List of planetary nebulae

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The following is an incomplete list of known planetary nebulae.

ImageName Messier Catalogue [a] NGC [a] Other
designation [a]
discovered [a]
[a] [b]
(visual) [a]
Constellation [a]
NGC6751.jpg Glowing Eye Nebula
or Dandelion Puffball Nebula
NGC 6751 18636.511.9 Aquila
NGC 6210 HST.tif Turtle Nebula NGC 6210 18254.79.3 Hercules
Ngc40.jpg Bow-Tie Nebula NGC 40 Caldwell 217883.511.4 Cepheus
Ngc3242b.jpg Ghost of Jupiter NGC 3242 17854.88.6 Hydra
NGC 6826HSTFull.jpg Blinking Planetary NGC 6826 Caldwell 152.08.8 Cygnus
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula.jpg Dumbbell Nebula M27 NGC 6853 17641.36 +0.16
7.5 Vulpecula
M57 The Ring Nebula.JPG Ring Nebula M57 NGC 6720 17792.3 +1.5
9 Lyra
Ngc2392.jpg Eskimo Nebula or Clown Face Nebula NGC 2392 17872.9
10.1 Gemini
NGC6543.jpg Cat's Eye Nebula NGC 6543 17863.3 ± 0.99.8B Draco
Littleghostnebula.jpg Little Ghost Nebula NGC 6369 1800
(prior to)
2 ± 39.9 Ophiuchus
Medusa nebula.jpg Medusa Nebula Abell 2119551.0
15.99 Gemini
NGC 7027HSTFull.jpg Jewel Bug Nebula NGC 7027 18783.0
10 Cygnus
NGC 7293.jpg Helix Nebula NGC 7293 18240.68 +0.15
7.6 Aquarius
M76-RL5-DDmin-Gamma-LRGB 883x628.jpg Little Dumbbell Nebula M76 NGC 650, NGC 651 17803.4
10.1 Perseus
M97.jpg Owl Nebula M97 NGC 3587 17812.6
9.9 Ursa Major
Planetary Nebula M2-9.jpg Twin Jet Nebula or
Butterfly Nebula
M2-9 19472.114.7 Ophiuchus
NGC 7026 HST.jpg NGC 7026 18735.610.0 Cygnus
NGC2346.jpg Butterfly Nebula NGC 2346 18023.9
11.9 Monoceros
Abell 39.jpg Abell 39 19556.8
13.7 Hercules
Jones-Emberson1HunterWilson.jpg Jones-Emberson 1 / Headphone Nebula PK 164+31.119391.6
14.0 Lynx
IC 3568 "Lemon Slice".jpg Lemon Slice Nebula IC 356819184.5
12 Camelopardalis
Soap Bubble Nebula.jpg Soap Bubble Nebula PN G75.5 1.720084
IC 289 Geckzilla.jpg IC 289 18885.2
13.2 Cassiopeia
IC2149PLN01a.jpg IC 2149 19063.610.6 Auriga
IC 4593.png IC 459319071210.84 Hercules
IC 4997-HST-R555GB814.png IC 4997 811 Sagitta
NGC 246.jpg Skull Nebula NGC 246 17851.68 Cetus
NGC 6058178711.4113 Hercules
A hazy nebula.jpg Oyster Nebula NGC 1501 17874.213 Camelopardalis
NGC1514.jpg NGC 1514 17902.29.4 Taurus
NGC 7048 PK 088-01.118785.2
12.1 Cygnus
NGC2022.jpg NGC 2022 17857
12.8 Orion
NGC 2371.png NGC 2371 17854.313 Gemini
NGC 6572.jpg Blue Racquetball / Turquoise Orb NGC 6572 18252.58.1 Ophiuchus
NGC-6781.jpg NGC 6781 17882.511.4 Aquila
Ngc6790 (1).jpg NGC 6790 18821110.5 Aquila
NGC 6881 HST.jpg NGC 6881 18815.2 ± 1.613.8 Cygnus
NGC 6884.jpg NGC 6884 18836.510.9 Cygnus
NGC 6891.jpg NGC 689118847.210.5 Delphinus
NGC 6886.jpg NGC 6886 188415.0 + 3.311.8 Sagitta
NGC 6742 legacy dr9.jpg NGC 6742 Abell 50178816.716.5 Draco
N6894s.jpg NGC 6894PK 069-02.117844.212.3 Cygnus
NGC 6905 - VLT(FORS2) - RHaBOIII.png Blue Flash Nebula NGC 6905 17847.5
10.9 Delphinus
NGC 6804-HST-R814GB555.png NGC 6804179112.5
11.2 Aquila
N7008s.jpg Fetus Nebula NGC 7008 17872.712 Cygnus
NGC 7354.jpg NGC 7354 17875.512.9 Cepheus
NGC 7662 "Blue Snowball".jpg Blue Snowball Nebula NGC 7662 17845.98.6 Andromeda
NGC 6803188212.511.1 Aquila
Abell78s.jpg Abell 78 1966513 Cygnus
Abell31s.jpg Abell 31 1955212.2 Cancer
Kronberger-61.jpg Soccer Ball Nebula Kronberger 61 20111318.4 Cygnus
IC 1454.jpg IC 1454189113.7
14 Cepheus
Abell 12.png Abell 12 6.914 Orion
Hen2-47.jpg Hen 2-47 6.610.21 Carina
NGC 584418379.4512.7 Triangulum Australe
The Crab of the Southern Sky Hen 2-104.tif Southern Crab Nebula Hen 2-104 1967714.20 Centaurus
NGC 5979.jpg NGC 5979 183513
12.10 Triangulum Australe
NGC6537.jpg Red Spider Nebula NGC 6537 1888
