatrix Hanes, William A.Createspace2013
Festum Nativitatis Christi Petri CuniculiPeter Rabbit's Christmas Graham, Duff Hanes, William A.Createspace2015
ParvulusEn PatufetPopular Catalan taleMartin, AnaAmazon KDP2021
Mons Spes, et novellae aliae Mount-Hope
The King of the Golden River
La Parure
The House and the Brain
The Sire de Maletroit's Door
[Svppe tiarivm mergvlarvm]
E. P. Prentice
John Ruskin
Guy de Maupassant
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Robert Louis Stevenson
E. P. Prentice
Avellanus, Arcadius NY: E. P. Prentice Mount Hope Classics, Vol. 21918
Crabatus Krabat Preußler, Otfried Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus 2015
Baronis Mynchusani mirabilia itinera et pericula marina terrestiaque Baron Munchausen's Narrative of his Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia Raspe, Rudolf Erich Gross, NicolasBruxelles: Fundatio Melissa2001
De nocte Olisiponensi The Night in Lisbon Remarque, Erich Maria Albert, Sigrides C.Saraviponti: Verl. der Soc.2002
Harrius Potter et camera secretorum Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Rowling, J. K. Needham, PeterLondon / New York: Bloomsbury2007
Harrius Potter et philosophi lapis Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Rowling, J. K. Needham, PeterLondon / New York: Bloomsbury2003
Rex Aurei Rivi The King of the Golden River Ruskin, John Avellanus, Arcadius New York: E. P. Prentice1914
Tristitia salve Bonjour Tristesse Sagan, Francois Lenard, Alexander Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt1964
Regulus Le Petit prince Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de Haury, AugustoMariner Books2001
Carthago in Flammis Carthage in Flames, (Italian original: Carthagine in Fiamme) Emilio Salgari BJ SmithIndependent2024
Memento moriMemento moriSaxon, AlexGross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Jippus et Jannica Jip en Janneke Schmidt, Annie M. G. Harm-Jan van DamAthenaeum2000
Ubi Fera Sunt Where the Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice LaFleur, Richard A.Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers2015
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Shakespeare, William Denison, HenryOxford, London1856
Arbor Alma The Giving Tree Silverstein, Shel Tunberg, Jennifer Morrish and Tunberg, Terence O (Guenevera Tunberg et Terentio Tunberg)Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. 08651649912002
Lepusculorum ScholaThe Rabbit SchoolSixtus, AlbertWiegand, HermannEdition Tintenfaß2010
Mysterium Arcae Boulé The Boulé Cabinet Mystery Stevenson, Burton E. Avellanus, Arcadius NY: E. Parmalee Prentice (Mount Hope Classics Vol. 3)1916
Carmina Non Prius Audita De Ludis et Hortis Virginibus Puerisque A Child's Garden of Verses Stevenson, R.L. Glover, T.R.Cambridge: Heffer1922

Īnsolitus Cāsus Doctōris Jekyll et Dominī Hyde

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Stevenson, R. L. Dome, Garrett Evertype2022With macrons
Insula Thesauraria Treasure Island Stevenson, R. L. Avellanus, Arcadius NY: E. Parmalee Prentice (Mount Hope Classics Vol. 5)1922
Hospes Draculae Dracula's Guest Stoker, Bram Widmann, ChristinaCreatespace2017
Fabulae Divales The Rose Fairy Book (and an adaptation of Cupid and Psyche from The Golden Ass )Mrs Herbert Strang (and Apuleius) Avellanus, Arcadius NY: E. P. Prentice Mount Hope Classics, Vol. 4)1912Re-edited with macrons
Scidula Ett halvt ark papper Strindberg, August Jenniges, WolfgangBrussels: Melissa2012
Fragrantia, Historia Homicida Das Parfum Süskind, Patrick Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Villi MusWillie MouseTabor, AltaHanes, William A.Createspace2013
Hobbitus Ille The Hobbit Tolkien, J.R.R. Walker, MarkLondon: Harper Collins2012
Anulorum Erus The Lord of the Rings Tolkien, J.R.R. Richard SturchSelf-published2014Limited edition of 30 copies, never commercially available [5]
Maria Poppina ab A-Z Mary Poppins A-Z Travers, P.L. Lyne, G.M.NY: Harcourt, Brace1968
A Ghost Story [6] Twain, Mark Kozak, Alexander George(unpublished)1996
Pericla Thomae Sawyer The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark Rumford, JamesHonolulu: Manoa Press2016Re-edited with macrons
Tela Charlottae Charlotte's Web White, E. B. Fox, BernardNY: Harper Collins1985
Historia AgathonisGeschichte des Agathon Wieland, Christoph Martin Gross, Nicolas Weißenhorn: Leo Latinus
Quam grave est Severum esse The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde, Oscar Coderch, JuanJuan Coderch2021
Velvetīnus Cunīculus The Velveteen Rabbit Williams, Margery Rumford, JamesHonolulu: Manoa Press2020With macrons


