List of Puru and Yadu dynasties

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In Hindu texts, the Puru and Yadu Dynasties are the descendants of legendary King Pururavas who was a famous Hindu ruler in the Treta Yuga. Pururavas was the son of Ila and Budha. Some of the dynasties' important members were Yayati, Yadu, King Puru, Turvasu, Druhyu and Anu. According to Hindu mythology, Yayāti was one of the ancestors of Pandavas and the Yaduvamsha.


Chandravamsha clan

King Pururavas was a ruler of Treta Yuga. According to the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, Pururavas was the son of Ila and Budha. Some important members were Yayati, Yadu, Puru, Turvasu, Druhyu, and Anu. According to the Mahabharata, the Pandavas and the Kauravas were from the lineage of

Puru. Kartavirya Arjuna, Krishna and Balarama were from the lineage og Yadu. Turvasu's descendants are named to be the Mlecchas of Balochistan and Dravidas of South India. Druhyu's descendants included the Gandharas and Shakuni. Anu's descendants included e hy Madras, Kekayas, Ushinara, and Shibi.

  1. Brahma
  2. Atri
  3. Chandra
  4. Budha

The Lunar Dynasty descendants

The Lunar Dynasty started in the Treta Yuga.

  1. Pururavas
  2. Ayu, Shrutayu, Satyayu, Raya, Jaya and Vijaya were the sons of Pururavas
  3. Nahusha, Kshatravrdhdha, Raji, Rabha and Anena were the sons of Ayu
  4. Yati, Yayati, Samyati, Ayati, Viyati, Nishanta, and Kriti were the sons of Nahusha

Yayati had two wives and five sons. Yadu, Turvasu, Druhyu, Anu, and Puru were the five sons of Yayati. Devayani and Sharmishtha were the two wives of Yayati.



illegitimate son of Chandra
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legitimate son of Chandra
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Wife of Atri
Wife of Durvasa
illegitimate Wife of Chandra

Wife of Chandra
Wife of Dattatreya

Emperor Puru dynasty

Puru enthroned by Emperor Yayati, made by Bhawani from Razmnama Puru enthroned by yayati (cropped).jpg
Puru enthroned by Emperor Yayati, made by Bhawani from Razmnama

The Puru Dynasty Kings such as King Puru and Janamejaya were once defeated by Ravana of Lanka.

  1. Puru (contemporary to Suryavanshi Emperor Mandhatri)
  2. Janamejaya I
  3. Prachinwan (contemporary to Suryavanshi king Mulaka)
  4. Pravira
  5. Manasyu
  6. Risheyu
  7. Matinara I
  8. Charupada
  9. Suduyu
  10. Bahugava
  11. Sanyati
  12. Ahamyati
  13. Sarvabhauma I
  14. Jayatsena
  15. Arachina
  16. Arihana I
  17. Mahabhauma
  18. Ayutanayin
  19. Akrodhana I
  20. Devaththi I
  21. Arihana II
  22. Riksha II
  23. Matinara II
  24. Rantinava
  25. Tansu
  26. Illina
  27. Dushyanta
  28. Emperor Bharata

Emperor Bharata dynasty

Bharata (Sarvadamana), the son of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. Painting by Raja Ravi Varma. Raja Ravi Varma - Mahabharata - Bharata.jpg
Bharata (Sarvadamana), the son of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. Painting by Raja Ravi Varma.

Bharata (Mahabharata) conquered the whole world from Kashmir (pole) to Kumari (coast) and established the great Lunar dynasty and by the glory, zenith and name of this king, India was called as Bharatavarsha or Bharatakhanda or Bharatadesha or Bharata. He was named so because he had the blessings of Goddess Saraswati and Lord Hayagriva. India developed Vedic studies (Sanatana Dharma) in the Vedic Period.

  1. Bhumanyu
  2. Suhotra
  3. Ajamida I
  4. Riksha II
  5. Samvarana I
  6. Kuru I
  7. Anasawan I
  8. Parikshit I
  9. Janamejaya II
  10. Dhirtarashtra I
  11. Brihadkshatra
  12. Hasthi (founder of Hastinapur)
  13. Vikuntana
  14. Ajamida II
  15. Rishin (became a Rajarshi)
  16. Samvarna II
  17. Kuru II (By the name and glory of this king, the dynasty was called Kuru Kingdom and was the founder of Magadha Kingdom.)

