Timeline of African Union of Railways

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New lines in East Africa




According to Railway Gazette International of November 2007, East Africa (TZ, KE, ET and UG) are proposing lines aplenty. [1]


Another seven (eight?) routes include:

Gauge unification

Triple gauge for the three main gauges in Africa are a practible solution for mixed gauge tracks.

1000 mm and 1067 mm gauges can be combined as a 4 rail dual gauge with bonus 1435 mm gauge Dual Gauge Africa 4 Rail 3 Gauge.jpg
1000 mm and 1067 mm gauges can be combined as a 4 rail dual gauge with bonus 1435 mm gauge
Triple gauge supports the three main gauges in Africa:
Red: 1,000 mm (
.mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);clip-path:polygon(0px 0px,0px 0px,0px 0px);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}
3 ft 3+3/8 in),
Green: 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) and
Blue: 1,435 mm (
4 ft 8+1/2 in).
The wide separation or the outer pairs of rails (435 mm and 368 mm) provides space for railclips and suits turnout construction. Africa four rail triple gauge.svg
Triple gauge supports the three main gauges in Africa:
Red: 1,000 mm (3 ft 3+38 in),
Green: 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) and
Blue: 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in).
The wide separation or the outer pairs of rails (435 mm and 368 mm) provides space for railclips and suits turnout construction.

Narrow 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) gauge and Metre 1,000 mm (3 ft 3+38 in) gauge are too similar (67mm) to allow third rail dual gauge. Four rails must be used, which creates a third gauge, which may as well be 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in) gauge.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Railway stations in Tanzania</span>

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The Kenya Standard Gauge Railway is a railway system that will connect Kenyan cities, and link the country to the neighboring country of Uganda, and through Uganda, to South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi. There are also plans to link to Addis Ababa, in neighboring Ethiopia to the north. The first segment, between Mombasa and Nairobi, opened passenger rail service in June 2017, and freight rail service in January 2018. Other segments are under construction or planned. The new Standard Gauge Railway (SGR), is intended to replace the old, inefficient metre-gauge railway system.


  1. Railway Gazette International of November 2007 p688