Ma Zhong (Shu Han)

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Ma Zhong
Ma Zhong 2016 Han Zhao Lie Miao.jpg
Statue of Ma Zhong in a temple in Chengdu, Sichuan
Senior General Who Guards the South
In office
242 (242)–249 (249)
OccupationMilitary general, politician
Courtesy name Dexin (德信)
PeerageMarquis of Pengxiang Village
Original nameHu Du (狐篤)

Ma Zhong (died 249), courtesy name Dexin, originally named Hu Du, was a Chinese military general and politician of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period of China. After Liu Bei's death, he served under Zhuge Liang during the Southern Campaign and helped to quell the rebellion. He was appointed as the area commander in the south after Li Hui's death where he spends most of his life pacifying the region, often with the help of Zhang Ni. Ma Zhong was known as generous and whimsical but also decisive in handling affairs. Hence the southern tribes both feared and respected him. His duty in the south could be comparable to Wang Ping in the north and Deng Zhi in the east. After his death, the foreigners sorely missed him and later established a temple in his honor.



Ma Zhong was born in Langzhong, Baxi Commandery (巴西郡), , which is present-day Langzhong, Sichuan. As a child, he was raised by his maternal relatives. He was surnamed Hu (狐) and named Du (篤). Thereafter, he changed his surname back to his father's side, Ma (馬) and his name to Zhong (忠). [1] He served as local official in the commandery. During the end of Jian'an (建安; 196–220 period), He was nominated as a xiaolian (civil service candidate) and appointed as Chief (長) of Hanchang (漢昌). [2]

After Liu Bei's defeat at the Battle of Xiaoting. The Administrator of Baxi (巴西太守), Yan Zhi (閻芝) recruited from the counties under his juridiction, 5 000 soldiers to replace the lost ones, Ma Zhong was in charge of leading them. Liu Bei had already returned to Yufu County (魚復縣; present-day Fengjie County, Chongqing), which he renamed "Yong'an" (永安; literally "everlasting peace"). There he met Ma Zhong and spoke with him. Liu Bei commented to his Prefect of the Masters of Writing (尚書令), Liu Ba that although he lost Huang Quan, he gained Hu Du, showing that the world is not lacking talents. [3]

After Liu Bei's death in 223, Zhuge Liang opened his office as Chancellor (丞相) and appointed Ma Zhong as his subordinate commander. In 225, Zhuge Liang led a Southern Campaign to quell the rebellion. Ma Zhong was promoted as Administrator of Zangke (牂牁太守). He participated in the expedition and defeated the previously appointed Zhu Bao (朱褒), who had joined the rebels. As Administrator, he helped the commandery to recover and brought stability among the people. Ma Zhong had, both authority and kindness. [4]

In 230, Zhuge Liang summoned him to join the army as Army Adviser (參軍) and serve as assistant to his chief clerk, Jiang Wan. Furthermore, he was given additional appointment in the government office. Next year, he followed the army during the Battle of Mount Qi. After the army returned, he joined Zhang Ni as they suppressed a rebellion in Wenshan Commandery, led by Qiang tribe learders. In 233, Liu Zhou (劉胄), a strong leader of a foreign tribe, started a rebellion, disturbing all the commanderies. The Area Commander of Laixiang (庲降都督), Zhang Yi was relieved and Ma Zhong succeeded him. Ma Zhong led a successful campaign, beheaded Liu Zhou and pacified the south. For his accomplishment, Ma Zhong was further entrusted with military affairs, promoted to General Who is Firm (威將軍) and enfeoffed as the Marquis of Boyang Village (博陽亭侯). [5]

During Yong Kai's rebellion, the rebels killed the Administrator of Jianing (巴西建寧), Zheng Ang (正昂) and captured his successor, Zhang Yi before sending him as captive to Eastern Wu. Since then, the Commander by fear always garrisoned away in Pingyi county. When Ma Zhong became the new Commander, he moved his headquarters to Wei County, Handan, among the Han civilians and foreigners. Moreover, Yuexi/Yuesui Commandery (越巂郡) was a lost territory. Ma Zhong alongside his Administrator, Zhang Ni led a successful campaign recovering the commandery. For his achievement, he was promoted to General Who Stabilises the South (安南將軍) and granted the Marquis of Pengxiang Village (彭鄉亭侯). [6]

In 242, he was summoned to the court and charged with delivering an Imperial Order to Jiang Wan, preventing him from switching the land-based route to a water-based one from the Han River to attack the Wei-controlled Weixing (魏興) and Shangyong (上庸) commanderies. Ma Zhong was further promoted as Senior General Who Guards the South (鎮南大將軍). In 244, Cao Shuang attacked Battle of Xingshi, General-in-Chief (大將軍) Fei Yi went north to resist the invaders. Ma Zhong was left in charge of the secretariat government at Chengdu. After Fei Yi returned, Ma Zhong left for the south. In 249, he died. His son, Ma Xiu (馬脩) inherited his father's title and became the next Pengxiang Village (彭鄉亭侯). While Ma Xiu's younger brother, Ma Hui (馬恢) had his son Ma Yi (馬義), appointed as the Administrator of Jianning (晉建寧太守) during the Jin dynasty. [7]

