The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species.
Tiger or tigers may also refer to:
A Cyclops is a one-eyed monster in Greek mythology.
Titan most often refers to:
Maya may refer to:
The Panther is a genus of big cats native to equatorial regions.
The eagle is a large bird of prey.
A black panther is a colour variant of any Panthera, particularly of the leopard and the jaguar.
Berlin is the capital and largest city of Germany.
Thor is a Germanic god associated with thunder.
An assassin is a person who commits targeted murder.
Pathfinder, Path Finder or Pathfinders may refer to:
A shark is a cartilaginous, usually carnivorous fish.
Avenger(s) or The Avenger(s) may refer to:
A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with reptile-like traits.
A snake is an elongated, legless, predatory reptile.
havoc, Havoc, Havocs, Havok, or Havock may also refer to:
Dominator(s) may refer to:
A cobra is any of several species of snake usually belonging to the family Elapidae.
Junior or Juniors may refer to:
Amazon most often refers to:
The lion is a big cat of the species Panthera leo that inhabits the African continent and one forest in India.