Ajamida dynasty

Once in Treta Yuga, there lived a sage called Chuli. He was named so because he worships the lord Shiva always with a Shulam (Trident). Apsara Somada who was the daughter of Apsaras Urmila came to him. Then Sage asked what she wanted. Somada asked him to marry her and to give a brave and a valiant son. Soon they were married and in short time a son was born to them. He was Brahmadatta I who married 100 daughters of Kushanabha who was the grandfather of Sage Vishwamitra and this king formed his kingdom's capital named Kampilya long before the 5 Panchala brothers. But his dynasty's reign were very short.

After his descendants' reign, it came under the control of the Paurava, Ajamida II, who was a descendant of Puru.

Panchala dynasty

The Pandavas in Drupada's court The Pandavas in Drupada's Court.jpg
The Pandavas in Drupada's court

Ajamida II had a son named Rishin (a saintly king). Rishin had 2 sons namely Samvarana II whose son was Kuru and Brihadvasu whose descendants were Panchalas.

  1. Rishin
  2. Samvarana II and Brihadvasu
  3. Brihadbhanu was the son of Brihadvasu.
  4. Brihatkaya
  5. Puranjaya
  6. Riksha
  7. Bramhyaswa
  8. Aramyaswa (Contemporary of Nala, Damayanti, and Rituparna)
  9. Mudgala (Rajrshi who married Nala and Damayanti's daughter)
  10. Yavinara
  11. Pratiswa, Kampilya (Founder of Kampilya - Capital of Panchala Kingdom) and Srnjaya were the sons of Aramyaswa and were the founders of Panchala Kingdom and were called as Panchalas.
  12. Dritimana was the son of Mudgala
  13. Drdhanemi
  14. Sarvasena was the founder of Ujjain Kingdom
  15. Mitra
  16. Rukmaratha
  17. Suparswa
  18. Sumathi
  19. Sannatimana
  20. Krta
  21. Pijavana
  22. Somadutta
  23. Jantuvahana
  24. Badhrayaswa
  25. Brihadhishu
  26. Brihadhanu
  27. Brihadkarma (Possibly Pravahana Jaivali)
  28. Jayaratha (Possible Contemporary of Suryavanshi Emperor Ramachandra)
  29. Visvajit
  30. Seinyajit
  31. Nepavirya (after this King's name the country was named Nepal)
  32. Samara
  33. Sadashva
  34. Ruchiraswa
  35. Pruthusena
  36. Prapti
  37. Prthaswa
  38. Sukrthi
  39. Vibhiraja
  40. Anuha
  41. Bramhadatta II was a Saintly King (Rajarishi)
  42. Vishwaksena was a Devotee of Lord Vishnu
  43. Dandasena
  44. Durmukha
  45. Durbuddhi
  46. Dharbhya
  47. Divodasa
  48. Sivana I
  49. Mitrayu
  50. Maitrayana
  51. Soma
  52. Sivana II
  53. Sadasana
  54. Sahadeva
  55. Somaka
  56. Sugandakrthu and Prihasta ( Somaka had 100 sons; whom the eldest was Sugandakrthu and youngest was Prishata. However, in a war the 99 elder sons died and Prishata Survived and became the king of Panchala)
  57. Drupada (son of Prishata and rival of Drona)
  58. Dhrishtadyumna, Draupadi and Shikhandi (Who played major roles in the Mahabharata)

Kuru dynasty

King Shantanu and Ganga Santanu and Ganga.JPG
King Shantanu and Ganga
The end of the Kurukshetra War, and the final moments of Bhishma, surrounded by the victorious Pandavas and Sri Krishna. Bhisma on arrows bed.jpg
The end of the Kurukshetra War, and the final moments of Bhishma, surrounded by the victorious Pandavas and Sri Krishna.
Emperor Yudhishitra, with his Pandava brothers and their common wife Draupadi. Draupadi and Pandavas.jpg
Emperor Yudhishitra, with his Pandava brothers and their common wife Draupadi.

