List of Navy Cross recipients for World War II

Last updated

This is a list of Navy Cross recipients for actions of valor carried out during World War II , awarded by the United States Department of the Navy.


World War II was a global military conflict, the joining of what had initially been two separate conflicts. The first began in Asia in July 1937 as the Second Sino-Japanese War; the other began in Europe in September 1939 with the German and Soviet invasion of Poland. [1] This global conflict split the majority of the world's nations into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis powers.

The United States was drawn into World War II on December 8, 1941, a day after the Axis-member Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Honolulu.

While the U.S. Department of Defense website of Military Awards for Valor states that "Army Air Corps/Army Air Forces/U.S. Air Force members recognized for actions prior to 1 July 1948 are listed as Army members", [2] the list here attempts to give the specific detail for members of the Army Air Forces, which existed during World War II.

As of July 2022, this list is incomplete, showing 1,485 Navy Crosses awarded in all service branches for actions of valor during World War II: 489 to U.S. Navy recipients; 1,029 U.S. Marine Corps recipients; 11 U.S. Army Air Forces recipients; 6 U.S. Coast Guard recipients; 3 U.S. Army recipients; and 1 civilian recipient. By partial comparison, as of June 2022, the U.S. Department of Defense shows 3,008 awarded to Navy recipients [2] and 1,081 to Marines Corps recipients, [3] for acts of valor during World War II.

The Navy Cross was also occasionally awarded to foreign personnel serving with allied forces - for example, Commander Gordon Bridson and Leading Signalman Campbell Buchanan, both of the Royal New Zealand Navy, whose actions helped sink Japanese submarine Japanese submarine I-1 in World War II. [4]

  Awarded posthumously


NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Gordon AbbottNavyCommanderoff Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 6, 1945
William E. Abbott  NavyAviation Machinist's Mate Third Classnorthwest BorneoDecember 12, 1944
Brent M. AbelNavyLieutenant Commanderoff Cape Verde IslandsMay 6, 1944
Rondo G. AbelMarine CorpsCorporalIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 24, 1945
Mannert L. Abele  NavyLieutenant Commanderoff AlaskaJune 30 – July 24, 1942
Laurence A. Abercrombie NavyCommanderFar EastDecember 24, 1941First award
Laurence A. AbercrombieNavyCommanderoff the Gilbert IslandsOctober 22, 1942Second award
Laurence A. AbercrombieNavyCommanderSouth PacificFebruary 17, 1943Third award
William W. Abercrombie   NavyEnsignMidwayJune 4, 1942
Louis M. AbernathyNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKure Harbor, JapanJuly 24, 1945
Elmer P. AbernethyNavyCommanderoff Christmas IslandMarch 1, 1942
Merlin F. AchorNavyPharmacist's Mate Second ClassIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 24, 1945
Lloyd E. Acree   NavyAviation Ordnanceman Third Classoff Guadalcanal, Solomon IslandsOctober 11–12, 1942
Robert F. AdairNavyLieutenantoff Samar, Philippine IslandsOctober 25, 1944
Frederick L. AdamsMarine CorpsGunnery SergeantCape Gloucester, New BritainDecember 26–28, 1943
John P. AdamsNavyEnsignCoral SeaMay 4 & 8, 1942First award
John P. AdamsNavyEnsignMidwayJune 4, 1942Second award
John P. Adams  Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelCavite Naval Yard, PhilippinesDecember 10, 1941POW
Marvin E. AdamsNavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944
Russell M. AdamsNavyLieutenant, Junior GradePhilippine SeaOctober 26, 1944
Samuel Adams NavyLieutenant New Guinea campaign March 10, 1942First award, "Adams and his squadron inflicted severe damage on the enemy, with probable destruction of three hostile ships"
Samuel AdamsNavyLieutenant Tulagi Harbor &
Battle of the Coral Sea
May 4 & 7–8, 1942Second award, actions contributed to "the sinking or damaging of at least eight enemy Japanese vessels at Tulagi and the sinking of one carrier and the sinking or severe damaging of another in the Coral Sea"
Samuel Adams  NavyLieutenant Battle of Midway June 4–6, 1942Third award, "established contact with [the Hiryū ] ... and, in the face of fighter opposition ... sent complete contact and amplifying reports which later enabled our forces to attack the last remaining enemy aircraft carrier."
Thomas B. AdamsNavyLieutenantLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
William L. AdamsNavyLieutenant, Junior GradePhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
Clinton M. AdcockMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 21, 1945Shielded two Marines from a hand grenade blast, and then killed two of the enemy despite losing his hand
James A. AdkinsNavyLieutenant Commanderoff the PhilippinesJuly 3 – August 25, 1944
Dwight M. Agnew NavyCommanderGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 7 – October 25, 1942
Edward H. Ahrens   Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassTulagi, Solomon IslandsAugust 7–8, 1942
William L. AikenMarine CorpsCorporalCape Gloucester, New BritainJanuary 1, 1944
John W. Ailes IIINavyCommanderoff Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 12, 1945
Walden L. Ainsworth NavyRear AdmiralKula Gulf, Solomon IslandsJuly 5–6, 1943
Alfred H. Akers Jr.  NavyElectrician's Mate Third ClassMindanao Sea, PhilippinesDecember 11, 1944
Daniel S. Albaugh  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsMarch 20, 1945
John C. AldermanNavyCommanderoff Guadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 8 – October 18, 1942
Charles W. AldrichNavyCommanderoff Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 2 – June 24, 1945
Donald N. Aldrich Marine CorpsCaptainSolomon Islands and Bismarck Archipelago areasJanuary 5 – February 15, 1944Shot down 15 Japanese aircraft during this period
James H. Alexander Jr.  NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeBay of BiscaySeptember 4, 1943
Ralph C. AlexanderNavyCaptainLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 14–24, 1944
Samuel H. AlexanderNavyLieutenantnear Gela, SicilyJuly 10, 1943
Bennett W. AlfordMarine CorpsFirst LieutenantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsMarch 12, 1945
Robert V. Allard  Marine CorpsSergeantMakin Atoll, Gilbert IslandsAugust 17–18, 1942
Augustus T. Allen Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeSicilyJuly 10–13, 1943
Edward H. Allen   NavyLieutenantPacific OceanFebruary 20, 1942First award
Edward H. Allen  NavyLieutenantCoral SeaMay 7, 1942Second award
James W. AllenNavyHospital Apprentice First ClassIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 22, 1945
Russell B. AllenNavyCommanderoff Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 14, 1945
Thomas J. Allen  Marine CorpsStaff SergeantOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 23, 1945
Walter H. AllenMarine CorpsSergeantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 22, 1945
Richard G. AltmannNavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
John R. Alvord  Marine CorpsCaptainMidwayJune 4, 1942
John N. Ammen Jr.NavyEnsignCoral SeaMay 7, 1942
Maurice R. Amundson  Marine CorpsCaptainGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21–27, 1944
John R. AmussenNavyLieutenant, Junior GradePhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
Martin L. Anderberg  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 21, 1945
Clarence N. Andersen  Marine CorpsCorporalOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 9, 1945
Harvey M. AndersenNavyLieutenant CommanderJava SeaFebruary 4, 1942
Alexander L. AndersonNavyLieutenantover Tokyo, JapanFebruary 16, 1945Personally shot down five enemy planes in a single action
Arthur Anderson  NavyFireman First ClassSurigao Strait, PhilippinesDecember 11, 1944
Arthur J. Anderson  Marine CorpsCorporalGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 25–26, 1944
Edward L. AndersonNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeMidwayJune 4–6, 1942
Elman A. Anderson  Marine CorpsSergeantSaipan, Marianas IslandsJuly 2, 1944
Ralph G. Anderson  Marine CorpsSergeantGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 27, 1944
Ralph R. AndersonNavyLieutenantKure Harbor, JapanJuly 28, 1945
Robert H. AndersonNavyLieutenantoff the PhilippinesDecember 14, 1944
William H. Anderson Jr.NavyLieutenantPhilippine SeaOctober 24, 1944
William L. AndersonNavyLieutenant CommanderSouth PacificDecember 30, 1941 – February 26, 1942
William W. AndersonNavyLieutenantLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Grant G. AndreasenNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeNormandy, FranceJune 6, 1944
Charles H. AndrewsNavyCommanderPalau IslandsJuly 12–26, 1943First award
Charles H. AndrewsNavyCommanderCelebes SeaApril 16 – June 11, 1944Second award
Thomas L. Andrews Jr.NavyLieutenantLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Clarence E. AngevineMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassCape Gloucester, New BritainJanuary 10, 1944
John W. Antonelli Marine CorpsMajorIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 16, 1945
Richard N. Antrim NavyCommanderJava SeaMarch 1, 1942Also awarded the Medal of Honor for actions as POW
Abel B. AragonMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 22, 1944
James D. ArbesNavyLieutenant CommanderPhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
Raoul J. ArchambaultMarine CorpsFirst LieutenantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 23, 1945
Robert J. ArcherNavyCaptainoff Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 11, 1945
Max M. ArchiberqueNavySignalman First ClassSolomon IslandsNovember 12–13, 1942
Charles F. ArdMarine CorpsCorporalOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsJune 14, 1945
Rae E. ArisonNavyCommanderSolomon IslandsNovember 13, 1942
Kirk ArmisteadMarine CorpsMajorMidwayJune 4, 1942
Thomas E. ArmourNavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, Philippine IslandsOctober 25, 1944
John B. Armstrong  Marine CorpsFirst LieutenantSaipan, Marianas IslandsJune 15–16, 1944
Henry J. ArmstrongNavyCommanderoff Bougainville, Solomon IslandsNovember 1–2, 1943First award
Henry J. ArmstrongNavyCommanderoff Bougainville, Solomon IslandsNovember 24–25, 1943Second award
Robert G. ArmstrongNavyLieutenant Commandernear New GuineaMarch 10, 1942
George J. Arnett  NavyPharmacist's Mate Third ClassWest PacificJanuary 21, 1945
Herman F. Arnold  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsSeptember 13–14, 1942
Jackson D. Arnold NavyCommanderPhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
John S. Arnold IINavyEnsignoff Georgia, U.S.June 10, 1943
Ralph J. ArnoldNavyCommanderMidwayJune 4 & 6, 1942
Frederick L. ArsenaultNavyShipfitter Second ClassFrench MoroccoNovember 8–11, 1942
Norman Arsenault  Marine CorpsPrivateSaipan, Marianas IslandsJuly 8, 1944
Robert O. ArthurMarine CorpsStaff SergeantWake IslandDecember 8–23, 1941POW
Edward L. AsbillMarine CorpsMajorIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 21, 1945
Julian O. AschenbachNavyLieutenant, Junior Gradenear Dagua, New GuineaMay 13, 1944
James H. Ashley Jr.NavyCommanderoff FormosaSeptember 23 – November 7, 1944First award
James H. Ashley Jr.NavyCommanderoff JapanJune 25 – August 13, 1945Second award
John C. AtkesonNavyLieutenant Commanderoff Kamandorski IslandsMarch 26, 1943
Barry K. Atkins NavyCommanderLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24–25, 1944
Fitzgerald Atkinson Jr.Marine CorpsFirst LieutenantOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsJune 17, 1945
Melvin K. AtwellNavyLieutenantSolomon IslandsOctober 27, 1942
Arthur J. Atwood  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 21, 1942
William B. Ault   NavyCommanderCoral SeaMay 7–8, 1942
Joseph M. Auman   Marine CorpsPrivateGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsNovember 11, 1942
Evan P. Aurand NavyLieutenant, Junior Gradeoff New GuineaMarch 10, 1942
Bernard L. Austin NavyCommanderSolomon IslandsNovember 1–2, 1943First award
Bernard L. AustinNavyCommanderoff Bougainville, Solomon IslandsNovember 24–25, 1943Second award
John A. Austin   NavyChief CarpenterPearl Harbor, HawaiiDecember 7, 1941
Marshall H. AustinNavyLieutenant CommanderSouthwest PacificMarch 19 – May 2, 1944
Walton A. AustinNavyEnsignCoral SeaMay 4–8, 1942
Howard M. AveryNavyLieutenant CommanderSouth AtlanticJune 15, 1944
John E. Avery  NavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
George C. Axtell Jr. Marine CorpsMajoroff Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 22, 1945Shot down five enemy planes and probably down three more in a single action
Russell G. AyersArmyColonelEniwetok Atoll, Marshall IslandsFebruary 19, 1944
Theodore C. AylwardNavyLieutenant CommanderMolucca StraitFebruary 3, 1942
John B. AzerNavyLieutenant CommanderSea of JapanOctober 9 – November 10, 1942First award
John B. AzerNavyLieutenant Commandernear Truk AtollJanuary 3 – February 2, 1943Second award


