List of World War II aces from Germany: M–P

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This is a list of fighter aces in World War II from Germany with their surname starting from M to P. A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat. [1] Aces are listed alphabetically by last name.



By surname: A–F   G–L   Q–S   T–Z

  This along with the * (asterisk), indicates that the pilot was either killed in action (KIA), missing in action (MIA), died of wounds (DOW), killed in a flying accident (KIFA), or killed in a car accident (KICA).
  This and the / (slash) indicates information discrepancies listed by Aders, Boiten, Caldwell, Girbig, Held, Obermaier, Spick, Ring, Mathews, Foreman and Zabecki.


Ernst MaakHauptmann6 [3] JG 27, JG 11
Werner Machold 32 [4] JG 2 Knight's Cross
Walter Mackens*Oberfeldwebel9 [5] JG 52, JG 53, JG 300 KIA 5 January 1944
Wilhelm Mackenstedt6 [6] JG 26
Anton Mader Oberstleutnant86 [7] [8] /78 [3] JG 2, JG 77, JG 54 Knight's Cross
Lothar Mai*Oberfeldwebel45 [9] /44 [3] JG 51 KIA 27 August 1943
Karl Maisch17 [5] NJG 5, NJG 100
Wilhelm Makrocki*Major9 [3] ZG 76, ZG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 21 May 1941
Günther Freiherr von Maltzahn Oberst68 [10] [11] JG 53 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Rudolf MangelsdorfOberfeldwebel8 [5] NJG 3, NJG 2
Egon MangoldHauptmann5 [5] 10.(NJ)/ZG 1, NJG 100, NJG 200
Gerhard Marburg*Oberfeldwebel7 [12] JG 3, JG 4 KIFA 3 September 1944
Heinz Marquardt 121 [13] [12] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Hans-Joachim Marseille*Hauptmann 158 [14] /152 [12] JG 52, JG 27 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
KIFA 30 September 1942
Karl-Heinrich Matern12 [15] ZG 1, ZG 76 Knight's Cross
Otto Materne*Hauptmann5 [5] NJG 4 KIA 6 September 1944
Walter Matoni Major34 [16] JG 27, JG 26, JG 2, JG 11 Knight's Cross
Kurt MatzakOberleutnant16 [12] [5] NJG 1
Willi Maximowitz*Oberfeldwebel15+ [12] JG 1, JG 3 MIA 20 April 1945
Marian Mazurek*Feldwebel34 [12] JG 53 KIA 9 June 1943
Egon Mayer*Oberstleutnant102 [17] [12] JG 2 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 2 March 1944
incl. 26 heavy bombers [2]
Hans-Karl Mayer Hauptmann39 (incl. 8 in Spain) [16] JG 53, JG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 October 1940
Wilhelm Mayer Leutnant27 [16] JG 26 Knight's Cross
Maximilian Mayerl Hauptmann76 [18] JG 51, EJG 1 Knight's Cross
Erhardt MeckeFeldwebel10 [12] JG 5
Helmut Meckel Oberleutnant25 [19] JG 3 Knight's Cross
KIFA 8 May 1943
Ulrich von MeienMajor8 [5] KG 27, NJG 100, NJG 5
Johann-Hermann Meier*Leutnant77 [18] JG 26, JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 15 March 1944
Julius Meimberg Major53 [20] JG 2, JG 53 Knight's Cross
Hans MeissnerLeutnant19 [5] NJG 3
Dieter Meister*10+ [21] KG 40, ZG 1, JG 2 KIA 21 November 1944
Ludwig Meister Hauptmann41 [22] /33 [5] NJG 1, NJG 4 Knight's Cross
Karl-Heinz Meltzer Feldwebel61 [21] JG 52
Arthur Mendl8+ [21] JG 5
Karl MentnichOberfeldwebel6 [21] JG 27
Hans-Jörg MerkleFeldwebel30 [21] JG 52
Helmut Mertens Hauptmann97 [23] JG 3 Knight's Cross
Werner Methfessel*8 [21] LG 1 KIA 17 May 1940
Rudolf Metz*Leutnant10 [21] JG 5, JG 3, JG 4 KIA 6 October 1944
Manfred Meurer*Hauptmann65 [24] [25] /63 [5] NJG 1, NJG 5 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 21/22 January 1944
Karl-Heinz "Conny" MeyerMajor11 [21] JG 26
Eduard Meyer*Leutnant22 [26] ZG 26 Knight's Cross
KIA 31 March 1942
Otto Meyer*Hauptmann21 [27] /14 [21] JG 27 KIA 12 July 1944
Walter MeyerLeutnant18 [21] JG 54, JG 26
Georg Michalek Major59 [26] JG 3 Knight's Cross
Gerhard Michalski Oberstleutnant73 [28] JG 53, JG 4 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Rudolf Miethig*Hauptmann101 [17] /100 [21] JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 10 June 1943
Klaus Mietusch*Major72 [28] JG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 17 September 1944
Walter Milius8 [5] NJG 1, NJG 3, NJG 4, JG 400
Wilhelm Mink*Oberfeldwebel72 [28] JG 51, EJG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 March 1945
Heinz MischFeldwebel8 [5] NJG 2, NJG 3
Bruno MischkotLeutnant7 [21] JG 26, JG 3, JG 2, EJG 2
Helmut Mißner*Oberfeldwebel82 [7] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 September 1944
Ernst-Wilhelm Modrow Hauptmann33 [22] [5] NJG 1 Knight's Cross
"Vati" Werner Mölders*Oberst115 (incl. 14 in Spain) [13] /108 [29] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
KIFA 22 November 1941
Klaus MöllerOberfeldwebel10 [5] NJG 3, NJG 2
Wilhelm Moritz Major44 [30] /41 [29] JG 51, JG 3 Knight's Cross
Wilhelm Morlock*Oberfeldwebel16 [5] NJG 1 KIA 4/5 November 1944
August Mors*Leutnant60 [31] [32] JG 5 Knight's Cross
KIA 8 August 1944
August Müller*Oberfeldwebel49 [33] JG 51 KIA 6 April 1945
Friedrich-Karl "Nasen" Müller Major30 [34] /29 [5] N.J.V.K., JG Herrmann,JG 300, NJGr 10, NJG 11 Knight's Cross
Friedrich-Karl "Tutti" Müller*Oberstleutnant140 [14] /139 [29] JG 53, JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 29 May 1944
incl. 23 heavy bombers [2]
Fritz Müller Leutnant23 [29] JG 7
Hans-Hermann MüllerHauptmann16 [5] NJG 2, NJG 3, SG 151, NSGr 20
Kurt Müller*Oberlfeldwebel5 [29] ZG 2 KIA 7 April 1940
Rudolf Müller*94 [23] [8] JG 5 Knight's Cross
Died in POW camp 21 June 1943
Siegfried MüllerLeutnant10 [33] JG 51, JG 3, JG 7
Wilhelm MüllerOberfeldwebel10 [35] JG 26
Gerhard Müller-DühneLeutnant5 [35] JG 26
Joachim Müncheberg*Major 135 [36] [35] JG 26, JG 51, JG 77 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 23 March 1943
Georg MunderlohOberfeldwebel18 [35] JG 54
Leopold Münster*Leutnant95 [23] [8] JG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
KIA 8 May 1944
Karl MunzLeutnant60 [37] [32] JG 52, JG 7
Hubert MütherichOberleutnant43 [33] /39 [35] JG 51, JG 54


