Oberthueria formosibia

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Oberthueria formosibia
Oberthueria formosibia0.jpg
Scientific classification
O. formosibia
Binomial name
Oberthueria formosibia
Matsumura, 1927

Oberthueria formosibia is a moth in the Endromidae family. It is found in Taiwan. [1]

Adults have a chestnut brown ground colour, with an admixture of dark yellow colours on the hindwings and sometimes a pinkish tinge in the forewings. Both wings are densely suffused with ash grey scales. The pattern is distinct, although the postmedian is vague. The submarginal fascia is white. Adults are on wing from late March to early July and again from August to early October in two generations per year.

The larvae feed on Acer species. [2]

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  1. gaga.biodiv.tw
  2. Zolotuhin, V.V. & Xing Wang, 2013: A taxonomic review of Oberthueria Kirby, 1892 (Lepidoptera, Bombycidae: Oberthuerinae) with description of three new species. zootaxa 2013 3693 (4) 465–478.