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
John B. Babich  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 22, 1945
Webster J. Bachelot Jr.Marine CorpsCorporalGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 27, 1944
Barton E. Bacon Jr.NavyCommanderPacific TheaterDecember 8, 1941 – August 26, 1942
Donald G. BaerNavyCommanderSouth China SeaSeptember 4 – October 31, 1944
Barnie O. BaggettMarine CorpsCorporalIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 28, 1945
Raymond W. Bahring  Marine CorpsCorporalIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 21 – March 1, 1945
Bryan Bailey Jr.NavyEnsignKure Harbor, JapanMarch 19, 1945
Wilfred M. BaileyNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
John B. BainNavyEnsignCoral SeaMay 7–8, 1942First award
John B. BainNavyEnsignMidwayJune 4, 1942Second award
Dale W. BairMarine CorpsFirst LieutenantOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 13, 1945During the Battle of Okinawa, during the assault on Sugar Loaf Hill Bair was part of an infantry assault supported by four tanks. Three of the four tanks were knocked out early on and many Marines were wounded. Despite his own wounds to the left arm, Bair picked up a Browning M1919 machine gun, draped it over his wounded left arm, and began charging towards the hill while firing the machine gun. Reaching the top of the hill, he sustained two more injuries, one to the leg and one to the buttocks, shortly before a retreat was ordered. When he made it back to the tank where the wounded Marines were being placed for the retreat, he refused to stop firing for medical attention and continued directing machine gun fire onto the enemy while receiving medical attention. [5]
Robert Baird Marine CorpsCaptainOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsJune 9, 16, & July 13, 1945Only Marine night fighter ace
Daniel W. BakerNavyLieutenant, Junior GradePhilippine SeaOctober 24, 1944
Earl P. Baker Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeInland Sea of JapanJuly 24, 1945
John D. Baker   NavyEnsignCoral SeaMay 7, 1942
Lewis R. BakerNavyChief Electrician's MateMarshall IslandsDecember 4, 1943
Lionel H. BakerNavyPharmacist's Mate Second ClassPearl Harbor, HawaiiDecember 7, 1941
Paul G. Baker   NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeCoral SeaMay 7–8, 1942
Wilder D. Baker NavyRear AdmiralSea of Okhotak, JapanJune 1943 – March 1944
Frederick E. BakutisNavyCommanderLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944
Lawrence BaldinusMarine CorpsSecond LieutenantGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 25 & 28, 1942
Paul Balducci  Marine CorpsPlatoon SergeantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 21, 1945
Remi A. Balduck   Marine CorpsCorporalGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsNovember 9, 1942
Joe F. BallNavyLieutenantOrmoc Bay, LeyteDecember 3, 1944
Louis L. BangsNavyLieutenant CommanderPhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
Joseph Bangust   NavyAviation Machinist's Mate First ClassJolo Harbor, PhilippinesDecember 27, 1941
Alan B. Banister NavyCommanderPacific TheaterJune 22 – August 15, 1944First award
Alan B. BanisterNavyCommanderPacific TheaterSeptember 9 – November 8, 1944Second award
Donald F. Banker  NavyLieutenantLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944First award
Donald F. Banker  NavyLieutenantManila Harbor, PhilippinesNovember 5, 1944Second award
Rex L. BantzNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Donald B. BarberNavyLieutenant, Junior Gradenear Kyushu, JapanApril 7, 1945
Rex T. Barber Army Air ForcesFirst LieutenantSolomon IslandsApril 18, 1943
Daniel E. Barbey NavyRear AdmiralLae & Finschafen, New GuineaSeptember 4 & 22, 1943
Loran E. BarbourNavyAviation Chief OrdnancemanNormandy, FranceJune 6, 1944
Burton L. BardeenNavyLieutenantKyushu, JapanMay 13–14, 1945
Joyce M. BardelmeierNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKure Harbor, JapanJune 24, 1945
Kenneth P. BardenNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Charlie H. BarfieldNavyEnsignKure Harbor, JapanJuly 24, 1945
Harry B. Barker  Marine CorpsCaptainGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21, 1944
James D. Barker  NavyPharmacist's Mate Second ClassTarawa Atoll, Gilbert IslandsNovember 20, 1943
Robert A. Barker  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 25, 1944
Lloyd G. BarnardNavyLieutenantBonin IslandsJune 15, 1944Personally shot down five enemy planes in a single action
Doyle C. Barnes   NavyEnsignMidwayJune 4, 1942
James M. Barnes  NavyEnsignOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 6, 1945
Robert J. BarnesNavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944
Robert M. BarnesNavyLieutenantMarcus IslandMay 9, 1945
Stanley M. BarnesNavyLieutenant CommanderTunisia & SicilyAugust 1–20, 1943
William BarnesMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsSeptember 13–14, 1942
William W. Barnes Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeMidwayJune 4, 1942
Marshall D. Barnett Jr.  NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944
Bernard Barney  NavySeaman Second ClassTreasury IslandsOctober 27, 1943
James W. BarnitzNavyLieutenantLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944First award
James W. BarnitzNavyLieutenantManila Bay, PhilippinesNovember 5, 1944Second award
Jack P. BarnumNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeSolomon IslandsAugust 24, 1942
Richard S. Baron   NavyLieutenant CommanderPhilippinesDecember 10, 1941POW
Eric L. Barr Jr.NavyCommanderPacific TheaterApril 1 – June 1, 1944First award
Eric L. Barr Jr.NavyCommanderSulu Sea & Manila Harbor, PhilippinesSeptember 18 – November 25, 1944Second award
Joseph J. BarrMarine CorpsSecond LieutenantTarawa Atoll, Gilbert IslandsNovember 20, 1943
Lester J. BarreNavyQuartermaster Second ClassJava SeaFebruary 4, 1942
Francis B. BarrigarMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassEniwetok Atoll, Marshall IslandsFebruary 18–22, 1944
Thomas E. BarrowMarine CorpsPlatoon SergeantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 26 – March 8, 1945
Albert A. BartholomewNavyCarpenternear Rennell Island, Solomon IslandsJanuary 29–30, 1943
Arthur F. D. BartholomewMarine CorpsFirst SergeantGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsOctober 25, 1942
Edward C. BartlesNavyEnsignKure Harbor, JapanJuly 24, 1945
John W. BartlettMarine CorpsSergeantPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 19, 1944
Joseph L. BaruzziniNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKure Harbor, JapanJuly 28, 1945
Tom B. BashNavyEnsignCoral SeaMay 8, 1942
John Basilone   Marine CorpsGunnery SergeantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19, 1945Previously awarded the Medal of Honor for actions on Guadalcanal
Thomas M. BaskettNavyLieutenant CommanderPacific TheaterApril 17 – May 21, 1944First award
Thomas M. BaskettNavyCommandernear Nanpo ShotoMay 12 – June 17, 1945Second award
Harry H. BasoreNavyLieutenantSouthern FranceAugust 1944
Harry B. Bass NavyLieutenant, Junior Gradenear Lae & Salamaua, New GuineaMarch 10, 1942First award
Harry B. BassNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeCoral SeaMay 7, 1942Second award
Horace A. Bass Jr.   NavyEnsignMidwayJune 4, 1942
Raymond H. BassNavyLieutenant CommanderPacific TheaterApril – May 1943First award
Raymond H. BassNavyLieutenant CommanderPacific TheaterJanuary 14 – March 8, 1944Second award
Robert W. BassNavyGunner's Mate Second ClassNormandy, FranceJune 6, 1944
Stewart BassNavyLieutenant, Junior Gradenear Kyushu, JapanApril 7, 1945
Edgar R. Bassett   NavyEnsignCoral SeaMay 4–8, 1942
Joseph G. BassoMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 24, 1944
Merton J. Batchelder Marine CorpsColonelTinian, Marianas IslandsJuly 24 – August 2, 1944
Frederic L. BatesNavyLieutenantMidwayJune 6, 1942
Richard S. BatesNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944
Richard W. BatesNavyCaptainLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
William C. BatesNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Charles J. BattaliMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassEniwetok Atoll, Marshall IslandsFebruary 18–22, 1944
Hugh N. BattenNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 6, 1945
Rollin M. Batten Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 4, 1944
Louis H. BauerNavyLieutenantSolomon IslandsAugust 1942
William R. BauhofNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeMarianas IslandsJune 19, 1944
Robert J. BausingerNavyEnsignKure Harbor, JapanJuly 28, 1945
Eugene E. Baxter  NavyPharmacist's Mate First ClassGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 7 – November 3, 1942
Fremont H. BaxterNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
James L. BaxterNavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Loren E. BaxterNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKure Harbor, JapanJuly 24, 1945
Edward H. BayersNavyLieutenantMidwayJune 4–6, 1942
Frank S. Bayley Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril – June 1945
Edward L. Beach Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderWaters of Jeju Island April 14, 1945 Executive Officer on USS Tirante (SS-420)'s first war patrol, torpedoed and sank Japanese transport, then did same to both pursuing military escort ships. For this action, Commanding Officer George L. Street III was awarded the Medal of Honor, and the entire Tirante crew received a Presidential Unit Citation.
Wallace M. BeakleyNavyLieutenant Commander
Roy N. BeanNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Fred D. Beans Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelBougainville, Solomon IslandsNovember 9, 1943
Robert J. BearMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Henry C. BeardenNavyEnsign
Carlos M. BeardmoreNavyEnsign
Frank E. Beatty NavyCaptain
James R. BeckMarine CorpsPrivate
John W. BeckNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Albert L. Becker NavyLieutenant Commander
Claude BeckerNavySeaman Second Class
Frederick J. Becton NavyCommander
Marshall U. BeebeNavyLieutenant Commander
Donald R. BeesonNavyLieutenant
Fay B. Begor NavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Charles E. Behan Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Joseph BehlNavyEnsign
William A. BehrNavyEnsign
Carl W. BehrendNavyMachinist
William W. BehrensNavyCaptain
Benjamin A. BellMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
David B. BellNavyLieutenant CommanderFirst award
David B. BellNavyCommanderSecond award
Forest W. BellNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Frederick J. BellNavyCommander
James H. BellNavyLieutenant
John J. BellNavyEnsign
Josiah S. BellMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joseph S. BellatMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
John F. BenceNavyQuartermaster First Class
Harold E. BenedictMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Charlie R. BennerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Carter L. BennettNavyLieutenant CommanderFirst award
Carter L. BennettNavyCommanderSecond award
John E. BennettNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Thomas M. BennettNavyCommander
Thomas M. BennettNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Walter T. BennettNavyCoxswain
Robert H. BensonNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeFirst award
Robert H. BensonNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeSecond award
Roy S. Benson NavyLieutenant CommanderFirst award
Roy S. BensonNavyLieutenant CommanderSecond award
Thomas W. BensonMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
George F. BeranekMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Joseph V. BeraultMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Adam W. BergNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Nels L. BergerNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Charles K. BerginNavyCommander
Russell S. Berkey NavyRear AdmiralLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24–25, 1944
Jack S. BerkheimerNavyEnsign
John M. Bermingham NavyLieutenant Commander
James E. BerrayMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Bernard F. BerryNavyLieutenant
David R. BerryNavyEnsignFirst award
David R. BerryNavyEnsignSecond award
David R. BerryNavyEnsignThird award
Charles M. BertholfNavyCommander
John R. BertieNavyEnsign
Lorne J. BesseNavyLieutenant
Richard H. Best NavyLieutenant Commander
Aaron F. Beyer Jr.NavyLieutenant Commander
LaVell M. BigelowNavyEnsignFirst award
LaVell M. BigelowNavyEnsignSecond award
LaVell M. BigelowNavyEnsignThird award
Albert W. BilbreyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Thomas H. BinfordNavyCommander
Edward G. BinningNavyLieutenant
Robert F. BirchNavyLieutenantFirst award
Robert F. BirchNavyLieutenantSecond award
Alexander J. BisheimerNavySeaman First Class
Claude U. BishopNavyLieutenant Commander
Stanley L. BitchellMarine CorpsCorporal
Soule T. BittingNavyLieutenant
Norman B. BitzegaioNavyEnsign
Vernard E. BivinNavySeaman First Class
Paul H. BjarnasonNavyCommander
Clarence H. BlackNavyLieutenant
Joseph C. BlackNavyLieutenantFirst award
Joseph C. BlackNavyLieutenantSecond award
William E. BlackMarine CorpsPrivate
John T. Blackburn NavyLieutenant Commander
Robert J. BlahaMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Richard L. BlainMarine CorpsCaptain
Leon N. BlairNavyCaptain
Frank W. BlakeNavyEnsign
Edward N. BlakelyNavyCommander
Jay C. BlakelyMarine CorpsPrivate
James W. Blanchard NavyCommander
Frederick BlaserNavyEnsign
Calvin J. BleauMarine CorpsPrivate
Albert M. BledsoeNavyCaptain
Otto R. BleechNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Robert E. Blick Jr.NavyCaptain
Howard J. BlindNavyLieutenant
Welford C. BlinnNavyLieutenant CommanderFirst award
Welford C. BlinnNavyLieutenant CommanderSecond award
Welford C. BlinnNavyLieutenant CommanderThird award
John D. Blitch Jr.NavyLieutenant Commander
Victor E. BloomNavyMotor Machinist's Mate First Class
Walter J. BodtMarine CorpsCorporal
Harold C. BoehmMarine CorpsLieutenant ColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 25 – March 11, 1945
Donald A. J. BoeseNavyEnsignTokyo Bay, JapanFebruary 17, 1945
Gerald F. Bogan NavyRear AdmiralLuzon, PhilippinesNovember 25, 1944
James D. BoganNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Joseph E. Bogdan  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassOkinawa, Ryukyu islandsMay 17, 1945
John A. Bole Jr. NavyLieutenant Commander
Roger S. BolesNavyLieutenant
Joseph F. BolgerNavyCaptainFirst award
Joseph F. BolgerNavyCaptainSecond award
Gordon E. BolserNavyLieutenant
George K. BombergerNavyLieutenant
Henry V. Bonzagni Jr.NavyLieutenant
Louis H. Boone Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Charles T. Booth IINavyLieutenant Commander
Peter BoreckiMarine CorpsCorporal
Howard G. Boren Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Anthony E. BorgiaMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Clarence A. BorleyNavyEnsign
Frank P. BoroNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Kilmer S. BortzNavyLieutenantFirst award
Kilmer S. BortzNavyLieutenantSecond award
Frank K. Bosworth Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Adolph M. BothneNavyBoatswain
George E. BottjerNavyEnsign
Harold S. Bottomley Jr.NavyLieutenant
Douglas BottsNavyShipfitter First Class
Joe W. BoulwareNavyCommander
Thomas E. BourdonNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
William A. BourgeoisNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
George H. BowenNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
John R. Bowen IINavyLieutenant
Paul L. BowenNavyChief Boatswain
John M. BowersNavyLieutenant Commander
Thomas K. BowersNavyLieutenant
Clarence M. BowleyNavyCaptain
Ralph R. BowlingMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Harry S. BowmanMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Arthur D. BownikNavyHospital Apprentice Second ClassOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 12, 1945
Thomas E. BoyceNavyLieutenant
David H. BoydNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Donnas H. BoydNavyCoxswain
Eugene L. BoydNavyEnsign
Herschel F. BoydNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Paul W. BoydNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Robert W. BoydMarine CorpsLieutenant ColonelPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 15–25, 1944
Randolph B. BoyerNavyLieutenant Commander
Francis D. BoyersNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Gregory Boyington Marine CorpsMajorNew Britain Island areaJanuary 3, 1944Shot down one enemy plane before he was shot down and captured as a POW. Also awarded the Medal of Honor for overall actions of September 12, 1943, to January 3, 1944.
Francis D. BoyleNavyCommander
Everett V. BradburyNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Robert E. Braddy Jr.NavyLieutenant Commander
John H. Bradley NavyPharmacist's Mate Second ClassIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 21, 1945
Phillips H. BradleyNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Robert G. Bradley NavyLieutenant
Russell J. BradleyNavyAviation Radioman Third Class
Thomas W. BradleyNavyPharmacist's Mate Second Class
Julian H. BradyNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Wallace A. BradyNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Nelson BraitmeyerMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
James M. BranchMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Stuart L. BrandelNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
LeRoy BrandonNavyPharmacist's Mate First Class
Charles E. Brannon NavyEnsign
Howard H. BranyonNavyChief Boatswain's Mate
Arthur J. BrassfieldNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Arthur J. BrassfieldNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Raymond L. BrayMarine CorpsCorporal
William T. BrayMarine CorpsCaptain
Richard F. BreckenridgeNavyQuartermaster Second Class
Giovanni F. BregaNavyEnsign
Harold P. BrehmNavyLieutenant
Walter J. BrehmMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James C. BrennanMarine CorpsCaptain
Joseph J. BresloveNavyLieutenant
James H. Brett Jr.NavyLieutenant Commander
James H. Brett Jr.NavyLieutenant Commander
Charles W. BrewerNavyCommander
Robert G. BriceNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Robert G. BriceNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
John D. BridgersNavyLieutenant
Robert A. BridgesNavyBoatswain's Mate First Class
Francis J. BridgetNavyCommander
Mark K. BrightNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
William F. Bringle NavyLieutenant Commander
Robert P. Briscoe NavyCaptain
Wilson T. BristolMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Jesse M. BristowNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Richard E. BritsonNavyLieutenant
Lloyd A. Brixey Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
John C. BroachNavyCommander
Leo D. BroachNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Samuel J. Brocato Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
John W. Brock NavyEnsign
Robert L. BrockNavyMachinist's Mate Second Class
William H. Brockman Jr. NavyLieutenant CommanderMidwayJune 4, 1942First award
William H. Brockman Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderSouthwest PacificJune 10 – July 11, 1942Second award
William H. Brockman Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderPacific TheaterDecember 13, 1942 – February 4, 1943Third award
John C. BroderickMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John J. BrodheadNavyLieutenant
Robert Brodie Jr.NavyLieutenant Commander
Allen BrodyNavyEnsign
Orville E. BroekerMarine CorpsCorporal
Clyde L. BronnNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Clyde L. BronnNavyLieutenant
George M. BrookeNavyCommander
Bradford M. BrooksNavyLieutenant
Charles S. BrooksNavyLieutenant
Charles S. BrooksNavyLieutenant
Louis V. BrooksMarine CorpsCaptain
William C. Brooks Jr.NavyEnsign
Roger G. B. BroomeMarine CorpsMajor
Maurice E. BrowderNavyCaptain
Burton J. BrownNavyEnsign
Carl A. Brown Jr.NavyLieutenant
Charles D. BrownNavyLieutenant Commander
Fletcher L. Brown Jr.Marine CorpsMajor
George P. BrownNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Jack P. BrownNavyChief Electrician's Mate
James H. BrownNavyCommander
James V. BrownMarine CorpsCorporal
Kenneth L. BrownMarine CorpsCaptain
Morrison R. BrownNavyLieutenant
Robert R. BrownMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Robert S. BrownMarine CorpsMajor
Russell E. BrownNavyEnsign
Thomas E. BrownNavyEnsign
Thomas M. BrownNavyLieutenant Commander
Wiley C. BrownMarine CorpsCorporal
William P. Brown Jr. Marine CorpsSecond LieutenantOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 4, 1945First award (second, posthumously, was in Korean War)
George H. BrowneNavyCommander
Robert T. BrowneNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Ralph L. BrownerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Lester K. BruestleNavyEnsign
William E. BruggerMarine CorpsCorporal
Albert W. BrunelleNavyMotor Machinist's Mate Second Class
Austin R. Brunelli Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsMarch 8–16, 1945
Carland E. BrunmierNavyLieutenant
Richard R. BrunnhoefferMarine CorpsPrivate
Robert R. BruntNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Frederick J. BrushNavyCommander
Henry C. Bruton NavyLieutenant Commander
Henry C. Bruton NavyCommander
Henry C. Bruton NavyCommander
Othello C. BruunNavyChief Pay Clerk
Brady L. BryanNavyChief Machinist's Mate
Horace D. BryanNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade
Robert B. BuchanNavyEnsignLae & Salamaua, New GuineaMarch 10, 1942First award
Robert B. BuchanNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeCoral SeaMay 7, 1942Second award
Charles A. BuchananNavyCaptainOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 12, 1945
Robert L. BuchananNavyEnsignnear FormosaOctober 16, 1944Personally shot down five enemy planes in a single action
Richard C. BucherNavyHospital Apprentice First ClassGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 29, 1944
Joseph E. BuckleyMarine CorpsCaptainCape Gloucester, New BritainJanuary 6, 1944
Phil H. Bucklew NavyEnsignSicilyJuly 10, 1943First award
Phil H. BucklewNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeNormandy, FranceJune 6, 1944Second award
Ralph R. BuddNavyEnsignKure Harbor, JapanJuly 24, 1945
Joseph M. BudzynskiMarine CorpsCorporalIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 27, 1945
Harold L. BuellNavyLieutenantPhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
John C. Buh  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 27, 1944
Paul D. BuieNavyCommanderPhilippine SeaJune 11–25, 1944
John D. Bulkeley NavyLieutenantPhilippinesJanuary 18–19, 1942Also awarded the Medal of Honor, for overall actions over period 7 December 1941 to 10 April 1942
Geary R. Bundschu  Marine CorpsCaptainGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 22, 1944
Robert L. BungardMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 15–19, 1944
Ernest V. Bunn Jr.  Marine CorpsFirst LieutenantGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21, 1944
William H. Buracker NavyCaptainWestern PacificSeptember – October 1944
Walter J. BurakMarine CorpsCorporalGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsSeptember 13–14, 1942
William O. Burch Jr.NavyLieutenant Commandernear Salamaua & Lae, New GuineaMarch 10, 1942First award
William O. Burch Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderTulagi Harbor & Coral SeaMay 4, 7 & 8, 1942Second award
William O. Burch Jr.NavyCommandernear FormosaJanuary 21, 1945Third award
Ronald A. Burdo  Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassGavutu, Solomon IslandsAugust 7, 1942
William P. BurfordNavyLieutenant CommanderPearl Harbor, HawaiiDecember 7, 1941
Wilbur M. BurgessMarine CorpsFirst SergeantTarawa Atoll, Gilbert IslandsNovember 20, 1943
Joseph W. BurkNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeNew Guinea & New BritainNovember 1943 – January 1944
Arleigh A. Burke NavyCaptainSolomon IslandsOctober 30 – November 2, 1942
Edmund M. Burke NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeHaute-Saone Province, FranceSeptember 9, – October 17, 1944
Edward J. BurkeNavyCommanderAnzio, ItalyJanuary 24, 1944
Francis T. BurkeMarine CorpsSecond LieutenantPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 19–20, 1944
Louis E. Burke Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderKure Harbor, JapanJuly 28, 1945
Phillip R. BurkeMarine CorpsCorporalTarawa Atoll, Gilbert IslandsNovember 20–21, 1943Threw himself on an enemy hand grenade and was seriously wounded
Calvin BurkhartNavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
Creed C. Burlingame NavyLieutenant CommanderPacific TheaterApril 30 – June 21, 1942First award
Creed C. BurlingameNavyLieutenant CommanderPacific TheaterJuly 15 – September 8, 1942Second award
Creed C. BurlingameNavyLieutenant CommanderPacific TheaterDecember 17, 1942 – January 31, 1943Third award
Robert W. BurnettNavyLieutenant, Junior GradePhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
Edward S. BurnsNavyCommanderOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 1–6, 1945
John A. BurnsNavyLieutenant, Junior Gradenear TrukApril 30, 1944
John S. BurnsNavyLieutenantLingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippine IslandsJanuary 6–14, 1945
William S. BurnsNavyLieutenantLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944
Leland M. Burr  NavyLieutenant Commandernear Luzon, PhilippinesJanuary 8, 1945
Albert C. BurrowsNavyLieutenant CommanderWestern PacificMay 10 – June 21, 1943
John C. BurrusNavyLieutenantKure Harbor, JapanJuly 24, 1945
Vilhelm K. BusckNavyCommanderVella Lavella & Treasury IslandsOctober 1 & 27, 1943
Billy BushNavyLieutenant, Junior GradePhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
Edward J. ButcherMarine CorpsSecond LieutenantOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 21, 1945
Joseph L. ButelNavyEnsignKure Harbor, JapanJuly 25, 1945
Arthur H. Butler Marine CorpsColonelGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21 – August 10, 1944
John A. Butler   Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 5, 1945
John C. Butler   NavyEnsignMidwayJune 4–6, 1942
John M. Butler  Marine CorpsSecond LieutenantMidwayJune 4, 1942
William C. Butler Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderCape Esperance, Guadalcanal, Solomon IslandsOctober 11–12, 1942
Noah B. Butt Jr.NavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944
John L. Butts Jr.NavyLieutenantLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOctober 24, 1944
Adolf B. ByrnasMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21, 1944
Paul V. Byrne Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKure Harbor, JapanMarch 19, 1945
Jack A. ByromNavyChief Petty OfficerFrench MoroccoNovember 8–11, 1942