Kuru II, a king of Puru dynasty after whom the dynasty was named 'Kuruvansha' or 'Kaurava'. After his name, the district in Haryana was called as Kurukshetra. This battlefield before the birth of Bhishma, Shantanu and Pratipa was the Yagnabhumi (sacred place or sacrificial place or capital city of Kuru Kingdom) of this King in Dvapara Yuga. By the glory, zenith and name of this king the dynasty was hence the Kuru Dynasty and the kingdom was renamed from Paurava Kingdom to Kuru Kingdom. After these Kings several kings of this dynasty established several kingdoms. He had three sons, namely Vidhuratha I who became the ruler of Pratisthana, Vyushitaswa who died at a very young age, and Sudhanva, who became the ruler of Magadha. Henceforth, Vidhuratha became the king of Hastinapura.

  1. Vidhuratha I
  2. Jahnu
  3. Suratha
  4. Vidhuratha II
  5. Sarvabhauma II
  6. Jayasena
  7. Radhika
  8. Ayutayu
  9. Akrodhana II
  10. Devaththi II
  11. Riksha III
  12. Dilipa
  13. Anaswan II
  14. Parikshit II
  15. Janamejaya III
  16. Bheemasena
  17. Pratishravas
  18. Pratipa
  19. Shantanu
  20. Chitrāngada (Son of Shantanu, who was killed prematurely). Bhishma, who was the eldest son of the Shantanu and Ganga; had functioned as the regent of the Kurus, under Chitrāngada, Vichitravirya, Pandu and Dhritarashtra II
  21. Vichitravirya (Younger brother of Chitrāngada, who died prematurely).
  22. Pandu ( Son of Vichitravirya and Ambalika). Vidura, who was his half brother, served as his, and his elder brother's Prime Minister.
  23. Dhritarashtra II (Older half-brother of Pandu, and son of Ambika who didn't succeed Vichitravirya directly due to his blindness).
  24. The Kauravas, led by Duryodhana (Sons of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari, who were slain in the Kurukshetra War). They
  25. The Pandavas, led by Chakravarti Samrat Yudhishtira (Who were the main protagonists of the Mahabharata).

Yaudheya was the son of Yudhishthira and Devika. Ghatotkacha was the son of Bhima and Hidimbi, Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna and Subhadra. Babruvahana was the son of Arjuna and Chitrāngadā. Iravan was the son of Arjuna and Ulupi. Niramitra was the son of Nakula and Karenumati. Suhotra was the son of Sahadeva and Queen Vijaya. Upapandavas were the 5 sons of Pandava and Draupadi (Daughter of King Drupada of Panchala).

The following, are monarchs who reigned after Emperor Yudhishtira, according to the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam;

  1. Parikshit III was the son of Abhimanyu; and grandson of the Pandava Arjuna
  2. Janamejaya IV
  3. Śatānīka
  4. Ashwamedhatta (Ashwamedhaja)
  5. Asīmakṛṣṇa
  6. Nemicakra
  7. Citraratha
  8. Vṛṣṭimān
  9. Suṣeṇa
  10. Sunītha
  11. Nṛcakṣu
  12. Sukhīnala
  13. Pariplava
  14. Sunaya
  15. Nṛpañjaya
  16. Timi
  17. Bṛhadratha
  18. Sudāsa
  19. Śatānīka
  20. Durdamana
  21. Mahīnara
  22. Daṇḍapāṇi
  23. Nimi
  24. Kṣemaka

Magadha dynasty

Sudhanva, son of Kuru II, became the king of Magadha.

