Nehemiah 7

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Nehemiah 7
  chapter 6
chapter 8  
Nehemiah rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem. Illustration from the Bible Encyclopedia.
Book Book of Nehemiah
Category Ketuvim
Christian Bible part Old Testament
Order in the Christian part16

Nehemiah 7 is the seventh chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, [1] or the 17th chapter of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. [2] Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, [3] but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE (the so-called "Chronicler") is the final author of these books. [4] This chapter records the joint appointments of Hanani and Hananiah over Jerusalem and the second appearance of the Golah ("exiles") list, that is, the list of the first returning group of Jews from Babylon, which was documented earlier in Ezra 2 with few variations. [5]



The original text of this chapter is in Hebrew language. This chapter is divided into 73 verses.

Textual witnesses

Some early manuscripts containing the text of this chapter in Hebrew are of the Masoretic Text, which includes Codex Leningradensis (1008). [6] [lower-alpha 1]

There is also a translation into Koine Greek known as the Septuagint, made in the last few centuries BCE. Extant ancient manuscripts of the Septuagint version include Codex Vaticanus (B; B; 4th century), Codex Sinaiticus (S; BHK: S; 4th century), and Codex Alexandrinus (A; A; 5th century). [8]

An ancient Greek book called 1 Esdras (Greek: Ἔσδρας Αʹ) containing some parts of 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah is included in most editions of the Septuagint and is placed before the single book of Ezra–Nehemiah (which is titled in Greek: Ἔσδρας Βʹ). 1 Esdras 9:37-55 is an equivalent of Nehemiah 7:73-8:12 (The reading of the Law). [9] [10]

Vigilance (7:1–3)

The wall around Jerusalem was not the ultimate security but 'a necessary defense and dynamic distinctive symbol' of the Jews among the surrounding nations, so the inhabitants have to participate in the system to protect the city. [11]

Verses 1–2

1 Now when the wall had been built and I had set up the doors, and the gatekeepers, the singers, and the Levites had been appointed, 2 I gave my brother Hanani and Hananiah the governor of the castle charge over Jerusalem, for he was a more faithful and God-fearing man than many. [12]

Verse 4

Now the city was large and spacious, but the people in it were few, and the houses were not rebuilt. [14]

The Revised Standard Version reads ... no houses had been built, the Revised Version, the houses were not builded. H. E. Ryle counsels against a literal interpretation of these words, suggesting that the real meaning was that there were large open spaces within the walls where more houses could be built. [15]

The census (7:4–73)

The defensive measures implemented by Nehemiah, Hanani and Hananiah were only for short-term, because the bigger goal was to reestablish Jerusalem as the center of Jewish culture and religious purity, so it has to be repopulated from some people who then lived outside the city. [16] Nehemiah was looking for Jews with veriable heritage to send some family members to populate Jerusalem, but instead of starting a census, he used the original listing of those who had been the first to return which specified clan origins. [16] This list is almost an exact replication of the one in Ezra 2, with slight variations likely due to the transcribing and transmission over time. [16]

Verse 7

Who came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, Baanah. The number, I say, of the men of the people of Israel was this; [17]
Ezra 2:2      Nehemiah 7:7

See also


  1. Since the anti-Jewish riots in Aleppo in 1947, the whole book of Ezra-Nehemiah has been missing from the text of the Aleppo Codex. [7]

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Nehemiah 8 A chapter in the Book of Nehemiah

Nehemiah 8 is the eighth chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, or the 18th chapter of the book of Ezra–Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE is the final author of these books. This chapter and the next focus mainly on Ezra, with this chapter recording Ezra's reading and instructing God's law to the people, then together they celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles with great joy. Nehemiah the governor is mentioned briefly in verse 9 but Smith-Christopher argues that "the presence of Ezra and the virtual absence of Nehemiah support the argument that chapter 8 is among the displaced chapters from the Ezra material", and suggests that "the original place for [this chapter] would logically have been between Ezra 8 and 9".

Nehemiah 9 A chapter in the Book of Nehemiah

Nehemiah 9 is the ninth chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, or the 19th chapter of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE is the final author of these books. This chapter and the previous one focus mainly on Ezra; with this chapter recording Ezra's prayer of repentance for the sake of the people.

Nehemiah 10 A chapter in the Book of Nehemiah

Nehemiah 10 is the tenth chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, or the 20th chapter of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE is the final author of these books. The chapter contains the list of signatories to the people's pledge and the later part deals with intermarriage with the non-Jews among the “people of the land” punctuated with the pledge to separate from “foreigners”.

Nehemiah 11 A chapter in the Book of Nehemiah

Nehemiah 11 is the eleventh chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, or the 21st chapter of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE is the final author of these books. The chapter describes the repopulation of Jerusalem. Judahites (4-6), Benjamites (7-9), priests (10-14), Levites (15-18), gatekeepers (19) and "the rest of Israel" (20-21). Roles in relation to leadership, maintenance and prayer in the Temple are allocated. The people cast lots and 1 of 10 are to volunteer to live in the city whilst the remainder repopulate the surrounding areas.

Nehemiah 13 A chapter in the Book of Nehemiah

Nehemiah 13 is the thirteenth chapter of the Book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, or the 23rd chapter of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Hebrew Bible, which treats the book of Ezra and the book of Nehemiah as one book. Jewish tradition states that Ezra is the author of Ezra-Nehemiah as well as the Book of Chronicles, but modern scholars generally accept that a compiler from the 5th century BCE is the final author of these books. This chapter addresses a series of problems handled by Nehemiah himself, which had arisen during his temporary absence from the land, with some similar issues to those related in Ezra 9–10 and Nehemiah 10.


  1. Halley 1965, p. 236.
  2. Grabbe 2003, p. 313.
  3. Babylonian Talmud Baba Bathra 15a, apud Fensham 1982, p. 2
  4. Fensham 1982, pp. 2–4.
  5. Smith-Christopher 2007, p. 320.
  6. Würthwein 1995, pp. 36–37.
  7. P. W. Skehan (2003), "BIBLE (TEXTS)", New Catholic Encyclopedia , vol. 2 (2nd ed.), Gale, pp. 355–362
  8. Würthwein 1995, pp. 73–74.
  9. Catholic Encyclopedia: Esdras: THE BOOKS OF ESDRAS: III Esdras
  10. Jewish Encyclopedia: Esdras, Books of: I Esdras
  11. Larson, Dahlen & Anders 2005, pp. 206–207.
  12. Nehemiah 7:1–2 ESV
  13. Note on Nehemiah 7:2 in NKJV
  14. Nehemiah 7:4 : New King James Version
  15. Ryle, H. E., Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges on Nehemiah 7], accessed 7 September 2020
  16. 1 2 3 Larson, Dahlen & Anders 2005, p. 208.
  17. Nehemiah 7:7 KJV
  18. McConville 1985, p. 14.
  19. 1 2 Grabbe 2003, p. 314.
  20. Notes [a] on Ezra 3:2 in NKJV
  21. Notes [a], [b], [c], [d] on Ezra 2:2 and notes [a], [b] on Nehemiah 7:7 in NKJV


Further reading