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Elden H. CailMarine CorpsCorporal
Frank C. CaldwellMarine CorpsCaptain
Frank CalvinMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Osborn CammackMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Lewis J. CampMarine CorpsSergeant Major
Kenneth O. CampionMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Lionel A. CanejoMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Clayton M. CanfieldMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
William A. CantrelMarine CorpsCaptain
Arlie G. CappsNavy ReserveLieutenantNear Okinawa, JapanApril 6, 1945
Eugene T. CardMarine CorpsSergeant
John F. CareyMarine CorpsCaptain
Marion E. Carl Marine CorpsCaptainMidwayJune 4, 1942First award
Marion E. CarlMarine CorpsCaptainGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 24 – September 9, 1942Second award, credited with shooting down 10.5 enemy planes during this period
Evans F. Carlson Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelMakin Atoll, Gilbert IslandsAugust 17–18, 1942Second award (first was for Nicaragua 1930–1931, primarily July 8, 1930)
Evans F. CarlsonMarine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsNovember 4 – December 4, 1942Third award
Ted J. CarltonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
D. A. CarsonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joseph M. CarsonNavyCaptainLeyte GulfOctober 24, 1944
Andrew J. Carter Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Dale V. CarterMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
David L. CarterNavyLieutenantPhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944
John W. CarterNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKyushu, JapanApril 7, 1945
Leo B. CaseMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Victor L. CaseMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Daniel F. CaseyMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Donald H. CastleMarine CorpsCaptain
William R. CastleMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Gilbert E. CatheyNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeSea of JapanJuly 24, 1945
G. B. CearleyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Frank W. CelentanoMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Richard L. CevoliNavyLieutenantLeyte GulfOctober 24-26, 1944
Bradford W. Chaffin Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
James Chaisson Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
William C. ChamberlinMarine CorpsMajor
John B. ChambersNavyLieutenantPhilippine IslandsNovember 11, 1944
John S. ChambersNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeSea of JapanJuly 24, 1945
Joseph D. R. ChampagneMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John H. Chapman Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior Gradenear Kure Harbor, Honshu, JapanJuly 24, 1945
Melvin L. ChapmanNavyLieutenantLeyte GulfOctober 25, 1944
Jason T. CharltonMarine CorpsSergeant
Donald A. CharpentierMarine CorpsCorporal
Arthur L. ChauvelNavyLieutenant, Junior GradePhilippine SeaOctober 24, 1944
Tom F. CheekNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeMidwayJune 4, 1942
Howell D. ChickeringNavyLieutenantOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 16, 1945
Alexander A. ChristieNavyEnsignOff the east coast of Luzon, Philippine IslandsOctober 24, 1944
Thomas A. ChristopherNavyLieutenant CommanderBismarck SeaDecember 31, 1943 and January 22, 1944First award
Thomas A. ChristopherNavyLieutenant CommanderBismarck SeaJanuary 15, 1944Second award
Gordon Chung-Hoon NavyCommander Battle of Okinawa April 14, 1945Commander of the destroyer USS Sigsbee when she was crippled by a kamikaze hit, kept her antiaircraft batteries firing against the continuing Japanese air attack, while simultaneously directing the damage control efforts that allowed her to make port under her own power
Lewis CladinMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Joseph L. P. G. ClaingMarine CorpsCorporal
Robert L. ClancyNavyLieutenantPhilippine SeaOctober 25, 1944Pilot in Bombing Squadron EIGHTEEN (VB-18), attached to the U.S.S. Intrepid (CV-11)
Charles R. Clark Jr.NavyLieutenant CommanderSea of JapanJuly 1, 1945 – August 9, 1945Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Sennet (SS-408) during its FOURTH War Patrol
Henry E. ClarkNavyLieutenantKure Bay Area, Honshu, JapanMarch 19, 1945Attached to the U.S.S. Hornet (CV-12), Torpedo Bombing Squadron 17 (VTB-17)
Lawrence A. ClarkNavyEnsignNear Kyushu, JapanMarch 19, 1945Attached to the U.S.S. Essex (CV-9), Fighting Squadron 83 (VF-83)
Max ClarkMarine CorpsMajor
Paul L. Clark Coast GuardFireman First ClassFrench MoroccoNovember 8–11, 1942
Robert C. ClarkeNavyLieutenantNear Samar, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944Attached to the U.S.S. Marcus Island (CVE-77), Composite Squadron 21 (VC-21)
Thomas E. ClarkeMarine CorpsCaptain
Cook ClelandNavyLieutenantPhilippine SeaJune 20, 1944Attached to the U.S.S. Lexington (CV-16), Bombing Squadron 16 (VB-16)
William T. Clement Marine CorpsColonelPhilippinesDecember 7, 1941 – April 28, 1942
Irving ClevelandMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Robert L. CliettNavyLieutenantKure Naval Base, JapanJuly 28, 1945Attached to the U.S.S. Bennington (CV-20), Bombing Fighting Squadron 1 (VFB-1)
John K. CliffordNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeSolomon Islands AreaAugust 24, 1942Attached to the U.S.S. Saratoga (CV-3), Bombing Squadron 3 (VB-3)
Robert J. ClintonNavyLieutenantSea of JapanJuly 24, 1945Attached to the U.S.S. Randolph (CV-15), Bombing Squadron 16 (VB-16)
Richard H. Clive  NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeSibuyan AreaOctober 24, 1944
Richard L. CloseMarine CorpsCorporal
Philip W. CobbNavyEnsign Battle of Midway June 4–6, 1942First award, pilot of a carrier-based Navy Dive Bomber
Philip W. CobbNavyLieutenant, Junior Grade Battle of the Eastern Solomons August 24, 1942Second award, pilot of a carrier-based Navy Dive Bomber, "a determined and vigorous attack against an enemy aircraft carrier, contributing effectively to the probable destruction of that vessel"
Ernest H. CochranNavyEnsignLeyte Gulf, PhilippinesOct 24, 1944Pilot of a carrier-based Navy Combat Plane, for "a daring attack ... [which] resulted in serious damage to a major enemy warship"
Alvin C. Cockrell Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
George CoderaMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
James W. CoeNavyLieutenant CommanderSouthwest Pacific & Cam Ranh BayDecember 8, 1941 - March 1942 & April 14, 1942 - May 17, 1942
Doyle M. CoffeeNavyCommanderSurigao StraitOctober 24-25, 1944
Ralph E. CoffieldMarine CorpsCorporal
Albert P. CoffinNavyLieutenantNear Solomon IslandsNovember 13-15, 1942
Thomas J. CoghlanNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKure Bay, Honshu, JapanMarch 19, 1945
Cyrus C. ColeNavyLieutenant CommanderNear New GuineaFebruary 6, 1944 - March 19, 1945
Edward J. ColemanMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Roland H. CollinsMarine CorpsCaptain
Angelo M. ConaMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Herbert E. ConferMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Jack E. Conger Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
George E. ConklinMarine CorpsPrivate
Willard E. ConnMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joseph E. ConnollyMarine CorpsCorporal
Odell M. Conoley Marine CorpsMajorGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsOctober 26, 1942
Carl E. Conron Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
Edward ConroyMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Anthony J. P. ContiMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Andrew F. Cook Jr. Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Dallas H. Cook Marine CorpsSergeant
George E. CookMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Albert D. Cooley Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsSeptember 23 – December 18, 1942
John D. CoppedgeMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Roy A. Corry Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Jimmy W. CorzineMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John J. Cosgrove Jr.Marine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Jack CosleyMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Russell M. Cox  NavySupply officer (ensign) Guadalcanal, Solomon IslandsNovember 13, 1942Presumed dead when a Japanese submarine torpedoed and sank the USS Juneau (CL-52). [6] The cancelled U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Russell M. Cox (DE-774) was named for Ensign Cox. Her construction was cancelled in 1944.
Howard L. Cousins Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Ralph H. CoyteMarine CorpsMajor
Edward A. Craig Marine CorpsColonelGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21 – August 10, 1944
Francis S. Craig Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Jack R. CramMarine CorpsMajor
Frederick W. CramerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Edgar J. CraneMarine CorpsCaptain
Howard R. CravenMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Lawrence N. CrawleyMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William W. Creamer  NavyEnsignMidwayJune 4, 1942Douglas TBD-1 Devastator torpedo bomber pilot in Torpedo Squadron 8 operating off the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV-8) at the Battle of Midway, Creamer was killed attacking a Japanese aircraft carrier
Leonard B. Cresswell Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 21, 1942
Hubert D. CrottsMarine CorpsCorporal
William L. CrouchMarine CorpsMajor
Henry P. Crowe Marine CorpsMajorTarawa Atoll, Gilbert IslandsNovember 20–22, 1943
William E. CroweMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert F. CrowtonMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Billie J. CrumptonMarine CorpsPrivate
Lloyd E. CrusanMarine CorpsSergeant
Daniel L. CummingsMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Narcissus G. CunicoMarine CorpsPrivate
James N. Cupp Marine CorpsCaptain
Robert P. CurranMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Ralph H. CurrinMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert E. CurtinMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert E. Cushman Jr. Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21 – August 20, 1944
John W. CzajaMarine CorpsPrivate First Class


