Marcello Ferrada de Noli

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ISBN 978-91-88747-10-5
  • 1967 No, no me digas señor (Play, on stage Teatro Concepción 1967, published 2015) ISBN   978-91-88747-16-7 scanned
  • 1969 Universidad y Superstructura (Philosophy) University of Concepcion, thesis
  • 1972 Teoría y Método de la Concientización (Social psychology) [134]
  • 1982 The Theory of Alienation and the Diathesis of Psychosomatic Pathology (Philosophy, psychiatry)
  • 1993 Chalice of Love (Philosophy, fiction) ISBN   978-91-981615-9-5
  • 1995 Psychiatric and Forensic Findings in Definite and Undetermined Suicides (Epidemiology, forensic psychiatry), Karolinska Institutet, Dept Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry Section, 1995.
  • 1996 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Immigrants to Sweden (Psychiatry),Karolinska Institutet, Dept Clinical Neuroscience, 1996. ISBN   91-628-1984-4
  • 2003 Efter tortyr (Contributor author) (Torture, psychiatry), Centre for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (CTD), Estocolmo. Liber, 1993. ISBN 91-634-0678-0
  • 2005 Fighting Pinochet (Testimony, resistance). ISBN 978-91-88747-00-6
  • 2007 Theses on the cultural premises of pseudoscience (Epistemology) ISBN   978-91-88747-05-1
  • 2008 Kejsarens utbrända kläder (Epidemiology, psychiatry) ISBN 978-91-88747-01-3
  • 2009 Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention, Oxford University Press, 1a ed., 2009. Print ISBN   9780198570059.(Contributor author) (Psychiatry)
  • 2013 Da Noli a Capo Verde (Contributor author) (History) ISBN   978-88-8849-82-01
  • 2013 Antonio de Noli And The Beginning Of The New World Discoveries (Editor)(Contributor author)(History) ISBN   978-91-981615-0-2
  • 2014 Sweden VS. Assange. Human Rights Issues (Geopolitics, human rights) ISBN   978-91-981615-0-2
  • 2018 Aurora Política de Bautista van Schouwen (Book chapter) ISBN   978-91-88747-11-2
  • 2018 Con Bautista van Schouwen (Political history) ISBN   978-91-88747-08-2
  • 2019 Pablo de Rokha y la joven generación del MIR (Political history) ISBN   978-91-981615-5-7
  • 2019 Sweden's Geopolitical Case Against Assange 2010-2019 (Geopolitics, history, human rights) ISBN   978-91-88747-13-6
  • 2020 Rebeldes Con Causa (Political history, human rights) ISBN   978-91-981615-2-6
  • 2021 Lo Paradojal de la Vida. Reflexiones dialécticas (Philosophy) ISBN   978-91-88747-10-5
  • 2021 Los que fundamos el MIR (Political history) ISBN   978-91-88747-19-8
  • 2021 Amore e Resistenza (Poetry) ISBN   978-91-981615-5-7
  • 2021 La mujer de Walter y otras historias (Fiction) ISBN   978-91-88747-02-0
  • 2021 Kejsarens utbrända kläder (Epidemiology, psychiatry) ISBN   978-91-88747-01-3
  • 2021 Si Bemol de Combate (Poetry) ISBN   978-91-88747-01-3
  • 2021 Esistenza Dialettica (Italian translation of Lo Paradojal de la Vida) ISBN   978-91-88747-27-3
  • 2021 Mi Lucha Contra Pinochet (Spanish translation of Fighting Pinochet ) ISBN   978-91-88747-91-4
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    1. 1 2 Dagens Nyheter , Stockholm, published 17 July 2008 a biographical article authored by DN journalist Per Mortensen, on occasion of De Noli's 65th birthday. In a description of his academic background, the publication added: "Professor emeritus of public-health and invited professor of international health at Gävle; medicine doktor at Karolinska Institute, where he also chairs a research group in international and cross-cultural injury epidemiology. Research-educated in social medicine at Harvard Medical School." (Swedish, original: "Professor emeritus i folkhälsovetenskap, gästprofessor i internationell hälsa i Gävle, medicine doktor i psykiatri vid Karolinska institutet, där han också leder en forskargrupp i internationell och transkulturell skadeepidemiologi. Forkskarutbildad vid Harvard Medical School i socialmedicin."
    2. Professorships and research areas listed in Biographical Lexicon of Public Health. Ed. Prof Izet Masic (2015). Library of Biomedical Publications. Book 49. ISBN   978-9958-720-60-4. Page 108. Archived 2016-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
    3. As reported in references to Ferrada Noli's education in the Swedish Medical Association journal Läkartidningen Archived 2020-02-18 at the Wayback Machine and mainstream Swedish newspapers, i.e. Svenska Dagbladet , Dagens Nyheter , Uppsala Nya Tidning Archived 2019-05-01 at the Wayback Machine , Göteborgs-Posten , Aftonbladet , etc.
    4. Dagens Nyheter (DN), published 17 July 2008. "The professor has navigated in dangerous oceans" (Swedish: "Professorn har seglat i farliga farvatten").
