List of teams and cyclists in the 1948 Tour de France

Last updated

As was the custom since 1930, the 1948 Tour de France was contested by national and regional teams. After there had not been an official Italian team allowed in the previous edition, the Italians were back. The Italian cyclists was divided between Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi. Both argued in the preparation for the race about who would be the team leader. The Tour organisation wanted to have both cyclists in the race, so they allowed the Italians and Belgians to enter a second team. [1] In the end, Coppi refused to participate, and Bartali became the team leader. [2] The organisation still allowed the Italians and Belgians to enter a second team, but they were to be composed of young cyclists, and were named the Italian Cadets and the Belgian Aiglons. [1]


The Tour organisation invited the Swiss to send a team, as they wanted Ferdinand Kübler, the winner of the 1948 Tour de Suisse, in the race. Kübler refused this because he could earn more money in other races. When the brothers Georges and Roger Aeschlimann announced that they wanted to join the race, they were quickly accepted, especially because they were from Lausanne, where the Tour would pass through. They were put in a team with eight non-French cyclists living in France, and were named the Internationals. [3]

Twelve teams of ten cyclists entered the race: Belgium, Dutch/Luxembourg, Internationals, Italy, France, Belgian Aiglons, Italian Cadets, CentreSouth-West, Ile de FranceFrance-North-East, West-France, Paris and France-South-East. There were 60 French cyclists, 24 Italian, 22 Belgian, 6 Dutch, 4 Luxembourgian, 2 Swiss, 1 Polish and 1 Algerian cyclist. [4]

