List of motocross riders

Last updated

This is a partial list of notable current and former motocross riders, many of whom have competed in the World Championships, National Championships, and supercross competitions.


Contents: TopA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZNationalitiesNotesReferences


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Sweden.svg Bengt Åberg 1966–1979500cc- 1969, 1970 12
Flag of the United States.svg Nate Adams 2002–2015
Flag of South Africa.svg Greg Albertyn 1992–2000125cc- 1992,
250cc- 1993, 1994
AMA 250cc- 199912
Flag of the United States.svg Mike Alessi 2004–2019
Flag of the United States.svg Jason Anderson 2014–present250SX West, 2014,
450SX – 2019
Flag of Sweden.svg Håkan Andersson 1966–1979250cc- 1973 9
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Victor Arbekov 1963-1969250cc- 196510
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Les Archer, Jr. 1946-1967500cc- 1956 European Champion10


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg René Baeten 1947–1960500cc- 19588
Flag of the United States.svg David Bailey 1979–1987 AMA 250cc- 1983
AMA SX- 1983
AMA 500cc- 1984, 1986
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg John Banks 1963-19774
Flag of the United States.svg Mark Barnett 1977–1985 AMA 125cc- 1980–1982
AMA SX- 1981
Flag of Spain.svg Jonathan Barragan 2002–2012
Flag of Italy.svg Andrea Bartolini 1988–2003500cc- 199915
Flag of Italy.svg Stefy Bau 1983–2005 AMA Women's MX- 1999, 2002
Flag of Germany.svg Willy Bauer 1972–19784
Flag of France.svg Jean-Michel Bayle 1986–1992125cc- 1989,
250cc- 1990
AMA 250cc- 1991
AMA SX- 1991
AMA 500cc- 1991
Flag of Germany.svg Pit Beirer 1989–20037
Flag of Italy.svg Christian Beggi
Flag of the United States.svg Mike Bell 1977–1983, 1986, 1988–19891977 Four Stroke World ChampionAMA 250cc SX – 1980
Flag of the Netherlands.svg John van den Berk 1984–1995125cc- 1987,
250cc- 1988
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Marnicq Bervoets 1990–200119
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Dave Bickers 1959–196818
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Julien Bill 2004-2014MX3 – 2011 11
Flag of France.svg Frédéric Bolley 1997, 1999–2002250cc- 1999, 200013
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Sven Breugelmans 1999-2008MX-3 – 2005, 2008 10
Flag of the United States.svg Mike Brown 1990–2013AMA 125cc – 20013
Flag of the United States.svg Jimmy Button 1990–2000


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Italy.svg Antonio Cairoli 2002–2021MX2- 2005, 2007
MX1- 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
MXGP- 2014
Flag of Spain.svg Carlos Campano 2003-2014MX3- 2010
Flag of Sweden.svg Håkan Carlquist 1974–1988500cc- 1983,
250cc- 1979
Flag of the United States.svg Ricky Carmichael 1996–2007SX 2005AMA 125cc- 1997–1999
AMA 125 SX East – 1998
AMA SX- 2001–2003, 2005–2006
AMA 250cc- 2000–2006
Flag of the United States.svg Danny Chandler 1976–1985
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Eric Cheney
Flag of Italy.svg Alessio Chiodi 1989–2009125cc- 1997-1998-199927
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Jaromír Čížek 1952-1966250cc- 1958 European Champion13
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Glenn Coldenhoff the 3rd 2013–present
Flag of New Zealand.svg Josh Coppins 1995–2008 British MX Open – 2004
British MX1 – 2005


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Craig Dack 1996–2006
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Roger De Coster 1966–1980500cc- 19711973, 1975, 1976 Belgian 500cc- 19661974–77 US TRANS-AMA Series Champion-37
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Ken De Dycker 1999–2018 British MX1-2006
Flag of the United States.svg Brian Deegan 1992–2009
Flag of France.svg Yves Demaria 1993–2008MX3- 2004, 2006, 200737
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Clement Desalle 2006-2020Belgian Champion 20092
Flag of the United States.svg Tony DiStefano 1973–1981 AMA 250cc- 1975–197716
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jamie Dobb 1987–2004125cc- 2001 British 125cc-1989, 1998–1999 11
Flag of the United States.svg John Dowd 1987–2013
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg John Draper 1948-19615
Flag of the United States.svg Ryan Dungey 2006–2017FIM SX – 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017AMA SX Lites West – 2009
AMA 250 – 2009
AMA SX – 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017
AMA 450 – 2010, 2012, 2015