    5. Karolinska Institute Registrar's Office. Document 1217/2007-2335.
    6. Karolinska Institute, Department of Social Medicine, 2009. Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention: Research, Education and Policy Development. In page 5 it reads: "Chair of the International and Cross-cultural Injury Epidemiology Research Group: Prof. Marcello Ferrada-Noli, Ph.D. in Psychiatry (K.I.), Postdoctoral in Social Medicine (Harvard)".
    7. Dagens Nyheter , 17 July 2008. "The professor has navigated in dangerous oceans" (Swedish: "Professorn har seglat i farliga farvatten").
    8. El Sur , "Egresan Alumnos de Filosofía", published 10 January 1969.
    9. La Defensa (newspaper), Arica, Chile, 25 April 1970. "Especial significado tendrá acto académico de Universidad de Chile"
    10. Karolinska Institute. Registrar's Office. Document 1217/2007-2335.
    11. Dagbladet Arbejderen, 4/26-2017. Archived 2020-10-25 at the Wayback Machine
    12. La Defensa (newspaper), Arica, Chile, 25 April 1970, "Especial significado tendrá acto académico de Universidad de Chile"
    13. Certificate issued by Lic. Juan Sandoval Trujillo, Director of Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México, with copy to the Rector of the University of Concepción, Chile, Prof Edgardo Enríquez Frödden, 15 May 1972, describing the academic assignment.
    14. Italian newspaper L'Eco di Bergamo in an article published 20 January 2019, affirms that Ferrada de Noli "at the time of Pinochet's 1973 Chilean coup d'état was professor at the University of Concepción" ("Durante il golpe di Pinochet lei era docente all'Università di Conception."). Article by Emanuele Roncalli in "Primo piano – Storia & personagi", L'Eco di Bergamo, 20 January 2019, page 42
    15. Certificate issued 27 November 1996 by the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute (Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap), stating: "Med dr Marcello Ferrada de Noli is senior research scientist, full-time, at the department of Clinical Neuroscience, Psychiatry Section".
    16. Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet reports 1 November 1998 in the article "Pinochet politianmeldt I Norge", that Ferrada Noli was professor at the University of Tromsø ("professor ved Universitetet I Tromsø").
    17. Certificate issued 6 October 1997 by the Institute of Psychology, Tromsø University. It states: "(Ferrada-Noli) is employed as professor of health psychology at the Institute of Psychology".
    18. Evaluated by the Scientific Committee appointed by the University of Bergen. The Committee: Head, Prof. Lillemor Hallberg (Professor i Public Health Sciences, Sweden), Prof. Geisela Geisler, and Prof. Maurice Mittelmark (Norway). Academic CV
    19. Certificate issued 20 March 2000 by Prof Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg, Head of the Section of Social and Community Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, stating: "(Prof. Marcello Ferrada-Noli) was in November 1999 evaluated by a scientific committee appointed by the University of Bergen, found qualified for a professorship in cross-cultural Psychology."
    20. Id.
    21. As reported by Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, 14 April 2005.
    22. See ref. [1]
    23. Diploma signed by Prof Lennart Ölund, Department Head, University of Gävle, 10 December 2007. It reads: "The University of Gävle conferred on Prof. Dr. Marcello Ferrada-Noli the title of distinction Professor Emeritus, after his retirement as professor of public health sciences specialty epidemiology, and in value of meritorious academic services."
    24. 1 2 Document issued by the dean of the medical faculty, University of Chile, Prof. Jorge Las Heras Bonetto, 14 March 2006.
    25. "Google Scholar". Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    26. Panagioti M, Gooding P, Tarrier N (2009). "Post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidal behavior: A narrative review". Clinical Psychology Review. 29 (6): 471–82. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2009.05.001. PMID   19539412.
    27. David Lester (2005) Suicide and the Holocaust. Nova Science Publishers, New York. ISBN   1-59454-427-1. In section "Suicidal Behaviour in Refugees and After Torture", page 57: "Ferrada-Noli found that the method of suicide used or planned was similar to the method of torture with which the victim has been brutalized".
    28. Sweden's National Center for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental-Ill Health, "Suicide research in Sweden from the early 1990s until 2014". See chronology in publications referred to risks factor for suicide in immigrants and adoptees, in section "Epidemiology and register studies" -
    29. Sweden's National Center for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental-Ill Health, "Suicide research in Sweden from the early 1990s until 2014". Chronology of publications on SES-subject in Reference list.
