The following is a list of known disasters in Antarctica which have resulted in fatalities. It includes disasters which happened on land, as well as in the waters surrounding the continent.
Year | Type | Fatalities | Incident | Location | Comments |
1819 | Shipwreck | 644 | San Telmo (Spanish ship) [1] | Drake Passage, Southern Ocean | |
1979 | Aircraft | 257 | Air New Zealand Flight 901 [2] | Mount Erebus, Ross Island, Antarctica | |
2019 | Aircraft | 38 | 2019 Chilean Air Force C-130 crash | Drake Passage, Antarctica | Aircraft lost en route from Chile to Teniente R. Marsh Airport, King George Island |
2010 | Shipwreck | 22 | South Korean trawler Insung [3] | Ross Sea, near the McMurdo Station | 5 confirmed dead, 17 missing and presumed dead [4] |
1976 | Aircraft | 11 | Livingston Island plane crash [5] | Livingston Island, Antarctica | |
1985 | Aircraft | 10 | Nelson Island plane crash [6] | Nelson Island, Antarctica | |
1960 | Fire (building) | 8 | Mirny Station fire [7] [8] [9] | Mirny Station, Antarctica | |
1823 | Shipwreck | 7 | Jenny [10] | Drake Passage, Southern Ocean | Most likely a legend |
1958 | Aircraft | 7 | Cape Hallett Bay plane crash [11] | Cape Hallett Bay, Antarctica | 6 survivors |
1966 | Aircraft | 6 | Ross Ice Shelf plane crash [12] | Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica | |
1986 | Aircraft | 6 | Philippi Glacier plane crash [13] | Philippi Glacier, Antarctica | |
1961 | Aircraft | 5 | Wilkes Station plane crash [14] | Wilkes Station, Antarctica | |
1956 | Aircraft | 4 | McMurdo Station plane crash [15] | McMurdo Station, Antarctica | 4 survivors |
1994 | Aircraft | 4 | Rothera Research Station plane crash [16] | near the Rothera Research Station, Antarctica | |
2010 | Aircraft | 4 | Terre Adélie helicopter crash [17] | near the Dumont d'Urville Station, Terre Adélie, Antarctica | |
1946 | Aircraft | 3 | Antarctica PBM Mariner crash [18] | Thurston Island, Antarctica | |
1958 | Aircraft | 3 | Marguerite Bay plane crash [19] | Marguerite Bay, Antarctica | 4 survivors |
1965 | Tractor | 3 | Tractor falls into crevasse [20] | Milorgknausane nunataks, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica | |
1979 | Aircraft | 3 | Molodezhnaya Ice Station plane crash [21] | near Molodezhnaya Ice Station, Antarctica | 11 survivors |
1989 | Aircraft | 3 | Mirny Station plane crash [22] | Mirny Station, Antarctica | |
1999 | Aircraft | 3 | Terre Adélie helicopter crash [23] | near the Dumont d'Urville Station, Terre Adélie, Antarctica | |
2013 | Aircraft | 3 | Mount Elizabeth plane crash [24] | Mount Elizabeth, Antarctica | |
2012 | Shipwreck | 3 | Jeong Woo 2 (South Korean fishing vessel) [25] | Ross Sea, near the McMurdo Station | 3 missing were presumed dead, 7 burn injuries, 2 serious |
1929 | Aircraft | 2 | Whaler scouting flight crash [26] [27] | west of Scott Island, Antarctica | |
1948 | Fire (building) | 2 | Hope Bay fire [28] | Base D, Hope Bay, Graham Land, Antarctica | 1 survivor |
1959 | Aircraft | 2 | Marble Point plane crash [29] | Marble Point, Antarctica | 3 survivors |
1969 | Aircraft | 2 | Mount McLennan helicopter crash [30] | Taylor Valley, Antarctica | 6 survivors |
1987 | Aircraft | 2 | D-59 plane crash [31] [32] | 1390 km northwest of McMurdo Sound, Antarctica | 11 survivors |
2008 | Aircraft | 2 | Neumayer Station III helicopter crash [33] | near Neumayer Station III, Antarctica | 3 survivors |
2012 | Fire (building) | 2 | Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station fire [34] | Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Base, Antarctica | 1 minor burn injury |
2018 | Work accident | 2 | 2018 McMurdo mishap [35] | McMurdo Station, Antarctica | Two contractors asphyxiated maintaining fire suppression system |
2003 | Attack by a Leopard Seal | 1 | Snorkeling scientist dragged underwater by a Leopard Seal and drowned. [36] [37] [note 1] | Rothera Research Station, Adelaide Island, Antarctica | |
2008 | Fire (building) | 1 | Progress Station fire [38] | Progress Station, Antarctica | 2 serious burn injuries |
2016 | Snowmobile | 1 | McMurdo Shear Zone Accident [39] | McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica | |
2016 | Aircraft | 1 | Pilot crevasse fatality unloading sling [40] | Davis Station, Antarctica | |
2022 | Rogue wave | 1 | Viking Polaris cruise ship [41] | Drake Passage, Southern Ocean | 4 injuries |