Oligodon brevicauda

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Shorthead kukri snake
Oligodon brevicauda by Surya Narayanan.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Serpentes
Family: Colubridae
Genus: Oligodon
O. brevicauda
Binomial name
Oligodon brevicauda
Günther, 1862

Oligodon brevicauda, the shorthead kukri snake, is a species of snake found in the Western Ghats of India.



See snake scales for terms used

Rostral in contact with and partly separating the prefrontals. No internasals ; no loreal touching the preocular; seven supralabials, 3rd and 4th touching the eye; 1 anterior temporal. Scales in 15 rows. Ventrals 158–173, not angulate laterally. Caudals 25–29.

Scale pattern OligodonBrevicaudaSmith.jpg
Scale pattern

Brown above with a light vertebral stripe, bordered on each side by a dark brown or black stripe involving two scale-rows; these stripes may or may not be marked with paired series of spots or short bars on the anterior part of the body; a narrow dark lateral stripe on each side of scale row 3; brownish or whitish below (red in life) with large quadrangular or transverse black spots; head with a crescent-shaped band in front, an oblique temporal stripe, and a large dark nuchal patch usually connecting by a longitudinal stripe with the prefrontal mark. [2]

Total length of females 500mm with tail 55mm.

Currently this species is known only from anamalai hills,Periyar hills and agastyamalai hills of southern western ghats.


  1. Srinivasulu, C.; Srinivasulu, B.; Deepak, V.; Thakur, S. (2013). "Oligodon brevicauda". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2013: e.T172607A1350974. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-1.RLTS.T172607A1350974.en . Retrieved 10 June 2023.
  2. Smith, M. A. 1943. Fauna of British India. Reptiles. (pp. 231-232)

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