    30. The findings are found in a series published by Psychological Reports: a) Ferrada-Noli M (December 1996). "Social psychological vs socioeconomic hypotheses on the epidemiology of suicide: an empirical study". Psychological Reports. 79 (3 Pt 1): 707–10. doi:10.2466/pr0.1996.79.3.707. PMID   8969074; b) Ferrada-Noli M (February 1997). "Social psychological indicators associated with the suicide rate: replying to the socioeconomic hypothesis". Psychological Reports. 80 (1): 315–22. doi:10.2466/PR0.80.1.315-322. PMID   9122344; c) Ferrada-Noli M, Asberg M (August 1997). "Psychiatric health, ethnicity and socioeconomic factors among suicides in Stockholm". Psychological Reports. 81 (1): 323–32. doi:10.2466/PR0.81.5.323-332. PMID   9293223. Full text pdf; d) Ferrada-Noli M (October 1997). "Health and socioeconomic indicators in psychiatric catchment areas with divergent suicide rates". Psychological Reports. 81 (2): 611–9. doi:10.2466/PR0.81.6.611-619. PMID   9354114; and Ferrada-Noli M (August 1997). "Social psychological variables in populations contrasted by income and suicide rate: Durkheim revisited". Psychological Reports. 81 (1): 307–16. doi:10.2466/PR0.81.5.307-316. PMID   9293220. Fulltext pdf. Ferrada De Noli's findings were discussed in an article by David Lester et al. (Lester D, Savlid AC S, Mäkinen IH (1997). "Suicide and wealth in Sweden: comment on Ferrada-Noli". Psychological Reports. 80 (1 Pt 1): 34. doi:10.2466/PR0.80.1.34-34.), and later supported in an investigation by Magnusson S & Mäkinen IH (2010). "Sweden: Income and Suicide". Psychological Reports. 107 (1 Pt 1): 157–162. doi:10.2466/
    31. Jan-Otto Ottosson (2015), ("Psychiatry in Sweden") ("Psykiatrin i Sverige"), Natur & Kultur, Stockholm, 2005, 2015. ISBN   9789127095953- In chapter "Suicide – the main death cause in psychiatry" (Självmord –Psykiatrins stora dödsorsak) Prof. Ottosson describes six findings by Ferrada de Noli –two psychiatric and four epidemiological– regarding suicidal behavior.
    32. Certificate issued by the "Regionala Etiksprovsnämnden I Uppsala" 12 February 2007. It describes appointment done 2004 by the Swedish government as alternate scientific member of the Swedish Central Ethical Review Board for research (Etikprövningsnämnd). Appointment renewed 2007.
    33. Dagens Nyheter. ("The professors has sailed in dangerous waters"). "Professorn har seglat i farliga farvatten. 23 July 2008.
    34. Ystads Allehanda. ("Prisoners camp to nice hall"). "Fångläger till finsal". 25 July 2013.
    35. Expressen, 3 January 2018.
    36. Dagens Nyheter. ("Sweden risks to be a first target") "Sverige riskerar bli förstahandsmål". 2 September 2015. . Excerpt "Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist has not proven that an increasing "Vi tycker att den neutralitetspolitik som fanns på Olof Palmes tid...är bättre garanti för Sveriges säkerhet. Detta skulle även medföra att Sverige kan återta en aktiv roll för arbetet med fred och för respekt för de mänskliga rättigheterna i världen.
    37. Nancy Guzmán Jazmen (1998), "Un grito desde el silencio: detención, asesinato y desaparición de Bautista van Schouwen y Patricio Munita". LOM Ediciones, Santiago. ISBN   956-282-161-7. Page 79: Ferrada de Noli named among Miguel Enríquez's four associates, "participants of this foundational meeting of the Revolutionary Left Movement".
    38. The Clinic (newspaper), Santiago, 5 October 2015. ("The story of Miguel Enríquez lost trunk") "La historia del baúl perdido de Miguel Enríquez". Author Daniela Yáñez, journalist, writes that Miguel Enríquez met at the Enrique Molina Garmendia High School in Concepción Bautista van Schouwen, Luciano Cruz and Marcello Ferrada, all "which constituted in 1965 the central nucleon in the foundation of MIR". The Clinic, 5-10-2015.
    39. Marco Álvarez (2015), ("The Revolutionary Constitution – History of the foundation of the Chilean MIR") "La Constituyente Revolucionaria – Historia de la fundación del MIR chileno" LOM Ediciones, Santiago, 2015. ISBN   978-956-00-0617-2. Archived 2018-02-16 at the Wayback Machine . The book reproduces witnesses' accounts on statements by Ferrada-Noli during the MIR foundation event. Archived 2018-02-16 at the Wayback Machine
    40. Mauricio Ahumada and Pedro Naranjo (2004), "Miguel Enríquez, el proyecto revolucionario en Chile". LOM Ediciones, Santiago. ISBN   956-282-676-7 The book states that Ferrada de Noli was one of the founders of the MIR and a co-author of MIR "Political-Military Thesis", the first document approved in the foundation congress of August 1965 .
    41. Inés Nercesian (2013). "La política en armas y las armas en la política" ("Politics by weapons and the weapons of politics"). CLACSO, Buenos Aires. ISBN   978-987-1891-75-7. Page 221: In the MIR Foundational Congress "the political-military thesis developed by Miguel Enríquez, Marco Antonio Enríquez and Marcello Ferrada-Molli, was also approved."