Josef Nabrich*Oberleutnant18 [38] /17 [35] [5] NJG 101, NJG 1 KIA 27 November 1944
Heinz Nacke Major12 [39] ZG 76, NJG 3 Knight's Cross
Johannes Naumann 34 [39] JG 26, JG 6, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Kurt Necessany*Oberleutnant6 [35] KG 40, ZG 1 MIA 14 February 1944
Willi Nemitz*Leutnant81 [18] /82 [35] JG 52 Knight's Cross
KIA 11 April 1943
Wolfgang NeuHauptmann9 [35] JG 26
Hermann Neuhoff Leutnant40 [40] JG 53 Knight's Cross
Eduard Neumann Oberstleutnant13 (incl. 2 in Spain) [35] JG 26, JG 27
Helmut Neumann Leutnant62 [31] [35] JG 5 Knight's Cross
Klaus Neumann 37 [41] JG 51, JG 3, JG 7, JV 44 Knight's Cross
Berthold NeyMajor19 [38] /8 [35] [5] NJG 2, NJG 3 WIA 3/4 March 1945
Siegfried Ney*Oberfeldwebel12 [38] [5] /11 [35] NJG 1, NJG 2 KIA 27/28 March 1942
Hans-Wolfgang von Niebelschütz*Hauptmann9 [5] NJG 4, NJG 5 KIA 2/3 January 1944
Karl-Gottfried Nordmann Oberst78 [18] /75 [42] JG 51 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Jakob Norz*Leutnant117 [13] /104 [42] JG 5 Knight's Cross
KIA 16 September 1944
"Nowi" Walter Nowotny*Major 258 [43] /256 [42] JG 54, Kdo Nowotny,
JG 101
Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
KIA 8 November 1944


