Xu Ci

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  1. The historian Sun Sheng pointed out that Chen Shou embedded Hu Qian's biography in Xu Ci's biography in the Records of the Three Kingdoms because there were too few notable scholars in Shu (and too little information about them), [5] so it did not make sense to have individual biographies for all of them.


  1. 1 2 de Crespigny (2007), p. 902.
  2. Farmer, J. Michael. The Talent of Shu: Qiao Zhou and the Intellectual World of Earl Medieval Sichuan. Albany: State University of New York Press. p. 26. ISBN   978-0-7914-7163-0.
  3. (許慈字仁篤,南陽人也。師事劉熈,善鄭氏學,治易、尚書、三禮、毛詩、論語。建安中,與許靖等俱自交州入蜀。) Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  4. (時又有魏郡胡潛,字公興,不知其所以在益土。潛雖學不沾洽,然卓犖彊識,祖宗制度之儀,喪紀五服之數,皆指掌畫地,舉手可采。) Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  5. (孫盛曰:蜀少人士,故慈、潛等並見載述。) Sun Sheng's annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  6. Zizhi Tongjian vol. 67.
  7. 1 2 Farmer, J. Michael. The Talent of Shu: Qiao Zhou and the Intellectual World of Earl Medieval Sichuan. Albany: State University of New York Press. p. 78. ISBN   978-0-7914-7163-0.
  8. (先主定蜀,承喪亂歷紀,學業衰廢,乃鳩合典籍,沙汰衆學,慈、潛並為博士,與孟光、來敏等典掌舊文。) Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  9. (值庶事草創,動多疑議,慈、潛更相克伐,謗讟忿爭,形於聲色;書籍有無,不相通借,時尋楚撻,以相震攇。其矜己妬彼,乃至於此。) Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  10. (先主愍其若斯,羣僚大會,使倡家假為二子之容。傚其訟䦧之狀,酒酣樂作,以為嬉戲,初以辭義相難,終以刀杖相屈,用感切之。) Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  11. Sanguozhi vol.32.
  12. Zizhi Tongjian vols. 69–70.
  13. (潛先沒,慈後主世稍遷至大長秋,卒。) Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  14. (子勛傳其業,復為博士。) Sanguozhi vol. 42.
  15. 許、孟、來、李,博涉多聞,尹默精于左氏,雖不以德業為稱,信皆一時之學士 Sanguozhi vol.42.
  16. 蜀少人士,故慈、潛等並見載述。 Annotation in Sanguozhi vol.42
  17. Farmer, J. Michael. The Talent of Shu: Qiao Zhou and the Intellectual World of Earl Medieval Sichuan. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 25–27. ISBN   978-0-7914-7163-0.
Xu Ci
Empress's Chamberlain (大長秋)
In office