Latin titleOriginal titleOriginal authorTranslatorPublisherDate
Haegar terribilis. Miles sine timore vitiisque Hägar the Horrible Browne, Dik Ulrichs, KarlMünchen: Goldmann1986
Asterix #1: Asterix Gallus Astérix le Gaulois Goscinny, René Molina, J.Murcia: Molina1968
Asterix #1: Asterix Gallus Astérix le Gaulois Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Amsterdam/Brussels: Elsevier1973
Asterix #2: Asterix et Falx Aurea La serpe d'or Goscinny, René Molina, J.Murcia: Molina1968
Asterix #2: Aurea Falx La serpe d'or Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1975
Asterix #3: Asterix apud Gothos Astérix et les Goths Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1976
Asterix #4: Asterix Gladiator Astérix gladiateur Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1977
Asterix #5: Iter Gallicum Le tour de Gaule d'Astérix Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1978
Asterix #6: Asterix et Cleopatra Astérix et Cléopatre Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1980
Asterix #7: Certamen principum Le combat des chefs Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1981
Asterix #8: Asterix apud Britannos Astérix chez les Bretons Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1982
Asterix #9: Asterix et Normanni Astérix et les Normands Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1983
Asterix #10: Asterix Legionarius Astérix légionnaire Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1984
Asterix #11: Clipeus Arvernus Le bouclier Arverne Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1985
Asterix #12: Asterix Olympius Astérix aus Jeux Olympiques Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1985
Asterix #13: Asterix atque olla Cypria Astérix et le chaudron Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1986
Asterix #14: Asterix in Hispania Astérix en Hispanie Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1987
Asterix #15: Tumultus de Asterige La zizanie Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1989
Asterix #16: Asterix apud Helvetios Astérix chez les Helvètes Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa2005
Asterix #21: Laurea Caesaris Les lauriers de César Goscinny, René Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa2015
Asterix #25: Fossa Alta Le grand fossé Uderzo, Albert Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1981
Asterix #26: Odyssea Asterigis L'Oddysée d Astérix Uderzo, Albert Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1983
Asterix #27: Filius Asterigis Les fils d'Astérix Uderzo, Albert Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1984
Asterix #28: Asterix Orientalis Astérix chez Rahazade Uderzo, Albert Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1988
Asterix #29: Asterix et Maestria La rose et le glaive Uderzo, Albert Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1991
Asterix #30: Navis actuaria Obeligis La galère d'Obélix Uderzo, Albert Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa1998
Asterix #31: Asterix et Latraviata Asterix et Latraviata Uderzo, Albert Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa2002
Asterix #33: Caelum in Caput ejus Cadit Le ciel lui tombe sur la tête Uderzo, Albert Anna Coloniata FuxeanaVanves: AlbertRené2007
Asterix #35: Papyrus Caesaris Le papyrus de César Ferri, Jean-Yves and Conrad, Didier Rubricastellanus, Carolus Stuttgart: Ehapa2016
De Titini et Miluli Facinoribus: De Insula Nigra Les aventures de Tintin: L'île noire Herge Eichenseer, CaelestisTournai: ELI / Castermann1987
De Titini et Miluli Facinoribus: De Sigaris Pharaonis Les aventurs de Tintin: Les cigares du pharao Herge Eichenseer, CaelestisTournai: ELI / Castermann1990
Alix: Spartaci Filius Alix: Le Fils de Spartacus Martin, Jacques Aziza, Claudius and Dubrocard, MichaelStuttgart: Klett1994
Alix Senator: Aquilae Cruoris [7] Alix Senator: Les aigles de sang Valérie Mangin Annie CollognatTournai: ELI / Castermann2018
Carolini Brown SapientiaWisdom of Charlie Brown Schulz, Charles Pei, Marios.n.: Hallmark1968
Insuperabilis SnupiusSuper Snoopy Schulz, Charles Angelino, GuidoStuttgart: Klett1984
Linus de VitaLinus on Life Schulz, Charles Pei, Marios.n.: Hallmark1968
Mundus Secundum LuciumThe World According to Lucy Schulz, Charles Pei, Marios.n.: Hallmark1968
Philosophia Secundum SnoopySnoopy's Philosophy Schulz, Charles Pei, Marios.n.: Hallmark1968
Disney Linguā Latinā: Donaldus Anas atque nox SaraceniPaperino e la notte del saraceno Rota, Marco Mir, JosephusEuropean Language Institute1984
Disney Linguā Latinā: Michaël Musculus et "Lapis Sapientiae"Topolino e la "pietra di saggezza"De Vita, Massimo Egger, Carolus European Language Institute1984
Disney Linguà Latinà #3: Donáldus Anas et Actiónes FidûciaePaperino e l'operazione FFrancesc Bargadà StudioMir, JosephusEuropean Language Institute1984
Disney Linguà Latinà #4: Scrúgulus et Rádius Contra ProcéllamZio Paperone e il raggio anticicloneScala, GuidoMir, JosephusEuropean Language Institute1984
Disney Linguà Latinà #5: Scrugulus in Re Vere MirabiliZio Paperone in un caso davvero imprevedibileSalvagnini, Rudy and Cavazzano, Giorgio Mir, JosephusEuropean Language Institute1985
Disney Linguà Latinà #6: Míchaël Músculus et Regína ÁfricaeTopolino e la Regina d'Africa Scarpa, Romano Egger, Carolus European Language Institute1986
Popeius - De Circi Mysterio Popeye Segar, E. C. Pacitti, AmadeusRecanati: ELI1985
Lucius et Lucia: De Secreto Gladiatorum [8] Suske en Wiske: Het geheim van de gladiatoren Willy Vandersteen Standaard Uitgeverij 1990
Lucius et Lucia: De Larva Hispana [8] Suske en Wiske: Het Spaanse spook Willy Vandersteen Standaard Uitgeverij 1997
Pondus: Licetne interpellare? Pondus Frode Øverli MareSilva 2002