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Alfred J. DaigleMarine CorpsCorporal
John J. DaltonMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Cleo S. Danford Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Hugh S. DanielMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Willard A. DarlingMarine CorpsCorporal
Clifford R. DarttMarine CorpsPrivate
Carl R. DavidsonMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Ira DavidsonMarine CorpsWarrant Officer
Arthur V. DavisMarine CorpsSergeant
Cecil B. Davis Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Milton G. DavisMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Leonard K. DavisMarine CorpsMajor
Raymond G. Davis Marine CorpsMajorPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 15–22, 1944Later awarded the Medal of Honor in the Korean War.
Hector De ZayasMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Delmer C. DeckardMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Armond H. DeLalio Marine CorpsCaptainMidwayJune 4–5, 1942
Carmen DeliaMarine CorpsCorporal
Robert A. DeLongMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Weldon F. DeLongMarine CorpsCorporal
Crescenzo P. DeMatteisMarine CorpsCorporal
Hugh V. DentonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Conrad C. DeRouenMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
James P. Devereux Marine CorpsMajorWake IslandDecember 7–22, 1941POW
Leroy DiamondMarine CorpsCorporal
One W. DickensMarine CorpsSergeant
Anthony DicristofaroMarine CorpsSergeant
Stanley DierkerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Edward J. DillonMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Emmett L. DimonMarine CorpsSergeant
Clarence J. DishmonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James H. DixonMarine CorpsCorporal
John F. DobbinMarine CorpsMajor
Howard W. DoddMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
David D. DoerrMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Camille J. DoironMarine CorpsSergeant
David O. DolanMarine CorpsCorporal
Archie G. Donahue Marine CorpsMajorover Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 12, 1945Personally shot down five enemy planes in a single action
James C. DonnellyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Jefferson D. Dorroh Jr.Marine CorpsMajor
Edmund J. DorsognaMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Charles E. DouglasMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Cecil J. DoyleMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Charles W. DrakeMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Joe R. DriskellMarine CorpsCorporal
Billy J. DriverMarine CorpsCorporal
Frank C. DruryMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Rea E. DuncanMarine CorpsCaptain
Edward H. DunhamMarine CorpsCorporal
Harry Dunn Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate
James Dunn Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Charles R. DurfeeMarine CorpsCaptain
Julian D. DusenburyMarine CorpsCaptain
Nicholas DwornitskiMarine CorpsCorporal
Martin R. Dyer Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Wesley EagleMarine CorpsPrivate
William O. Eareckson Army Air ForcesColonelAttu, AlaskaJune – August 1942
Henry E. Eccles NavyCommanderBadoeng Straits19-20 February 1942Commanding USS John D. Edwards (DD 216)
William A. Eddy Jr. Marine CorpsCaptain
Charles R. EdgarMarine CorpsCorporal
Merritt A. Edson Marine CorpsColonelTulagi, Solomon IslandsAugust 7–9, 1942Second award (first was in Nicaragua, 1928), later awarded the Medal of Honor at Guadalcanal
Bruce H. EkMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
William W. Eldridge Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Emil EliasMarine CorpsCorporal
Ellsbury B. ElliottMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Theodore O. EricksonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Arthur B. ErvinMarine CorpsCorporal
Charles J. EuseyMarine CorpsCaptain
Clarence L. Evans Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Raymond J. Evans Coast GuardChief SignalmanGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsSeptember 27, 1942
Winfred L. Evans  NavyChief QuartermasterNear Savo Island, Solomon IslandsNovember 12-13, 1942
Loren D. Everton Marine CorpsCaptainover Guadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust – October 1942Shot down seven enemy planes during this period