    42. Daniel Avendaño; Mauricio Palma (2001). El rebelde de la burguesía : la historia de Miguel Enríquez (2001 ed.). Santiago [de Chile]: Ed. CESOC. ISBN   9789562110952. The book refers to Ferrada de Noli as to a founder of MIR and co-author of the "Political-Military Thesis" together with Miguel Enriquez and Marco Antonio Enríquez.
    43. Patricio Lagos (2014). Pueblo, Conciencia, Guerra Revolucionaria. VIII Jornadas de Sociología, National University of La Plata. Excerpt: "The Insurrectional Thesis of MIR called 'La Conquista del Poder por la Vía Insurreccional' was written by Miguel Enríquez (aka Viriato), Marco Antonio Enríquez (aka Bravo) and Marcelo Ferrada Noli (aka Atacama)".
    44. Pedro Alfonso Valdés Navarro (2008) "Elementos teóricos en la formación y desarrollo del MIR durante el período 1965-1970". University of Valparaíso, Chile. Tesis de grado.
    45. Jose Leonel Calderon Lopez. "La politica del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR) durante los dos primeros años de la Dictadura Militar. University of Santiago, Chile, Departamento de Historia. Tesis de Grado. Pagina 21
    46. Pedro Naranjo Sandoval (2004) "La Vida de Miguel Enríquez y el MIR" ("Life of Miguel Enríquez and the MIR"). CEME / Archivo Chile. ISBN   91-631-0558-6. It reports that by 1961, a group of five youngsters that "had established strong personal interactions" since school years (brothers Miguel and Marco Antonio Enríquez, Bautista van Schouwen, Marcello Ferrada, and Dario Ulloa), initiated a group called "Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario, MSR". "Most of them became members of the Socialist Youth (a formation of the Socialist Party of Chile), although in different moments" (Page 10). The same young men –except Ulloa– appear four years later in the foundation of MIR (1965), as co-authors of the first document of that organization (Page24).
    47. El Sur , Concepción, 4 December 1962, reports that Ferrada de Noli was Board member of the Socialist Youth, Region of Concepción. Newspaper El Sur's text in Spanish: "Ferrada Noli is Secretario de Arte y Cultura del Regional de la Juventud del Partido Socialista en Concepción".
    48. Marcelo Casals (2010). "El alba de una revolución. La izquierda y la construcción estratégica de la vía chilena al socialismo". LOM Ediciones, Santiago, 2nd ed. ISBN   978-956-00-0123-8. In Chapter 4, the author names Marcello Ferrada in the group of five members of the Socialist Youth that started the publication of Revolución in 1963. The book also refers that the group would later become a clandestine formation ("fracción") within the Socialist Party.
    49. Julio César Jobet (1971). "History of the Socialist Party of Chile" ("Historia del Partido Socialista de Chile"). Ediciones Documenta, Santiago. Pages 283-284: "The mimeograph journal Revolución, whose N° 1 issue appeared in May 1963 with Miguel Enríquez as Chief Editor, and the editors M.A. Enríquez, B. van Schouwen, C. Sepúlveda, M. Ferrada Noli, J. Gutiérrez, P. Valdés, and R. Jara, all of them university students. Their combatant behaviour climaxed in the XX National Congress of the Socialist Party of Chile which took place in Concepción, February 1964"..."the referred student leaders, added some others from Concepción and Santiago, decided to abandon the Socialist Party and tried to give birth to a new revolutionary movement". MIR was founded in 1965, although from that group, only the brothers Enríquez, van Schouwen and Ferrada de Noli participated in its foundation.
    50. Peter Kornbluh (2003). "The Pinochet Files". The New Press, New York. ISBN   978-1-59558-912-5. Page 173.
    51. Matías Ortiz Figueroa (2013), in "El Tercer Congreso Del MIR: Giro generacional, re-estructuración orgánica y cambios en la militancia, 1967-1969", writes, "In the MIR converged two political generations ... in the latter (the young generation), stand out subjects like Miguel Enríquez, Bautista van Schouwen, Marcello Ferrada-Noli or Luciano Cruz, who joined the organic structure at its foundation, and reached towards the year 1967 positions in the National Secretariat." Academy of Christian Humanism University, TIEMPO HISTÓRICO. N°6 /91-110/ Santiago-Chile. 2013.
    52. Marcello Ferrada de Noli was first arrested in 1966, charged of attacking carabineers during clashes in conjunction with the long health-workers' strike that year. Noticias de la Tarde (newspaper) Talcahuano, 5 August 1969. (Carabineers handed him over to the Security Police"). "Carabineros lo entregó a Investigaciones". It reads: "On December 20, 1966 (Ferrada) was detained on the cause of outrageous confrontations against police officers, which he was protagonist of during the strike of the National Health Service workers". Spanish, original: "El 20 de Diciembre de 1966 estuvo detenido a raíz de los bochornosos incidentes que protagonizó contra funcionarios policiales, durante una huelga del Servicio Nacional de Salud".