See also


  1. Francis William Newman, Rebilius Cruso: Robinson Crusoe, in Latin; A Book to Lighten Tedium to a Learner, London, Trübner & Co., 1884.
  2. Bibliography of modern Latin and Greek literature
  3. Latinitas recens vivaque Saravipontana
  4. Trachtenberg, Jeffrey A. "How Do You Say 'Wimpy Kid' in Latin?". Wall Street Journal. ISSN   0099-9660 . Retrieved 2015-08-12.
  5. "Christmas presents". December 30, 2014.
  6. World Cat listing
  7. (in French) Entry of Alix Senator: Aquilae Cruoris on Bedetheque. Retrieved 2018-09-01.
  8. 1 2 (in Dutch) Suske en Wiske op het www: Lucius et Lucia. Retrieved 2018-09-01.

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<i>Robinson Crusoe</i> 1719 novel by Daniel Defoe

Robinson Crusoe is an English adventure novel by Daniel Defoe, first published on 25 April 1719. Written with a combination of Epistolary, confessional, and didactic forms, the book follows the title character after he is cast away and spends 28 years on a remote tropical desert island near the coasts of Venezuela and Trinidad, encountering cannibals, captives, and mutineers before being rescued. The story has been thought to be based on the life of Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish castaway who lived for four years on a Pacific island called "Más a Tierra" which was renamed Robinson Crusoe Island in 1966. Pedro Serrano is another real-life castaway whose story might have inspired the novel.

<i>Textus Receptus</i> Greek critical text of the New Testament

Textus Receptus refers to the succession of printed Greek New Testament editions starting with Erasmus' Novum Instrumentum omne (1516) and including the editions of Stephanus, Beza, Elzevir, Colinaeus and Scrivener. Additionally, although not being derived from the work of Erasmus, some such as the Trinitarian Bible Society also associate the Complutensian Polyglot with the Textus Receptus tradition.

Partial Bible translations into languages of the English people can be traced back to the late 7th century, including translations into Old and Middle English. More than 100 complete translations into English have been produced. A number of translations have been prepared of parts of the Bible, some deliberately limited to certain books and some projects that have been abandoned before the planned completion.

Charles Gildon, was an English hack writer and translator. He produced biographies, essays, plays, poetry, fictional letters, fables, short stories, and criticism. He is remembered best as a target of Alexander Pope in Pope's Dunciad and his Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot and as an enemy of Jonathan Swift. Due to Pope's caricature of Gildon as well as the volume and rapidity of his writings, Gildon has become the epitome of the hired pen and literary opportunist.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ibn Tufayl</span> Arab Andalusian Muslim polymath (c. 1105–1185)

Ibn Ṭufayl was an Arab Andalusian Muslim polymath: a writer, Islamic philosopher, Islamic theologian, physician, astronomer, and vizier.

Literae humaniores, nicknamed Greats, is an undergraduate course focused on classics at the University of Oxford and some other universities. The Latin name means literally "more human literature" and was in contrast to the other main field of study when the university began, i.e. res divinae, also known as theology. Lit. hum., is concerned with human learning, and lit. div. with learning treating of God. In its early days, it encompassed mathematics and natural sciences as well. It is an archetypal humanities course.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uninhabited island</span> Island without human residents

An uninhabited island, desert island, or deserted island, is an island, islet or atoll which lacks permanent human population. Uninhabited islands are often depicted in films or stories about shipwrecked people, and are also used as stereotypes for the idea of "paradise". Some uninhabited islands are protected as nature reserves, and some are privately owned. Devon Island in Canada's far north is the largest uninhabited island in the world.

