Neighborhoods and suburbs of Novi Sad

Last updated
Map of the urban area of Novi Sad with city quarters Novi sad quarters.png
Map of the urban area of Novi Sad with city quarters
View of Stari Grad in winter Novi Sad square.jpg
View of Stari Grad in winter
Liman 3, NIS-NAFTAGAS building Liman002.jpg
Liman 3, NIS-NAFTAGAS building
Grbavica Grbavica02.jpg
Bistrica (Novo Naselje) Novo naselje11.jpg
Bistrica (Novo Naselje)
Detelinara Detelinara04.jpg
Telep Telep03.jpg
Petrovaradin Petrovaradin02.jpg
Sremska Kamenica SremskaKamenica01.jpg
Sremska Kamenica

This is a list of the neighbourhoods and suburbs of Novi Sad .


Neighbourhoods on the left bank of the Danube

Neighbourhoods on the right bank of the Danube

Suburban settlements

Surrounding suburban settlements of Novi Sad CityNoviSad-map01.PNG
Surrounding suburban settlements of Novi Sad


See also