    53. Ferrada de Noli was among the "13 MIR-fugitives from justice", according to El Mercurio (Newspaper), ("Across the terrorist-history of the Left Revolutionary Movement") "A Través de la Historia Terrorista del Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR)", Santiago, 25 August 1973. El Mercurio's retrospective article reports on the arresting near Concepción, 4 August 1969, of Marcello Ferrada Noli, "one of the 13 MIR fugitives of justice against whom an arrest warrant did exist, in connection with the process on subversion activities of the MIR". Others MIR leaders listed in the warrant were Miguel Enríquez, Bautista van Schouwen, Andrés Pascal Allende and Luciano Cruz.
    54. Newspapers in Concepción report that Ferrada de Noli came near being captured on two occasions, but escaped. Crónica (newspaper), Concepción, 9 July 1969, "Allanado fundo de Los Angeles" ("Search carried out in country state"), reports the failed operation by "a police task force from Santiago de Chile" in a country stated referred as "property of MIR leader Ferrada de Noli's parents". There were hidden Ferrada de Noli, Patula Saavedra and Luciano Cruz. "The operative did not give results, but it served to establish a new route of the fugitives".
    55. La Patria (newspaper), Concepción, 3 August 1969. (MIR's Marcello Ferrada downed in Chaimávida"). "Cayó el Mirista Marcello Ferrada en Chaimávida". The article reports on a 'get away' by Ferrada de Noli a week before being finally captured 4 August 1969. Ferrada de Noli is reported to have escaped from the police after they spotted him driving away from the university campus, "but the police could not keep him in sight" ("pero los policías le perdieron la vista")
    56. La Patria (newspaper), Concepción, 3 August 1969 (Id.), writes that Carabineers finally arrested him in a checkpoint near Concepción and kept him under interrogation during the day.
    57. La Patria (newspaper), Concepción, 3 August 1969. (MIR's Marcello Ferrada downed in Chaimávida"). "Cayó el Mirista Marcello Ferrada en Chaimávida". From the article: "Approximately 19.00 PM Ferrada de Noli was made available to the Security Police headquarters (then called "Policía Política", within Investigations Police of Chile), where he is being interrogated since last night, in connection to the subversion activities of MIR denounced by the government". (Original: "Cerca de las 19 horas Marcello Ferrada Noli fue puesto a disposición de la prefectura de Investigaciones, donde está siendo interrogado desde anoche en relación con las actividades subversivas del MIR denunciadas por el Gobierno..."). Later that evening Carabineros handed him over to agents of the Security Police for further interrogation at its headquarters.
    58. Crónica (newspaper, since 1984 La Estrella de Concepción), Concepción, 9 August 1969: "The Appeals Court Judge in charge of the investigation on infringements of the Domestic Security Act, declared the university professor Marcello Ferrada Noli free 'for the time being', before completing five days incommunicado". Original Spanish text: "Antes de que cumpliera cinco días de incomunicación, el Ministro a cargo del sumario que se instruye por infracción a la Ley de Seguridad Interior, dejó en libertad al profesor universitario Marcello Ferrada Noli... libre, por ahora".
    59. Oscar Guardiola-Rivera (2013). "Story of a Death Foretold: The Coup against Salvador Allende, 11 September 1973." Bloomsbury, London. ISBN   978-140-883-989-8. reports (pages 330-331) that Marcello Ferrada and other members of the MIR "launched resistance operations on the night of 11 September" in the town of Concepción". Excerpt: "In the town of Concepción, Marcello Ferrada and other members of the MIR moved to their safe houses awaiting orders from the movement's headquarters in Santiago. The orders were contradictory. Although they launched resistance operations on the night 11 September (1973), Ferrada and his compañeros were obliged to rush from one safe house to another, constantly on the move..." A review of Oscar Guardiola-Rivera's book in The Guardian , 23 September 2013:
    60. El Diario Color (newspaper). Concepción, 5 October 1973. In page 3, a picture of Marcello Ferrada de Noli. The caption reads: "In the first row, Marcello Ferrada, ex-professor at the University of Concepción, with a military haircut and very thoughtful. He refused to approach the journalists."
    61. Alejandro Witkers (1975). ("Prison in Chile"). "Prisión en Chile". Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica, México. Chapter 3, Item 7, "Long-time confinement..." mentions Marcello Ferrada among university professors confined in Quiriquina Island. At the same time, the military cancelled their university appointments. "
    62. La Tercera . ("The prisoners in Quiriquina") "Los presos en La Quiriquina". Santiago de Chile, 6 October 1973. Full text of photo's caption, translated: "The extremists and the local bosses of the past Marxist regime have been concentrated in Quiriquina Island. The first ones are there because they have attacked the military forces with fire weapons. The second ones, as the case of former governor Fernando Alvarez, for being the intellectual authors of the plan aimed to exterminate officers (of the armed forces) and most prominent members of the opposition". Fernando Alvarez was killed in Quiriquina Island days after the publication of the photo in La Tercera."