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Francis L. Fagan Marine CorpsCaptainFirst award
Francis L. FaganMarine CorpsCaptainSecond award
Richard FaganMarine CorpsMajorIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 24, 1945
Theodore C. FajardoMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Hubert J. FaltynMarine CorpsSergeant
Henry P. FarineMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William FarrellMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
James A. FaulkinghamMarine CorpsCorporal
James C. O. FaulknerMarine CorpsSergeant
Leo D. Fay   NavyEnsignPacific War Area
Michael P. FedorakMarine CorpsSergeant
Isidore FesslerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Walter FieguthMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Robert C. FilipMarine CorpsPrivate
Byron E. FisherMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William M. FlemingMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Eugene B. Fluckey NavyLieutenant CommanderPacific War AreaMay 21, 1944 - July 9, 1944Also awarded Medal of Honor, First Award
Eugene B. Fluckey NavyCommanderLuzon StraitsAugust 4, 1944 - October 0, 1944Second Award
Eugene B. Fluckey NavyCommanderEast China SeaOctober 27, 1944 - November 25, 1944Third Award
Eugene B. Fluckey NavyCommanderEast China SeaJune 8, 1945 - 2 August 2, 1945Fourth Award
John G. FolsomMarine CorpsCorporal
Paul J. Fontana Marine CorpsMajorover Guadalcanal, Solomon IslandsNovember 11–14, 1942
Raymond H. ForbusMarine CorpsCorporal
Ralph W. FordyceMarine CorpsCorporal
Harold P. ForsytheMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joseph A. L. FournierMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Myles C. FoxMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert L. FrankMarine CorpsCaptain
William O. FranklinMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert FranskoMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Kenneth D. FrazierMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Eugene J. Frederick Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Neldon T. French Marine CorpsCorporal
Herbert C. FreulerMarine CorpsCaptain
Hugh D. FricksMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Julian N. Frisbie Marine CorpsColonelCape Gloucester, New BritainDecember 26, 1943 – January 16, 1944
Raymond Frybarger Jr. Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Walter J. FufidioMarine CorpsAssistant Cook
Robert G. FullerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Guy L. Gabaldon Marine CorpsPrivate First ClassSaipan and Tinian, Marianas IslandsJune 15 – August 1, 1944Single-handedly captured over 1,000 enemy civilians and troops
Willard F. GabrielMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Leo M. GagnonMarine CorpsPrivate
Frank J. GambinoMarine CorpsAssistant Cook
Frank E. GarretsonMarine CorpsCaptain
Nolen M. GarrettMarine CorpsSergeant
Charles R. GatesArmy Air ForcesFirst LieutenantTokyo BayAugust 13, 1945
George H. Gay Jr. NavyEnsign Battle of Midway June 4, 1942"Pilot of a carrier-based [USS Hornet] Navy Torpedo Plane of Torpedo Squadron 8 (VT-8)... without fighter protection, and with insufficient fuel to return to his carrier ... delivered an effective torpedo attack"
Roy M. GayMarine CorpsSergeant
Gordon D. GayleMarine CorpsMajor
Oswald J. Gaynier  NavyEnsign Battle of Midway June 4, 1942In a detachment of six new Grumman TBF Avenger aircraft, assigned to join the existing Torpedo Squadron 8 (VT-8) of USS Hornet, the detachment participated in the uncoordinated attack at Midway Island by USN, USMC, and USAAF aircraft on the morning of 4 June against the Japanese Carrier Striking Force. Lacking fighter protection and overwhelmed by Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero interceptors, Gaynier and most of the detachment were shot down and killed.
Wilbur J. GehrkeMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Roy S. Geiger Marine CorpsMajor GeneralGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsSeptember 3 – November 4, 1942Second award (first was in World War I)
Martin L. GelshenenMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
James L. GerstMarine CorpsSergeant
Steve GeryczMarine CorpsSergeant
Clifford R. GilbertMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Warren C. Gill Coast GuardLieutenant, Junior GradeSalerno, ItalySeptember 9, 1943
Richard R. GillMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Theodore B. GillilandMarine CorpsSergeant
Warren L. GivensMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Robert S. GlennMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Elmer G. Glidden Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
Elmer G. Glidden Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
Edward R. GodwinMarine CorpsSergeant
Herbert B. Goff Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
William A. GoffMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Richard R. P. GoheenMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
James F. GoldmanMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Victor E. GoslinMarine CorpsCorporal
Angus R. Goss Marine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Andrew GovelMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
George F. GradyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Hugh E. Graham Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Everett B. GrassiMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Thomas J. GratzekMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
John C. GravittMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Philip R. GrayMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert L. GrayMarine CorpsPrivate
Steven T. GrayMarine CorpsPrivate
George H. GrazierMarine CorpsPrivate
Charles E. GreenMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Daniel M. GreenMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James H. GreenMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Edgar G. GreeneMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Thomas A. Gribbin IIMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
George William Grider NavyLieutenant Commander
William A. GriffinMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Samuel B. Griffith II Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsSeptember 27, 1942
William H. Grissim IIIMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
John M. GrossMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Dominick J. GrossiMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Robert W. GroveMarine CorpsCorporal
Guiseppe Guilano Jr.Marine CorpsGunnery Sergeant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Roger A. HabermanMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Elmer HackerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Bruno P. HagedornMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Henry W. HahnMarine CorpsCorporalBattle of PeleliuSeptember 15-6, 1944On September 15, 1944, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines Regiment, 1st Marine Division was in action against Japanese forces on Peleliu. Hahn was engaged as a Squad Leader of an assault platoon in Company K. He saw that the Japanese were installing a machine gun in a position that posed a serious threat to his squad, and so crawled to the Japanese gun location where he threw hand grenades and captured the gun after three of the four soldiers who were installing it were killed and the other fled. After capturing the gun, Hahn led his men in a running assault against Japanese defenses at the north end of the beach, winning new positions for the Marines. During the night of the September 15, and the following early morning, the Japanese troops launched strong counterattacks. Hahn directed his unit's fire and was instrumental in the defence of the new positions. Later on in the day of the 16th, Hahn received a shrapnel wound but continued to lead his squad in a reconnaissance patrol. During this they encountered superior enemy forces, but Hahn led his men in driving back the Japanese. He allowed his own evacuation only after the mission was accomplished and he had led the squad back behind US lines. [7]
Orville P. HahnMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Thomas E. HaileyMarine CorpsSergeant
Charles R. GatesArmy Air ForcesMajor GeneralNauru Island & Tarawa AtollApril 20–23, 1943
Robert HallArmyLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsOctober 24–25, 1942
William C. HallMarine CorpsColonel
Delbert W. Halsey  NavyEnsignMidwayJune 4, 1942 Ensign Halsey was killed in the Battle of Midway when his Bombing Squadron 6 Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber operating from USS Enterprise was shot down
Alex HaluchakMarine CorpsCorporal
Henry B. HamiltonMarine CorpsGunner
Joseph F. HankinsMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Eugene R. HanksNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeGilbert and Marshall Islands Areas19 to 24 November 1943
Robert M. HannaMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
William T. HannaMarine CorpsPrivate
Edward H. HansberryMarine CorpsCorporal
Chris M. R. HansenMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Herman Hansen Jr.Marine CorpsMajor
Leslie E. HansenMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Paul L. HansenMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Richard O. HansenMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert M. Hanson Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Lee H. HardeeMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Warren G. HardingMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Robert HarknessMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Harold E. HarperMarine CorpsFirst Sergeant
Stewart E. HarrelsonMarine CorpsCorporal
Keith J. HarrerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Boone T. HarrisMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Henry A. Harrison Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Lawrence A. HarrisonMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Franklin A. Hart Marine CorpsColonelKwajalein Atoll, Marshall IslandsFebruary 1–2, 1944
Colin C. HarveyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Frederick B. Harvey Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Elton L. HatlerMarine CorpsPrivate
Harold R. HazelwoodMarine CorpsTechnical Sergeant
James G. HeadleyMarine CorpsCaptain
James G. HeadleyMarine CorpsCaptain
Oswald J. HedlundMarine CorpsCorporal
Thomas M. HegertyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John D. HeimMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Ira E. HeinenMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Herbert HelpingstineMarine CorpsCorporal
Charles W. HemenwayMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Don C. Hempstead Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Lofton R. Henderson Marine CorpsMajor
Daniel J. HennessyMarine CorpsCaptain
Warren R. HerbstMarine CorpsCorporal
Leo D. Hermle Marine CorpsBrigadier GeneralIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 26, 1945
Nicolas HernandezMarine CorpsCorporal
Raymon W. HerndonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Robert J. HerwigMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Henry Kent Hewitt NavyVice Admiral Salerno,
Allied invasion of Italy
September 1943Second award, Commander of the Western Naval Task Force, conveying, protecting and landing the US Fifth Army at Salerno (first was in WWII)
George Heyliger Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Charles R. Hickox Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Charles C. HillMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Eugene L. HillMarine CorpsSergeant
Robert E. HillMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Robert E. HillMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Clifford C. HillsMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Robert J. HilskyMarine CorpsPrivate
John R. HimelrickMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Raymond K. Hine  Army Air ForcesFirst LieutenantSolomon IslandsApril 18, 1943
Harold L. HinerMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
James A. Hirshfield Coast GuardCommanderAtlantic War areaFebruary 22, 1943
Herbert J. HodgesMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Raymond G. HoffmanMarine CorpsSergeant
Fred Hofmann Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Wilbur E. Hofmann Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Arnold C. HofstetterMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William F. HogaboomMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Willard B. HoldredgeMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Lawrence H. HoldrenMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
John W. HollandMarine CorpsCaptain
Besby F. HolmesArmy Air ForcesCaptainSolomon IslandsApril 18, 1943
Rommie L. HoltMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Russell E. HonsowetzMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Thomas D. Hopkins Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Ernest W. HorakMarine CorpsPrivate First ClassEniwetok Atoll, Marshall IslandsNovember 22, 1944As a Member of an Assault Unit of Company H, Second Battalion, Twenty-Second Marines (Reinforced), First Provisional Marine Brigade, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Parry, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, 22 February 1944. Assuming command of his squad when his corporal was hit during the initial phase of the assault, Private First Class Horak courageously led his men forward through heavy machine-gun and mortar fire and although momentarily knocked unconscious by a shell fragment, covered the squad's advance with a carbine until it was hot from his hands by machine-gun fire. Taking over the squad's machine gun when the operator was struck by mortar fire, he successfully silenced the enemy's automatic weapons in the area.
Thomas M. HorneMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Ralph L. HouserMarine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21–23, 1944
Curtis W. Howard  NavyLieutenant, junior gradeMidwayJune 4, 1942During the Battle of Midway his Torpedo Squadron 3 Douglas TBD-1 Devastator torpedo bomber was shot down while attacking Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carriers. [8]
Samuel L. Howard Marine CorpsColonelPhilippinesDecember 7, 1941 – May 6, 1942POW
Stanley L. HowardMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Donald S. HowellMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Virgil HuddlestonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Lewis C. Hudson Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19–20, 1945
Daniel W. HudspethMarine CorpsSergeant
Stanley S. Hughes Marine CorpsFirst LieutenantCape Gloucester, New BritainJanuary 4, 1944First award (Second was in Vietnam War, 1968)
Donald L. HullMarine CorpsSergeant
William C. HumberdMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert J. HundMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William J. Hunniford Jr.Marine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
George P. HuntMarine CorpsCaptain
Wilfred A. HuntMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James B. Hunter Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Kenneth E. HuntingtonMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Edward H. Hurst Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 18, 1945
Joseph Huszarik Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
George F. HylandMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
John G. IoannaMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Toivo H. IvaryMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Ivan B. IversenMarine CorpsCorporal
Daniel IversonMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Thomas E. JabourMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Whitney W. JacobsMarine CorpsPrivate
Robert J. JamisonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Michael M. JanicMarine CorpsCorporal
Melvin L. JarvisMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Charles O. JeanesMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Vincent JendeskiMarine CorpsSergeant
Alvin J. JensenMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
George E. JerueMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Maurice D. Jester Coast GuardLieutenant Commanderoff North CarolinaMay 9, 1942
Robert W. JohnsmillerMarine CorpsCorporal
Chandler W. Johnson Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 2, 1945
Charles E. JohnsonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Donald W. JohnsonMarine CorpsCorporal
John G. JohnsonMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Roy W. JohnsonMarine CorpsSergeant
Wallace W. JohnsonMarine CorpsCorporal
Samuel D. JohnstonMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Harold B. JonesMarine CorpsPrivate
Louis R. Jones Marine CorpsColonelSaipan and Tinian, Marianas IslandsJune 15 – August 2, 1944
Robert E. JonesMarine CorpsPrivate
William K. Jones Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelSaipan and Tinian, Marianas IslandsJune 15 – August 1, 1944
Donald R. JordanMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
George C. JovanovichMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Jesse P. JulianMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Cedric JurgensMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Frank W. JusticeMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Roland F. KachinskyMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Lauren H. KahnMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William E. KailMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Demosthenes V. KatsulisMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Willis L. KayMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Charles P. KeaneMarine CorpsPrivate
Edward C. KeeleyMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Jack KeininghamMarine CorpsCorporal
Willard W. Keith Jr. Marine CorpsCaptain
Clarence O. KelleyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Maynard C. KelleyMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Frederick A. KelloggMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Donald J. KellyMarine CorpsPrivate
Edward F. KellyMarine CorpsCorporal
C. J. KeltonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Charles R. KennedyMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Howard N. KenyonMarine CorpsColonel
John I. KernsMarine CorpsPrivate
William T. Ketcham Jr. Marine CorpsCaptain
Eugene M. Key Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Dixie Kiefer NavyCommander Battle of Midway June 7, 1942For heroism and service as Executive Officer of the USS Yorktown (CV-5)
Charles J. KimmelMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
John O. Kincaid Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Luke A. Kingsley Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Emmett F. KirbyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Harry Kizirian Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
George S. KlattMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Robert R. KlingmanMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John KlunkMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Frank P. KnollMarine CorpsCaptainPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 15 – October 6, 1944
Daniel KollMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Charles E. KollmannMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Louis KomnenichMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William O. KoontzMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Stanley D. KopsMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Michael R. KostMarine CorpsSergeant
Anthony B. KoumaMarine CorpsCorporal
George E. KoutelasMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
John KovalMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Leonard KrenzerMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Victor H. Krulak Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelChoiseul Island, Solomon IslandsOctober 28 – November 3, 1943
Charles M. KunzMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Robert M. La Prade   Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant Guadalcanal campaign January 20, 1943The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Second Lieutenant Robert M. LaPrade (MCSN: 0-9775), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism and distinguished service while serving with the SECOND Marine Division during action against enemy Japanese forces on Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, on 20 January 1943. Operating behind the enemy lines, Lieutenant LaPrade, in command of a combat patrol which wiped out one enemy machine gun position, was critically wounded twice and his second in command incapacitated by enemy machine-gun fire. Despite his insistence that they leave him behind, First Lieutenant LaPrade was carried back to our lines where, with unfaltering disregard for his own ebbing strength, he continued to give orders concerning directions and formations until he lost consciousness. His indomitable fighting spirit and inspiring devotion to the accomplishment of an important mission were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave up his life in the service of his country. [9]
Charles T. LambMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Lawrence A. LangMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
N. J. LangfordMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
John R. Lanigan Marine CorpsColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 16, 1945
Thomas G. Lanphier Jr. Army Air ForcesCaptainSolomon IslandsApril 18, 1943
James J. LaquintanoMarine CorpsSergeant
Leor B. LarsenMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Niles Larson
Donald LascoMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Darius W. LatchMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Claude E. LauderdaleMarine CorpsSergeant
Willard R. Laughon NavyLieutenant CommanderJava–Celebes Sea19 February 1944 to 4 April 1944The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Commander [then Lieutenant Commander] Willard Ross Laughon, United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. RASHER (SS-269), on the THIRD War Patrol of that submarine during the period 19 February 1944 to 4 April 1944, in the Celebes. Vigilant and determined in his search for enemy shipping, Commander Laughon penetrated hazardous Japanese-infested waters and, upon contact with the enemy struck swiftly and with tremendous force to sink five hostile ships totaling 28,502 tons and damage seriously a 7,064-ton vessel. Unfaltering in the fulfillment of his hazardous assignment, he executed a daring reconnaissance mission in the face of intense hostile anti-submarine measures and, handling his ship with swift, evasive tactics succeeded in bringing the RASHER safe to port without injury to ship or crew. Commander Laughon's staunch courage, professional skill and indomitable fighting spirit throughout a perilous mission reflect great credit upon himself, his valiant command and the United States Naval Service.
Willard R. Laughon NavyCommanderMakassar Strait-Celebes Sea30 April 1944 to 23 June 1944The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting a Gold Star in lieu of a Second Award of the Navy Cross to Commander Willard Ross Laughon, United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. RASHER (SS-269), on the FOURTH War Patrol of that submarine during the period 30 April 1944 to 23 June 1944, in enemy controlled waters in the Celebes. Skillfully employing all resources at his command against enemy shipping in his area of operation, Commander Laughon executed several well-planned and highly aggressive attacks and, despite severe enemy countermeasures, succeeded in sinking five Japanese vessels totaling 24,410 tons and in damaging five others totaling 20,900 tons. His expert seamanship, daring initiative and unfaltering devotion to duty in the face of grave danger reflect the highest credit upon Commander Laughon and the United States Naval Service.
Alvin W. LawleyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Henry G. Lawrence Jr.Marine CorpsMajor
Wilfred S. Le FrancoisMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
John W. LeaperMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Joseph G. LeBlancMarine CorpsCorporal
Marcel LeHardy  NavyLieutenant commanderGuadalcanalNovember 12–13, 1942Awarded for actions during the Guadalcanal Campaign. Killed on 1 April 1943 while serving as communications officer on the USS San Francisco.
John W. LeeMarine CorpsSergeant
Julius O. LemckeMarine CorpsCaptain
Dale M. LeslieMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Kenna M. LesterArmyStaff SergeantBougainville, Solomon IslandsDecember 18, 1943
Milton Lewis  Marine CorpsCorporalTulagi, Solomon IslandsAugust 7, 1942Killed during the Battle of Tulagi while leading his squad against a Japanese machine gun position. The United States Navy destroyer escort USS Milton Lewis launched in 1944 but never completed, was named for him. [10]
Wray C. LewisMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Ernest M. LidenbergMarine CorpsPrivate
George LiljaMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Carl J. LindbladMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Elwood Q. LindsayMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Eugene E. Lindsey   NavyLieutenant Commander Battle of Midway June 4, 1942"The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Lieutenant Commander Eugene Elbert Lindsey (NSN: 0-61684), United States Navy, for extraordinary heroism in operations against the enemy while serving as Pilot of a carrier-based Navy Torpedo Plane and Squadron Commander of Torpedo Squadron SIX (VT-6), attached to the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE (CV-6), during the "Air Battle of Midway," against enemy Japanese forces on 4 June 1942. Participating in a vigorous and intensive assault against the Japanese invasion fleet, Lieutenant Commander Lindsey pressed home his attack with relentless determination in the face of a terrific barrage of anti-aircraft fire. The unprecedented conditions under which his squadron launched its offensive were so exceptional that it is highly improbably the occasion may ever recur where other pilots of the service will be called upon to demonstrate an equal degree of gallantry and fortitude. His extreme disregard of personal safety contributed materially to the success of our forces and his loyal conduct was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country." [11]
James T. LittleMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Harry B. Liversedge Marine CorpsColonelNew Georgia, Solomon IslandsJuly 5 – August 29, 1943First award: The Navy Cross is presented to Harry Bluett Liversedge, Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the First Marine Raider Regiment and the Third Battalions of the 145th and 148th Infantries, U.S. Army, during operations on New Georgia Island, British Solomon Islands, from July 5 to August 29, 1943. Gallantly leading his troops through dense jungle into combat against a fanatic enemy long experienced in jungle warfare and well-entrenched in strong positions, Colonel Liversedge commanded the assault with cool and courageous determination. Although handicapped by extremely adverse weather conditions, constant enemy fire and the difficult problems of supply, he skillfully coordinated his forces and those of cooperating units and, relentlessly forced the Japanese to withdraw. Colonel Liversedge's aggressive fighting spirit and brilliant leadership contributed immeasurably to the success of the New Georgia Campaign and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Harry B. LiversedgeMarine CorpsColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 27, 1945Second award: The Navy Cross is presented to Harry Bluett Liversedge, Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the Twenty-Eighth Marines, Fifth Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, from 19 February to 27 March 1945. Landing on the fire-swept beaches twenty-two minutes after H-Hour, Colonel Liversedge gallantly led his men in the advance inland before executing a difficult turning maneuver to the south preparatory to launching the assault on Mount Suribachi. Under his inspiring leadership, his Regiment effected a partial seizure of a formidable Japanese position consisting of caves, pillboxes and blockhouses, until it was halted by intense enemy resistance which caused severe casualties. Braving the heavy hostile fire, he traversed the front lines to reorganize his troops and, by his determination and aggressiveness, enabled his men to overrun the Japanese position by nightfall. By his fighting spirit and intrepid leadership, Colonel Liversedge contributed materially to the capture of Mount Suribachi, and his unwavering devotion to duty throughout was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Benjamin R. LiveseyMarine CorpsSergeant
Glen B. LoeffelMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Gregory K. LoeschMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John R. Logan Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Michael LongazelMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Harold L. LouthMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John D. LucasMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
George T. LumpkinMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
George F. LutchkusMarine CorpsSergeant
Hubert C. LutherMarine CorpsCorporal
Robert C. LymanMarine CorpsCorporal
Richard J. LynesMarine CorpsCorporal
Dale C. LythMarine CorpsPrivate First Class


