National organization(s) | |
Union density | Under 3% |
Global Rights Index | |
5+ No guarantee of rights due to breakdown of law | |
International Labour Organization | |
Burundi is a member of the ILO | |
Convention ratification | |
Freedom of Association | 25 June 1993 |
Right to Organise | 10 October 1997 |
There are two main trade union confederations in Burundi; the Confederation of Trade Unions of Burundi (COSYBU) and the Trade Union Confederation of Burundi (CSB). Both are affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
The ITUC ranked Burundi the worst possible score of 5+ in the Global Rights Index, a status shared by 11 other countries [1] due its frequent repression of trade union leaders including arrests, union busting and usage of strike breakers. [2]
During Belgium colonial rule, African workers were not allowed to form or join trade unions until 1946. The trade unions that did form during this time were affiliated to the main two Belgium union confederations. The socialist General Labour Federation of Belgium (FGTB) ignored some of the restrictions on organizing African workers and by 1951 helped organized African and European workers in the affiliated FGTB-CBRU (French : Fédération Générale du Travail de Belgique-Congo Belge, Rwanda-Urundi) inside the shared colony of Belgium Congo/Ruanda-Urundi. [3]
The Belgian Confederation of Christian Trade Unions established the Federation of Christian Workers' Unions and Rural Workers of Burundi (FSOCPB; Fédération des Syndicats de Chrétians Ouvriers et Paysans du Burundi) in 1958. Its membership was Hutu members only and driven underground in the 1960s. [4]
Burundi reached independence from Belgium in 1962. [5] Four trade union emerged from former Belgian trade unions, (SLTB; Syndicat Libre des Travailleurs du Burundi), (SAAB; Syndicat des Agents de l'Administration du Burundi) a civil-servant union, FTB; Fédération des Travailleurs du Burundi (formed in 1963 and banned in 1965) and (SCB; Syndicat Chrétian du Burundi). [3]
In November 1966, Burundi came under military rule and by 1967, all previous unions were absorbed into the Union of Workers of Burundi (UTB; Union des Travailleurs du Burundi) which was Tutsi dominated and close to the single ruling party Union for National Progress . [4]
In 1991 the present day Trade Union Confederation of Burundi (CSB) was established, followed by its smaller rival Burundi, Confederation of Trade Unions of Burundi (COSYBU) in 1995. Both are affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation. There are 74 registered trade unions as of 2017; 36 are affiliated to CSB, 17 are affiliated to COSYBU and 21 are unaffiliated. [4]
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is the largest global union federation of journalists' trade unions in the world. It represents more than 600,000 media workers from 187 organisations in 146 countries.
The World Confederation of Labour (WCL) was an international labour organization founded in 1920 and based in Europe. Fascist governments of the 1930s repressed the federation and imprisoned many of its leaders, limiting operations until the end of World War II. In 2006 it became part of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), ending its existence as an independent organization.
The Democratic Organization of African Workers' Trade Unions was a regional organisation of the World Confederation of Labour. It has a membership of 35 unions and eight 'pan-African federations' in 29 countries.
The Confederation of Trade Unions of Burundi is the larger of the two national trades union federations active in Burundi. It is distinct from the Trade Union Confederation of Burundi. Both trade unions COSYBU and CSB are affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is the world's largest trade union federation.
Trade unionism is a powerful force in the politics, economy, and culture of Senegal, and was one of the earliest trades union movements to form in Francophone West Africa.
Confédération générale du travail du Burkina is a revolutionary national trade union centre in Burkina Faso. Bassolma Bazié the general secretary of CGT-B.
Trade unions in Guinea were historically important - having played a pivotal role in the country's independence movement - and in recent years have again assumed a leading role.
The Confédération africaine des travailleurs croyants de l'A.E.F was a trade union confederation in French Equatorial Africa. CATC was founded in Pointe-Noire January 2–6, 1957 by the branches of the French trade union centre C.F.T.C in Gabon, Moyen-Congo, Chad and Ubangi-Shari. Gilbert Pongault was the chairman of C.A.T.C-A.E.F. The C.A.T.C-A.E.F retained a separate organization from the West African C.A.T.C, which had been formed a few months earlier. The two organizations did however maintain contacts between each other, albeit the attitude of C.A.T.C.-A.E.F towards its counterpart was characterized by jealousy towards the stronger unions in West Africa.
The World Federation of Teachers Unions is the Trade Union International (TUI) branch of the World Federation of Trade Unions representing educators.
The Trade Union International of Building, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries, also known as the Trade Union International of Construction, Wood, Building Materials and Allied Industries, more commonly known by its French acronym UITBB is a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Workers in Commerce was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
The Trade Union International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers was a trade union international affiliated with the World Federation of Trade Unions.
Trade Union Confederation of Burundi is the smaller of the two national trades union federations active in Burundi. It is distinct from Confederation of Trade Unions of Burundi. Both the COSYBU and CSB are affiliated to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
There are six recognized trade union confederations in Cameroon as of 2021. The main federation Confederation of Cameroon Trade Union has undergone many organizational splits and attempts by the government to retain its influence.
There are five recognized trade union confederations in Chad as of 2021:
Comoros, an island country has one trade union center, the Confederation of Workers of Comoros which has 5,000 members and is affiliated to ITUC and OATUU.
There are four main trade union centers in the Republic of the Congo (Congo).