Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) was a computerized information processing system developed by the United States Navy in the 1950s and first deployed in the early 1960s for use in combat ships. It took reports from multiple sensors on different ships and collated it to produce a single unified map of the battlespace. This information could then be relayed back to the ships and to the weapons operators.
Warships have compartments known as Combat Information Centers, or CICs, that collect, sort and then communicate all of the battlefield information known to that ship. Information about targets would be forwarded to the CIC by the operators of the radar and sonar systems, where crewmen would use this information to update a shared map. Commanders used the map to direct weapons to particular targets. The system was similar to the Battle of Britain Bunker system, but on a smaller scale.
There were two major problems with this system. One was that each ship had its own view of the battlespace, independent of the rest of the ships in the task force. This led to force allocation problems - the ship with the right weapon for a particular target might not see that target on their sensors, or two ships might attempt to attack the same target while ignoring another. This could be addressed by adding inter-ship radio or flag signals as another input to the map, but the workload of moving so many bits of data was enormous. This led to the second major problem, the high inherent manpower requirements and lack of shipboard space.
During World War II and the immediate post-war era, major navies started studying these problems in depth, as concerns about coordinated attacks by long-range high-speed aircraft became a serious threat. To give the task force enough reaction time to deal with these threats, "pickets" were posted at a distance from the force to allow their radars to pick up the targets while still on the approach. The information from these ships then had to be relayed, normally by voice, to the other ships in the force. Some experiments with video cameras pointed at the radar displays were tried, but were subject to transmission loss when the ships pitched on the swells and the high-bandwidth antennas no longer pointed at each other. [1]
What was ultimately desired was a system that could collect target information from any sensor in the fleet, use that to build a single shared picture of the battlespace, and then distribute that data accurately and automatically to all of the ships. As the data was now being collected almost entirely from electronic devices and displays, a system that picked up this data directly from those displays would be ideal.
Devised to be used in conjunction with the Type 984 radar, the first such system was developed by the Royal Navy in the immediate post-war era using analog systems that tracked the rate of motion of "blips" on radar screens. The operators used a joystick to align a pointer with the target and then pushed a button to update the location. The circuitry then adjusted the rate of predicted movement of the blip and displayed a pointer that moved over time. Updating no longer required any inputs, unless the predicted motion began to differ at which point additional button pushes could be used to update it. The data for each of these tracks, a series of voltages, could then be transmitted around the ship, and later, inter-ship transmission using pulse-code modulation. Ralph Benjamin found that decoding the position of the joystick was not ideal and desired a system that read out relative motion instead of absolute position, and invented the trackball as a solution. [1] The Type 984 radar and Comprehensive Display System (CDS) were fitted to the aircraft carriers Eagle, Hermes and Victorious
This work suffered from the reliability of the analog circuits used to run the system. By the early 1950s the digital computer appeared to offer a solution, not only by greatly increasing reliability through the removal of any moving parts, but also by directly working with the digital data that made up the plots. Data from one computer simply needed to be copied directly to another, there was no need to code and decode analog signals representing those values. The Royal Canadian Navy began work on such a system under their DATAR project, which included the first working example of the trackball concept. Unfortunately their design used tubes, and the resulting machine was so large it took up almost all of the free space on the Bangor-class minesweeper it was installed on. Efforts to build a transistorized version of the DATAR did not receive funding and the project ended. [2]
The work by the RN and RCN teams was well known to the USN starting as early as 1946, and included live demonstrations of the Canadian system on Lake Ontario. They also built their own version of the Royal Navy's concept as the "Electronic Data System", and 20 sets were eventually produced by Motorola. In 1953 they produced a new system for air direction known as the "Intercept Tracking and Control Console" which could track two incoming and two outgoing (interceptor) formations. However, the system was huge and did not include inter-ship transmission, so was only used on a small number of aircraft carriers.