  1. Sudhanva
  2. Sudhanu
  3. Suhotra
  4. Chyavana
  5. Chavana
  6. Krtri
  7. Kriti
  8. Krta
  9. Krtyagya
  10. Krtavirya
  11. Krtasena
  12. Krtaka
  13. Uparichara Vasu (Devotee of Lord Vishnu and a friend of Devaraja Indra) conquered Chedi Kingdom.
  14. Brihadratha (father of Jarasandha and the King of Magadha), Pratyagraha became the King of Chedi whose Great-Grandson was Shishupala, Kusambhi (Vatsa), Mavella, Yadu and Matsya (founder of Matsya Kingdom whose Great-Grandson was Virata who was the founder of Viratanagara) were the sons of Vasu and Vasu daughter Satyavati who later married Shantanu.)
  15. Jarasandha
  16. Jayatsena and Sahadeva (the sons of Jarasandha and allies of Pandavas.)

Brihadratha dynasty

Brihadratha, king of Magadha, started the Brihadratha dynasty.

  1. Brihadratha
  2. Kusaagra
  3. Rishabha
  4. Satyahita
  5. Pushpa
  6. Satershita
  7. Sudhanva
  8. Sarva
  9. Bhuvan
  10. Jarasanda
  11. Sahadeva
  12. Marjari
  13. Srutasrava
  14. Apratipa
  15. Niramitra
  16. Sukshatra
  17. Brihatkarma
  18. Syenajit
  19. Srutamja
  20. Mahabala
  21. Succhi
  22. Kshemya
  23. Anhvrata
  24. Dharmanetra
  25. Nirvrutti
  26. Suvrata
  27. Mahasena
  28. Sumita
  29. Subala
  30. Sunetra
  31. Satyajita
  32. Viswajit
  33. Ripunjaya

Emperor Yadu dynasty

Once Yadu dynasty King Yayati was suffering from a curse, he requested his five sons to help relieve him from that curse. All the four sons disagreed to help except the youngest. Yayati cursed his eldest son Yadu that his descendants are not worth to be a royal one. Yadu apologized for the mistake he committed. Yayati gave him a boon that Lord Narayana himself will born in his dynasty. The descendants of Yadu were Sahasrabahu Kartavirya Arjuna, Krishna etc.

Heheya Kingdom

Sahasrajit was the eldest son of Yadu whose descendant were Haihayas. After Kartavirya Arjuna, his grandsons Talajangha and his son, Vitihotra had occupied Ayodhya which was ruled by Rama's ancestor Sagara's father Bahuka who was also known as Asita. Talajangha, his son Vitihotra were killed by King Sagara. Their descendants (Madhu and Vrshni) exiled to Kroshtas, a division of Yadava Dynasty.

  1. Sahasrajit
  2. Satajit
  3. Mahahaya, Renuhaya and Haihaya (the founder of Haihaya Kingdom). (Contemporary to Suryavanshi king Mandhatri)
  4. Dharma was the son of Haihaya.
  5. Netra
  6. Kunti
  7. Sohanji
  8. Mahishman was the founder of Mahishmati on the banks of River Narmada.
  9. Bhadrasenaka (Bhadrasena) (Contemporary to Suryavanshi king Trishanku)
  10. Durmada (Contemporary to Suryavanshi king Harischandra)
  11. Durdama
  12. Bhima
  13. Samhata
  14. Kanaka
  15. Dhanaka
  16. Krtavirya, Krtagni, Krtavarma and Krtauja. (Contemporary to Suryavanshi king Rohitashva)
  17. Sahasrabahu Kartavirya Arjuna was the son of Krtavirya who ruled 88 years and was finally killed by Lord Parashurama.
  18. Jayadhwaja, Vrshabha, Madhu and Urujit were left by Parshurama and 995 others were killed by Lord Parashurama. Pajanya was adopted by Kroshta king Devamidha
  19. Talajangha (Contemporary to Suryavanshi king Asita)
  20. Vithihotra (Contemporary to Suryavanshi king Sagara)
  21. Madhu
  22. Vrshni

Kroshta dynasty

Yadu had a son named Kroshta whose descendant was Krishna. Once, Satvata and his son Bhima caught hold of Lord Rama's Ashwamedha sacrifice horse and then they were defeated by Hanuman and Shatrughna and the Yadava Kingdom was given to Ikshvaku Dynasty. Rama then gave the kingdom to Shatrughna's son Subahu before his journey to Vaikunta. Then, finally Andhaka (Son of Bhima) recovered his paternal kingdom from Subahu after the journey to Vaikunta of Rama.