Start list

By team

1Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Norbert Callens  (BEL)DNF
2Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  André Declerck  (BEL)DNF
3Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Raymond Impanis  (BEL)10
4Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Florent Mathieu  (BEL)30
5Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  René Mertens  (BEL)DNF
6Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Stan Ockers  (BEL)11
7Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Albert Ramon  (BEL)DNF
8Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Emile Rogiers  (BEL)DNF
9Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Briek Schotte  (BEL)2
10Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Edward Van Dijck  (BEL)14
11Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Cor Bakker  (NED)DNF
12Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Henk de Hoog  (NED)DNF
13Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Wim de Ruyter  (NED)42
14Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Bernard Franken  (NED)DNF
15Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Sjefke Janssen  (NED)36
16Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Frans Pauwels  (NED)DNF
17Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Henri Ackermann  (LUX)DNF
18Flag of Luxembourg.svg  René Biver  (LUX)DNF
19Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Willy Kemp  (LUX)DNF
20Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Jeng Kirchen  (LUX)5
21Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Georges Aeschlimann  (SUI)DNF
22Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Roger Aeschlimann  (SUI)DNF
23Flag of Italy.svg  Pierre Brambilla  (ITA)DNF
24Flag of Italy.svg  Fermo Camellini  (ITA)8
25Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Victor Joly  (BEL)DNF
26Flag of Poland.svg  Edward Klabiński  (POL)18
27Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Roger Lambrecht  (BEL)7
28Flag of Italy.svg  Paul Néri  (ITA)37
29Flag of Italy.svg  Gino Sciardis  (ITA)DNF
30Flag of Italy.svg  Giuseppe Tacca  (ITA)DNF
31Flag of Italy.svg  Gino Bartali  (ITA)1
32Flag of Italy.svg  Antonio Bevilacqua  (ITA)33
33Flag of Italy.svg  Serafino Biagioni  (ITA)34
34Flag of Italy.svg  Giovanni Corrieri  (ITA)29
35Flag of Italy.svg  Giordano Cottur  (ITA)DNF
36Flag of Italy.svg  Guido De Santi  (ITA)DNF
37Flag of Italy.svg  Egidio Feruglio  (ITA)41
38Flag of Italy.svg  Bruno Pasquini  (ITA)19
39Flag of Italy.svg  Vincenzo Rossello  (ITA)DNF
40Flag of Italy.svg  Primo Volpi  (ITA)27
41Flag of France.svg  Louison Bobet  (FRA)4
42Flag of France.svg  Louis Caput  (FRA)DNF
43Flag of France.svg  Camille Danguillaume  (FRA)DNF
44Flag of France.svg  Édouard Fachleitner  (FRA)DNF
45Flag of France.svg  Émile Idée  (FRA)DNF
46Flag of France.svg  Apo Lazaridès  (FRA)21
47Flag of France.svg  Paul Giguet  (FRA)25
48Flag of France.svg  Jean Robic  (FRA)16
49Flag of France.svg  Lucien Teisseire  (FRA)6
50Flag of France.svg  René Vietto  (FRA)17
Belgium Aiglons
51Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Marcel Dupont  (BEL)20
52Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Jan Engels  (BEL)22
53Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Léon Jomaux  (BEL)DNF
54Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Lucien Mathys  (BEL)DNF
55Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Maurice Meersman  (BEL)DNF
56Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Maurice Mollin  (BEL)DNF
57Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Rik Renders  (BEL)DNF
58Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Florent Rondelé  (BEL)DNF
59Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  André Rosseel  (BEL)DNF
60Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Adolph Verschueren  (BEL)DNF
Italy Cadets
61Flag of Italy.svg  Oreste Conte  (ITA)DNF
62Flag of Italy.svg  Enzo Coppini  (ITA)DNF
63Flag of Italy.svg  Umberto Drei  (ITA)DNF
64Flag of Italy.svg  Mario Fazio  (ITA)DNF
65Flag of Italy.svg  Attilio Lambertini  (ITA)31
66Flag of Italy.svg  Vittorio Magni  (ITA)38
67Flag of Italy.svg  Aldo Ronconi  (ITA)DNF
68Flag of Italy.svg  Virgilio Salimbeni  (ITA)DNF
69Flag of Italy.svg  Vittorio Seghezzi  (ITA)44
70Flag of Italy.svg  Nello Sforacchi  (ITA)DNF
France - Centre/South-West
71Flag of France.svg  Robert Desbats  (FRA)DNF
72Flag of France.svg  Raphaël Géminiani  (FRA)15
73Flag of France.svg  Guy Lapébie  (FRA)3
74Flag of France.svg  Roger Lévêque  (FRA)DNF
75Flag of France.svg  Alfred Macorig  (FRA)DNF
76Flag of France.svg  Henri Massal  (FRA)DNF
77Flag of France.svg  Paul Maye  (FRA)DNF
78Flag of France.svg  Daniel Orts  (FRA)DNF
79Flag of France.svg  Jacques Pras  (FRA)DNF
80Flag of France.svg  Georges Ramoulux  (FRA)26
France - Île de France/North-East
81Flag of France.svg  Pierre Baratin  (FRA)35
82Flag of France.svg  Urbain Caffi  (FRA)DNF
83Flag of France.svg  Jean de Gribaldy  (FRA)DNF
84Flag of France.svg  Maurice De Muer  (FRA)DNF
85Flag of France.svg  Louis Déprez  (FRA)DNF
86Flag of France.svg  Alphonse De Vreese  (FRA)32
87Flag of France.svg  François Hélary  (FRA)DNF
88Flag of France.svg  César Marcelak  (FRA)DNF
89Flag of France.svg  Édouard Muller  (FRA)DNF
90Flag of France.svg  Daniel Thuayre  (FRA)40
France - West
91Flag of France.svg  Robert Bonnaventure  (FRA)DNF
92Flag of France.svg  Maurice Carpentier  (FRA)DNF
93Flag of France.svg  Roger Chupin  (FRA)DNF
94Flag of France.svg  Pierre Cogan  (FRA)DNF
95Flag of France.svg  Jean-Marie Goasmat  (FRA)DNF
96Flag of France.svg  Raymond Guégan  (FRA)DNF
97Flag of France.svg  Yvan Marie  (FRA)DNF
98Flag of France.svg  François Person  (FRA)DNF
99Flag of France.svg  Roger Pontet  (FRA)DNF
100Flag of France.svg  Eloi Tassin  (FRA)DNF
France - Paris
101Flag of France.svg  André Brulé  (FRA)12
102Flag of France.svg  Robert Chapatte  (FRA)28
103Flag of France.svg  Maurice Diot  (FRA)DNF
104Flag of France.svg  Raymond Goussot  (FRA)DNF
105Flag of France.svg  Jean Lauk  (FRA)DNF
106Flag of France.svg  Lucien Lauk  (FRA)DNF
107Flag of France.svg  Jacques Marinelli  (FRA)DNF
108Flag of France.svg  Robert Mignat  (FRA)DNF
109Flag of France.svg  Kleber Piot  (FRA)13
110Flag of France.svg  Louis Thiétard  (FRA)9
France - South-East
111Flag of France.svg  Marius Bonnet  (FRA)DNF
112Flag of France.svg  Bernard Gauthier  (FRA)24
113Flag of France.svg  Georges Martin  (FRA)39
114Flag of France.svg  Maurice Lauze  (FRA)DNF
115Flag of France.svg  Pierre Molinéris  (FRA)DNF
116Flag of France.svg  Victor Pernac  (FRA)DNF
117Flag of France.svg  Raoul Rémy  (FRA)23
118Flag of France.svg  Jean Rey  (FRA)43
119Flag of France.svg  Amédée Rolland  (FRA)DNF
120Flag of France.svg  Abdel-Kader Zaaf  (FRA)DNF