However, all of these solutions had problems that limited their usefulness. Analog systems were difficult to keep operational and subject to errors when maintenance was less than perfect. The Canadian version, using digital computers, was better, but needed to be transistorized. The US Air Force was also involved in their own Project Charles, a similar system but on a much larger scale. Their system also used vacuum tubes and would end up being the largest computers ever built, each occupying 20,000 square feet (1,900 m2) of floor space, weighing 150 short tons (140 t), and consuming 1.5 megawatts of electrical power. The Navy kept a watchful eye on these developments and others under Project Cosmos. [3]
Development of computers in the mid-1950s led both by the Navy's long interest in code-breaking computers, the introduction of newer types of transistors, and the widespread introduction of core memory, reached a point where a Navy version of Air Force's SAGE air defense network was a practical possibility. The Navy began development of the NTDS system using a transistorized digital computer in 1956. With NTDS and wireless data links, ships could share the information gathered by their sensors with other ships in a task force. In October 1961, NTDS was on the USS Oriskany carrier and the USS King and USS Mahan destroyers as service test ships. First production NTDS runs were ordered for 17 high priority ships with missiles including 10 Belknap-class cruisers under construction between 1962-67. [4] NTDS was the inspiration for the Aegis system in the 1980s. [5]
A variety of UNIVAC embedded computers, including the first fielded version of the late 1950s, the CP-642A [6] (AN/USQ-20), typically with 30 bit words, 32K words of magnetic core or thin film memory, 16 parallel I/O channels (also 30 bits wide) connected to radars and other peripherals, and a RISC-like instruction set, were used. Logic circuits used discrete transistors and other elements soldered to a printed circuit board with connectors running along one side. Each card was coated in a varnish-like substance to prevent exposure to corrosion-inducing salt spray (See Conformal Coating). A number of cards were connected and secured to a tray on rollers. In turn, several trays of various types, interconnected and secured to a metal enclosure, constituted the computer. Most NTDS computers were water-cooled, though some later lighter-weight models were air-cooled.
The NTDS information was transmitted between ships of aircraft carrier battle groups using Collins Radio's Kineplex modems. Kineplex was a parallel-tone, multicarrier modem. [7] [8]
Seymour Cray is credited for developing the first NTDS processor, the AN/USQ-17. However, this design did not go into production.
ASW Ships Command & Control System (ASWSC&CS) was a NTDS system for antisubmarine warfare (ASW). It was implemented only on the frigates USS Voge, USS Koelsch and the ASW aircraft carrier USS Wasp in 1967. The ASWSC&CS allowed the development of improvements in antisubmarine warfare using digital computers, which were implemented in other ASW ship classes. UNIVAC was contracted to define the hardware and develop the software to incorporate ASW functions. [9]
AN/UYQ-100 Undersea Warfare Decision Support System (USW-DSS) is the current system fielded in 2010. [10] [11]
The Aegis Combat System is an American integrated naval weapons system, which uses computers and radars to track and guide weapons to destroy enemy targets. It was developed by the Missile and Surface Radar Division of RCA, and it is now produced by Lockheed Martin.
The AN/USQ-17 or Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) computer referred to in Sperry Rand documents as the Univac M-460, was Seymour Cray's last design for UNIVAC. UNIVAC later released a commercial version, the UNIVAC 490. That system was later upgraded to a multiprocessor configuration as the 494.
The AN/USQ-20, or CP-642 or Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS), was designed as a more reliable replacement for the Seymour Cray-designed AN/USQ-17 with the same instruction set. The first batch of 17 computers were delivered to the Navy starting in early 1961.
The AN/UYK-8 was a UNIVAC computer.
USS Lake Erie (CG-70) is a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser of the United States Navy, commissioned in 1993. She was named after the U.S. Navy's decisive victory in the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812. The cruiser was the first U.S. Navy ship to be commissioned in Hawaii.
CMS-2 is an embedded systems programming language used by the United States Navy. It was an early attempt to develop a standardized high-level computer programming language intended to improve code portability and reusability. CMS-2 was developed primarily for the US Navy’s tactical data systems (NTDS).
DATAR, short for Digital Automated Tracking and Resolving, was a pioneering computerized battlefield information system. DATAR combined the data from all of the sensors in a naval task force into a single "overall view" that was then transmitted back to all of the ships and displayed on plan-position indicators similar to radar displays. Commanders could then see information from everywhere, not just their own ship's sensors.