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Duncan C. MacMillanNavyCommanderEast China SeaDecember 27, 1943 – February 18, 1944First award
Duncan C. MacMillanNavyCommander Luzon Strait June 14, 1944 – July 27, 1944Second award, for the patrol of the U.S.S. Thresher
Eugene P. MadoleMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Christopher L. Magee Marine CorpsFirst LieutenantSolomon IslandsSeptember 12 – October 22, 1943Shot down seven enemy planes during this period
Victor Maghakian Marine CorpsPlatoon SergeantMakin Atoll, Gilbert IslandsAugust 17–18, 1942
Martin E. MahannahMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Thomas G. MahoneyMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John B. MakstutisMarine CorpsSergeant
Anthony P. Malanowski Jr.Marine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Donald L. MalloryMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Merle E. ManahanMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Richard C. Mangrum Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 20 – September 15, 1942
Thomas H. Mann Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Robert L. ManningMarine CorpsGunner
Gordon MaplesMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Daniel J. MariniMarine CorpsSergeant
James H. MarmandeMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
William P. Marontate Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Ettore J. MarsoloMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
David W. MartinMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Glenn E. MartinMarine CorpsCaptain
Glen E. MarvinMarine CorpsSergeant
Milton C. MarvinMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Leonard M. MasonMarine CorpsMajor
John Lowery MasonNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeBattle off Cape Engaño, PhilippinesOctober 25, 1944First award, Avenger pilot (VC-75) off USS San Jacinto
John Lowery MasonNavyLieutenant Junior GradeSW of Nagasaki; East China SeaApril 7, 1945Second award, Avenger pilot (VC-75) off USS San Jacinto; sinking of destroyer escort of IJN Yamato
Russell J. MassaroMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James M. Masters Sr. Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 10–12, 1945
Thomas C. MatherMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Delbert D. MaupinMarine CorpsPrivate
Thomas J. MayersMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James P. McAlarnisMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
John T. McAuliffeMarine CorpsCorporal
Joseph P. McCafferyMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
David S. McCampbell NavyCommanderLuzon, Philippine IslandsOctober 25, 1944Also awarded Medal of Honor
Howard P. McCarstle Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Francis P. McCarthyMarine CorpsCaptain
William S. McCarverMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Clyde H. McComasMarine CorpsSergeant
Bobby G. McCrackenMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Charles E. McCuneMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Jacob H. McDanielMarine CorpsCorporal
Stanley C. McDanielMarine CorpsCaptain
James S. McDermottMarine CorpsCaptain
Harold M. McGaughey  Navy ReserveLieutenant CommanderPuerto Princessa, Palawan Island, PhilippinesJanuary 29, 1945
Addies S. McGinn Jr.Marine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Edward W. McGloinMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
James E. McGreeveyMarine CorpsSergeant
Kenneth R. McGuireMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
George W. McHenryMarine CorpsColonel
Walter S. McIlhenny Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Walter C. McKayMarine CorpsCorporal
William N. McKelvy Jr.Marine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Paul F. McLellanMarine CorpsCaptain
Noyles McLennanMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Kenneth F. McLeodMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Maynard M. McLeodMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
James J. McPolandMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
George H. Mead Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Dwayne E. MearsMarine CorpsCaptain
Fenton J. MeeMarine CorpsCaptain
Fenton J. MeeMarine CorpsMajor
Edward MelnitskyMarine CorpsCorporal
Max E. MelvilleMarine CorpsPrivate
Petero MelzoniMarine CorpsPrivate
Charles E. MentchMarine CorpsSergeant
Herbert T. MerrillMarine CorpsCaptain
Charlie D. MerrittMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Albert W. MeyersMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Wilfred V. MichaudMarine CorpsSergeant
William J. MicklickMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John W. MielkeMarine CorpsPrivate
Harold H. Millar Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Frank J. MillerMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Jack Miller Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
James D. MillerMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Raymond MillerMarine CorpsPrivate
Vernon H. MillerMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Charles L. MillsMarine CorpsCaptain
James T. MitchellMarine CorpsSergeantSaipan. Marianna IslandsJuly 4-9, 1944The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Sergeant James T. Mitchell (MCSN: 254161), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism as a Squad Leader, serving with Company F, Second Battalion, Twenty-fourth Marines, FOURTH Marine Division, during operations against enemy Japanese forces on Saipan, Marianas Islands, from 15 June to 9 July 1944. Leading a small combat patrol into an enemy-infested wooded draw on 4 July, Sergeant Mitchell aided his men in the annihilation of seven of the enemy. Obtaining more Marines as resistance increased, he continued to push forward and, despite two saber wounds sustained during his action, succeeded in annihilating additional Japanese and in gaining valuable information as to the extent and strength of enemy positions. When his company had become dangerously pinned down by hostile enfilade rifle and machine-gun fire and had suffered ten casualties, six of whom were lying in an exposed position pleading for help on 9 July, he volunteered to lead a group of six Marines to administer first aid and evacuate the men to safety. Wounded in the leg while performing this act, he refused evacuation and, during the hazardous five hours that followed skillfully assisted in the almost insurmountable task of slowly transporting the casualties over a jagged coral on improvised litters to safety on high ground to the rear. Again refusing treatment or evacuation until his comrades had been taken to the aid station, he was instrumental in saving at least six lives, and served as an inspiration to the men of his company. Sergeant Mitchell's courage, initiative and devotion to duty throughout this period of grave peril enhanced and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
John W. Mitchell Army Air ForcesMajorSolomon IslandsApril 18, 1943
Marc Mitscher NavyVice AdmiralRange of actions around, and in, Battle of Leyte Gulf October 22–30, 1944Second award, Commander of successful Fast Carrier Task Force operating as TF 38 (first was for May 1919 attempt at first Transatlantic flight)
Marc Mitscher NavyVice AdmiralRange of actions around, and in, the Battle of Iwo Jima and Battle of Okinawa January 27 – May 27, 1945Third award, Commander of successful Fast Carrier Task Force operating as TF 58
Charles Momsen NavyCaptainEast China SeaFebruary 1943 – June 1944Devising "a doctrine of attack" and commanding the US Navy's first Coordinated Attack Group of submarines
Charles R. MonarchMarine CorpsSergeant
Charles J. MongesMarine CorpsSergeant
Elmer F. MontgomeryMarine CorpsSergeant
Paul Moore Jr. Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Ralph E. Moore Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Thomas F. Moore Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
William E. Moore Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
Rivers J. MorrellMarine CorpsMajor
Emmett R. MorrisMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joshua MorrisMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Richard E. MorrowMarine CorpsCorporal
Ralph C. Morse Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
Gilbert L. MortonMarine CorpsSergeant Major
Earl J. MoweryMarine CorpsSergeant
Bernhardt L. MuellerMarine CorpsCorporal
Jesse E. MurphreeMarine CorpsSergeant
Francis J. MurphyMarine CorpsChief Warrant Officer
John J. Murphy Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Michael F. Murray Jr.Marine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Raymond L. Murray Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelSaipan, Marianas IslandsJune 15, 1944First award (second was in Korean War)
Thomas Oliver MurrayNaval ReserveLieutenant CommanderPhilippine IslandOctober 25, 1944US Navy air combat pilot and CO of air squadron VC-21, scored a close-range direct torpedo hit on enemy cruiser, leaving it dead in the water in the Battle off Samar.
Hollis U. MustainMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Edward MyersMarine CorpsSergeant
Thomas J. MyersMarine CorpsMajor


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
John J. NagazynaMarine CorpsSergeant Major
Joseph L. NarrMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Horace A. NarvesonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James L. NeefusMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert M. NeimanMarine CorpsMajor
Edward C. Nelson Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Harold E. NelsonMarine CorpsCaptain
James J. NelsonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Quinten G. NelsonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Louis C. NeroMarine CorpsSergeant
Gerard B. NevleMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joseph E. NewmanMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Clarence T. NicholasMarine CorpsCorporal
Ralph H. NiehausMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Winfield R. Nisbet Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
John R. NormanMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Benjamin W. NorrisMarine CorpsMajor
John NosarzewskiMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Stephen NowakMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joseph E. NugentMarine CorpsPrivate First Class Peleliu, Palau Islands 22 September 1944The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Private First Class Joseph E. Nugent (MCSN: 326465), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty while serving as a Member of a Machine Gun Section serving with Company A, First Battalion, Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Peleliu, Palau Islands, 17 and 22 September 1944. When his platoon became separated from the remainder of the company during an enemy counterattack, Private First Class Nugent unhesitatingly volunteered to return to the company and obtain additional troops and, courageously making his way through hostile territory to the command post, led the reinforcements back to the platoon, thereby contributing to the reestablishment of contact with the company and the successful repulsion of the Japanese forces. With his section ordered to place immediate fire on the enemy to facilitate the withdrawal of a company on 22 September, he established his gun in the most exposed position in the vicinity, skillfully directing intense, accurate fire against the Japanese, and, although mortally wounded during this action, steadfastly remained at his post and continued firing until the withdrawal was completed and he was evacuated. By his splendid initiative and indomitable fighting spirit in the face of grave peril, Private First Class Nugent saved the lives of many of his comrades, and his self-sacrificing devotion to duty was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country. [12]


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Wilcie A. O'BannonMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Martin J. O'BrienMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Edward O'Hare   NavyLieutenant CommanderAirspace of Tarawa Atoll November 26, 1943When the overwhelmed Japanese had taken to launching nighttime air attacks against USN vessels, O'Hare helped develop, and then led, the USN's first-ever nighttime fighter attack launched from an aircraft carrier. Previously won Medal of Honor for February 1942 Action off Bougainville
Jeremiah J. O'Keefe Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Richard N. OlbertMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Jesse B. Oldendorf NavyRear Admiral Battle of Surigao Strait October 24–25, 1944Planning and leadership as Commander of Task Group 77.2, which defeated the Japanese Southern Force
Bruno OribilettiMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
George E. OrmeMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Peter J. Ortiz Marine CorpsMajorFranceJanuary 8 – May 20, 1944First award
Peter J. OrtizMarine CorpsMajorFranceAugust 1, 1944 – April 27, 1945Second award, POW
Robert M. OrtizMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Stanley E. OsbornMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Robert J. Oswald Jr.Marine CorpsSergeant
Robert G. Owens Jr. Marine CorpsMajor


