Mayor of Beijing

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Mayor of the Beijing Municipal People's Government
National Emblem of the People's Republic of China (2).svg
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Beijing Mayor Yin Yong.png
Yin Yong
since October 28, 2022
Beijing Municipal People's Government
TypeHead of government
Reports to Beijing Municipal People's Congress and its Standing Committee
NominatorPresidium of the Beijing Municipal People's Congress
Appointer Beijing Municipal People's Congress
Term length Five years, renewable
Inaugural holder Ye Jianying
Formation8 December 1948
DeputyDeputy Mayors

The mayor of Beijing, officially the Mayor of the Beijing Municipal People's Government, is the head of Beijing Municipality and leader of the Beijing Municipal People's Government.


The mayor is elected by the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, and responsible to it and its Standing Committee. The mayor is a provincial level official and is responsible for the overall decision-making of the municipal government. The mayor is assisted by an executive vice mayor as well as several vice mayors. The mayor generally serves as the deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and as a member of the CCP Central Committee. The mayor the second-highest ranking official in the city after the secretary of the CCP Beijing Committee. [1] The current mayor is Yin Yong, who took office on 28 December 2022.

List of mayors

Republic of China

No.OfficeholderTerm of office
Took officeLeft office
Governor of the Shuntian Prefecture
1 Dainaiyang.jpg Ding Naiyang


1 January 191224 December 1912
2 Zhang Guangjian.jpg Zhang Guangjian


24 December 191219 September 1913
3 Wang Zhixin


16 October 191323 March 1914
4 Shen Jinjian


23 March 19141914
Capital Administrative Officier
(4) Shen Jinjian


1914September 1915
5 Wang Da


26 September 19153 August 1920
6 Wang Hu.jpg Wang Hu


3 August 192018 September 1920
7 Sun Zhenjia


18 September 192019 May 1922
8 Liu Menggeng.jpg Liu Menggeng


19 May 19225 November 1924
9 Wang Zhixiang.jpg Wang Zhixiang


5 November 192431 December 1924
10 Xue Dubi2.jpg Xue Dubi


31 December 19249 October 1925
11 Liu Ji Minguo.jpg Liu Ji


20 October 1925May 1926
12 Li Yuan.jpg Li Yuan


4 September 192624 September 1927
13 Zhang Jixin


24 September 19273 June 1928
Li Shengpei


4 June 192825 June 1928
Mayor of the Beiping Special Municipal Government
He Chengjun.jpg He Chengjun


25 June 192813 July 1928
14 He Qigong.jpg He Qigong


13 July 192812 June 1929
15 Zhang Yinwu.jpg Chang Yin-wu


12 June 192927 February 1931
Wang Tao


October 1930March 1931
16 Zhou Dawen.jpg Zhou Dawen


27 February 1931April 1931
Mayor of the Beijing Municipal Government
Hu Ruoyu.jpg Hu Ruoyu


April 1931June 1931
(16) Zhou Dawen.jpg Zhou Dawen


April 193116 June 1933
17 Yuan Liang.jpg Yuan Liang


16 June 19331 November 1935
18 Song Zhe Yuan 1.jpg Song Zheyuan


1 November 19358 November 1935
19 Qin Dechun.PNG Qin Dechun


8 November 193528 July 1937
20 Tzu-Chung Chang.jpg Zhang Zizhong


28 July 19376 August 1937

Japanese occupation

No.OfficeholderTerm of office
Took officeLeft office
Mayor of the Beiping Local Maintenance Committee

and the Mayor of the Beijing Local Maintenance Committee

1 Jiangchaozong.jpg Jiang Chaozong


6 August 193717 December 1937
Mayor of the Beijing Special Municipal Government
(1) Jiangchaozong.jpg Jiang Chaozong


1 January 193810 January 1938
2 Yu Jinhe.jpg Yu Jinhe


10 January 193813 January 1938
Mayor of Beijing Special Municipality
(2) Yu Jinhe.jpg Yu Jinhe


13 January 19389 February 1943
Su Tiren2.jpg Su Tiren


19419 February 1943
3 Liu Yushu


9 February 19431943
Mayor of the Beijing Special Municipal Government
(3) Liu Yushu


194320 February 1945
4 Xu Xiuzhi.jpg Xu Xiuzhi


20 February 194516 August 1945

After World War II

No.OfficeholderTerm of office
Took officeLeft office
Mayor of the Beiping Municipal Government
1 Xiong Bin.jpg Xiong Bin


