In relativistic physics, a velocity-addition formula is an equation that specifies how to combine the velocities of objects in a way that is consistent with the requirement that no object's speed can exceed the speed of light. Such formulas apply to successive Lorentz transformations, so they also relate different frames. Accompanying velocity addition is a kinematic effect known as Thomas precession, whereby successive non-collinear Lorentz boosts become equivalent to the composition of a rotation of the coordinate system and a boost.
The notation employs u as velocity of a body within a Lorentz frame S, and v as velocity of a second frame S′, as measured in S, and u′ as the transformed velocity of the body within the second frame.
The speed of light in a fluid is slower than the speed of light in vacuum, and it changes if the fluid is moving along with the light. In 1851, Fizeaumeasured the speed of light in a fluid moving parallel to the light using an interferometer. Fizeau's results were not in accord with the then-prevalent theories. Fizeau experimentally correctly determined the zeroth term of an expansion of the relativistically correct addition law in terms of V/c as is described below. Fizeau's result led physicists to accept the empirical validity of the rather unsatisfactory theory by Fresnel that a fluid moving with respect to the stationary aetherpartially drags light with it, i.e. the speed is c/n + (1 − 1/n2)V instead of c/n + V, where c is the speed of light in the aether, n is the refractive index of the fluid, and V is the speed of the fluid with respect to the aether.
The aberration of light, of which the easiest explanation is the relativistic velocity addition formula, together with Fizeau's result, triggered the development of theories like Lorentz aether theory of electromagnetism in 1892. In 1905 Albert Einstein, with the advent of special relativity, derived the standard configuration formula (V in the x-direction) for the addition of relativistic velocities.[2] The issues involving aether were, gradually over the years, settled in favor of special relativity.
Galilean relativity
It was observed by Galileo that a person on a uniformly moving ship has the impression of being at rest and sees a heavy body falling vertically downward.[3] This observation is now regarded as the first clear statement of the principle of mechanical relativity. Galileo saw that from the point of view of a person standing on the shore, the motion of falling downwards on the ship would be combined with, or added to, the forward motion of the ship.[4] In terms of velocities, it can be said that the velocity of the falling body relative to the shore equals the velocity of that body relative to ship plus the velocity of the ship relative to the shore.
In general for three objects A (e.g. Galileo on the shore), B (e.g. ship), C (e.g. falling body on ship) the velocity vector of C relative to A (velocity of falling object as Galileo sees it) is the sum of the velocity of C relative to B (velocity of falling object relative to ship) plus the velocity v of B relative to A (ship's velocity away from the shore). The addition here is the vector addition of vector algebra and the resulting velocity is usually represented in the form
According to the theory of special relativity, the frame of the ship has a different clock rate and distance measure, and the notion of simultaneity in the direction of motion is altered, so the addition law for velocities is changed. This change is not noticeable at low velocities but as the velocity increases towards the speed of light it becomes important. The addition law is also called a composition law for velocities. For collinear motions, the speed of the object, , e.g. a cannonball fired horizontally out to sea, as measured from the ship, moving at speed , would be measured by someone standing on the shore and watching the whole scene through a telescope as[5] The composition formula can take an algebraically equivalent form, which can be easily derived by using only the principle of constancy of the speed of light,[6] The cosmos of special relativity consists of Minkowski spacetime and the addition of velocities corresponds to composition of Lorentz transformations. In the special theory of relativity Newtonian mechanics is modified into relativistic mechanics.
Standard configuration
The formulas for boosts in the standard configuration follow most straightforwardly from taking differentials of the inverse Lorentz boost in standard configuration.[7][8] If the primed frame is travelling with speed with Lorentz factor in the positive x-direction relative to the unprimed frame, then the differentials are
Divide the first three equations by the fourth,
which is
Transformation of velocity (Cartesian components)
in which expressions for the primed velocities were obtained using the standard recipe by replacing v by –v and swapping primed and unprimed coordinates. If coordinates are chosen so that all velocities lie in a (common) x–y plane, then velocities may be expressed as (see polar coordinates) and one finds[2][9]
Transformation of velocity (Plane polar components)
Details for u
The proof as given is highly formal. There are other more involved proofs that may be more enlightening, such as the one below.
