Sulayman bin Hassan

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The 27th Da'i al-Mutlaq of Ismailism according to the Sulaymanis. The Sulaymanis believed he became a Dai' as per the "Nass" of Syedna Dawood Bin Ajabshah while those who did not accept this (primarily in India and elsewhere in Arab lands) were called Dawoodi Bohras.

He was born to Hasan bin Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman and mother Zainab binte Moosa, niece of Syedna Yusuf on the 6th of Shawwal 961 AH, 13 September 1554 AD, in Qasr-e-Sa'daan, Qila-e-Tayba of Qabeela-e-Hamadaan, the city of Sana'a in Today's north Yemen.

Sulayman bin Hassan in the history of the Imāmī-Tāyyībī-Mustā‘līan Makramis

The historical emergence of Makramis under Sulayman
The historical emergence of the Shī‘ah Imāmī Tāyyībī-Mustā‘līan-Makramis under Da'i al-Mutlaq Sulayman bin Hassan
The schematic history of the development of the Ismā'īlī-Imāmī-Mustā‘lī-Makramis under
the authority of Da'i al-Mutlaq Sulayman bin Hassan from other Shī‘ah Muslim sects
Wahb Barrah Fatimah Abdul-Muttalib Natīla
Aminah bint Wahab ʿAbd Allāh Asad ibn Hashim Fatimah bint Qays ‘Abbas
Khadija bint Khuwaylid Muhammad
(Family tree)
Abi Talib Fatimah bint Asad ʿAbd Allāh
Fatima Zahra Ali al Murtaza
(Family tree)
Khawlah b. Ja'far al-Hanafiyyah ʿAli bin ʿAbd Allāh b. ‘Abbas
Hasan al Mujtaba Husayn ibn Ali (Family) Shahrbanu bint Yazdegerd III Ibn al-Hanifiyyah
Fatimah bint Hasan Zayn al-'Abidin Jayda al-Sindhi Kaysanites
Farwah bint
Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad
Muhammad al-Baqir Zayd ash-Shahīd (Zaydiyyah)First Sufi
Abu Hashim (Hashimiyya)
Ja'far al-Sadiq Yemen-Fivers Zaydi-Alavids Muhammad "al-Imām"
Isma'il ibn Jafar Al-Aftah
Musa al-Kadhim Ibrāhim ibn Ali ibn ′Abd Allah
Imāmī Ismā'īlīsm Muhammad al-Aftah Ibrāhim ibn Mūsā Imāmī Athnā‘ashariyyah Muslim’īyyah (Sīnbād)
Seveners Fātimā al-Ma‘sūmah Ali al-Rida Ishaq al-Turk
ʿAbadullāh(Wafī Aḥmad) Ḥamdān Qarmaṭ'l-ʾAšʿaṯ Al-Tustari
Muhammad al-Taqī (Jawad) Muhammerah (Muqanna)
Aḥmad (Taqī Muhammad) Abū Sa'id Mūsā al-Mūbārraqā Ali al Hadi Khurrāmīyah (Pāpak, Maziar)
Ḥusayn(Raḍī ʿAbdillāh) Abū-Tāhir Muhammad ibn Ali al-Hadi Hasan al-Askari Kızılbaş
Ubayd Allāh (Fatimids) Qarmatis Nāimī-Ḥurūfīs Ibn Nusayr (‘Ulyāʾiyya)
al-Qāʾim ʿAlī Al-Aʿlā (Baktāsh’īyyah) Muhammad
(Imām Zāmān)
Al-Khaṣībī (Nusairis)
al-Manṣūr Pasīkhānī (Nuktawiyya) Imamiyyah (Twelvers) Sarı Saltuk (Baktāshīs)
al-Muʿizz Nasīmī Ja'faris Alevis Otman Baba
al-ʿAzīz Akhbaris Shaykhis Usulis Balım Sultan
al-Ḥākim Safavids (Safavī Iran) Nuqta-yi Ula (Bábis) Velayat-e-faqih (Iran, Islamic Rep.) Gül Baba (Hurufi-Bektaşi)
al-Ẓāhir Durzis
Mírzá Yaḥyá (Azalis) Mírzá Ḥusayn (Baháʼís) Other Alevis (Bektashism)
Al-Mustanṣir bi-Llāh Dā'ī Nasir Khusraw Badakhshan & Afgan Pamiris Yarsanis
(Sultan Sahak)
Al-Musta'li (Musta'lis)Muḥammad ibn Abū Tamīm Al-Nizār
Ostad Elahi
Al-Āmir Hashshashins (Ḥ. bin Sabbah) Işık Alevis
At-Tayyib (Tayyibis) Al-Ḥāfīz (Hafizis) Ḥasan ʿAlā (Alamūt Nizārīs) Alians
(Demir Baba)
(Baba Rexheb)
Zoeb Mūsā (Dawoodis) Agha Khans (Nizārī Ismā'īlīs) Pamir Ismāʿīlīsm Chepnis
Sulayman (Sulaymanis)Ali bin Ibrāhim
(Alavi Bohra)
Hebtiahs Bohra A . Hussain Jivaji
Jafari Bohras (Syed Jafar Ahmad Shirazi) Progressive Dawoodis (Asghar Ali) Atba-i-Malak Vakil (A. Qadir Ebrahimji) Atba-i-Malak Badar (Ghulam Hussain Miya Khan)

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