Ship classification society

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A ship classification society or ship classification organisation is a non-governmental organization that establishes and maintains technical standards for the construction and operation of ships and offshore structures. Classification societies certify that the construction of a vessel complies with relevant standards and carry out regular surveys in service to ensure continuing compliance with the standards. Currently, more than 50 organizations describe their activities as including marine classification, twelve of which are members of the International Association of Classification Societies. [1]


A classification certificate issued by a classification society recognised by the proposed ship register is required for a ship's owner to be able to register the ship and to obtain marine insurance on the ship, and may be required to be produced before a ship's entry into some ports or waterways, and may be of interest to charterers and potential buyers. To avoid liability, classification societies explicitly disclaim responsibility for the safety, fitness for purpose, or seaworthiness of the ship, but is a verification only that the vessel is in compliance with the classification standards of the society issuing the classification certificate. [2] [3]

Classification societies also issue International Load Line Certificates in accordance with the legislation of participating states giving effect to the International Convention on Load Lines (CLL 66/88). When the classification societies are issuing certification on behalf of maritime administrations are called recognized organizations and recognized security organizations when they issue certification for International Ship and Port Facility Security Code. When the act on behalf of International Maritime Organization member states they have to comply with the RO code. The RO Code provides flag States with a standard that will assist in achieving harmonized and consistent global implementation of requirements established by the instrument of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the assessment and authorization of recognized organizations (ROs) [4]


Classification societies set technical rules based on experience and research, confirm that designs and calculations meet these rules, survey ships and structures during the process of construction and commissioning, and periodically survey vessels to ensure that they continue to meet the rules. Classification societies are also responsible for classing oil platforms, other offshore structures, and submarines. This survey process covers diesel engines, important shipboard pumps and other vital machinery. Since the 1950s, the USSR (now Russian) Register of Shipping has classified nuclear ships, the only classification society to do so.

Classification surveyors inspect ships to make sure that the ship, its components and machinery are built and maintained according to the standards required for their class.


In the second half of the 18th century, London merchants, shipowners, and captains often gathered at Edward Lloyd's coffee house to gossip and make deals including sharing the risks and rewards of individual voyages. This became known as underwriting after the practice of signing one's name to the bottom of a document pledging to make good a portion of the losses if the ship didn't make it in return for a portion of the profits. It did not take long to realize that the underwriters needed a way of assessing the quality of the ships that they were being asked to insure. In 1760, the Register Society was formed — the first classification society and the one which would subsequently become Lloyd's Register — to publish an annual register of ships. This publication attempted to classify the condition of the ship's hull and equipment. At that time, an attempt was made to classify the condition of each ship on an annual basis. The condition of the hull was classified A, E, I, O or U, according to the state of its construction and its adjudged continuing soundness (or lack thereof). Equipment was G, M, or B: simply, good, middling or bad. In time, G, M and B were replaced by 1, 2 and 3, which is the origin of the well-known expression 'A1', meaning 'first or highest class'. The purpose of this system was not to assess safety, fitness for purpose or seaworthiness of the ship. It was to evaluate risk.

Samuel Plimsoll pointed out the obvious downside of insurance:

"The ability of shipowners to insure themselves against the risks they take not only with their property, but with other peoples’ lives, is itself the greatest threat to the safe operation of ships." [5]

The first edition of the Register of Ships was published by Lloyd's Register in 1764 and was for use in the years 1764 to 1766.

Bureau Veritas (BV) was founded in Antwerp in 1828, moving to Paris in 1832. Lloyd's Register reconstituted in 1834 to become 'Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping'. Where previously surveys had been undertaken by retired sea captains, from this time surveyors started to be employed and Lloyd's Register formed a General Committee for the running of the Society and for the Rules regarding ship construction and maintenance, which began to be published from this time.

In 1834, the Register Society published the first Rules for the survey and classification of vessels, and changed its name to Lloyds Register of Shipping. A full-time bureaucracy of surveyors (inspectors) and support personnel was put in place. Similar developments were taking place in the other major maritime nations.

The adoption of common rules for ship construction by Norwegian insurance societies in the late 1850s led to the establishment of Det Norske Veritas (DNV) in 1864. RINA was founded in Genoa, Italy in 1861 under the name Registro Italiano Navale, to meet the needs of Italian maritime operators. Germanischer Lloyd (GL) was formed in 1867 and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) in 1899. The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) was an early offshoot of the River Register of 1913.

As the classification profession evolved, the practice of assigning different classifications has been superseded, with some exceptions. Today a ship either meets the relevant class society's rules or it does not. As a consequence, it is either 'in' or 'out' of 'class'. Classification societies do not issue statements or certifications that a vessel is 'fit to sail' or 'unfit to sail', merely that the vessel is in compliance with the required codes. This is in part related to legal liability of the classification society. However, each of the classification societies has developed a series of notations that may be granted to a vessel to indicate that it is in compliance with some additional criteria that may be either specific to that vessel type or that are in excess of the standard classification requirements. See Ice class as an example.

There have always been concerns that competitive pressure might lead to falling standards – as expressed for example by the European Commission. [6] To counteract class hopping, in 2009, the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) implemented the Transfer of Class Agreement (TOCA), [7] whereby no member would accept a ship that had not carried out improvements demanded by its previous class society.