A proof using 4-vectors and Lorentz transformation matrices
Since a relativistic transformation rotates space and time into each other much as geometric rotations in the plane rotate the x- and y-axes, it is convenient to use the same units for space and time, otherwise a unit conversion factor appears throughout relativistic formulae, being the speed of light. In a system where lengths and times are measured in the same units, the speed of light is dimensionless and equal to 1. A velocity is then expressed as fraction of the speed of light.
To find the relativistic transformation law, it is useful to introduce the four-velocities V = (V0, V1, 0, 0), which is the motion of the ship away from the shore, as measured from the shore, and U′ = (U′0, U′1, U′2, U′3) which is the motion of the fly away from the ship, as measured from the ship. The four-velocity is defined to be a four-vector with relativistic length equal to 1, future-directed and tangent to the world line of the object in spacetime. Here, V0 corresponds to the time component and V1 to the x component of the ship's velocity as seen from the shore. It is convenient to take the x-axis to be the direction of motion of the ship away from the shore, and the y-axis so that the x–y plane is the plane spanned by the motion of the ship and the fly. This results in several components of the velocities being zero: V2 = V3 = U′3 = 0
The ordinary velocity is the ratio of the rate at which the space coordinates are increasing to the rate at which the time coordinate is increasing:
Since the relativistic length of V is 1, so
The Lorentz transformation matrix that converts velocities measured in the ship frame to the shore frame is the inverse of the transformation described on the Lorentz transformation page, so the minus signs that appear there must be inverted here:
This matrix rotates the pure time-axis vector (1, 0, 0, 0) to (V0, V1, 0, 0), and all its columns are relativistically orthogonal to one another, so it defines a Lorentz transformation.
If a fly is moving with four-velocity U′ in the ship frame, and it is boosted by multiplying by the matrix above, the new four-velocity in the shore frame is U = (U0, U1, U2, U3),
Dividing by the time component U0 and substituting for the components of the four-vectors U′ and V in terms of the components of the three-vectors u′ and v gives the relativistic composition law as
The form of the relativistic composition law can be understood as an effect of the failure of simultaneity at a distance. For the parallel component, the time dilation decreases the speed, the length contraction increases it, and the two effects cancel out. The failure of simultaneity means that the fly is changing slices of simultaneity as the projection of u′ onto v. Since this effect is entirely due to the time slicing, the same factor multiplies the perpendicular component, but for the perpendicular component there is no length contraction, so the time dilation multiplies by a factor of 1/V0 = √(1 − v12).
General configuration
Starting from the expression in coordinates for v parallel to the x-axis, expressions for the perpendicular and parallel components can be cast in vector form as follows, a trick which also works for Lorentz transformations of other 3d physical quantities originally in set up standard configuration. Introduce the velocity vector u in the unprimed frame and u′ in the primed frame, and split them into components parallel (∥) and perpendicular (⊥) to the relative velocity vector v (see hide box below) thus then with the usual Cartesian standard basis vectorsex, ey, ez, set the velocity in the unprimed frame to be which gives, using the results for the standard configuration, where · is the dot product. Since these are vector equations, they still have the same form for v in any direction. The only difference from the coordinate expressions is that the above expressions refers to vectors, not components.
One obtains where αv = 1/γv is the reciprocal of the Lorentz factor. The ordering of operands in the definition is chosen to coincide with that of the standard configuration from which the formula is derived.
The algebra
Decomposition into parallel and perpendicular components in terms of V
Either the parallel or the perpendicular component for each vector needs to be found, since the other component will be eliminated by substitution of the full vectors.
The parallel component of u′ can be found by projecting the full vector into the direction of the relative motion and the perpendicular component of u′ can be found by the geometric properties of the cross product (see figure above right),
In each case, v/v is a unit vector in the direction of relative motion.
The expressions for u∥ and u⊥ can be found in the same way. Substituting the parallel component into
and in the forwards (v positive, S → S') direction
where the last expression is by the standard vector analysis formulav × (v × u) = (v ⋅ u)v − (v ⋅ v)u. The first expression extends to any number of spatial dimensions, but the cross product is defined in three dimensions only. The objects A, B, C with B having velocity v relative to A and C having velocity u relative to A can be anything. In particular, they can be three frames, or they could be the laboratory, a decaying particle and one of the decay products of the decaying particle.