    63. In 1974, General Augustin Toro, in charge of the third Division (Concepción), and under pressure from Ferrada de Noli's family –several of them officers and commanders at the armed forces and in the judiciary- ordered his release from the Quiriquina camp in exchange of expulsion from the country under military custody. He was airborned to México but escaped in a stopover in Lima, Peru, from where he made his way to Italy. Source: "Ferrada de Noli VS. Pinochet. PART III My Life as Pinochet's Prisoner in Quiriquina Island".
    64. In Rome he testified at the Russell Tribunal on the torture and health conditions of the prisoners at the Quiriquina Island, the Navy Base in Talcahuano, and the Football stadium in Concepción, the places where he has been detained. His 12-page testimony and participation in the Russell Tribunal was found 2017 in the Archive of the Senator Lelio Basso Foundation, organizer of the event. Source: Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso – ISSOCO. Fondo: Tribunale Russell II per la repressione in Brasile, Cile e America Latina. Serie 3: Documentazione delle Sessioni: Prima Sessione (Roma, 30 mar. - 5 April 1974), sotto serie 2: "Testimonianza di Marcello Ferrada, relativa alla repressione culturale", 3 aprile 1974. . Excerpted remarks can be seen at . In the Foundation's archive also are found two other documents containing Ferrada Noli's correspondence with Linda Bimbi, secretary of the scientific working committee established after the Tribunal session on Chile, Abril 1974.
    65. French newspaper Le Figaro described the activity as de Noli's "espionage assaying". In article ("In Russia, a curious thesis puts forward to exculpate Damascus") "En Russie, une curieuse thèse reprise pour exonérer Damas", authored by the newspaper's correspondent in Moscow and using a Swedish journalist source, affirms that Ferrada de Noli "sought refuge in Sweden, where, in addition to have assayed espionage, he would have pursued a scientific career..." In French, original text: «il s'est réfugié en Suède, où, en plus de avoir gôuté à l'espionnage, il aurait poursuivi une carrière scientifique, notamment à Harvard et à l'institut suédois Karolinska des Nobel.»
    66. "PART IV. Fighting Pinochet's "Operation Condor" in Scandinavia". 26 February 2018.
    67. "Professional work in psychotherapy and psychology", Academic CV Academic CV
    68. Torbjörn Friberg. "Burnout: From Popular Culture to Psychiatric Diagnosis in Sweden". Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry (2009) 33: 538.
    69. Dagens Nyheter, DN-debatt, 20 October 2000. "Utbrändheten mest en modetrend".
    70. Expressen. ("It is insulting"). "Det är förelämpande". Stockholm, 21 October 2000. Mona Sahlin (later the leader of the Swedish Social Democrat Party), meant that the problem was not rooted in whether men help women at home, but instead in poor organized environments in working places. The debate on his theses continued 2000-2002 in the journal of the Swedish Medical Association Läkartidningen.
    71. Aftonbladet . ("Stress-burnout is an invention"). "Utbrändhet är ett påhitt". Stockholm, 14 April 2005.
    72. Svenska Dagbladet. "Professor condemns sick leaves". "Professor dömer ut sjukskrivningar". 19 September 2002.
    73. Associated Press (AP). "Chilean in Norway files against Pinochet". Oslo, Norway. 1 November 1998.
    74. NTB/Dagbladet. ("Pinochet accused in Norge"). "Pinochet politianmeldt i Norge", Oslo, 1 Nov 1998.
    75. Svenska Dagbladet. Brännpunkt. ("Pinochet has to be taken to court"). "Pinochet måste ställas inför rätta". 6 November 1998.
    76. Libertarian Books Sweden (publisher), Stockholm, 2016 (2nd edition). 340 pages. ISBN ISBN   978-91-981615-1-9.
    77. However the testimony was received off court, the issue was referred in "Findings of facts and reasons" delivered by Chief Magistrate Howard Riddle. See "City of Westminster Magistrates' Court (Sitting at Belmarsh Magistrates' Court). Excerpts; "There has been considerable adverse publicity in Sweden for Mr Assange, in the popular press, the television and in parliament" (Judge Riddle); and, "There is significant prejudice because of trial by media" (Lawyer Hurtig).
    78. Radio Sweden (Sweden's official international broadcasting station). "Whistleblower in row with newspaper –Wikileaks vs. Swedish tabloid Expressen". Stockholm, 8 March 2012.
    79. Professorsblogg, "Swedish Radio incorrectly referring Professors Blogg's theses on Swedish case against Assange", The Professors' Blogg, 8 March 2012.
    80. Emanuele Roncalli (autor), "Primo piano. Storia e personagi: 'In Cile ho combattuto contro Pinochet. Ora la mia battaglia è per I diritti umani'" ("In Chile I combatted against Pinochet. Now my battle is for the human rights"). L'Eco di Bergamo, 20 January 2019. Page 42.
    81. Libertarian Books Sweden. December 2019, ISBN   978-91-88747-13-6.
    82. UNSC,"Annex to the letter dated 30 November 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General". Doc S/2017/1010
    83. United Nations Security Council, official document A/72/626 S/2017/848, "Letter dated 6 October 2017 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, 10 October 2017. Annex". It mentions: "mismatches, as mentioned in particular by the non-governmental organization Swedish Doctors for Human Rights.