Currently, more than 50 organizations worldwide describe their activities as including marine classification, some of which are listed below. Twelve of these are members of the International Association of Classification Societies. The largest are DNV, the American Bureau of Shipping, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) and Lloyd's Register. [1] Classification societies employ naval architects, ship surveyors, material engineers, piping engineers, mechanical engineers and electrical engineers, often located at ports and office buildings around the world.

Marine vessels and structures are classified according to the soundness of their structure and design for the purpose of the vessel. The classification rules are designed to ensure an acceptable degree of stability, safety, environmental impact, etc.

In particular, classification societies may be authorised to inspect ships, oil rigs, submarines, and other marine structures and issue certificates on behalf of the flag state.

As well as providing classification and certification services, the larger societies also conduct research at their own research facilities in order to improve the effectiveness of their rules and to investigate the safety of new innovations in shipbuilding.

In the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from 2022, a Finnish Maritime Expert reported, that Russia does no longer oblige the principles of the Port State Control System and even poorly maintained ships can leave port without inspection. [8]

List of classification societies

NameAbbreviationDateHead office IACS member?
Lloyd's Register LR1760 London Yes
Bureau Veritas BV1828 Paris Yes
Austrian Veritas/Adriatic Veritas [9] AV18581921Trieste[ citation needed ]
Registro Italiano Navale RINA1861 Genoa Yes
American Bureau of Shipping ABS1862 Houston Yes
DNV (Det Norske Veritas)DNV1864 Oslo Yes
Germanischer Lloyd [10] GL18672013 Hamburg No
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)NK1899 Tokyo Yes
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
(Российский морской регистр судоходства)
RS1913 Saint Petersburg No
Hellenic Register of Shipping HR1919 Piraeus No
Polish Register of Shipping
(Polski Rejestr Statków)
PRS1936 Gdańsk Yes
Phoenix Register of ShippingPHRS2000PiraeusNo
Korean Classification Society KCS1947 Pyongyang No
Libero Hellenic Register LHR2018 Piraeus No
Croatian Register of Shipping
(Hrvatski Registar Brodova)
CRS1949 Split Yes
Bulgarian Register of Shipping
(Български Корабен Регистър)
BRS (БКР)1950 Varna No
CR Classification Society CR1951 Taipei No
China Classification Society CCS1956 Beijing Yes
Turk Loydu TL1962 Istanbul Yes
Korean Register of Shipping KR1960 Busan Yes
Indonesian Classification Bureau  [ id ]
(Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia)
BKI1964 Jakarta No
Vietnam Register VR1964 Hanoi No
Registro Internacional Naval [11] RINAVE19732004 Lisbon No
Indian Register of Shipping IRCLASS (IRS)1975 Mumbai Yes
International Register of Shipping IRS1993 Miami No
Shipping Register of Ukraine
(Регістр судноплавства України)
RU (РУ)1998 Kyiv No
Dromon Bureau of ShippingDBS2003 Piraeus No
Overseas Marine Certification Services OMCS2004 Panama No
Iranian Classification SocietyICS2006 Tehran No
Maritime Bureau of Africa MBA2014 Cape Town No
International Maritime Classification IMC2015 Dubai No
Dutch Lloyd DL2018 Eindhoven No
Asia Classification Society ACS1980 Tehran No
Registro Brasileiro de Navios e AeronavesRBNA1982 Rio de Janeiro No
MY Classification MYC2021 Malaysia No
Ships Classification Malaysia SCM1994 Malaysia No

See also


  1. 1 2 "Top 100 2012: the top 10 classification societies". Lloyd's List . Retrieved 13 May 2013.
  2. IACS, "What are classification societies?" (PDF),, p. 2, archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-01-19, Such a certificate does not imply, and should not be construed as an express warranty of safety, fitness for purpose or seaworthiness of the ship. It is an attestation only that the vessel is in compliance with the standards that have been developed and published by the society issuing the classification certificate.
  3. The Sundancer (7 F.301 1077) per George C Pratt, Circuit Judge, archived from the original on 2010-05-16, Put simply, the purpose of the classification certificate is not to guarantee safety, but merely to permit Sundance to take advantage of the insurance rates available to a classed vessel.
  5. Devanney, Jack (2006), The Tankship Tromedy, The Impending Disasters in Tankers (PDF), Tavernier, Florida: CTX Press, pp. 9–11, ISBN   0977647900, archived from the original on July 8, 2008
  6. The Commission shares the concerns often expressed in various sectors of the maritime industry that the performance of classification societies does not always meet the standards required. COM(2000) 142 final, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the Safety of the Seaborne Oil Trade, p. 19
    However, largely due to the commercial pressure exercised on the classification societies, and to the growing number of organisations operating in the field without having sufficient expertise and professionalism, the confidence of the shipping community in these organisations has declined in the recent decades. p. 23
  7. Procedure for Transfer of Class
  8. "Serious safety flaws uncovered in past inspection of Eagle S vessel". 4 January 2025. Retrieved 4 January 2025.
  9. Successor is Croatian Register of Shipping
  10. Since 2013 merged into DNV GL which rebranded to DNV
  11. Since 2004 merged into Bureau Veritas

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