List of UIC country codes

Last updated

The UIC Country Code is a two digit-number identifying countries in which members of the International Union of Railways (UIC) are active. The UIC has issued numbering systems for rolling stock (UIC wagon numbers) and stations that include the country code. The values are defined in UIC leaflet 920-14.


The country code had originally been designed as a company code but mainly as a consequence of the reorganisation of the rail sector in Europe changes were necessary. When the former UIC vehicle number became a vehicle register number (European Vehicle Number, EVN) issued by governmental organisations, the code was attributed to the countries. Vehicle numbering is now governed by the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail [1] and in Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) of the European Union.

Railroads in North America use a system based on company-specific reporting marks, and a similar system, ISO 6346, is used for intermodal containers.

Table of codes

Numerical code Alphabetical code Country
10FI Finland
20RU Russia
21BY Belarus
22UA Ukraine
23MD Moldova
24LT Lithuania
25LV Latvia
26EE Estonia
27KZ Kazakhstan
28GE Georgia
29UZ Uzbekistan
30KP North Korea
31MN Mongolia
32VN Vietnam
33CN China
34LA Laos
383KOS Kosovo
40CU Cuba
41AL Albania
42JP Japan
44BABosnia and Herzegovina, Serb Republic of [note 1]
49BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
50BABosnia and Herzegovina, Muslim-Croat Federation of [note 1]
51PL Poland
52BG Bulgaria
53RO Romania
54CZ Czech Republic
55HU Hungary
56SK Slovakia
57AZ Azerbaijan
58AM Armenia
59KG Kyrgyzstan
60IE Ireland
61KR South Korea
62ME Montenegro
65MK North Macedonia
66TJ Tajikistan
67TM Turkmenistan
68AF Afghanistan
70GB United Kingdom
71ES Spain
72RS Serbia
73GR Greece
74SE Sweden
75TR Turkey
76NO Norway
78HR Croatia
79SI Slovenia
80DE Germany
81AT Austria
82LU Luxembourg
83IT Italy
84NL Netherlands
85CH Switzerland
86DK Denmark
87FR France
88BE Belgium
89TZ Tanzania
90EG Egypt
91TN Tunisia
92DZ Algeria
93MA Morocco
94PT Portugal
95IL Israel
96IR Iran
97SY Syria
98LB Lebanon
99IQ Iraq
n/a [note 2] AR Argentina
n/a [note 2] AU Australia
n/a [note 2] BR Brazil
n/a [note 2] KH Cambodia
n/a [note 2] CA Canada
n/a [note 2] CL Chile
n/a [note 2] CO Colombia
n/a [note 2] CD DR Congo
n/a [note 2] IN India
n/a [note 2] ID Indonesia
n/a [note 2] MY Malaysia
n/a [note 2] MX Mexico
n/a [note 2] MM Myanmar
n/a [note 2] NZ New Zealand
n/a [note 2] PK Pakistan
n/a [note 2] PE Peru
n/a [note 2] SA Saudi Arabia
n/a [note 2] ZA South Africa
n/a [note 2] TH Thailand
n/a [note 2] AE United Arab Emirates
n/a [note 2] US United States
n/a [note 2] UY Uruguay
n/a [note 2] VE Venezuela


  1. 1 2 To allow the country to join the international seat reservation system, the individual code has been deprecated in favour of the single code for the whole country. The old code may still be used on existing applications .
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 The 920-14 leaflet contains a placeholder entry for the country but assigns no numerical code to it.


  1. see: UTP Marking 2015, Uniform Technical Prescription Applicable to Vehicle Numbers and linked alphabetical marking on the bodywork: THE RAILWAY VEHICLE MARKING, Applicable from 1.1.2015, retrieved from: OTIF page Prescriptions and Other Rules