List of non-marine molluscs of the United States

Last updated

The non-marine mollusks of the United States are a part of the molluscan fauna of the United States.


Freshwater gastropods


Land gastropods

Land gastropods in the USA include:






Freshwater bivalves


Federally endangered or threatened

Federally endangered or threatened freshwater molluscs

There are 34 freshwater gastropod taxa on this list. The only marine endangered gastropod is Haliotis sorenseni . The only overseas endangered land snail is Papustyla pulcherrima . Altogether 36 gastropod species are federally listed as of 2 October 2009. [2]

Scientific nameCommon nameHome rangestatus
Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedgemussel Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Vermont E
Antrobia culveri Tumbling creek cavesnail Missouri E
Assiminea pecos Pecos Assiminea snail New Mexico, Texas, Mexico (in salt marshes)E
Athearnia anthonyi Anthony's riversnail Alabama, TennesseeE
Campeloma decampi Slender campeloma Alabama E
Elimia crenatella Lacy elimia Alabama T
Epioblasma obliquata Purple catspaw Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee E
Epioblasma perobliqua White catspaw Ohio, Michigan, Indiana E
Erinna newcombi Newcomb's snail Hawaii T
Idaholanx fresti Banbury Springs lanx Idaho E
Juturnia kosteri / Tryonia kosteri Koster's springsnail/Koster's tryonia New Mexico E
Leptoxis ampla Round rocksnail Alabama T
Leptoxis plicata Plicate rocksnail Alabama E
Leptoxis taeniata Painted rocksnail Alabama T
Lepyrium showalteri Flat pebblesnail Alabama E
Lioplax cyclostomatiformis Cylindrical lioplax Alabama E
Marstonia ogmoraphe (listed as Pyrgulopsis ogmorhaphe) Royal marstonia Tennessee E
Marstonia pachyta (listed as Pyrgulopsis pachyta ) Armored marstonia Alabama E
Physa natricina Snake river physa snail Idaho E
Physella spelunca Cave physa U.S. endemic, cavesV
Physella utahensis Utah physa Utah; U.S. endemicV
Physella zionis Wet rock physa Zion National Park, Utah; U.S. endemicV
Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis Bruneau Hot Springsnail Idaho E
Pyrgulopsis neomexicana Socorro springsnail New Mexico E
Pyrgulopsis roswellensis Roswell springsnail New Mexico E
Quadrula asperata Alabama orb freshwater mussel Alabama region; U.S. endemicNT
Quadrula couchiana Rio Grande monkeyface freshwater mussel Rio Grande region; U.S. endemicCE
Quadrula cylindrica Rabbitsfoot freshwater musselU.S. endemicV
Quadrula fragosa Winged Mapleleaf freshwater mussel Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Missouri; U.S. endemicCE
Quadrula houstonensis Smooth pimpleback freshwater mussel Texas region; U.S. endemicCE
Quadrula intermedia Cumberland monkeyface pearly mussel Appalachia region: western Virginia + eastern Tennessee CE
Quadrula metanevra Monkeyface freshwater mussel Southeastern United States NE
Quadrula pustulosa Pimpleback freshwater mussel Southeastern United States NE
Quadrula quadrula Mapleleaf freshwater musselnorthern Eastern United States + Eastern Canada LC
Quadrula refulgens Purple pimpleback freshwater musselU.S. endemicNT
Quadrula rumphiana Ridged mapleleaf freshwater musselU.S. endemicNT
Quadrula sparsa Appalachian monkey-face pearly mussel Appalachia region: western Virginia + eastern Tennessee CE
Quadrula stapes Stirrup shell Alabama + Mississippi; U.S. endemicCE — Extinct
Stagnicola utahensis Thickshell pondsnail Utah Lake, Utah; U.S. endemicCE
Taylorconcha serpenticola Bliss Rapids snail Idaho T
Tryonia alamosae Alamosa springsnail New Mexico E
Tulotoma magnifica Alabama Live-bearing snail Alabama E
Valvata utahensis Utah roundmouth snail Idaho, extirpaded from Utah E

Federally endangered or threatened land gastropods

Common nameScientific nameHome rangestatus
Oʻahu tree snails Achatinella spp. Hawaii E
Painted snake-coiled forest snail Anguispira picta Tennessee T
Iowa Pleistocene snail Discus macclintocki Illinois, Iowa E
Morro Shoulderband snail Helminthoglypta walkeriana California E
Magazine Mountain shagreen Mesodon magazinensis Arkansas T
Chittenango ovate amber snail Novisuccinea chittenangoensis New York T
Stock Island tree snail Orthalicus reses (not include O. r. nesodryas) Florida T
Kanab Ambersnail Oxyloma haydeni kanabensis Arizona, Utah E
Noonday globe Patera clarki nantahala North Carolina T
Virginia fringed mountain snail Polygyriscus virginianus Virginia E
Flat-spired three-toothed snail Triodopsis platysayoides West Virginia T

See also

Lists of molluscs of surrounding countries:


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Rodrigo B. Salvador, Fred J. Brook, Lara D. Shepherd, Martyn Kennedy (2020). "Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Punctoidea (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora)". Zoosystematics and Evolution 96(2): 397-410.
  2. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (2009). Endangered Species Bulletin 34(3): 31.
  • States