USS Voge (FF-1047), a Garcia-class frigate of the United States Navy, was named after Rear Admiral Richard George Voge. It fulfilled a Protection of Shipping (POS) mission as anti-submarine warfare (ASW) combatants for amphibious expeditionary forces, underway replenishment groups and merchant convoys. It made notable contributions to submarine 'hold-down' tactics with sister ship Koelsch. In 1976, Soviet Echo II-class submarine K-22 collided with the Voge.
Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems (LM RMS), is a Lockheed Martin business segment headquartered in Washington, D.C. Until October 2008, RMS was headquartered in Moorestown Township, New Jersey, a suburb of Philadelphia; Moorestown remains one of the largest sites in the business unit and is where many of the unit's top executives have their offices.
The AN/SPS-48 is a US naval electronically scanned array, air search three-dimensional radar system manufactured by ITT Exelis and deployed in the 1960s as the primary air search sensor for anti-aircraft warships. The deployment of the AN/SPY-1 and the end of the Cold War led to the decommissioning of many such ships, and many of these vessel's AN/SPS-48 sets were reused on aircraft carriers and amphibious ships where it is used to direct targets for air defense systems such as the Sea Sparrow and RIM-116 SAM missiles. Existing sets are being modernized under the ROAR program to AN/SPS-48G standard for better reliability and usability.
The surface-barrier transistor is a type of transistor developed by Philco in 1953 as an improvement to the alloy-junction transistor and the earlier point-contact transistor. Like the modern Schottky transistor, it offered much higher speed than earlier transistors and used metal–semiconductor junctions, but unlike the schottky transistor, both junctions were metal–semiconductor junctions.
The Advanced Combat Direction System (ACDS) is a centralized, automated command-and-control system, collecting and correlating combat information. It upgrades the Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) for aircraft carriers and large-deck amphibious ships. A core component of non-Aegis combat systems, ACDS provides the capability to identify and classify targets, prioritize and conduct engagements, vector interceptor aircraft to targets, and exchange targeting information and engagement orders within the battle group and among different service components in the joint theater of operations. ACDS integrates the ship's sensors, weapons, and intelligence sources to allow command and control of battle group tactical operations.
The AN/UYK-20 "Data Processing Set" was a ruggedized small computer manufactured by Univac and used by the United States Navy for small and medium-sized shipboard and shore systems built in the 1970s. It featured non-volatile magnetic core memory and was housed in a heavy-duty metal cube-shaped box which was designed to fit through a 25-inch circular hatch.
The AN/UYK-44 is the standard 16-bit minicomputer of the United States Navy. The AN/UYK-44 was developed in the early 1980s by Sperry Corporation and was completed in early 1984. The AN/UYK-44 was used in surface ships, submarines, ground C4I platforms, radar and missile control systems. The system was designed to replace the older AN/UYK-20 model.
The AN/UYK-7 was the standard 32-bit computer of the United States Navy for surface ship and submarine platforms, starting in 1970. It was used in the Navy's NTDS & Aegis combat systems and U.S. Coast Guard, and the navies of U.S. allies. It was also used by the U.S. Army.
The CP-823/U, also known as the Univac 1830, was the first digital airborne 30-bit computer. It was engineered, built and tested as the A-NEW MOD3 prototype computer for the Lockheed P-3 Orion.
The Comprehensive Display System (CDS) was a command, control, and coordination system of the British Royal Navy (RN) that worked with the detection/search Type 984 radar. The system was installed on a total of six ships starting in 1957. The US Navy purchased a prototype CDS and produced twenty of their own version, the Electronic Data System (EDS). These were used on a number of ships until 1968. A modified version, the Data Handling System, was used with the AMES Type 82 radar by the Royal Air Force, and US Air Force very nearly used it as well.
Marine Tactical Data System, commonly known as MTDS, was a mobile, ground based, aviation command and control system developed by the United States Marine Corps for the execution of anti-air warfare in support of the Fleet Marine Force (FMF). It was the Marine Corps' first semi-automated system capable of collecting, processing, computing and displaying aircraft surveillance data while also sharing that information with other participating units via tactical data link. The system was developed in the late 1950s/early 1960s when it was recognized that due to the speed, range and complexity of fighter aircraft operations effective air control and air defense demanded enhanced situational awareness.
The AN/UYA-4 is a series of system consoles developed by Hughes Aircraft Company for the United States Navy.