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of the United States.svg Daryl Ecklund 2007–2008
Flag of the United States.svg Bud Ekins 1949–1964
Flag of the United States.svg Jeff Emig 1988–1999AMA 125cc- 1992
AMA 250cc- 1996–1997
AMA SX-1997
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Harry Everts 1970–1984250cc – 1975,
125cc – 1979-1981
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg   Stefan Everts 1988–2006125cc- 1991
250cc- 1995,1996,1997
500cc- 2001–2002
MX1-GP- 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Belgium 125cc- 1990,
Belgium 250cc- 1993


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of France.svg Romain Febvre 2011–presentMXGP – 2015 9
Flag of the United States.svg Tim Ferry 1993–2009AMA 125 SX East – 1997
Flag of the United States.svg Ashley Fiolek 2007–2013WMA Pro National Champion – 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013
Flag of Costa Rica.svg Ernesto Fonseca 1999–2006 AMA SX 125cc East- 1999
AMA SX 125cc West- 2000
Flag of East Germany.svg Paul Friedrichs 1965–1972 500cc- 1966, 1967, 196828


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Slovenia.svg Tim Gajser MX2- 2015
MXGP- 2016
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Eric Geboers 1980–1990125cc- 1982, 1983
250cc- 1987
500cc- 1988, 1990
Flag of Slovenia.svg Klemen Gerčar 2008-2016MX3- 2013
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Dirk Geukens 1984–19962
Flag of the United States.svg Broc Glover 1976–1988 AMA 125cc- 1977–1979,
AMA 500cc- 1981, 1983, 1985


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Sweden.svg Torsten Hallman 19591971 250cc- 1962, 1963, 1966, 196737
Flag of Sweden.svg Christer Hammargren 1967–1976
Flag of the United States.svg Bob Hannah 1976–1989 AMA AMA 125cc- 1976
AMA SX- 1977–1979
AMA 250cc- 1978, 1979
Flag of Sweden.svg Torleif Hansen 1970–198310
Flag of Sweden.svg Marcus Hansson 1987–1995500cc- 19945
Flag of the United States.svg Doug Henry 1988–1999AMA 125 SX East – 1993
AMA 125cc – 1993, 1994
AMA 250cc – 1998 *(YZM400F)
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Rob Herring British 250cc- 1989, 1991, 1992
British 125cc- 1990, 1991, 1992
British Open- 1996
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Jeffrey Herlings 2010–presentMX2- 2012, 2013, 2016 KNMV MX2- 2011, 20124216
Flag of the United States.svg Kent Howerton 1973–1983 AMA 500cc- 1976
AMA 250cc- 1980, 1981
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Neil Hudson 1976–1983250cc- 19817


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Georges Jobé 1979–1992250cc- 1980, 1983
500cc- 1987, 1991, 1992
250cc- 1978, 1980–1983
500cc- 1984, 1989
Flag of Sweden.svg Peter Johansson 1990-20009
Flag of the United States.svg Rick Johnson 1980–19891983 Four Stroke World Champion AMA 250cc- 1984, 1986, 1987
AMA 500cc- 1987, 1988
AMA SX- 1986, 1988
Flag of the United States.svg Gary Jones 1971–1978 AMA 250cc- 19721974
Flag of Wales (1959-present).svg Mark Jones
Flag of Sweden.svg Ake Jonsson 1963–19789


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of the United States.svg Mike Kiedrowski 1988–1997AMA 125cc- 1989, 1991
AMA 500cc- 1992
AMA 250cc- 1993
Flag of New Zealand.svg Darryl King 1987–2007Aus. 500cc- 2001, 2003, 20045
Flag of New Zealand.svg Shayne King 1987–2007500cc- 1996NZ National Champion- 20036
Flag of Austria.svg Heinz Kinigadner 1978–1988250cc- 1984, 19857
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Dusty Klatt Can. MX1- 2006
Flag of Sweden.svg Arne Kring 1969–19757


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of the United States.svg Brad Lackey 1971–1982500cc- 1982 AMA 500cc- 1972 7
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Arthur Lampkin 1959-19687
Flag of the United States.svg Steve Lamson 1989–2006AMA 125cc- 1995, 1996
Flag of South Africa.svg Grant Langston 1997–2008, 2010125cc- 2000AMA 125cc – 2003
AMA 125 SX East – 2005
AMA SX Lites West – 2006
AMA 250cc- 2007
Flag of the United States.svg Danny LaPorte 1976–1983250cc- 1982AMA 500cc- 19796
Flag of the United States.svg Mike LaRocco 1988–2006AMA 250cc- 1994,
AMA 500cc- 1993
Flag of Sweden.svg Ove Lundell 19581965 1
Flag of Sweden.svg Sten Lundin 1955–1966500cc- 1959, 1961 24
Flag of the United States.svg Jeremy Lusk