The relativistic addition of 3-velocities is non-linear, so in general for real numberλ, although it is true that
It deserves special mention that if u and v′ refer to velocities of pairwise parallel frames (primed parallel to unprimed and doubly primed parallel to primed), then, according to Einstein's velocity reciprocity principle, the unprimed frame moves with velocity −u relative to the primed frame, and the primed frame moves with velocity −v′ relative to the doubly primed frame hence (−v′ ⊕ −u) is the velocity of the unprimed frame relative to the doubly primed frame, and one might expect to have u ⊕ v′ = −(−v′ ⊕ −u) by naive application of the reciprocity principle. This does not hold, though the magnitudes are equal. The unprimed and doubly primed frames are not parallel, but related through a rotation. This is related to the phenomenon of Thomas precession, and is not dealt with further here.
Reverse formula found by using standard procedure of swapping v for −v and u for u′.
It is clear that the non-commutativity manifests itself as an additional rotation of the coordinate frame when two boosts are involved, since the norm squared is the same for both orders of boosts.
The gamma factors for the combined velocities are computed as
Detailed proof
Reverse formula found by using standard procedure of swapping v for −v and u for u′.
Notational conventions
Notations and conventions for the velocity addition vary from author to author. Different symbols may be used for the operation, or for the velocities involved, and the operands may be switched for the same expression, or the symbols may be switched for the same velocity. A completely separate symbol may also be used for the transformed velocity, rather than the prime used here. Since the velocity addition is non-commutative, one cannot switch the operands or symbols without changing the result.
Some classical applications of velocity-addition formulas, to the Doppler shift, to the aberration of light, and to the dragging of light in moving water, yielding relativistically valid expressions for these phenomena are detailed below. It is also possible to use the velocity addition formula, assuming conservation of momentum (by appeal to ordinary rotational invariance), the correct form of the 3-vector part of the momentum four-vector, without resort to electromagnetism, or a priori not known to be valid, relativistic versions of the Lagrangian formalism. This involves experimentalist bouncing off relativistic billiard balls from each other. This is not detailed here, but see for reference Lewis & Tolman (1909)Wikisource version (primary source) and Sard (1970, Section 3.2).
When light propagates in a medium, its speed is reduced, in the rest frame of the medium, to cm = c/nm, where nm is the index of refraction of the medium m. The speed of light in a medium uniformly moving with speed V in the positive x-direction as measured in the lab frame is given directly by the velocity addition formulas. For the forward direction (standard configuration, drop index m on n) one gets,[13]
Collecting the largest contributions explicitly, Fizeau found the first three terms.[14][15] The classical result is the first two terms.
Another basic application is to consider the deviation of light, i.e. change of its direction, when transforming to a new reference frame with parallel axes, called aberration of light. In this case, v′ = v = c, and insertion in the formula for tan θ yields
For this case one may also compute sin θ and cos θ from the standard formulae,[16]
the trigonometric manipulations essentially being identical in the cos case to the manipulations in the sin case. Consider the difference,
correct to order v/c. Employ in order to make small angle approximations a trigonometric formula, where cos1/2(θ + θ′) ≈ cos θ′, sin1/2(θ − θ′) ≈ 1/2(θ − θ′) were used.
Thus the quantity the classical aberration angle, is obtained in the limit V/c → 0.
Here velocity components will be used as opposed to speed for greater generality, and in order to avoid perhaps seemingly ad hoc introductions of minus signs. Minus signs occurring here will instead serve to illuminate features when speeds less than that of light are considered.
For light waves in vacuum, time dilation together with a simple geometrical observation alone suffices to calculate the Doppler shift in standard configuration (collinear relative velocity of emitter and observer as well of observed light wave).
All velocities in what follows are parallel to the common positive x-direction, so subscripts on velocity components are dropped. In the observers frame, introduce the geometrical observation as the spatial distance, or wavelength, between two pulses (wave crests), where T is the time elapsed between the emission of two pulses. The time elapsed between the passage of two pulses at the same point in space is the time periodτ, and its inverse ν = 1/τ is the observed (temporal) frequency. The corresponding quantities in the emitters frame are endowed with primes.[18]
For light waves and the observed frequency is[2][19][20] where T = γVT′ is standard time dilation formula.