16 August 194515 July 1946
2 He Siyuan.jpg He Siyuan


15 July 1946July 1948
3 Liu Yaozhang


July 19484 February 1949

People's Republic of China

No.OfficeholderTerm of officePolitical partyRef.
Took officeLeft office
Mayor of the Beiping Municipal People's Government
1 Ye Jianying.jpg Ye Jianying


8 December 19489 September 1949 Chinese Communist Party
2 Marshal Nie Rongzhen.jpg Nie Rongzhen


9 September 194930 September 1949
Mayor of the Beijing Municipal People's Government
(2) Marshal Nie Rongzhen.jpg Nie Rongzhen


30 September 194926 February 1951Chinese Communist Party
3 Peng Zhen2.jpg Peng Zhen


26 February 1951August 1954
Mayor of the Beijing Municipal People's Committee
(3) Peng Zhen2.jpg Peng Zhen


August 195423 May 1966Chinese Communist Party
4 Wu De


23 May 196620 April 1967
Director of the Beijing Revolutionary Committee
5 Xie Fuzhi.jpg Xie Fuzhi


20 April 196726 March 1972Chinese Communist Party
6 Wu De


May 19729 October 1978
7 Lin Hujia


9 October 197813 December 1978
Mayor of the Beijing Municipal People's Government
(7) Lin Hujia


13 December 197825 January 1981Chinese Communist Party
8 Jiao Ruoyu


25 January 198124 March 1983
9 Chen Xitong


24 March 1983February 1993
10 Li Qiyan


February 1993October 1996
11 Jia Qinglin.jpg Jia Qinglin

(born 1940)

February 1997

(acting from October 1996)

February 1999
12 Liu Qi Beijing.jpg Liu Qi

(born 1942)

February 1999January 2003
13 Meng Xuenong

(born 1949)

19 January 200320 April 2003 [2]
14 Wang Qishan in 2016.jpg Wang Qishan

(born 1948)

February 2004

(acting from 20 April 2003)

30 November 2007
15 Guo Jinlong.jpg Guo Jinlong

(born 1947)

January 2008

(acting from 30 November 2007)

25 July 2012 [3]
16 Wang Anshun.jpg Wang Anshun

(born 1957)

28 January 2013

(acting from 25 July 2012)

31 October 2016 [4]
17 Cai Qi.jpg Cai Qi

(born 1955)

20 January 2017

(acting from 31 October 2016)

27 May 2017 [5]
18 Chen Jining (cropped).jpg Chen Jining

(born 1964)

30 January 2018

(acting from 27 May 2017)

28 October 2022 [6]
19 Beijing Mayor Yin Yong.png Yin Yong

(born 1969)

19 January 2023

(acting from 28 October 2022)

Incumbent [7]


  1. "Decoding Chinese Politics: Provincial Leaders". Asia Society . Retrieved 5 March 2025.
  2. "Meng Xuenong appointed acting governor of north China's Shanxi Province". Xinhua. 2007. Archived from the original on October 10, 2012. Retrieved 2007-09-07.
  3. 北京候任市长王安顺背景分析. Duowei.
  4. 杜德印当选北京市人大常委会主任 王安顺当选市长 (in Chinese). Central Government of China. 28 January 2013. Retrieved 2 February 2012.
  5. "Cai Qi Appointed Acting Mayor of Beijing". Caixin . 31 October 2016. Retrieved 9 September 2023.
  6. 陈吉宁任北京代市长. Sina News (in Chinese (China)). 2017-05-27. Retrieved 2017-05-27.
  7. 北京市副市长殷勇到中国通号调研. thepaper (in Chinese). 17 August 2021. Retrieved 28 October 2022.