For example, it is common to take to be , so that coefficients are modulo 2. This becomes straightforward in the absence of 2-torsion in the homology. Quite generally, the result indicates the relationship that holds between the Betti numbers of and the Betti numbers with coefficients in a field. These can differ, but only when the characteristic of is a prime number for which there is some -torsion in the homology.
Let be a module over a principal ideal domain (for example , or any field.)
There is a universal coefficient theorem for cohomology involving the Ext functor, which asserts that there is a natural short exact sequence
As in the homology case, the sequence splits, though not naturally. In fact, suppose
and define
Then above is the canonical map:
An alternative point of view can be based on representing cohomology via Eilenberg–MacLane space, where the map takes a homotopy class of maps to the corresponding homomorphism induced in homology. Thus, the Eilenberg–MacLane space is a weak right adjoint to the homology functor.[1]
Example: mod 2 cohomology of the real projective space
Let , the real projective space. We compute the singular cohomology of with coefficients in using integral homology, i.e., .
Knowing that the integer homology is given by:
We have and , so that the above exact sequences yield
A special case of the theorem is computing integral cohomology. For a finite CW complex, is finitely generated, and so we have the following decomposition.
where are the Betti numbers of and is the torsion part of . One may check that
This gives the following statement for integral cohomology:
There is a generalization of the universal coefficient theorem for (co)homology with twisted coefficients.
For cohomology we have
where is a ring with unit, is a chain complex of free modules over , is any -bimodule for some ring with a unit , and is the Ext group. The differential has degree .
Similarly for homology,
for the Tor group and the differential having degree .
Allen Hatcher, Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002. ISBN0-521-79540-0. A modern, geometrically flavored introduction to algebraic topology. The book is available free in PDF and PostScript formats on the author's homepage.
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