Latino poetry is a branch of American poetry written by poets born or living in the United States who are of Latin American origin or descent and whose roots are tied to the Americas and their languages, cultures, and geography.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ilan Stavans</span> American writer and academic

Ilan Stavans is an American writer and academic. He writes and speaks on American, Hispanic, and Jewish cultures. He is the author of Quixote (2015) and a contributor to the Norton Anthology of Latino Literature (2010). He was the host of the syndicated PBS show Conversations with Ilan Stavans, which ran from 2001 to 2006.

<i>Hayy ibn Yaqdhan</i> Arabic philosophical novel and allegorical tale written by Ibn Tufail

Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān is an Arabic philosophical novel and an allegorical tale written by Ibn Tufail in the early 12th century in Al-Andalus. Names by which the book is also known include the Latin: Philosophus Autodidactus ; and English: The Improvement of Human Reason: Exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan. Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān was named after an earlier Arabic philosophical romance of the same name, written by Avicenna during his imprisonment in the early 11th century, even though both tales had different stories. The novel greatly inspired Islamic philosophy as well as major Enlightenment thinkers. It is the third most translated text from Arabic, after the Quran and the One Thousand and One Nights.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Contemporary Latin</span> Form of the Latin language used since the 19th century

Contemporary Latin is the form of the Literary Latin used since the end of the 19th century. Various kinds of contemporary Latin can be distinguished, including the use of Neo-Latin words in taxonomy and in science generally, and the fuller ecclesiastical use in the Catholic Church – but Living or Spoken Latin is the primary subject of this article.

<i>Mr. Robinson Crusoe</i> 1932 film

Mr. Robinson Crusoe is a 1932 Pre-Code American film. It is one of the few "talkie" films starring Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., in his penultimate film role; Fairbanks also produced the film and provided the story during the Great Depression. The film was directed by A. Edward Sutherland, a veteran silent film director, for Fairbanks's Elton Productions, and released by United Artists. Steve Drexel shows a fiery optimism and can-do spirit that matches the Fairbanks screen persona that appears in his most popular films.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Translation</span> Transfer of the meaning of something in one language into another

Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. The English language draws a terminological distinction between translating and interpreting ; under this distinction, translation can begin only after the appearance of writing within a language community.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Extensive reading</span> Reading longer, easier texts for extended periods of time

Extensive reading (ER) is the process of reading longer, easier texts for an extended period of time without a breakdown of comprehension, feeling overwhelmed, or the need to take breaks. It stands in contrast to intensive or academic reading, which is focused on a close reading of dense, shorter texts, typically not read for pleasure. Though used as a teaching strategy to promote second-language development, ER also applies to free voluntary reading and recreational reading both in and out of the classroom. ER is based on the assumption that we learn to read by reading.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Novel</span> Substantial work of narrative fiction

A novel is an extended work of narrative fiction usually written in prose and published as a book. The English word to describe such a work derives from the Italian: novella for "new", "news", or "short story ", itself from the Latin: novella, a singular noun use of the neuter plural of novellus, diminutive of novus, meaning "new". According to Margaret Doody, the novel has "a continuous and comprehensive history of about two thousand years", with its origins in the Ancient Greek and Roman novel, Medieval Chivalric romance, and in the tradition of the Italian Renaissance novella. The ancient romance form was revived by Romanticism, in the historical romances of Walter Scott and the Gothic novel. Some novelists, including Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Ann Radcliffe, and John Cowper Powys, preferred the term "romance". Such "romances" should not be confused with the genre fiction romance novel, which focuses on romantic love. M. H. Abrams and Walter Scott have argued that a novel is a fiction narrative that displays a realistic depiction of the state of a society, while the romance encompasses any fictitious narrative that emphasizes marvellous or uncommon incidents. Works of fiction that include marvellous or uncommon incidents are also novels, including Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">David Fishelov</span> Israeli professor

David Fishelov, born June 1, 1954, is an Israeli professor emeritus of comparative literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nawal Nasrallah</span> U.S.-based Iraqi writer, scholar, and translator

Nawal Nasrallah is a U.S.-based Iraqi food writer, food historian, English literature scholar, and translator from Arabic into English. She is best known for her cookbook featuring Iraqi cuisine, entitled Delights from the Garden of Eden, and for editions of medieval Arabic cookbooks, including Annals of the Caliphs’ Kitchens, an annotated translation of the tenth-century, Abbasid-era cookbook Kitab al-Tabikh by Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq. She has won numerous awards for her writing and her translations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2003 Nobel Prize in Literature</span> Award

The 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the South African novelist John Maxwell Coetzee, better known simply as J. M. Coetzee, "who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement of the outsider." He is the fourth African writer to be so honoured and the second South African after Nadine Gordimer in 1991.