Heinz Oberheide*Feldwebel10 [38] /7 [42] NJG 3 KIA 8 February 1945
Anton Oberhofer*Unteroffizier12 [42] JG 52 KIA 7 March 1944
Friedrich Obleser Oberleutnant120 [13] /112+ [42] JG 52 Knight's Cross
Walter Oesau*Oberst125 (incl. 8 in Spain) [13] /127 [42] JG 1, JG 2, JG 51, J/88 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 11 May 1944
Walter Ohlrogge Leutnant77 [44] JG 3, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Robert Olejnik Major42 [44] JG 2, JG 3, JG 1, JG 400 Knight's Cross
Emil Omert*Hauptmann70 [10] /55 [42] JG 3, JG 2, JG 77 Knight's Cross
KIA 24 April 1944
Theo Osterkamp Generalleutnant38 (incl. 32 in World War I) [45] JG 51 Knight's Cross
Max-Hellmuth Ostermann*Oberleutnant102 [17] [42] ZG 1, JG 54 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 9 August 1942


Karl Paashaus*Oberleutnant15 [42] JG 53 German Cross
KIA 22 August 1944
Horst Patuschka*Hauptmann23 [45] [42] NJG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 6 March 1943
Georg PavenzingerOberfeldwebel5 [46] JG 51
Hans Peterburs*18 [45] [47] ZG 76, ZG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 11 January 1944
Viktor Petermann Oberleutnant64 [31] JG 52, JG 7 Knight's Cross
Erhard Peters*Hauptmann23 [48] NJG 3, NJG 4 KIA 20 February 1944
Horst PetzschlerFanhnenjunker-Oberfeldwebel26 [46] JG 3, JG 51 Ehrenpokal der Luftwaffe
Karl-Georg PfeifferOberfeldwebel10 [47] NJG 1
Rudolf Pflanz*Hauptmann52 [49] JG 2 Knight's Cross
KIA 31 July 1942
Helmut PfüllerOberfeldwebel27+ [47] JG 51
Hans Philipp*Major 206 [50] /195 [47] JG 54, JG 1 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
KIA 8 October 1943
Wilhelm Philipp Oberfeldwebel81 [18] /79+ [47] JG 54 Knight's Cross
Johann Pichler Leutnant75 [28] JG 77 Knight's Cross
Anton-Rudolf Piffer*26 [51] JG 1 Knight's Cross
KIA 17 June 1944
Rolf Pingel Major28 (incl. 6 in Spain) [52] JG 26, JG 53 Knight's Cross
Karl-Heinrich Plücker*Oberleutnant42 [47] JG 52 KIA 10 May 1944
Josef Pöhs*43 [52] JG 54 Knight's Cross
KIA 30 December 1943
Hubert Pölz Hauptmann11 [52] StG 3 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves
Hans PragerLeutnant16 [47] JG 26, JG 54
Alexander Preinfalk*Oberfeldwebel80 [47] JG 77, JG 51, JG 53 Knight's Cross
KIA 12 December 1944
Bela PreislerUnteroffizier6 JG 5
Rolf PriggeOberfänrich5 JG 27, JG 7
Josef "Pips" Priller Oberst101 [17] JG 51, JG 26 Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Herbert Puschmann Hauptmann54 [53] JG 51 Knight's Cross