    84. United Nations, General Assembly – Security Council, official document A/71/910–S/2017/415. "Letter Dated 10 May 2017 From The Charge D' Affaires A.I. of The Permanent Mission Of The Russian Federation To The United Nations Addressed To The Secretary-General. Document annexed to letter, subheading "Slide 5, SWEDHR". It transcribes the findings summarized by Marcello Ferrada de Noli in two articles published in The Indicter Magazine, March 2017. (Doc. A/71/910-S/2017/415)
    85. United Nations Security Council, 7922nd meeting, 12 April 2017. Doc. S/ P V.7 9 2 2. The Syrian Ambassador Bashar Jaafari cites "the report on the White Helmets issued by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, exposing the duplicity of the so-called White Helmets". It refers to the report series authored by Ferrada de Noli in The Indicter, March 2017.
    86. "Conférence de presse de Maria Zakharova, porte-parole du Ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, Moscou, 6 juillet 2017. ("Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, July 6, 2017"). Excerpt: "As example, I can cite the publications by Professor Theodore A. Postol of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, who chairs the organization Swedish Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR), and also Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh and independent US disarmament expert Scott Ritter." Text in French in the cited publication: "A titre d'exemple je peux citer la publication du professeur Theodore Postol de l'université du Massachusetts, du professeur Marcello Ferrada de Noli qui dirige l'Organisation des médecins suédois pour les droits de l'homme, ou encore celui du lauréat du prix Pulitzer Seymour Hersh et de l'expert américain indépendant du désarmement Scott Ritter."
    87. The official twitter-account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation posted 16 March 2017 the facsimile of an article by Ferrada de Noli published in The Indicter, adding a quote by Maria Zakharova, Director of Information Dept, "We would like the public to take note of conclusions about the White Helmets made by independent Swedish human rights advocates".
    88. Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, April 27, 2017". Excerpts: "We have taken note of the criticism and open pressure put on the NGO, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, after it questioned the allegation by the United States and several other countries that it was the Syrian Army that was responsible for the April 4 chemical attack in Idlib." "The situation with Swedish Doctors for Human Rights is fresh evidence of the Western practice of double standards regarding freedom of speech: it appears that the only information that can be made public is that which strictly corresponds to the policies of Washington and Brussels."
    89. VideoTube. "M. Zakharova on SWEDHR's analysis of White-Helmets videos in The Indicter", 22 March 2017.
    90. Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, Moscow, April 12, 2017.
    91. OPCW Executive Council, 19 April 2017. "Statement by Director of the Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation at the Fifty-Fourth Meeting of The Executive Council". It refers analysis by SWEDHR.
    92. The Telegraph, 11 May 2017. "Russian Ambassador to the UK: We need a full investigation of chemical weapons allegations in Syria". It mentions "the analysis of the social media content on the Khan Sheikhoun incident provided by the NGO Swedish Doctors for Human Rights" The referred analysis was done by Ferrada de Noli and colleagues at SWEDHR.
    93. Le Figaro. ("In Russia, a curious thesis arises to exculpate Damascus"). "En Russie, une curieuse thèse reprise pour exonérer Damas". Paris, 13 April 2017.
    94. Telepolis. ("Serious allegations against ARD and manipulation of the media "). "Schwere Vorwürfe gegen ARD und Manipulation der Medien". 14 April 2017
    95. Der Spiegel, "Russlands perfider Feldzug gegen die Wahrheit", 21 December 2017.
    96. "Gasattacker förnekas med hjälp från svensk läkargrupp" ("Gas attacks denied with help of a group of Swedish doctors") 21 April 2017, Dagens Nyheter
    97. "Gasattacker förnekas med hjälp från svensk läkargrupp - DN.SE". 21 April 2017.
    98. "Svensk läkargrupp: Syrien oskyldigt till angrepp", 21 April 2017, Aftonbladet,
    99. Gasattack förnekas med hjälp av svenska läkare, 22 April 2017, Expressen,
    100. "Svensk läkargrupp: Syrien oskyldigt till angrepp".
    101. ,Svensk läkargrupp: Syrien oskyldigt till angrepp, 21 April 2017, Västerbottens-Kuriren
    102. "Svensk läkargrupp: Syrien oskyldigt till angrepp". 21 April 2017.
    103. Läkartidningen Journal of the Swedish Medical Association. (SWEDHR is an independent organization") "SWEDHR är en oberoende organization".
    104. Dagens Nyheter, "Gasattacker förnekas med hjälp från svensk läkargrupp" ("Gas attacks denied with help of a group of Swedish doctors") Full quote in Swedish, original: "Vi driver bara vår egen linje. Om den överensstämmer med olika länders positioner så är det inte vår avsikt". Stockholm, 21 April 2017, DN
    105. Tribune de Genève (Newspaper), Geneva, 23 November 2017. ("Guy Mettan requested to cancel conference"). "Guy Mettan sommé d'annuler une conference". The reportage transcribes the full text of letter sent RWB to the Geneva Press Club. Full quote in, in French: "De plus, il est pour le moins inacceptable d'inviter Monsieur Marcello Ferranda De Noli, président de Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, une association qui, selon nos informations, agit comme un outil de propagande russe."