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Frank L. PalmerMarine CorpsPrivate
Osbaldo R. ParedesMarine CorpsCorporal
Edward N. ParkerNavyLieutenant Commander Battle of Balikpapan January 24–25, 1942First award [13]
Edward N. ParkerNavyLieutenant Commander Battle of Badung Strait February 19–20, 1942Second award [13]
Edward N. ParkerNavyLieutenant Commander Naval Battle of Guadalcanal November 12–13, 1942Third award [13]
Raymond D. ParkerMarine CorpsPrivate
Walter G. ParkerMarine CorpsCorporal
Floyd B. Parks   Marine CorpsMajor Battle of Midway June 4, 1942First award
Verrill G. ParksMarine CorpsCorporal
Robert L. ParrotMarine CorpsCorporal
Chester Pauley Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate
Jim J. PaulosMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Frederick R. Payne Jr. Marine CorpsMajor
Harry P. PearceMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Oscar F. Peatross Marine CorpsCaptainMakin Atoll, Gilbert IslandsAugust 17–18, 1942
Edward S. PennellMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Fred B. PenningerMarine CorpsSergeant
George A. Percy Marine CorpsMajor Battle of Iwo Jima February 21–March 16, 1945
Gilbert Percy Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Howard E. PerraultMarine CorpsCorporal
John W. PerryMarine CorpsCorporal
Dale L. PetersMarine CorpsCorporal
Clarence E. PetrieMarine CorpsSergeant
Francis C. PettusMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Orville E. PfannkuchMarine CorpsCorporal
William L. PiasecznyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William Pinckney NavyCook Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands October 26, 1942
Francis E. Pierce Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
Harold G. PierceMarine CorpsSergeant
Warren H. Pierce   Marine CorpsSergeant Battle of Iwo Jima February 19, 1945
David W. Pinkerton Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Alphons A. PinterMarine CorpsSergeant
Merwyn C. PlumleyMarine CorpsCaptain
Casimir R. PolakowskiMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Harold E. PolkMarine CorpsPrivate
Daniel C. PollockMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Edwin A. Pollock Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 20–21, 1942
Zenneth A. Pond Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Charles J. PottersnakMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
David M. PottorffMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Andrew V. PoulinMarine CorpsCorporal
Henry T. PoundMarine CorpsPrivate
Ernest A. PowellMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert F. PowellMarine CorpsCorporal
James J. PowersMarine CorpsSergeant
Robert A. PowersMarine CorpsCorporal
James F. PrendergastMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Frank H. PresleyMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Benjamin S. Preston Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Benjamin F. Pritchett Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate
Gilbert G. ProsekMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Bruce ProsserMarine CorpsCaptain
Lewis B. Puller Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsOctober 24–25, 1942Third award (first two were in Occupation of Nicaragua)
Lewis B. Puller Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelCape Gloucester, New BritainDecember 26, 1943 – January 19, 1944Fourth award
Paul A. Putnam Marine CorpsMajor


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
John QuattroneMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Martin J. Queeney   Marine CorpsSergeantIwo JimaMarch 8, 1945
Brian J. QuirkMarine CorpsCorporal


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Bernard S. RadomskiMarine CorpsCorporal
Maurice A. RaglandMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John E. RairighArmy Air ForcesFirst LieutenantSea of JapanJuly 30, 1945
Orvin H. RamloMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Haakon B. RasmussenMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Leland RawlsNavyBattle of Leyte, PacificOct 25, 1944
James R. RayMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert D. RaysbrookMarine CorpsSergeant
Amedeo ReaMarine CorpsMajor
William F. ReckusMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert S. ReedMarine CorpsPrivateJames R. Reid Jr.Navy


Donald A. RemingtonMarine CorpsCorporal
Joseph N. RennerMarine CorpsMajor
Kenneth L. Reusser Marine CorpsCaptainOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 10, 1945First award (second was in Korean War)
Harold P. ReynoldsMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Terrence J. Reynolds Jr.Marine CorpsCorporal
Gerald M. RichMarine CorpsCorporal
Harold E. RichardsonMarine CorpsPrivate
Obert C. RichardsonMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William F. RicheyMarine CorpsPrivate
Walter J. Ridlon Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
James E. RiegelMarine CorpsPrivate
Francis D. RineerMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Allan H. RingblomMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Charles F. RinggoldMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William B. RippeeMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John RiversMarine CorpsPrivate
William G. RobbMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Franklin C. RobbinsMarine CorpsCorporal
Donald R. A. RobertonMarine CorpsPrivate
Francis E. RobertsMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Harold C. Roberts Marine CorpsColonel
Donn J. Robertson Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 23, 1945
Lawrence D. RogersMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Neil L. RogersMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Raymond D. RogersMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Claude G. RollenMarine CorpsCaptain
Jesse D. Rollow Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
James Roosevelt Marine CorpsMajor
Maier J. RothschildMarine CorpsCorporal
Benjamin C. RountreeMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Edward RuessMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John W. RuhsamMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Edward J. RuizMarine CorpsCorporal
William H. Rupertus Marine CorpsBrigadier GeneralSolomon IslandsAugust 7–9, 1942
Jesse Rutherford Jr. Marine CorpsPrivate
Alvin O. RutledgeMarine CorpsPrivate
James S. RyanMarine CorpsCorporalThe President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Corporal James S. Ryan (MCSN: 820401), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty while serving as a Demolitions Group Leader of Company I, Third Battalion, Twenty-Eighth Marines, FIFTH Marine Division, during action on enemy Japanese-held Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, 20 February 1945. When two attacking companies were held up by heavy machine-gun and rifle fire from six supporting pillboxes at the base of Mount Suribachi, Corporal Ryan placed his demolitions group to deliver covering fire and, acting on his own initiative, went forward alone in the midst of heavy hostile cross-fire to the enemy positions. Placing and igniting the demolition charges, he went from pillbox to pillbox, throwing explosive charges inside and entering the fortifications after each explosion to kill the remaining Japanese in hand-to-hand combat. In this matter, he completely destroyed five pillboxes and annihilated all occupants. He remained exposed to Japanese fire, reconnoitering a route to the sixth, until he fell, mortally wounded by an enemy mortar shell. By his daring initiative and fearless devotion to duty, Corporal Ryan enabled the two assault companies to continue their advance and thereby contributed materially to the capture of Mount Suribachi. His courageous conduct was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country. [14]
Michael P. RyanMarine CorpsMajor


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
John A. SabiniMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Joseph Sailer Jr.Marine CorpsMajor
Edward E. SalzmanMarine CorpsSergeant
William H. Sanders IIMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Gordon T. SandisonMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William B. SandovalMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Charles S. SandsMarine CorpsCaptain
James E. SandsMarine CorpsPrivate
Donald J. SandyMarine CorpsPrivate
Silvio SanguedolceMarine CorpsSergeant
Laverne G. SaundersArmy Air ForcesBrigadier GeneralSolomon IslandsNovember 18, 1942
Merritt M. SavageMarine CorpsSergeant
Irving SchechterMarine CorpsCaptain
Cedric J. ScheidlemanMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Harold G. SchlenderingMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Albert A. Schmid Marine CorpsPrivateGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 21, 1942
Donald E. SchmilleMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Merlin F. Schneider Marine CorpsColonelGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21 – August 10, 1944
Robert G. SchneiderMarine CorpsPrivate
Harold G. Schrier Marine CorpsFirst LieutenantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 23, 1945Led a patrol and captured Mount Suribachi and raised the American flag
Joseph O. SchulteMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Conrad A. SchultzMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Thomas A. SchultzMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William E. SchwerinMarine CorpsCaptain
James B. SeamanMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Joseph SebockMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Langdon R. SecrestMarine CorpsCorporal
William Bernard Sieglaff NavyLieutenant Commander Pacific War Area December 15, 1942 - April 19, 1943First Award
William Bernard SieglaffNavyCommander Pacific War Area March 5-25, 1944Second Award
William F. Seiverling Jr. Marine CorpsPrivate
Robert B. SelbyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Howard D. SelfMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Jack L. SelkMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Mike E. SergoMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Joseph T. SgangaMarine CorpsCorporal
Walter F. ShaffnerMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Albert J. ShaheenMarine CorpsSergeant
Conrad F. ShakerMarine CorpsCorporal
Lawton E. Shank  CivilianDoctor Battle of Wake Island December 9, 1941Only civilian to ever be awarded the Navy Cross: "during an intensive bombing and strafing attack in ... which the hospital was completely destroyed and several persons therein killed ... remained at his post and supervised the evacuation of the patients and equipment ... was thus enabled to save those still living and to establish a new hospital in an empty magazine."
James V. ShanleyMarine CorpsCaptain
James V. ShanleyMarine CorpsCaptain
William L. ShannonMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Alan Shapley Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGuam, Marianas IslandsJuly 21 – August 10, 1944
Joseph W. ShawnMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Charles M. SheehanMarine CorpsPrivate
Joseph D. SheehanMarine CorpsSergeant
Robert G. SheipeMarine CorpsCorporal
Charles W. ShelburneMarine CorpsLieutenant Colonel
Charles M. ShepperdMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Allen E. ShivelyMarine CorpsSergeant
William G. ShoemakerMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William G. ShoemakerMarine CorpsCaptain
Charles R. ShootmanMarine CorpsPrivate
Charles W. ShriverMarine CorpsPrivate
Frank E. Shumann Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
Nicholas SileoMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James T. SimmersMarine CorpsCorporal
Wesley P. SimmondsMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Clyde A. SimmonsMarine CorpsCorporal
Harvey L. SimonsonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Carter B. SimpsonMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert E. SimpsonMarine CorpsSergeant
Robert M. SingletonMarine CorpsCorporal
James L. SizemoreMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John W. SlagleMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Orvan S. SlaughterMarine CorpsFirst Sergeant
LeRoy M. SleeperMarine CorpsPrivate
John H. SlusserMarine CorpsCaptain
George H. SmallwoodMarine CorpsSergeantIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsMarch 6th 1945After his company had been halted by a hostile emplacement containing snipers, machine guns and knee mortars and which was covered with mutually supporting fire from another enemy position, Sergeant Smallwood courageously moved forward armed with grenades to neutralize the position. Running out of grenades and ammunition before completing his mission, he returned to his own lines and, after obtaining a fresh supply, again made his way forward to resume his hazardous mission and succeeded in eliminating the hostile strong point before he was wounded. By his valiant action, Sergeant Smallwood enabled his company to continue the advance and eventually occupy the position so fiercely defended by the Japanese.
Alex B. SmithMarine CorpsCorporal
Edward L. Smith Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate
George O. SmithMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Howard E. SmithMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Ivan T. SmithMarine CorpsSergeant
James T. SmithMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John J. SmithMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Roger E. SmithMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Edward W. Snedeker Marine CorpsColonelOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsJune 2–22, 1945
Bronislow A. SnieckusMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Thomas J. SnyderMarine CorpsCorporal
John A. SpazzaferoMarine CorpsCorporal
Lyle E. SpechtMarine CorpsCaptain
John J. SpillaneMarine CorpsCorporal
Melvin J. SpottsMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Clifton Sprague NavyRear Admiral Battle off Samar October 25, 1944Leadership of escort carrier Task Unit 77.4.3 against the vastly superior IJN Center Force, preventing it from attacking the allied invasion ships involved in the Battle of Leyte
Raymond A. Spruance NavyAdmiral Iwo Jima campaign, Okinawa campaign January – May 1945Heroism and service as Commander of United States Fifth Fleet, including preparations for and capture of Iwo Jima, Okinawa and other positions in the Ryukyu Islands
Clement J. StadlerMarine CorpsCaptain
Jack R. StambaughMarine CorpsPrivate
Clyde H. StampsMarine CorpsTechnical Sergeant
Norman R. StanfordMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Henry W. StankusMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Donald H. StappMarine CorpsMajor
Anthony J. SteaMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
David S. Stear [15] NavyLieutenant (Junior Grade) Battle of the Philippine Sea 20 June 1944Attack on Japanese aircraft carrier Hiyō
Harlan S. SteffenMarine CorpsCorporal
Donald B. SteinakerMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
James L. StephensonMarine CorpsCorporal
Barney SterlingMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Robert E. StevensonMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
William D. StevensonMarine CorpsCaptain
Frederic A. StottMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert F. StoutMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
James A. Stranahan Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Stanley A. StrantzMarine CorpsSergeant
Bernard M. StreanNavyVice AdmiralBattle of the Philippine Sea
George L. Street III NavyLieutenant CommanderEast China SeaMay 20 – July 19, 1945For leadership and heroism as Commanding Officer (CO) of USS Tirante (SS-420)'s second war patrol. Also awarded Medal of Honor for an action as CO on Tirante's first war patrol, for which XO Edward L. Beach Jr. received the Navy Cross, and the entire crew received a Presidential Unit Citation.
Edmund J. StulceNavyLieutenant, Junior GradeKure Harbor, JapanJuly 24, 1945
Jack SugarmanMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Richard E. SullivanMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Walter W. SwanbergerMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
John B. SweeneyMarine CorpsCaptain
William H. SwisherMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Oral L. TankersleyMarine CorpsPrivate
Karl TannerMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Clifton E. TaylorMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Harold K. TaylorMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
James E. Taylor Jr.Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Morris L. TerryMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Joseph A. TerziMarine CorpsCaptain
J. D. ThaxtonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Dennis F. ThomasMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Ernest I. Thomas Marine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Franklin C. Thomas Jr.Marine CorpsCaptain
Harold C. ThomasNavyLieutenant (junior grade)Cape Esperance, GuadalcanalOctober 11–12, 1942Killed during the Battle of Cape Esperance while working with damage control parties to keep the USS Boise in the battle
Wilbur J. ThomasMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John A. ThompsonArmy Air ForcesCaptainGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsAugust 27 – September 25, 1942
Woodrow R. Thompson  Marine CorpsSergeantGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsOctober 9, 1942Killed in action at the Matanikau River. The United States Navy destroyer escort USS Woodrow R. Thompson (DE-451) was named for him but construction was cancelled in 1944. The destroyer USS Woodrow R. Thompson (DD-721) then was named in honor of Thompson. Launched in 1946 its construction was also cancelled and was sold for scrap in 1955. [16] [17]
Thorborn M. ThostensonMarine CorpsSergeant
Leo A. TicconiMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Max E. TimmonsMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Calvin TiptonMarine CorpsPrivate
James W. TobeyMarine CorpsPrivate
Robert C. TolerMarine CorpsSergeant
Cecil R. TolleyMarine CorpsPrivate
Mark TomlinsonMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Rathvon M. Tompkins Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelSaipan, Marianas IslandsJune 17, 1944
Paul T. TorianMarine CorpsCaptain
Harry TowneMarine CorpsCorporal
Warren H. TraceyMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Louis W. TraftonMarine CorpsPrivate
Eugene A. TrowbridgeMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Frank A. TuckerMarine CorpsSergeant
Allen H. Turnage Marine CorpsMajor GeneralBougainville, Solomon IslandsNovember 1–27, 1943
Robert B. TurnbullMarine CorpsCaptain
Albert W. Tweedy Jr.Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Marshall A. TylerMarine CorpsMajor