Suppose instead that the wave is not composed of light waves with speed c, but instead, for easy visualization, bullets fired from a relativistic machine gun, with velocity s′ in the frame of the emitter. Then, in general, the geometrical observation is precisely the same. But now, s′ ≠ s, and s is given by velocity addition,
The calculation is then essentially the same, except that here it is easier carried out upside down with τ = 1/ν instead of ν. One finds
Details in derivation
Observe that in the typical case, the s′ that enters is negative. The formula has general validity though.[nb 2] When s′ = −c, the formula reduces to the formula calculated directly for light waves above,
If the emitter is not firing bullets in empty space, but emitting waves in a medium, then the formula still applies, but now, it may be necessary to first calculate s′ from the velocity of the emitter relative to the medium.
Returning to the case of a light emitter, in the case the observer and emitter are not collinear, the result has little modification,[2][21][22] where θ is the angle between the light emitter and the observer. This reduces to the previous result for collinear motion when θ = 0, but for transverse motion corresponding to θ = π/2, the frequency is shifted by the Lorentz factor. This does not happen in the classical optical Doppler effect.
Hyperbolic geometry
Associated to the relativistic velocity of an object is a quantity whose norm is called rapidity. These are related through where the vector is thought of as being Cartesian coordinates on a 3-dimensional subspace of the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group spanned by the boost generators. This space, call it rapidity space, is isomorphic to ℝ3 as a vector space, and is mapped to the open unit ball, , velocity space, via the above relation.[23] The addition law on collinear form coincides with the law of addition of hyperbolic tangents with
The line element in velocity space follows from the expression for relativistic relative velocity in any frame,[24] where the speed of light is set to unity so that and agree. It this expression, and are velocities of two objects in any one given frame. The quantity is the speed of one or the other object relative to the other object as seen in the given frame. The expression is Lorentz invariant, i.e. independent of which frame is the given frame, but the quantity it calculates is not. For instance, if the given frame is the rest frame of object one, then .
The line element is found by putting or equivalently ,[25] with θ and φ the usual spherical angle coordinates for taken in the z-direction. Now introduce ζ through and the line element on rapidity space becomes
Relativistic particle collisions
In scattering experiments the primary objective is to measure the invariant scattering cross section. This enters the formula for scattering of two particle types into a final state assumed to have two or more particles,[26] or, in most textbooks, where
is spacetime volume. It is an invariant under Lorentz transformations.
is the total number of reactions resulting in final state in spacetime volume . Being a number, it is invariant when the same spacetime volume is considered.
is the number of reactions resulting in final state per unit spacetime, or reaction rate. This is invariant.
is called the incident flux. This is required to be invariant, but isn't in the most general setting.
is the scattering cross section. It is required to be invariant.
are the particle densities in the incident beams. These are not invariant as is clear due to length contraction.
is the relative speed of the two incident beams. This cannot be invariant since is required to be so.
The objective is to find a correct expression for relativistic relative speed and an invariant expression for the incident flux.
Non-relativistically, one has for relative speed . If the system in which velocities are measured is the rest frame of particle type , it is required that Setting the speed of light , the expression for follows immediately from the formula for the norm (second formula) in the general configuration as[27][28]
The formula reduces in the classical limit to as it should, and gives the correct result in the rest frames of the particles. The relative velocity is incorrectly given in most, perhaps all books on particle physics and quantum field theory.[27] This is mostly harmless, since if either one particle type is stationary or the relative motion is collinear, then the right result is obtained from the incorrect formulas. The formula is invariant, but not manifestly so. It can be rewritten in terms of four-velocities as
One notes that for collinear velocities, . In order to get a manifestly Lorentz invariant expression one writes with , where is the density in the rest frame, for the individual particle fluxes and arrives at[31]
In the literature the quantity as well as are both referred to as the relative velocity. In some cases (statistical physics and dark matter literature), is referred to as the Møller velocity, in which case means relative velocity. The true relative velocity is at any rate .[31] The discrepancy between and is relevant though in most cases velocities are collinear. At LHC the crossing angle is small, around 300μrad, but at the old Intersecting Storage Ring at CERN, it was about 18°.[32]
For collinear velocities interpreted as rapidity, the sum formula is simple addition. According to Minkowski, the time-like vector (zeitartiger Vektor) for a given duration lies on a hyperbola. Since the hyperbola is traced by a hyperbolic angle, and velocity determines a point on the hyperbola, there is a hyperbolic angle called rapidity associated with a particular velocity. For a unit of duration, the unit hyperbola provides a reference, where hyperbolic angle forms a one-parameter group isomorphic to the real number line under addition. The form of the formula for velocity addition can then be accounted in terms of the hyperbolic tangent function tanh which takes hyperbolic angle (rapidity) as an argument. In fact, the hyperbolic tangent of rapidity is the ratio of velocity to the speed of light in vacuum.[33]
↑ Note that s′ is negative in the sense for which that the problem is set up, i.e. emitter with positive velocity fires fast bullets towards observer in unprimed system. The convention is that −s > V should yield positive frequency in accordance with the result for the ultimate velocity, s = −c. Hence the minus sign is a convention, but a very natural convention, to the point of being canonical.The formula may also result in negative frequencies. The interpretation then is that the bullets are approaching from the negative x-axis. This may have two causes. The emitter can have large positive velocity and be firing slow bullets. It can also be the case that the emitter has small negative velocity and is firing fast bullets. But if the emitter has a large negative velocity and is firing slow bullets, the frequency is again positive.For some of these combination to make sense, it must be required that the emitter has been firing bullets for sufficiently long time, in the limit that the x-axis at any instant has equally spaced bullets everywhere.
