Chairperson of Inner Mongolia

Last updated
Chairperson of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Government
National Emblem of the People's Republic of China (2).svg
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Wang Lixia 2023.jpg
Wang Lixia
since 5 August 2021
People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
TypeHead of government
Status Provincial level official
Reports toInner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Congress and its Standing Committee
NominatorPresidium of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Congress
AppointerInner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Congress
Term length Five years, renewable
Inaugural holder Ulanhu
FormationDecember 1949
DeputyDeputy Chairperson

The Chairperson of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Government is the head of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and leader of the People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.


The chairperson is elected by the People's Congress of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and responsible to it and its Standing Committee. The chairperson is a provincial level official and is responsible for the overall decision-making of the regional government. The chairperson is assisted by an executive vice chairperson as well as several vice chairpersons. The chairperson generally serves as the deputy secretary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and as a member of the CCP Central Committee. The chairperson is the second-highest-ranking official in the autonomous region after the secretary of the CCP Inner Mongolia Committee. The government chairman is always a Mongol. [1] The current chairperson is Wang Lixia, who took office on 5 August 2021.


People's Republic of China

No.OfficeholderTerm of officePartyRef.
Took officeLeft office
Chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Government
1 Ulanhu1955.jpg Ulanhu


December 1949April 1955 Chinese Communist Party
Chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Committee
(1) Ulanhu1955.jpg Ulanhu


April 1955November 1967Chinese Communist Party
Chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Revolutionary Committee
2 Tenghaiqing.jpg Teng Haiqing


April 1967May 1971Chinese Communist Party
3 You Taizhong1955.jpg You Taizhong


May 1971October 1978
4 Kong Fei


Chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People's Government
(4) Kong Fei


1979December 1982Chinese Communist Party
5 Buhe


December 1982May 1993
6 Uliji


May 1993January 1998
7 Yun Bulong


January 1998June 2000 [2]
8 Uyunqimg


August 2000April 2003 [3]
9 Voa chinese Yang Jing 27sept09.jpg Yang Jing

(born 1953)

3 April 20033 April 2008 [4]
10 Bater.png Bagatur

(born 1955)

12 January 200930 March 2016 [5]
11 Bu Xiaolin

(born 1958)

30 March 20165 August 2021 [6]
12 Wang Lixia 2023.jpg Wang Lixia

(born 1964)

5 August 2021Incumbent [7]


  1. "Decoding Chinese Politics". Asia Society . Archived from the original on 3 October 2023. Retrieved 2 October 2023.
  2. "Yun Bulong" (in Chinese). National Chengchi University. 2015-06-05.
  3. "Uyunqimg". China Vitae. Retrieved 1 April 2016.
  4. Choi, Chi-yuk (2013-03-08). "Mongol ally of incoming premier to become chief of State Council". South China Morning Post . Retrieved 2013-03-08.
  5. "Bagatur elected chairman of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" (in Chinese). Xinhua. 2009-01-12. Archived from the original on 2011-07-20. Retrieved 2009-01-19.
  6. "乌兰夫孙女布小林任内蒙古自治区政府代主席". Caixin . 30 March 2016.
  7. Zhuang Yu (庄彧) (5 August 2021). 王莉霞任内蒙古自治区政府代主席 布小林辞去主席职务. (in Chinese). Retrieved 6 August 2021.