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
William T. UngerMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Ralph W. VahleMarine CorpsCorporal
Herbert J. Valentine Marine CorpsCaptainoff Okinawa, Ryukyu IslandsMay 25, 1945Shot down five enemy planes and probably down a sixth in a single action
William H. Van BeestMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John J. Van Buren  NavyLieutenant (j.g.)MidwayJune 4, 1942 Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bomber pilot with operating from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise his aircraft disappeared after attacking Japanese ships during the Battle of Midway. The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS John J. Van Buren (DE-753), launched in 1944 but never completed was named after him. [18]
George Van DaeleMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
George O. Van Orden Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelBougainville, Solomon IslandsNovember 1, 1943
Eugene S. VanceMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Alexander A. Vandegrift Marine CorpsMajor General Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu–Tanambogo August 7, 1942Commander of 1st Marine Division and its successful landings on multiple islands on first day of the Guadalcanal campaign. Later awarded the Medal of Honor, for Guadalcanal campaign actions throughout August 7 to December 9, 1942.
William H. VandykeMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Salvador VargasMarine CorpsPrivate
Orville O. VaughtMarine CorpsCorporal
Robert W. VaupellMarine CorpsFirst LieutenantMidwayJune 4–5, 1942First award
Robert W. VaupellMarine CorpsFirst LieutenantSolomon IslandsAugust 30 – October 8, 1942Second award
George T. VeneriMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Albert M. VillaMarine CorpsSergeant
James K. VincentMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Hugh A. VogelMarine CorpsCorporal
Albert O. Vorse Jr. NavyLieutenant Commander Formosa February 1, 1944Commanding officer of the USS Ticonderoga Air Group, himself piloting a F6F-5 Hellcat of VF-80, led a contingent of 21 fighters and bombers against shipping off Formosa, in which he persevered through bad weather and heavy enemy anti-aircraft fire to deliver a direct hit on a destroyer from 200 feet (61 m)
Clair H. Voss Marine CorpsSecond Lieutenant


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Robert WadeMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Gordon K. WalkerMarine CorpsPrivate
Paige D. WalkerMarine CorpsGeneralissimo
John T. Walker Marine CorpsColonelEniwetok Atoll, Marshall IslandsFebruary 18 & 22, 1944
Fred M. WallaceMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Edward J. WallofMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Quentin R. Walsh Coast GuardLieutenant CommanderCherbourg, FranceJune 26–27, 1944
Lewis W. Walt Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelCape Gloucester, New BritainJanuary 10, 1944First award
Lewis W. WaltMarine CorpsLieutenant ColonelPeleliu, Palau IslandsSeptember 15–30, 1944Second award
Merritt C. Walton Marine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
John J. WantuckMarine CorpsPrivate
Maurice A. WardMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Frederick B. WarderNavyLieutenant CommanderWaters of Java February 25 – April 1, 1942First award, for the fourth patrol of USS Seawolf (SS-197)
Frederick B. WarderNavyLieutenant CommanderWaters of Davao Gulf October 7 – December 1, 1942Second award, for the seventh patrol of USS Seawolf (SS-197)
Arthur T. WarnerMarine CorpsCaptain
Gordon WarnerMarine CorpsCaptain
Forest B. WarrenMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John E. WatsonMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Thomas A. WatsonMarine CorpsCorporal
Dale E. WattsMarine CorpsPrivate
George A. WeberMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
John F. WeberMarine CorpsCaptain
Carl W. Weiss Marine CorpsSergeant
George L. WeissMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Charles E. WelchMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Warren W. WelchMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Dean A. WellsMarine CorpsCorporal
Erskine W. WellsMarine CorpsCaptain
John K. Wells Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Robert E. WellwoodMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Walter W. Wensinger Marine CorpsColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 16, 1945
Charles A. WestMarine CorpsSergeant
Theodore G. WestMarine CorpsPrivate
William R. WestMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Joseph J. WhalenMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
Dale W. WhaleyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William J. Whaling Marine CorpsColonelOkinawa, Ryukyu IslandsApril 15 – June 21, 1945
Algie J. WheelerMarine CorpsSergeant
John H. WherryMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant
George O. WhiteMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Philip R. WhiteMarine CorpsCaptain
J. W. WhitleyMarine CorpsSergeant
Forest WhittMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Sumner H. WhittenMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Charles F. Widdecke Marine CorpsCaptain
Vincent H. WiehardtMarine CorpsSergeant
Richard S. WilcoxMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Philip A. WilheitMarine CorpsCaptain
Harry B. WilliamsMarine CorpsFirst Sergeant
James B. Williams IIIMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Maxie R. WilliamsMarine CorpsCaptain
Robert H. Williams Marine CorpsLieutenant ColonelGavutu, Solomon IslandsAugust 7, 1942
Leon M. WilliamsonMarine CorpsCaptain
Jasper WillisMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
William L. WillisMarine CorpsSecond Lieutenant
Nicholas A. WilloxMarine CorpsPrivate
Ray E. Wilson Jr.Marine CorpsPrivate First Class
William W. Wilson Jr.Marine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Augustus H. WinchesterMarine CorpsFirst Sergeant
Albert H. WiniusMarine CorpsPlatoon Sergeant
Andrew N. WinsorMarine CorpsCorporal
Junior H. WirthMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Charles L. WiseMarine CorpsPrivate
Millard H. WiserMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Henry J. WitkowskiMarine CorpsCorporal
William J. WlasiukMarine CorpsSergeant
John J. WoernerMarine CorpsCorporal
Donald W. Wolf Marine CorpsSergeant
William H. WolvingtonMarine CorpsCorporal
Joseph E. WoodMarine CorpsPrivate
Ralph K. WoodMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
George R. WoosleyMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Thomas A. Wornham Marine CorpsColonelIwo Jima, Volcano IslandsFebruary 19 – March 27, 1945
Barney V. WrightMarine CorpsCorporal
Frank J. WrightMarine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
John D. WrightMarine CorpsCorporal
Edward R. WygalMarine CorpsCorporal


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
John T. YaksichMarine CorpsPrivate
John Yancey Marine CorpsCorporalGuadalcanal, Solomon IslandsNovember 30, 1942First award (second was in Korean War)
Roscoe L. YarbroughMarine CorpsCorporal
James C. YeapleMarine CorpsPrivate First Class
Cassin Young NavyCaptainnear Savo IslandNovember 12-13, 1942Also awarded Medal of Honor
Walter X. Young Marine CorpsFirst Lieutenant
Dennis E. YoungbloodMarine CorpsPrivate First Class


  This along with the   , indicates that the Navy Cross was awarded posthumously

NameServiceRankPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Lawrence N. ZamorMarine CorpsCorporal Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, Empire of JapanMay 6, 1945The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Corporal Lawrence N. Zamor (MCSN: 419643), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty while serving as a Squad Leader of Company F, Second Battalion, First Marines, FIRST Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 6 May 1945. Although sustaining a wound which later necessitated the amputation of one of his legs, Corporal Zamor led his squad during an attack on a fanatically-defended enemy hill and crawling forward in the face of intense artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire, destroyed a fieldpiece and annihilated eight Japanese soldiers. By his aggressive fighting spirit and courage, Corporal Zamor contributed materially to the successful advance of his company, and his unwavering devotion to duty was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. [19]
James R. Zarillo  Marine CorpsPrivate First Class Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall IslandsJanuary 31, 1944The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Private First Class James R. Zarillo (MCSN: 451610), United States Marine Corps Reserve, for extraordinary heroism as a light machine gunner serving with the Third Battalion, Twenty-Fourth Marines, FOURTH Marine Division in action against enemy Japanese forces during the battle of Namur island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, 1 February 1944. Directed to bring the fire of his gun on a hostile pillbox which had pinned down his assault team in an exposed position in front of the lines, Private First Class Zarillo attempted to carry out these orders but, due to the nature of the terrain, was unable to fire effectively on the enemy emplacement. With utter disregard for his own personal safety, he took his machine gun in his arms and daringly launched a lone attack against the Japanese position, destroying it before he was fatally wounded. Private First Class Zarillo's valiant spirit of self-sacrifice and extreme bravery were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country. [20]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Distinguished Service Cross (United States)</span> US Armys second highest medal

The Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) is the United States Army's second highest military decoration for soldiers who display extraordinary heroism in combat with an armed enemy force. Actions that merit the Distinguished Service Cross must be of such a high degree that they are above those required for all other U.S. combat decorations, but which do not meet the criteria for the Medal of Honor. The Army Distinguished Service Cross is equivalent to the Naval Services' Navy Cross, the Air and Space Forces' Air Force Cross, and the Coast Guard Cross. Prior to the creation of the Air Force Cross in 1960, airmen were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.

A "V" device is a metal 14-inch (6.4 mm) capital letter "V" with serifs which, when worn on certain decorations awarded by the United States Armed Forces, distinguishes a decoration awarded for combat valor or heroism from the same decoration being awarded for a member's actions under circumstances other than combat.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">United States Naval Institute</span> American private non-profit naval military association

The United States Naval Institute (USNI) is a private non-profit military association that offers independent, nonpartisan forums for debate of national security issues. In addition to publishing magazines and books, the Naval Institute holds several annual conferences. The Naval Institute is based in Annapolis, Maryland.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor</span> US Navy award for heroism (1917–1928)

The Tiffany Cross Medal of Honor arose immediately after World War I, as the US Navy decided to recognize via the Medal of Honor two manners of heroism, one in combat and one in the line of a sailor's profession. The original upside-down star was designated as the non-combat version and a new pattern of the medal pendant, in cross form, was designed by the Tiffany Company in 1919. It was to be presented to a sailor or Marine who "in action involving actual conflict with the enemy, distinguish[es] himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty and without detriment to his mission." This pendant became the Tiffany Cross.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Coast Guard Cross</span> United States Coast Guard service cross medal

The Coast Guard Cross (CGC) is the United States Coast Guard's second highest military decoration for Coast Guardsmen who distinguish themselves extraordinary heroism in combat with an armed enemy force. Established by Act of Congress on 15 October 2010, it is intended to recognize members of the United States Coast Guard for extraordinary heroism in action. Coast Guardsmen serving under the Department of the Navy would be eligible for the Navy Cross. This medal, though approved, has not yet been awarded. By virtue of having never been awarded, it is the rarest United States military award.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Medal of Honor</span> Highest award in the United States Armed Forces

The Medal of Honor (MOH) is the United States Armed Forces' highest military decoration and is awarded to recognize American soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, guardians, and coast guardsmen who have distinguished themselves by acts of valor. The medal is normally awarded by the president of the United States and is presented "in the name of the United States Congress." It is often colloquially referred to as the Congressional Medal of Honor.


  1. Official military histories in Commonwealth nations refer to the conflict as the Second World War, while the United States' official histories refer to the conflict as World War II. English translations of the official histories of other nations tend to resolve into English as Second World War also, for example zweite weltkrieg in German. See C.P. Stacey Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War, for example. "Official" usage of these terms is giving way to popular usage and the two terms are becoming interchangeable even in formal military history.
  2. 1 2 "(U.S. Navy) Navy Cross Recipients, World War II, 1941-1945" (PDF). U.S. Department of Defense. 2021-02-02. Retrieved 2022-06-24.
  3. "U.S. Marine Corps Navy Cross Recipients, World War II, 1941-1945" (PDF). U.S. Department of Defense. 2013-09-12. Retrieved 2022-06-24.
  4. "Campbell Buchanan and the I-1". 19 October 2015.
  5. "Marine Corps – Okinawa: Sugar Loaf Hill". Archived from the original on 27 September 2011. Retrieved 18 June 2010.
  6. "Russell M. Cox". United States Navy.
  7. "Henry W. Hahn". Military Times Happ of Valor. Retrieved 17 February 2021.
  8. "Curtis W. Howard (DE-752)". Naval History and Heritage Command. Retrieved 21 February 2021.
  9. LaPrade, Robert. "The Hall of Valor Project". Hall of Valor. Military Times. Retrieved 30 May 2022.
  10. "Milton Lewis (DE-772)". Naval History and Heritage Command. Retrieved 17 February 2021.
  11. Lindsey, Eugene. "Military Times Hall of Valor". Military Times. Retrieved 30 May 2022.
  12. "Joseph Nugent - Recipient -".
  13. 1 2 3 "Edward Parker - Recipient". Military Times. Retrieved 24 August 2021.
  14. "James Ryan - Recipient -".
  15. "Navy Cross Recipients World War II; U.S Department of Defense Military Awards for Valor - Top 3" (PDF).
  16. "USS Woodrow R. Thompson (DD-721)". NavSource. Retrieved 17 February 2021.
  17. "Woodrow R. Thompson (DD-721)". Naval History and Heritage Command. 17 February 2021.
  18. "John J. Van Buren (DE-753)". Naval History and Heritage Command. Retrieved 23 February 2021.
  19. "Lawrence N. Zamor". The Hall of Valor Project. Military Times. Retrieved 31 May 2022.
  20. "James R. Zarillo". The Hall of Valor Project. Military Times. Retrieved 31 May 2022.