    106. Prof Ferrada de Noli [@ProfessorsBlogg] (November 24, 2017). "'Free-speech' org. @RSF demand @genevapressclub that @SWEDHR not be invited speaker at Nov 28 Conf. on WhiteHelmets. Reason: RSF would have "links" showing SWEDHR "a tool of Russian propaganda". I challenge RSF: Publish Your Evidence, Now! Or shame ... #Syria" (Tweet) via Twitter.
    107. In its protest to the Geneva Press Club, RWB also disputed the presentation of invited speaker Vanessa Beeley as an "independent journalist".[ citation needed ]
    108. "Geneva International".
    109. TV 2 (Denmark), March 17, 2018
    110. Dagens Nyheter, April 2, 2018
    111. Dagens Nyheter, April 2, 2918. Id.
    112. "Now the Swedish model has failed, it's time to ask who was pushing it | Peter Geoghegan". the Guardian. 2021-01-03. Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    113. 1 2 Fernando Fuentes (2020-07-09). "Marcello Ferrada de Noli, profesor de epidemiología: "La estrategia sueca ha resultado en un fracaso concluyente"". La Tercera. Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    114. "Sweden's Covid-19 strategy has resulted in a conclusive disaster". The Indicter. 10 July 2020.
    115. "COVID-19: The Case Against Herd Immunity". Consortium News. 2020-10-16. Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    116. "In tutta Europa è in corso un senicidio. Ci eravamo preparati da tempo". (in Italian). Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    117. "The Swedish Enterprise Media Monitor".
    118. "RAPPORT. Maktens granskare eller maktens megafoner?" (PDF). Näringslivet mediainstitutet. May 2021. Retrieved 8 Dec 2021.
    119. "VICTOR MALM: Coronahaveristerna är en skam för Sverige". (in Swedish). Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    120. "740 dosi di vaccino russo anti-Covid a S.Giovanni: l'iniziativa dello scienziato svedese - La Voce delle Valli" (in Italian). Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    121. Paravisi, Fabio (2020-08-12). "Il professore che vuole portare il vaccino russo a San Giovanni Bianco. Ma il sindaco frena". Corriere della Sera (in Italian). Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    122. "Профессор медицины намерен приобрести "Спутник V" для пенсионеров из Бергамо". Российская газета (in Russian). Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    123. Magnusson, Mattias (2021-03-19). "Vem orkar vara källkritisk ett år in i pandemin?". Svenska Dagbladet (in Swedish). ISSN   1101-2412 . Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    124. "AstraZenecas motgångar. MSB skyller på desinformationskampanjer från "främmande makt". SvD intervjuar författaren". Global Politics (in Swedish). 2021-03-22. Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    125. Noli, Marcello Ferrada de (2021-11-05). "Världens fattiga betalar med sina ovaccinerade liv för att främja västerländska regeringars och Big Pharmas intressen". Global Politics (in Swedish). Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    126. Document signed by Prof. Luis Sandoval Trujillo, and handed over by the Rector of the University of Nuevo León. See External links, "Academic CV",
    127. "Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana - UCMH (Cuba)". Retrieved 2021-12-08.
    128. In English: "For his pioneer contribution to epidemiological research, etc." See External links, "Academic CV"
    129. See External links, "Academic CV"
    130. Astengo C, Balla M., Brigati I., et al., (1013) "Da Noli a Capo Verde. Antonio de Noli e l'inizio delle scoperte del Nuovo Mondo." Editor Prof. Alberto Peluffo. Marco Sabatelli Editore. Savona, 2013. ISBN   9788888449821 [22]
    131. Dr. Eugenia Palieraki (author). "La revolución ya viene". LOM Ediciones, Santiago, 2014. ISBN   978-956-00-0542-7.
    132. "Marcello Ferrada de Noli – L'Esistenza". Marcello Ferrada de Noli – L'Esistenza.
    133. "Mostre" (PDF). L'Unità (Roma). 16 May 1974. Retrieved 8 Dec 2021.
    134. Editor: Facultad de Trabajo Social y Sociología, UANL, México, 1972. 2a ed.
    Marcello Ferrada de Noli
    Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli - Photo at the Dept of Social Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.png
    Ferrada de Noli in 2007
    Born25 July 1943 (1943-07-25) (age 80)
    Known forContributions to psychiatry & epidemiology research
    TitleProfessor, Doctor of Medicine
    Board member of SWEDHR Board of Directors, The Indicter Magazine Editorial Board
    AwardsTitle of distinction Professor Emeritus, Sweden 2007
    Academic background
    EducationProfesor de Filosofía, Lic. Med. Sci. in psychiatry, Ph.D.
    Alma mater Universidad de Concepción, Karolinska Institute, Harvard Medical School