By rider

No.Starting number worn by the rider during the Tour
Pos.Position in the general classification
DNFDenotes a rider who did not finish
1 Norbert Callens Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium BelgiumDNF [5]
2 André Declerck Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium BelgiumDNF [5]
3 Raymond Impanis Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium10 [5]
4 Florent Mathieu Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium30 [5]
5 René Mertens Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium BelgiumDNF [5]
6 Stan Ockers Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium11 [5]
7 Albert Ramon Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium BelgiumDNF [5]
8 Emile Rogiers Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium BelgiumDNF [5]
9 Briek Schotte Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium2 [5]
10 Edward Van Dijck Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium14 [5]
11 Cor Bakker Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Netherlands/LuxembourgDNF [5]
12 Henk de Hoog Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Netherlands/LuxembourgDNF [5]
13 Wim de Ruyter Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Netherlands/Luxembourg42 [5]
14 Bernard Franken Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Netherlands/LuxembourgDNF [5]
15 Sjefke Janssen Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Netherlands/Luxembourg36 [5]
16 Frans Pauwels Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Netherlands/LuxembourgDNF [5]
17 Henri Ackermann Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Netherlands/LuxembourgDNF [5]
18 René Biver Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Netherlands/LuxembourgDNF [5]
19 Willy Kemp Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Netherlands/LuxembourgDNF [5]
20 Jeng Kirchen Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Netherlands/Luxembourg5 [5]
21 Georges Aeschlimann Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland InternationalDNF [5]
22 Roger Aeschlimann Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland InternationalDNF [5]
23 Pierre Brambilla Flag of Italy.svg  Italy InternationalDNF [5]
24 Fermo Camellini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy International8 [5]
25 Victor Joly Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium InternationalDNF [5]
26 Edward Klabiński Flag of Poland.svg  Poland International18 [5]
27 Roger Lambrecht Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium International7 [5]
28 Paul Néri Flag of Italy.svg  Italy International37 [5]
29 Gino Sciardis Flag of Italy.svg  Italy InternationalDNF [5]
30 Giuseppe Tacca/Pierre Tacca Flag of Italy.svg  Italy/Flag of France.svg  France InternationalDNF [5]
31 Gino Bartali Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy1 [5]
32 Antonio Bevilacqua Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy33 [5]
33 Serafino Biagioni Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy34 [5]
34 Giovanni Corrieri Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy29 [5]
35 Giordano Cottur Flag of Italy.svg  Italy ItalyDNF [5]
36 Guido De Santi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy ItalyDNF [5]
37 Egidio Feruglio Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy41 [5]
38 Bruno Pasquini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy19 [5]
39 Vincenzo Rossello Flag of Italy.svg  Italy ItalyDNF [5]
40 Primo Volpi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy27 [5]
41 Louison Bobet Flag of France.svg  France France4 [5]
42 Louis Caput Flag of France.svg  France FranceDNF [5]
43 Camille Danguillaume Flag of France.svg  France FranceDNF [5]
44 Édouard Fachleitner Flag of France.svg  France FranceDNF [5]
45 Émile Idée Flag of France.svg  France FranceDNF [5]
46 Apo Lazaridès Flag of France.svg  France France21 [5]
47 Paul Giguet Flag of France.svg  France France25 [5]
48 Jean Robic Flag of France.svg  France France16 [5]
49 Lucien Teisseire Flag of France.svg  France France6 [5]
50 René Vietto Flag of France.svg  France France17 [5]
51 Marcel Dupont Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium Aiglons20 [5]
52 Jan Engels Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium Aiglons22 [5]
53 Léon Jomaux Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
54 Lucien Mathys Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
55 Maurice Meersman Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
56 Maurice Mollin Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
57 Rik Renders Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
58 Florent Rondelé Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
59 André Rosseel Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
60 Adolph Verschueren Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Belgium AiglonsDNF [5]
61 Oreste Conte Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy CadetsDNF [5]
62 Enzo Coppini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy CadetsDNF [5]
63 Umberto Drei Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy CadetsDNF [5]