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Billy MacKenzie 1999–2013– ACU Maxxis British Motocross Championship – MX1 – 2007–2008
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg André Malherbe 1973–1986500cc- 1980, 1981, 198341
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Jacky Martens 1984–1997500cc- 199317
Flag of France.svg Mickael Maschio 1992-2005125cc- 20028
Flag of the United States.svg Mary McGee 1960–63
Flag of the United States.svg Jeremy McGrath 1989–2003, 2006AMA 250cc- 1995
AMA SX 1993–1996, 1998–2000
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Andrew McFarlane 2000–20104
Flag of Finland.svg Heikki Mikkola 1969–1979500cc- 1974, 1977, 1978
250cc- 1976
Flag of New Zealand.svg Ivan Miller 1964–1983Aus. 500cc- 1971, NZ open- 1977/78, 1979/80, 1980/81
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Auguste Mingels 1947-1957500cc European motocross champion- 1953, 19548
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Guennady Moisseev 1967–1979250cc- 1974, 1977, 1978 14
Flag of the United States.svg Bobby Moore 1980–1995125cc – 1994AMA 125cc West SX – 198513
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Blair Morgan 1993–2008Can. 125/250cc- 1997, 1999
Flag of France.svg Marvin Musquin 2008–2023MX2- 2009, 2010


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Germany.svg Maximilian Nagl 2003-2019
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Dave Nicoll 1964–19781
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Kurt Nicoll 1982–199413
Flag of Sweden.svg Bill Nilsson 1957–1967500cc- 1957, 196018
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Graham Noyce 1976–1984500cc- 1979 6


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of the United States.svg Trampas Parker 1985–2004125cc- 1989
250cc- 1991
Flag of the United States.svg Travis Pastrana 1999–2006, 2009, 2018 AMA 125cc MX- 2000
125cc East SX- 2001
Flag of the United States.svg Jessica Patterson 1999–2013 AMA Women's MX- 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010
Flag of France.svg Gautier Paulin 2008–2020
Flag of Italy.svg David Philippaerts 2000-2014MX-1 – 20089
Flag of France.svg Mickael Pichon 1992-2009250cc- 2001, 2002 AMA 125cc East SX- 1995, 199637
Flag of the United States.svg Jim Pomeroy 1973–19781
Flag of France.svg Christophe Pourcel 2004-2017MX2 – 2006AMA SX Lites East – 2009
Flag of France.svg Sébastien Pourcel 2002–2014
Flag of Italy.svg Alessandro Puzar 1988–2009250cc- 1990
125cc- 1995


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Gaston Rahier 1967–1982125cc – 19751977 29
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Steve Ramon 1997–2013125cc – 2003,
MX1 – 2007
Bel. MX1- 2004, 2006
Flag of South Africa.svg Tyla Rattray 1999–2015 MX2 – 2008 Ned. 125cc- 200313
Flag of Australia (converted).svg Chad Reed 1999–2020SX 2003, 2008Aus. SX- 1999, 2000, 2009
AMA 125 SX East – 2002
AMA SX- 2004, 2008
AMA 450- 2009
Flag of France.svg Pierre Renet MX3- 2009
Flag of Italy.svg Michéle Rinaldi 1978–1987125cc – 198413
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Joël Robert 1964–1975 250cc- 1964, 1968–1972 50
Flag of Germany.svg Ken Roczen 2010–presentMX2 – 2011AMA 450 – 2014
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Jean Sebastien Roy  ?-2006Can. 250cc- 2001–2005


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of the United States.svg Donny Schmit 1987–1995125cc- 1990,
250cc- 1992
AMA 125cc West SX – 198615
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Tommy Searle 2006–2019
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Shaun Simpson 2004–2021ACU Maxxis British Motocross Championship- MX2- 2008 MX1- 2014–2015, Belgian Championship- MX1- 2011
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Joël Smets 1989–2005500cc- 1995, 1997–1998, 2000,
650cc- 2003
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Jeff Smith 1955–1970500cc- 1964–196530
Flag of the United States.svg Brett Martin Smith (motorcyclist)1974-1977250 Expert in Arizona
Flag of the United States.svg Marty Smith 1974–1982AMA 125cc- 1974, 1975
AMA 500cc- 1977
Flag of the United States.svg Steve Stackable 1974–1981AMA 500cc SX – 1975
Flag of the United States.svg Jeff Stanton 1986–1993AMA 250cc- 1989, 1990, 1992
AMA SX-1989, 1990, 1992
Flag of the United States.svg Edward Swislosky 2000–2014SX- 2006, 2007, 2009AMA 125cc- 2002, 2004
AMA SX- 2007, 2009
AMA Motocross- 2008
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Brian Stonebridge 1950–19596
Flag of the Netherlands.svg David Strijbos 1984–1994125cc- 198627
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Kevin Strijbos 2000–20215
Flag of the United States.svg Chuck Sun 1976–1983AMA 500cc- 1980


