Micromeria is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae, widespread across Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America, with a center of diversity in the Mediterranean region and the Canary Islands. It is sometimes placed within the genus Satureja. The name is derived from the Greek words μῑκρος (mīkros), meaning "small," and μερίς (meris), meaning "portion," referring to the leaves and flowers.
- Micromeria acropolitanaHalácsy - Greece
- Micromeria albanica(K.Malý) Šilic - Albania, Yugoslavia
- Micromeria × angosturaeP.Pérez Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (M. tenuis subsp. linkii × M. varia subsp. canariensis)
- Micromeria arganietorum(Emb.) R.Morales - Morocco
- Micromeria benthamiiWebb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria × benthamineolensSvent. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (M. benthamii × M. pineolens)
- Micromeria biflora(Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Benth. - Himalayas from Afghanistan to Myanmar
- Micromeria × bourlieriMaire & Le Lièvre - Algeria, Morocco (M. graeca × M. inodora)
- Micromeria brivesiiBatt. - Morocco
- Micromeria × broussonetiiA.Santos, A.Acev.-Rodr. & Reyes-Bet. - Canary Islands (M. densiflora × M. varia)
- Micromeria browicziiZiel. & Kit Tan - Greece
- Micromeria chionistraeMeikle - Cyprus
- Micromeria conferta(Coss. & Daveau) Stefani - Libya
- Micromeria × confusaG.Kunkel & P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (M. benthamii × M. lanata)
- Micromeria cremnophilaBoiss. & Heldr. - Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon
- Micromeria cristata(Hampe) Griseb. - Albania, Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Iran, Cyprus
- Micromeria croatica(Pers.) Schott - Albania, Yugoslavia
- Micromeria cymuligeraBoiss. & Hausskn. - Turkey
- Micromeria danaensisDanin - Jordan
- Micromeria debilisPomel - Algeria, Morocco
- Micromeria densifloraBenth. - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria ellipticaK.Koch - Turkey
- Micromeria filiformis(Aiton) Benth. - Corsica, Sardinia, Balearic Islands
- Micromeria flacca(Nábelek) Hedge - Turkey, Iraq
- Micromeria flagellarisBaker - Madagascar
- Micromeria fontanesiiPomel - Algeria, Morocco
- Micromeria forbesiiBenth. - Cape Verde Islands
- Micromeria fruticosa(L.) Druce - Eastern Mediterranean
- Micromeria glomerataP.Pérez - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria graeca(L.) Benth. ex Rchb. - Mediterranean from Morocco + Portugal to Turkey
- Micromeria guichardii(Quézel & Zaffran) Brullo & Furnari - Libya
- Micromeria hedgeiRech.f. - Iran
- Micromeria helianthemifoliaWebb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria herpyllomorphaWebb & Berthel. - La Palma in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria hispidaBoiss. & Heldr. ex Benth. - Crete
- Micromeria hochreutineri(Briq.) Maire - Algeria, Morocco
- Micromeria × hybridaZagan - Greece including Crete (M. graeca × M. nervosa)
- Micromeria hyssopifoliaWebb & Berthel. - Tenerife + El Hierro in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria imbricata (Forssk.)C.Chr. - Africa from Nigeria to Ethiopia to Transvaal, Arabian Peninsula
- Micromeria inodora(Desf.) Benth. - Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain including Balearic Islands
- Micromeria × intermediaG.Kunkel & P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (M. benthamii × M. helianthemifolia)
- Micromeria juliana(L.) Benth. ex Rchb. - Mediterranean
- Micromeria kerneriMurb. - Yugoslavia
- Micromeria lachnophyllaWebb & Berthel. - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria lanata(C.Sm. ex Link) Benth. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria lasiophyllaWebb & Berthel. - Canary Islands
- Micromeria lepidaWebb & Berthel. La Gomera in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria leucanthaSvent. ex P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria longipedunculataBräuchler - Yugoslavia, Albania
- Micromeria macrosiphonCoss. - Morocco
- Micromeria madagascariensisBaker - Madagascar
- Micromeria marginata(Sm.) Chater - Alpes Maritimes in France, Liguria + Sardinia in Italy
- Micromeria × meteoricaHausskn. - Greece (M. cremnophila × M. juliana)
- Micromeria microphylla(d'Urv.) Benth. - Balearic Islands, Sicily, Malta, southern mainland Italy, Crete, Cyprus, Libya
- Micromeria monantha(Font Quer) R.Morales - Morocco
- Micromeria myrtifoliaBoiss. & Hohen. - from Greece to Iran
- Micromeria nervosa(Desf.) Benth. - Mediterranean from Algeria + Balearic Islands to Turkey
- Micromeria × nogalesiiG.Kunkel & P.Pérez - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria peltieri(Maire) R.Morales - Morocco
- Micromeria × perez-paziiG.Kunkel - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (M. benthamii × M. tenuis)
- Micromeria persicaBoiss. - Iran, Iraq, Turkey
- Micromeria pineolensSvent. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria × preauxiiWebb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (M. benthamii × M. varia subsp. canariensis)
- Micromeria pseudocroaticaŠilic - Yugoslavia
- Micromeria rivas-martineziiWildpret - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria serbalianaDanin & Hedge - Sinai
- Micromeria sinaicaBenth. - Sinai, Israel
- Micromeria sphacioticaBoiss. & Heldr. ex Benth.- Crete
- Micromeria sphaerophyllaBaker - Madagascar
- Micromeria suborbicularis(Alain) Borhidi - Cuba
- Micromeria × tagananensisP.Pérez - Tenerife in the Canary Islands (M. glomerata × M. varia)
- Micromeria teneriffae(Poir.) Benth. ex G.Don - Tenerife in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria tenuis(Link) Webb & Berthel. - Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
- Micromeria unguentariaSchweinf. - Ethiopia
- Micromeria variaBenth. - Canary Islands, Madeira, Cape Verde Islands
- Micromeria weilleri(Maire) R.Morales - Morocco
- Micromeria × wildpretiiP.Pérez - Tenerife in the Canary Islands (M. rivas-martinezii × M. varia)
Hypericum australe is a species of plants in the family Hypericaceae. Individuals can grow to 24 cm tall.

Krubera peregrina is a species of plants in the family Apiaceae. It is the only species in the genus Krubera.

Lampranthus multiradiatus is a species of shrub in the family Aizoaceae. They are succulent plants. They have a self-supporting growth form and simple, broad leaves.

Lampranthus spectabilis is a species of plants in the family Aizoaceae. They are succulent plants.

Leontodon tuberosus is a species of plant in the family Asteraceae.

Melilotus segetalis is a species of plants in the family Fabaceae.
Mesembryanthemum lancifolium is a species of plants in the family Aizoaceae. They are succulent plants.
Micromeria microphylla is a species of plants in the family Lamiaceae.

Muscari parviflorum is a species of plants in the family Asparagaceae.
Valerianella eriocarpa is a plant species in the family Caprifoliaceae.

Orobanche caryophyllacea is a plant species in the family Orobanchaceae.

Parietaria lusitanica is a species of plant in the family Urticaceae.

Plantago serraria is a species of plants in the family Plantaginaceae.

Romulea ramiflora is a species of plant in the family Iridaceae.
Romulea variicolor is a species of plant in the family Iridaceae.
Ruppia drepanensis is a species of plant in the family Ruppiaceae.
Spirodela oligorrhiza is a species of plants in the family Araceae.
Taraxacum minimum is a species of plants in the family Asteraceae.

Thlaspi perfoliatum is a species of plants in the family Brassicaceae.