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  1. Spick 1996, pp. 3–4.
  2. 1 2 3 Forsyth 2011, p. 90.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1507.
  4. Obermaier 1989, p. 163.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Boiten 2024, p. [ page needed ].
  6. Caldwell 1998, p. 511.
  7. 1 2 Spick 1996, p. 235.
  8. 1 2 3 Zabecki 2014, p. 1614.
  9. Aders & Held 1993, p. 262.
  10. 1 2 Spick 1996, p. 238.
  11. Zabecki 2014, p. 1616.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1508.
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 Spick 1996, p. 231.
  14. 1 2 Spick 1996, p. 229.
  15. Obermaier 1989, p. 164.
  16. 1 2 3 Obermaier 1989, p. 165.
  17. 1 2 3 4 Spick 1996, p. 233.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 Spick 1996, p. 236.
  19. Obermaier 1989, p. 166.
  20. Obermaier 1989, p. 167.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1509.
  22. 1 2 Spick 1996, p. 245.
  23. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 234.
  24. Spick 1996, p. 242.
  25. Zabecki 2014, p. 1617.
  26. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 168.
  27. Ring & Girbig 1994, p. 321.
  28. 1 2 3 4 Spick 1996, p. 237.
  29. 1 2 3 4 5 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1510.
  30. Obermaier 1989, p. 170.
  31. 1 2 3 Spick 1996, p. 240.
  32. 1 2 Zabecki 2014, p. 1618.
  33. 1 2 3 Aders & Held 1993, p. 263.
  34. Spick 1996, p. 246.
  35. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1511.
  36. Spick 1996, p. 230.
  37. Spick 1996, p. 241.
  38. 1 2 3 4 Aders 1978, p. 236.
  39. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 172.
  40. Obermaier 1989, p. 173.
  41. Obermaier 1989, p. 174.
  42. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1512.
  43. Spick 1996, p. 227.
  44. 1 2 Obermaier 1989, p. 176.
  45. 1 2 3 Obermaier 1989, p. 177.
  46. 1 2 Aders & Held 1993, p. 264.
  47. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mathews & Foreman 2015c, p. 1513.
  48. Aders 1978, p. 237.
  49. Obermaier 1989, p. 178.
  50. Spick 1996, p. 228.
  51. Obermaier 1989, p. 179.
  52. 1 2 3 Obermaier 1989, p. 180.
  53. Obermaier 1989, p. 181.


  • Aders, Gebhard (1978). History of the German Night Fighter Force, 1917–1945. London: Janes. ISBN   978-0-354-01247-8.
  • Aders, Gebhard; Held, Werner (1993). Jagdgeschwader 51 'Mölders' Eine Chronik – Berichte – Erlebnisse – Dokumente[Fighter Wing 51 'Mölders' A Chronicle – Reports – Experiences – Documents] (in German). Stuttgart, Germany: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN   978-3-613-01045-1.
  • Boiten, Theo (2024). Nachtjagd Combat Archive - Biographies (1st ed.). Red Kite. ISBN   978-1-906592-88-2.
  • Caldwell, Donald L. (1998). The JG 26 War Diary: Volume Two 1943–1945. London: Grub Street. ISBN   978-1-898697-86-2.
  • Forsyth, Robert (2011). Luftwaffe Viermot Aces 1942–45. Aircraft of the Aces. Vol. 101. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing. ISBN   978-1-84908-438-3.
  • Mathews, Andrew Johannes; Foreman, John (2015c). Luftwaffe Aces – Biographies and Victory Claims – Volume 4 S–Z. Walton on Thames: Red Kite. ISBN   978-1-906592-21-9.
  • Obermaier, Ernst (1989). Die Ritterkreuzträger der Luftwaffe Jagdflieger 1939 – 1945[The Knight's Cross Bearers of the Luftwaffe Fighter Force 1939 – 1945] (in German). Mainz, Germany: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann. ISBN   978-3-87341-065-7.
  • Ring, Hans; Girbig, Werner (1994) [1971]. Jagdgeschwader 27 Die Dokumentation über den Einsatz an allen Fronten 1939–1945[Jagdgeschwader 27 The Documentation on the Deployment on all Fronts from 1939 to 1945] (in German) (8th ed.). Stuttgart, Germany: Motorbuch Verlag. ISBN   978-3-87943-215-8.
  • Spick, Mike (1996). Luftwaffe Fighter Aces . New York: Ivy Books. ISBN   978-0-8041-1696-1.
  • Zabecki, David T., ed. (2014). Germany at War: 400 Years of Military History. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio. ISBN   978-1-59884-981-3.