  1. Yadu was the Founder of Yadu Dynasty and Yadava Kingdom (contemporary of God Parashurama)
  2. Kroshta
  3. Vrajnivan
  4. Vrajpita
  5. Bhima I
  6. Nivriti
  7. Viduratha
  8. Vikrati
  9. Vikravan
  10. Swahi
  11. Swati
  12. Ushnaka
  13. Rasadu
  14. Chitraratha I
  15. Sashabindu (Contemporary to Suryavanshi King Mandhata)
  16. Madhu I (By the name and glory of this king, Lord Krishna was called Madhava and the Yadavas were called Madhu Yadava or Madhavas)
  17. Prithushrava
  18. Vrishni I was a Yadava king whose dynasty was called as Vrshni Dynasty.

Vrishni dynasty

Vrishni I was a great Yadava king. His descendants were the Vrishni Yadavas, Chedi Yadavas and Kukura Yadavas. His son was Antara.

  1. Antara
  2. Suyajna
  3. Ushna
  4. Marutta
  5. Kambhoja was a Bhoja King who founded the Kamboja Kingdom and his descendants were Kambhojas
  6. Shineyu
  7. Ruchaka
  8. Rukmakavacha
  9. Jayamadha
  10. Vidarbha was the Founder of Vidarbha Kingdom (Contemporary to Suryavanshi King Bahuka)
  11. Kratha (Contemporary to Suryavanshi King Sagara)
  12. Raivata
  13. Vishwagarbha
  14. Padmavarna
  15. Sarasa
  16. Harita
  17. Madhu II
  18. Madhava
  19. Puruvasa
  20. Purudvan
  21. Jantu
  22. Satvata was a Yadava King whose descendants were called Satvatas. (Contemporary to Lord Rama)
  23. Bhima II (Contemporary to Suryavanshi King Kusha)
  24. Andhaka was another Yadava King whose descendants were called Andhakas.
  25. Mahabhoja
  26. Raivata (Contemporary to Suryavanshi King Athithi)
  27. Vishwagarbha
  28. Vasu
  29. Kriti
  30. Kunti
  31. Dhrishti
  32. Turvasu
  33. Darsha
  34. Vyoma
  35. Jimuta
  36. Vikruthi
  37. Bhimaratha
  38. Rathvara
  39. Navratha
  40. Dashratha
  41. Ekadasharatha
  42. Shakuni
  43. Karibhi
  44. Devarata
  45. Devakshetra
  46. Devala
  47. Madhu
  48. Bhajmana
  49. Puruvasha
  50. Puruhotra
  51. Kumaravansha
  52. Kumbalabarhi
  53. Rukamatwacha
  54. Kuruvasha
  55. Anu
  56. Pravarta
  57. Purumitra
  58. Shrikara was a Yadava King who was the disciple of lord Hanuman. After completing education from lord Hanuman, he got a boon from lord Hanuman was that lord Narayana will take birth in Yadu's dynasty.
  59. Chitraratha II
  60. Viduratha
  61. Shoora
  62. Sharma
  63. Prathikshara
  64. Swayambhoja
  65. Hridhika
  66. Vrishni II
  67. Devamidha
  68. Surasena was the son of Madisha and Parjanya was the son of Vesparna(2nd wife of Devamidha).
  69. Vasudeva and others were the son of Surasena and Nanda Baba was the son of Parjanya
  70. Balarama, Krishna and others were the sons of Vasudeva.

Yogmaya was daughter of Nanda Baba.

  1. Pradyumna was the son of Krishna.
  2. Aniruddha
  3. Vajranabha
  4. Pratibahu
  5. Subahu
  6. Shantasena
  7. Shatasena

Chedi dynasty

Yadu's descendant Vidarbha, who was the founder of the Vidarbha Kingdom, has three sons: Kusha, Kratha and Romapada. Kusha was the founder of Dwaraka. Romapada was given central India Madhya Pradesh. King Romapada's descendants were the Chedis. During the reign of Lord Rama, Tamana and his father Subahu II fought against Rama while doing Ashvamedha sacrifice and were defeated by Lord Hanuman. Later, Uparichara Vasu conquered Chedi.