In physics, the Lorentz transformations are a six-parameter family of linear transformations from a coordinate frame in spacetime to another frame that moves at a constant velocity relative to the former. The respective inverse transformation is then parameterized by the negative of this velocity. The transformations are named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz.
In mathematical physics and mathematics, the Pauli matrices are a set of three 2 × 2 complex matrices that are traceless, Hermitian, involutory and unitary. Usually indicated by the Greek letter sigma, they are occasionally denoted by tau when used in connection with isospin symmetries.
The Navier–Stokes equations are partial differential equations which describe the motion of viscous fluid substances. They were named after French engineer and physicist Claude-Louis Navier and the Irish physicist and mathematician George Gabriel Stokes. They were developed over several decades of progressively building the theories, from 1822 (Navier) to 1842–1850 (Stokes).
In particle physics, bremsstrahlung is electromagnetic radiation produced by the deceleration of a charged particle when deflected by another charged particle, typically an electron by an atomic nucleus. The moving particle loses kinetic energy, which is converted into radiation, thus satisfying the law of conservation of energy. The term is also used to refer to the process of producing the radiation. Bremsstrahlung has a continuous spectrum, which becomes more intense and whose peak intensity shifts toward higher frequencies as the change of the energy of the decelerated particles increases.
In mechanics and geometry, the 3D rotation group, often denoted SO(3), is the group of all rotations about the origin of three-dimensional Euclidean space under the operation of composition.
In special relativity, a four-vector is an object with four components, which transform in a specific way under Lorentz transformations. Specifically, a four-vector is an element of a four-dimensional vector space considered as a representation space of the standard representation of the Lorentz group, the representation. It differs from a Euclidean vector in how its magnitude is determined. The transformations that preserve this magnitude are the Lorentz transformations, which include spatial rotations and boosts.
Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object or particle that is projected in a gravitational field, such as from Earth's surface, and moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. In the particular case of projectile motion on Earth, most calculations assume the effects of air resistance are passive.
In mathematics and physics, the Christoffel symbols are an array of numbers describing a metric connection. The metric connection is a specialization of the affine connection to surfaces or other manifolds endowed with a metric, allowing distances to be measured on that surface. In differential geometry, an affine connection can be defined without reference to a metric, and many additional concepts follow: parallel transport, covariant derivatives, geodesics, etc. also do not require the concept of a metric. However, when a metric is available, these concepts can be directly tied to the "shape" of the manifold itself; that shape is determined by how the tangent space is attached to the cotangent space by the metric tensor. Abstractly, one would say that the manifold has an associated (orthonormal) frame bundle, with each "frame" being a possible choice of a coordinate frame. An invariant metric implies that the structure group of the frame bundle is the orthogonal group O(p, q). As a result, such a manifold is necessarily a (pseudo-)Riemannian manifold. The Christoffel symbols provide a concrete representation of the connection of (pseudo-)Riemannian geometry in terms of coordinates on the manifold. Additional concepts, such as parallel transport, geodesics, etc. can then be expressed in terms of Christoffel symbols.
Arc length is the distance between two points along a section of a curve. Development of a formulation of arc length suitable for applications to mathematics and the sciences is a focus of calculus. In the most basic formulation of arc length for a parametric curve, the arc length is gotten by integrating the speed of the particle over the path. Thus the length of a continuously differentiable curve , for , in the Euclidean plane is given as the integral (because is the magnitude of the velocity vector , i.e., the particle's speed).