(prior to)
11.9 Sagittarius
NGC 6565.jpg NGC 6565 1414 Sagittarius
NGC 6302 Hubble 2009.full.jpg Bug Nebula or Butterfly Nebula NGC 6302 Caldwell 691888
(prior to)
3.4 ± 0.57.1B Scorpius
NGC 7009 Hubble.jpg Saturn Nebula NGC 7009 17823.0
8.0 Aquarius
NGC 3132.jpg Eight-burst Nebula or Southern Ring Nebula NGC 3132 1888
(prior to)
9.87 Vela
N2438s-crop.jpg NGC 2438 17862.9
11.5 Puppis
Ngc 2440.jpg NGC 2440 17903.6
9.3 Puppis
Spirograph Nebula - Hubble 1999.jpg Spirograph Nebula IC 418 1888–18941.3
9.6 Lepus
ESO's VLT images the planetary nebula IC 1295.jpg IC 1295 18674.7
12.7 Scutum
IC 2448.jpg IC 2448 189811
11.10 Carina
IC 4663.jpg IC 4663190111
From Cosmic Spare Tyre to Ethereal Blossom.tif Spare Tyre Nebula IC 5148 18943
16.5 Grus
Retinanebel.jpg Retina Nebula IC 4406 1888–19072.0
10.9 Lupus
Stingraynebula.jpg Stingray Nebula Hen 3-1357198918
10.75 Ara
NGC 5189.jpg Spiral Planetary Nebula NGC 5189 18352.6
9.5 Musca
Menzel 1 - EFOSC.2003-02-04T08 59 53.985.png Mz 1 19223.4 ± 0.512.0 Norma
Ant Nebula.jpg Ant Nebula Mz 3 19228.0
13.8 Norma
Fine Ring Nebula.jpg Shapley 1 PLN 329+2.119364.912.6 Norma
MyCn18-crop.png Engraved Hourglass Nebula MyCn 18 19968.0
13.0 Musca
Planetary nebula NGC 3918.jpg NGC 3918 Blue Planetary18344.98.5 Centaurus
Ngc6578.jpg NGC 6578 18825.5
13.5 Sagittarius
The planetary nebula Fleming 1 seen with ESO's Very Large Telescope.tiff Fleming 1 G290.5+07.9
ESO 170-6
1888?7.913.1 Centaurus
Eso1532a.jpg Southern Owl Nebula PN K 1-22
ESO 378-1
1971 [1] 4.3 [2] 17.4 [3] Hydra
IC 4191.jpg IC 419119076.8511.6 Musca
IC 4634.jpg IC 463418937.511.3 Ophiuchus
IC 4637.jpg IC 463719017.812.5 Scorpius
NGC1360 Planetary Nebula from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg Robin's Egg Nebula NGC 1360 18681.5
9.4 Fornax
N1535s.jpg Cleopatra's Eye NGC 1535 17856.5
10.5 Eridanus
Potw1339a.tif NGC 2452 18471512.20 Puppis
NGC 2899.png NGC 2899 18356.511.8 Vela
NGC 2792.jpg NGC 2792 183510 ± 211.6 Vela
NGC 2818 by the Hubble Space Telescope.jpg NGC 2818 182610.412.50 Pyxis
NGC 2867.jpg NGC 2867 18347.310 Carina
NGC 3211.png NGC 3211183710.7611.5 Carina
Ngc3195.jpg NGC 3195 18355.5
11.6 Chamaeleon
NGC 4361.jpg NGC 4361 17853
10.9 Corvus
NGC 5307.jpg NGC 5307 18361011.2 Centaurus
NGC 5315HSTfull.jpg NGC 5315 18837
9.8 Circinus
NGC 5882 HST.tif NGC 5882 18347.79.4 Lupus
NGC 6072.jpg NGC 6072 18373.114 Scorpius
M2 42 ESO VST.png M2-42 194730.813.9 Sagittarius
NGC 7094 PanS.jpg NGC 709418843.513.5 Pegasus
A nitrogen-rich nebula.jpg NGC 6153 18834.410.9 Scorpius
NGC 6309.jpg Box Nebula NGC 6309 18766.511.5 Ophiuchus
NGC 6326 by Hubble Space Telescope.jpg NGC 6326 18261112.2 Ara
NGC6563 - Eso1724c.tif NGC 6563 18265.37 ± 0.0611 Sagittarius
NGC 6629.jpg NGC 6629178413.411.3 Sagittarius
NGC 6741.tif Phantom Streak Nebula NGC 6741 1882711 Aquila
Little gem.jpg Little Gem Nebula NGC 6818 178769.3 Sagittarius
Abell36s.jpg Abell 36 19550.7812.2 ± 2.1 Virgo
Abell70.jpg Abell 70 19667.8–16 [4] Aquila
NGC 6445 PanSTARRS1 r.g.jpg Box Nebula NGC 6445 17864.511.2 Sagittarius
Hubble Observes Glowing, Fiery Shells of Gas.jpg Eye of Sauron Nebula M 1-42 1014 Sagittarius
  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Table entries are sourced from the individual articles, where available, for each nebula. Please see the linked article on the nebula for references.
  2. Many distances are estimates (denoted by the approx. suffix), as true distances are difficult to infer for planetary nebulae. Please see main article, Planetary nebulae, for more details on distance estimates.

See also

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