
Last updated
Plutonium-242, 242Pu
Symbol 242Pu
Names plutonium-242, 242Pu, Pu-242
Protons (Z)94
Neutrons (N)148
Nuclide data
Half-life (t1/2)375000 years
Isotope mass 242.059 Da
Decay products 238U
Decay modes
Decay mode Decay energy (MeV)
Isotopes of plutonium
Complete table of nuclides
Actinides [1] by decay chain Half-life
range (a)
Fission products of 235U by yield [2]
4n 4n + 1 4n + 2 4n + 3 4.5–7%0.04–1.25%<0.001%
228 Ra 4–6 a 155 Euþ
244 Cmƒ 241 Puƒ 250 Cf 227 Ac 10–29 a 90 Sr 85 Kr 113m Cdþ
232 Uƒ 238 Puƒ 243 Cmƒ 29–97 a 137 Cs 151 Smþ 121m Sn
248 Bk [3] 249 Cfƒ 242m Amƒ141–351 a

No fission products have a half-life
in the range of 100 a–210 ka ...


241 Amƒ 251 Cfƒ [4] 430–900 a
226 Ra 247 Bk1.3–1.6 ka
240 Pu 229 Th 246 Cmƒ 243 Amƒ4.7–7.4 ka
245 Cmƒ 250 Cm8.3–8.5 ka
239 Puƒ24.1 ka
230 Th 231 Pa32–76 ka
236 Npƒ 233 Uƒ 234 U 150–250 ka 99 Tc 126 Sn
248 Cm 242 Pu 327–375 ka 79 Se
1.53 Ma 93 Zr
237 Npƒ 2.1–6.5 Ma 135 Cs 107 Pd
236 U 247 Cmƒ 15–24 Ma 129 I
244 Pu80 Ma

... nor beyond 15.7 Ma [5]

232 Th 238 U 235 Uƒ№0.7–14.1 Ga

Plutonium-242 (242Pu or Pu-242) is one of the isotopes of plutonium, the second longest-lived, with a half-life of 375,000 years. The half-life of 242Pu is about 15 times that of 239Pu; so it is one-fifteenth as radioactive, and not one of the larger contributors to nuclear waste radioactivity. 242Pu's gamma ray emissions are also weaker than those of the other isotopes. [6]

It is not fissile (but it is fissionable by fast neutrons) and its neutron capture cross section is also low.

In the nuclear fuel cycle

Transmutation flow in LWR Sasahara.svg
Transmutation flow in LWR

Plutonium-242 is produced by successive neutron capture on 239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Pu. The odd-mass isotopes 239Pu and 241Pu have about a 3/4 chance of undergoing fission on capture of a thermal neutron and about a 1/4 chance of retaining the neutron and becoming the following isotope. The proportion of 242Pu is low at low burnup but increases nonlinearly.

Plutonium-242 has a particularly low cross section for thermal neutron capture; and it takes three neutron absorptions to become another fissile isotope (either curium-245 or plutonium-241) and then one more neutron to undergo fission. Even then, there is a chance either of those two fissile isotopes will absorb the fourth neutron instead of fissioning, becoming curium-246 (on the way to even heavier actinides like californium, which is a neutron emitter by spontaneous fission and difficult to handle) or becoming 242Pu again, so the mean number of neutrons absorbed until fission is even higher than 4. Therefore, 242Pu is particularly unsuited to recycling in a thermal reactor and would be better used in a fast reactor where it can be fissioned directly. However, 242Pu's low cross section means that relatively little of it will be transmuted during one cycle in a thermal reactor.


Plutonium-242 mainly decays into uranium-238 via alpha decay, before continuing along the uranium series. Plutonium-242 decays via spontaneous fission in about 5.5 × 10−4% of cases. [7]

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with neutrons to produce 239
, which then underwent beta decay to 239

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being an order of magnitude longer lived than 241
, the former is harder to obtain than the latter as more of it is present in spent nuclear fuel.

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Plutonium-241 is an isotope of plutonium formed when plutonium-240 captures a neutron. Like some other plutonium isotopes, 241Pu is fissile, with a neutron absorption cross section about one-third greater than that of 239Pu, and a similar probability of fissioning on neutron absorption, around 73%. In the non-fission case, neutron capture produces plutonium-242. In general, isotopes with an odd number of neutrons are both more likely to absorb a neutron and more likely to undergo fission on neutron absorption than isotopes with an even number of neutrons.

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  1. Plus radium (element 88). While actually a sub-actinide, it immediately precedes actinium (89) and follows a three-element gap of instability after polonium (84) where no nuclides have half-lives of at least four years (the longest-lived nuclide in the gap is radon-222 with a half life of less than four days). Radium's longest lived isotope, at 1,600 years, thus merits the element's inclusion here.
  2. Specifically from thermal neutron fission of uranium-235, e.g. in a typical nuclear reactor.
  3. Milsted, J.; Friedman, A. M.; Stevens, C. M. (1965). "The alpha half-life of berkelium-247; a new long-lived isomer of berkelium-248". Nuclear Physics. 71 (2): 299. Bibcode:1965NucPh..71..299M. doi:10.1016/0029-5582(65)90719-4.
    "The isotopic analyses disclosed a species of mass 248 in constant abundance in three samples analysed over a period of about 10 months. This was ascribed to an isomer of Bk248 with a half-life greater than 9 [years]. No growth of Cf248 was detected, and a lower limit for the β half-life can be set at about 104 [years]. No alpha activity attributable to the new isomer has been detected; the alpha half-life is probably greater than 300 [years]."
  4. This is the heaviest nuclide with a half-life of at least four years before the "sea of instability".
  5. Excluding those "classically stable" nuclides with half-lives significantly in excess of 232Th; e.g., while 113mCd has a half-life of only fourteen years, that of 113Cd is eight quadrillion years.
  7. Chart of all nuclei which includes half life and mode of decay