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of the United States.svg Ivan 1999–2012, 2014 AMA SX Lites West – 2004, 2005
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg David Thorpe 1979–1993500cc – 1985, 1986, 198922
Flag of Sweden.svg Rolf Tibblin 1957–1967500cc – 1962, 196329
Flag of the United States.svg Eli Tomac 2010–presentAMA 250cc – 2013
AMA 450cc – 2017, 2018, 2019
Flag of France.svg Sebastien Tortelli 1994–2006125cc- 1996
250cc- 1999
Flag of New Zealand.svg Ben Townley 2000–2017MX2- 2004AMA SX Lites East – 200714
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Pedro Tragter 1985–1995125cc- 19937
Flag of the United States.svg Marty Tripes 1973-19801 Flag of the United States.svg Edward Swislosky 1999–2012, 2014 AMA SX Lites West – 2004, 2005


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Finland.svg Pekka Vehkonen 1982–1993125cc – 198517
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Jaak van Velthoven 1970–19835
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Kees van der Ven 1979–198717
Flag of the United States.svg Ryan Villopoto 2005–2015FIM SX – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 AMA MX Lites- 2006, 2007, 2008
AMA SX Lites West- 2007
AMA SX – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
AMA 450 – 2011, 2013
Flag of France.svg Jacky Vimond 1981–1986250cc – 198613
Flag of the United States.svg Heath Voss 1996–2010FIM SX – 2004
Flag of France.svg David Vuillemin 1995–2009Fra. SX 125cc- 1996, 19976


NameSeasonsWorld ChampionshipsNational ChampionshipsRacesWins
Flag of Austria.svg Matthias Walkner 2012MX3 – 2012
Flag of the United States.svg Jeff Ward 1978–1992 AMA 125cc- 1984
AMA 250cc- 1985, 1988
AMA 500cc- 1989, 1990
AMA SX- 1985, 1987
Flag of Japan.svg Akira Watanabe 1973–1987125cc – 1978 7
Flag of the United States.svg Cooper Webb 2013–presentAMA 250SX Western Regional – 2015, 2016
AMA 250cc – 2016
AMA 450SX – 2019
Flag of Germany.svg Adolf Weil 1970–19777
Flag of the United States.svg Jimmy Weinert 1970–1980AMA 500cc- 1974, 1975
AMA SX- 1976
Flag of New Zealand.svg Mike Whiddett 1987–2006
Flag of the United States.svg Kevin Windham 1994–2013, 2018AMA 250SX Western Regional – 1996, 1997
Flag of the Netherlands.svg Gerrit Wolsink 1970–19811975– 3rd,1976–2nd, 1977–3rd, 1979–2nd 500cc5 time USGP Winner, 1984 ISDT winner14

World Championships by nationality

Country500cc / MX3Country250cc / MX1Country125cc / MX2
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium 24 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium 18 Flag of Belgium (civil).svg Belgium 9
Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden 10 Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden 6 Flag of France.svg France 6
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom 6 Flag of France.svg France 6 Flag of Italy.svg Italy 6
Flag of France.svg France 4 Flag of Italy.svg Italy 5 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands 3
Flag of East Germany.svg East Germany 3 Flag of the Soviet Union.svg USSR 4 Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa 3
Flag of Finland.svg Finland 3 Flag of the United States.svg United States 3 Flag of the United States.svg United States 3
Flag of Italy.svg Italy 1 Flag of Austria.svg Austria 2 Flag of Finland.svg Finland 1
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand 1 Flag of South Africa.svg South Africa 2 Flag of Japan.svg Japan 1
Flag of the United States.svg United States 1 Flag of Finland.svg Finland 1 Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand 1
Flag of Spain.svg Spain 1 Flag of the Netherlands.svg Netherlands 1 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom 1
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Switzerland 1 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United Kingdom 1 Flag of Germany.svg Germany 1

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