Appraisal and successors

Chen Shou, who wrote Ma Zhong's biography in the Records of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguozhi), appraised him as follows: "Ma Zhong was at the same time gentle yet resolute [8] ... Along with Huang Quan, Li Hui, Lü Kai, Wang Ping, Zhang Ni, It was thanks to their qualities that they were all well known through the empire and because they seized the opportunity given to them that they left strong legacies." [9]

Ma Zhong was known as generous and benevolent in his treatment of people however he was also whimsical and liked to tease others then greatly laughed. Yet when he was furious, he would not let his anger be apparent. When he handled civil and military affairs he was decisive and would show both authority and kindness. Therefore the foreigners both awed and loved him. When he died, all of them were present in the funeral hall and wept for him with utmost sorrow. They established for him a Temple to commemorate his memory. [10]

Chang Qu in the Huayang Guo Zhi stated that when he was administering the south, Ma Zhong showed kindness to those afar and helpfulness to those close to him. To everyone, he showed great concern and magnanimity. For his effort, his highest position was Senior General Who Guards the South (鎮南大將軍), a position that (except him) none of the governors of the southern lands would attain. After Ma Zhong's death, the people of the south built a shrine in his honor and would pray to him in time of hardship. [11]

Zhang Biao, [a] was a famous scholar whose reputation for refinement surpassed Ma Zhong. He succeeded Ma Zhong's position as General Who Stabilises the South (安南將軍). He was assisted by Yang Xi of Qianwei Commandery (犍為郡), who joined him was appointed as his deputy. [12] [13]

Yet with the possible exception of Li Hui, Ma Zhong was the most popular Area Commander for Shu-Han's southern lands. Yan Yu (閻宇), whose courtesy name was Wenping (文平) showed ability and would easily achieve his objectives while being diligent and conscientious in the civil affairs. Along with Zhang Biao, they were in charge of administering the south after Ma Zhong's death. However, their authority and merits both never reached those of Ma Zhong. [14]

See also


  1. Zhang Biao was the son of Zhang Su (張肅) and posthumously adopted by Zhang Song (張松) to continue his family line


  1. (馬忠字德信,巴西閬中人也。少養外家,姓狐,名篤,後乃復姓,改名忠。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  2. (為郡吏,建安末舉孝廉,除漢昌長。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  3. (先主東征,敗績猇亭,巴西太守閻芝發諸縣兵五千人以補遣闕,遣忠送往。先主已還永安,見忠與語,謂尚書令劉巴曰:「雖亡黃權,復得狐篤,此為世不乏賢也。」建興元年,) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  4. (丞相亮開府,以忠為下督。三年,亮入南,拜忠牂牁太守。郡丞朱褒反。叛亂之後,忠撫育卹理,甚有威惠。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  5. (八年,召為丞相參軍,副長史蔣琬署留府事。又領州治中從事。明年,亮出祁山,忠詣亮所,經營戌事。軍還,督將軍張嶷等討汶山郡叛羌。十一年,南夷豪帥劉冑反,擾亂諸郡。徵庲降都督張冀還,以忠代冀。忠遂斬冑,平南土。加忠監軍、奮威將軍,封博陽亭侯。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  6. (初,建寧郡殺太守正昂,縛太守張裔於吳,故都督常駐平夷縣。至忠,乃移治味縣,處民夷之間。又越嶲郡亦久失土地,忠率將太守張嶷開复舊郡,由此就加安南將軍,進封彭鄉亭侯。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  7. (延熙五年還朝,因至漢中,見大司馬蔣琬,宣傳詔旨,加拜鎮南大將軍。七年春,大將軍費韋北禦魏敵,留忠成都,平尚書事。禕還,忠乃歸南。十二年卒,子脩嗣。〈脩弟恢。恢子義,晉建寧太守。〉) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  8. (尚書曰:擾而毅。鄭玄注曰:擾,馴也。致果曰毅) Shangshu Zhu annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  9. (評曰:...馬忠擾而能毅,...咸以所長,顯名發跡,遇其時也。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  10. (忠為人寬濟有度量,但恢啁大笑,忿怒不形於色。然處事能斷,威思並立,是以蠻夷畏而愛之。及卒,莫不自致喪庭,流涕盡哀,為之立廟祀,迄今猶在。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  11. (忠在南,柔遠能邇,甚垂惠愛,官至鎮南大將軍。卒後,南人為之立祠,水旱禱之。) Huayang Guozhi vol. 4.
  12. (以蜀郡張表為代,加安南將軍。又以犍為楊「義」〔羲〕〈舊皆作義。廖本注云「當作羲」,是,即《三國志》楊戲。〉為參軍,副貳之。) Huayang Guozhi vol. 4.
  13. (張表,時名士,清望逾忠。) Sanguozhi vol. 43.
  14. (閻宇宿有功幹,於事精勤。繼踵在忠後,其威風稱績,皆不及忠。〈《益部耆舊傳》曰:張表,肅子也。《華陽國志》云:表,張松子,未詳。閻宇字文平,南郡人也。〉) Sanguozhi vol. 43.