List of Sonoran Desert wildflowers

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The wildflowers of the Sonoran Desert typically appear after a rain, some after the winter rains, and some after the summer "monsoons."


Amsinckia menziesii

Anemone tuberosa

Bahia absinthifolia

Brickellia coulteri

Carlowrightia arizonica

Cryptantha albida

Cryptantha angustifolia

Daucus pusillus

Datura innoxia

Dipterostemon capitatus

Encelia farinosa

Eriophyllum lanosum

Galium aparine

Geraea canescens

Glandularia gooddingii

Haplophyton crooksii

Isocoma tenuisecta

Justicia californica

Machaeranthera gracilis

Malacothrix californica

Marina parryi

Melampodium leucanthum

Monoptilon bellioides

Nama demissum

Nicotiana obtusifolia

Penstemon parryi

Physaria purpurea

Proboscidea parviflora

Rafinesquia neomexicana

Salvia columbariae

Senna covesii

Senna wislizeni

Silene antirrhina

Sphaeralcea ambigua

Trixis californica

Zeltnera calycosa

See also

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