A theoretical motivation for general relativity, including the motivation for the geodesic equation and the Einstein field equation, can be obtained from special relativity by examining the dynamics of particles in circular orbits about the Earth. A key advantage in examining circular orbits is that it is possible to know the solution of the Einstein Field Equation a priori. This provides a means to inform and verify the formalism.
A pendulum is a body suspended from a fixed support such that it freely swings back and forth under the influence of gravity. When a pendulum is displaced sideways from its resting, equilibrium position, it is subject to a restoring force due to gravity that will accelerate it back towards the equilibrium position. When released, the restoring force acting on the pendulum's mass causes it to oscillate about the equilibrium position, swinging it back and forth. The mathematics of pendulums are in general quite complicated. Simplifying assumptions can be made, which in the case of a simple pendulum allow the equations of motion to be solved analytically for small-angle oscillations.
The history of Lorentz transformations comprises the development of linear transformations forming the Lorentz group or Poincaré group preserving the Lorentz interval and the Minkowski inner product .
In celestial mechanics, a Kepler orbit is the motion of one body relative to another, as an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola, which forms a two-dimensional orbital plane in three-dimensional space. A Kepler orbit can also form a straight line. It considers only the point-like gravitational attraction of two bodies, neglecting perturbations due to gravitational interactions with other objects, atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, a non-spherical central body, and so on. It is thus said to be a solution of a special case of the two-body problem, known as the Kepler problem. As a theory in classical mechanics, it also does not take into account the effects of general relativity. Keplerian orbits can be parametrized into six orbital elements in various ways.
In differential geometry, the radius of curvature, R, is the reciprocal of the curvature. For a curve, it equals the radius of the circular arc which best approximates the curve at that point. For surfaces, the radius of curvature is the radius of a circle that best fits a normal section or combinations thereof.
A gyrovector space is a mathematical concept proposed by Abraham A. Ungar for studying hyperbolic geometry in analogy to the way vector spaces are used in Euclidean geometry. Ungar introduced the concept of gyrovectors that have addition based on gyrogroups instead of vectors which have addition based on groups. Ungar developed his concept as a tool for the formulation of special relativity as an alternative to the use of Lorentz transformations to represent compositions of velocities. This is achieved by introducing "gyro operators"; two 3d velocity vectors are used to construct an operator, which acts on another 3d velocity.
In hyperbolic geometry, the "law of cosines" is a pair of theorems relating the sides and angles of triangles on a hyperbolic plane, analogous to the planar law of cosines from plane trigonometry, or the spherical law of cosines in spherical trigonometry. It can also be related to the relativistic velocity addition formula.
In theoretical physics, the composition of two non-collinear Lorentz boosts results in a Lorentz transformation that is not a pure boost but is the composition of a boost and a rotation. This rotation is called Thomas rotation, Thomas–Wigner rotation or Wigner rotation. If a sequence of non-collinear boosts returns an object to its initial velocity, then the sequence of Wigner rotations can combine to produce a net rotation called the Thomas precession.
In physics, the Maxwell–Jüttner distribution, sometimes called Jüttner–Synge distribution, is the distribution of speeds of particles in a hypothetical gas of relativistic particles. Similar to the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution, the Maxwell–Jüttner distribution considers a classical ideal gas where the particles are dilute and do not significantly interact with each other. The distinction from Maxwell–Boltzmann's case is that effects of special relativity are taken into account. In the limit of low temperatures much less than , this distribution becomes identical to the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution.
A proper reference frame in the theory of relativity is a particular form of accelerated reference frame, that is, a reference frame in which an accelerated observer can be considered as being at rest. It can describe phenomena in curved spacetime, as well as in "flat" Minkowski spacetime in which the spacetime curvature caused by the energy–momentum tensor can be disregarded. Since this article considers only flat spacetime—and uses the definition that special relativity is the theory of flat spacetime while general relativity is a theory of gravitation in terms of curved spacetime—it is consequently concerned with accelerated frames in special relativity.
Galilei, G. (2001) [1632]. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems[Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo]. Stillman Drake (Editor, Translator), Stephen Jay Gould (Editor), J. L. Heilbron (Introduction), Albert Einstein (Foreword). Modern Library. ISBN978-0-375-75766-2.
Galilei, G. (1954) [1638]. Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences[Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze]. Henry Crew, Alfonso de Salvio (Translators). ISBN978-1-4209-3815-9.
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