Upnor Formation

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Upnor Formation
Stratigraphic range: Thanetian
~58.7–55.8  Ma
Lambeth Group Gilbert's Pit.jpg
Exposure in Gilbert's Pit. Dark grey clays, and light grey shelly clays of the Woolwich Formation overlying yellow-brown weathering sands of the Upnor Formation
Type Formation
Unit of Lambeth Group
Sub-unitsBeltinge Fish Bed
Underlies Reading Formation, Woolwich Formation
Overlies Thanet Sand, Chalk Group
Thickness<2–15 m (6.6–49.2 ft)
Primary Sandstone
Coordinates 51°24′N1°06′E / 51.4°N 1.1°E / 51.4; 1.1
Approximate paleocoordinates 45°54′N1°00′W / 45.9°N 1.0°W / 45.9; -1.0
Regionsouthern England
CountryFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom
Extent London Basin
Type section
Named for Upnor
England relief location map.jpg
Orange pog.svg
Upnor Formation (England)

The Upnor Formation is a geological formation found in the London Basin of southeastern England. [1] It is of Thanetian (Upper Paleocene) age. It lies unconformably on the Thanet Formation for most of its outcrop, but in the west it lies directly on Chalk Group. [2] It is generally overlain either by the Reading Formation or the Woolwich Formation, but locally in north and east Kent it is overlain unconformably by the Harwich Formation. It forms the lowermost part of the Lambeth Group. The type section is at Lower Upnor Pit, north Kent. The formation has provided fossils of the eutherian mammal Arctocyonides arenae . [3]

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  1. Upnor Formation at Fossilworks.org
  2. "Upnor Formation". The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units. British Geological Survey . Retrieved 31 July 2016.
  3. Hooker & Millbank, 2001