64 Mario Fazio Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy CadetsDNF [5]
65 Attilio Lambertini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy Cadets31 [5]
66 Vittorio Magni Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy Cadets38 [5]
67 Aldo Ronconi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy CadetsDNF [5]
68 Virgilio Salimbeni Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy CadetsDNF [5]
69 Vittorio Seghezzi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy Cadets44 [5]
70 Nello Sforacchi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italy CadetsDNF [5]
71 Robert Desbats Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-WestDNF [5]
72 Raphaël Géminiani Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-West15 [5]
73 Guy Lapébie Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-West3 [5]
74 Roger Lévêque Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-WestDNF [5]
75 Alfred Macorig Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-WestDNF [5]
76 Henri Massal Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-WestDNF [5]
77 Paul Maye Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-WestDNF [5]
78 Daniel Orts Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-WestDNF [5]
79 Jacques Pras Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-WestDNF [5]
80 Georges Ramoulux Flag of France.svg  France France - Centre/South-West26 [5]
81 Pierre Baratin Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-East35 [5]
82 Urbain Caffi Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-EastDNF [5]
83 Jean de Gribaldy Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-EastDNF [5]
84 Maurice De Muer Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-EastDNF [5]
85 Louis Déprez Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-EastDNF [5]
86 Alphonse Devreese Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-East32 [5]
87 François Hélary Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-EastDNF [5]
88 César Marcelak Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-EastDNF [5]
89 Édouard Muller Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-EastDNF [5]
90 Daniel Thuayre Flag of France.svg  France France - Île de France/North-East40 [5]
91 Robert Bonnaventure Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
92 Maurice Carpentier Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
93 Roger Chupin Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
94 Pierre Cogan Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
95 Jean-Marie Goasmat Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
96 Raymond Guégan Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
97 Yvan Marie Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
98 François Person Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
99 Roger Pontet Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
100 Eloi Tassin Flag of France.svg  France France - WestDNF [5]
101 André Brulé Flag of France.svg  France France - Paris12 [5]
102 Robert Chapatte Flag of France.svg  France France - Paris28 [5]
103 Maurice Diot Flag of France.svg  France France - ParisDNF [5]
104 Raymond Goussot Flag of France.svg  France France - ParisDNF [5]
105 Jean Lauk Flag of France.svg  France France - ParisDNF [5]
106 Lucien Lauk Flag of France.svg  France France - ParisDNF [5]
107 Jacques Marinelli Flag of France.svg  France France - ParisDNF [5]
108 Robert Mignat Flag of France.svg  France France - ParisDNF [5]
109 Kleber Piot Flag of France.svg  France France - Paris13 [5]
110 Louis Thiétard Flag of France.svg  France France - Paris9 [5]
111 Marius Bonnet Flag of France.svg  France France - South-EastDNF [5]
112 Bernard Gauthier Flag of France.svg  France France - South-East24 [5]
113 Georges Martin Flag of France.svg  France France - South-East39 [5]
114 Maurice Lauze Flag of France.svg  France France - South-EastDNF [5]
115 Pierre Molinéris Flag of France.svg  France France - South-EastDNF [5]
116 Victor Pernac Flag of France.svg  France France - South-EastDNF [5]
117 Raoul Rémy Flag of France.svg  France France - South-East23 [5]
118 Jean Rey Flag of France.svg  France France - South-East43 [5]
119 Amédée Rolland Flag of France.svg  France France - South-EastDNF [5]
120 Abdel-Kader Zaaf Flag of France.svg  France France - South-EastDNF [5]

By nationality


1. ^ The French naturalisation of Giuseppe Tacca, under the name of Pierre Tacca, became official during the Tour de France, on 2 July 1948.


  1. 1 2 Maso, Benjo (2003). Wij waren allemaal goden (in Dutch). AmstelSport. p. 37. ISBN   978-90-482-0003-0.
  2. Ligget, Phil; Raia, James; Lewis, Sammarye (2005). Tour de France for dummies . For Dummies. p.  175. ISBN   0-7645-8449-9.
  3. Maso, Benjo (2003). Wij waren allemaal goden (in Dutch). AmstelSport. p. 36. ISBN   978-90-482-0003-0.
  4. "35ème Tour de France 1948" (in French). Memoire du cyclisme. Archived from the original on 1 March 2012. Retrieved 6 March 2015.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 "35ème Tour de France 1948". Memoire du cyclisme. Archived from the original on 29 February 2012.