  1. Romapada
  2. Babhru
  3. Krti
  4. Ushika
  5. Chedi was the founder of the Chedi Kingdom
  6. Subahu I (contemporary of Suryavanshi King Rituparna and Nala and Damayanti)
  7. Virabahu
  8. Subahu II
  9. Tamana (contemporary of Lord Rama)

Kukura dynasty

Vishwagarbha, a descendant of Vrishni had a son named Vasu. Vasu had two sons, Kriti and Kukura. Kriti's descendants were Shurasena, Vasudeva, Kunti, etc. Kukura's descendants were Ugrasena, Kamsa and Devaki, adopted daughter of Ugrasena. After Devaka, his younger brother Ugrasena reigned at Mathura.

  1. Kukura
  2. Vrshni
  3. Riksha
  4. Kapotarma
  5. Tittiri
  6. Punarvasu
  7. Abhijit
  8. Dhrshnu
  9. Ahuka
  10. Devaka and Ugrasena
  11. Kamsa and 10 others were the children of Ugrasena while Devaki, the daughter of Devaka, was the adoptive daughter of Ugrasena.

See also

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Dasarna Kingdom was one of the many kingdoms ruled by Yadava kings in ancient central and western India. It lay to the south of the Chedi and Panchala kingdoms, in northern Madhya Pradesh. The Panchala prince Sikhandi married a princess from Dasarna. Sikhandi was alleged to be 'one of the neuter-gender'. This led to a dispute between the Dasarna king and the Panchala king Drupada.

Anarta is a Vedic period kingdom of ancient India described in the Mahabharata, roughly forming the northern Gujarat state of India. It was founded by the father of Vaivasvata Manu and Yama, named Anarta. He built a fortress at Kusasthali (Dvaraka), which was later flooded by Varuna. The place remained then for some time as a forest land, before Krishna and the Yadavas went there and built Dvaraka. It was then ruled by Yadavas after they fled from Mathura of Surasena Kingdom, due to the attacks of Jarasandha, the king of Magadha. The Yadava chiefs like Vasudeva Krishna, Bala Rama, Kritavarma and Satyaki, ruled this kingdom under their king Ugrasena. In Mahabharata, Dwaraka is considered as a capital city of Anarta Kingdom. But some other ancient texts like Mahabhagavata, mentions Dwaraka and Anarta as two independent kingdoms. As per the Purana viz. Bhagavata Purana, Bala Rama's wife Revati was from this kingdom.

Kekeya Kingdom was a kingdom mentioned in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata among the western kingdoms of then India. The epic Ramayana mentions one of the wives of Dasharatha, the king of Kosala and father of Rama, was from Kekeya kingdom and was known as Kaikeyi. Her son Bharata conquered the neighbouring kingdom of Gandhara and built the city of Takshasila. Later the sons and descendants of Bharata ruled this region from Takshasila.

Nepa was a mountainous kingdom mentioned in the ancient Sanskrit epic Mahabharata. Its modern equivalent is identified as the Kingdom of Nepal, a country located in the mountainous terrain of the Himalayas.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pururavas</span> King in Hindu tradition

Pururavas is a character in Hindu literature, a king who served as the first of the Lunar dynasty.

Kampil, historically known as Kampilya, is a town and a Nagar panchayat in Farrukhabad district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is located about 45 km from Farrukhabad, and 55 km from Budaun. It is a very important place from a historical point of view.

The Turvasu dynasty, Druhyu dynasty and the Anudynasty are the names of three legendary cadet branches of the Lunar dynasty in Hindu literature, featured in the Puranas and the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.

The Itihasa-Purana, the Epic-Puranic narratives of the Sanskrit Epics and the Puranas, contain royal genealogies of the lunar dynasty and solar dynasty which are regarded by Indian traditions as historic events, and used in the Epic-Puranic chronology to establish a traditional timeline of Indian history.


    1. Mahabharata