1881 Brazilian parliamentary election

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1881 Brazilian parliamentary election
Flag of Empire of Brazil (1822-1870).svg
31 October 1881 (1881-10-31) 1884  

122 members of the Chamber of Deputies
 First partySecond party
Party Liberal Conservative
Seats won7448

Parliamentary elections were held in the Empire of Brazil on 31 October 1881 to elect members of the 18th legislature of the Chamber of Deputies. These were the first direct elections held in the country after the Saraiva Law was enacted (Law No. 3,029 of 9 January 1881). [1] The Liberal Party won 74 seats while the Conservative Party won 48. [2] The chamber was later dissolved on 3 September 1884. [1]



On 15 December 1875 emperor Pedro II of Brazil called the liberal João Lins Cansanção, the Viscount of Sinimbu, to head a new cabinet with the goal of establishing direct voting in the country. [3] The expected reform was amidst the country's electoral, military, religious, and slavery crises. [4] Sinimbu's bill proposed raising the minimum yearly income threshold to vote from 200 to 400 thousand réis and also prohibiting illiterates to vote. The bill, a constitutional reform, was approved in the Chamber of Deputies on 9 June 1879, but was rejected in the Senate on 12 November, and thus Sinimbu's cabinet fell. [5] The new prime minister who followed, also a liberal, José Antônio Saraiva, took over on 28 March 1880 and managed to approve his own bill, the Saraiva Law, on 9 January 1881. [6] The law introduced direct voting in the country, but prohibited the illiterate to vote, and so the number of electors in the country fell from over a million, or about 13% of the country's free adult population, to just over 100,000, less than 1% of the same group. [7]


Empire of Brazil Parliament 1881.svg
Liberal Party 74
Conservative Party 48
Source: Câmara dos Deputados [1]

Results by province

Province or neutral municipalityDistrictsLiberalsConservativesElected votesTotal votes
Alagoas 5411,8133,343
Amazonas 211399664
Bahia 141138,32214,449
Ceará 8533,5926,777
Espírito Santo 227391,426
Goiás 221,0102,256
Maranhão 6422,2023,747
Mato Grosso 226761,230
Minas Gerais 2014610,64117,912
Neutral Municipality and Rio de Janeiro 122107,65213,916
Pará 332,3214,304
Paraíba 5231,6913,067
Paraná 221,0931,775
Pernambuco 13585,3449,757
Piauí 331,7452,894
Rio Grande do Norte 2111,3242,423
Rio Grande do Sul 665,60710,313
Santa Catarina 2111,1272,243
São Paulo 9635,76511,126
Sergipe 4131,5642,649
Source: Câmara dos Deputados [2]

Elected members by province


1stTomás do Bonfim EspindolaLiberal455
2ndManuel Joaquim de Mendonça Castelo BrancoConservative347
3rdFrancisco Ildefonso Ribeiro de MenezesLiberal276
4thLourenço Cavalcanti de AlbuquerqueLiberal339
5thTeófilo Fernandes dos SantosLiberal396
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 374


1stAntônio dos Passos MirandaConservative110
2ndAdriano Xavier de Olivera PimentelLiberal289
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 373


1stJoaquim Elísio Pereira MarinhoConservative763
2nd Ruy Barbosa Liberal443
3rdFrancisco Prisco de Sousa ParaísoLiberal688
4thFrancisco Maria Sodré PereiraLiberal649
5thIldefonso José de AraújoLiberal631
6thAntônio Carneiro da RochaLiberal853
7thJoão Ferreira de Araújo PinhoConservative667
8thJoão Ferreira de MouraLiberal527
9thRodolfo Epifanio de Sousa DantasLiberal523
10thAristides Cesar Spinola ZamaLiberal629
11thAntônio Rodrigues LimaLiberal660
12thJuvencio Alves de SousaLiberal607
13thAristides de Sousa SpinolaLiberal241
14thFrancisco Bonifácio de AbreuConservative441
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 375


1stMeton da Franca AlencarLiberal560
2ndAntônio Pinto de MendonçaConservative522
3rdJosé Pompeu de Albuquerque CavalcantiLiberal483
4thAntônio Joaquim Rodrigues JuniorLiberal417
5thPaulino Franklin do AmaralConservative413
6thLeandro de Chaves Mello RatisbonaLiberal410
7thTomás Pompeu de Sousa BrasilLiberal368
8thAlvaro Caminha Tavares da SilvaConservative391
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 373

Espírito Santo

1stDaniel Accioli de AzevedoLiberal381
2ndLeopoldo Augusto Deocleciano de Mello e CunhaLiberal358
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 375


1stAndré Augusto de Padua FleuryLiberal332
2ndJosé Leopoldo de Bulhões JardimLiberal678
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 377


1stJosé da Silva MaiaConservative599
2ndFelippe Franco de SáLiberal334
3rdAugusto Olympio Gomes de CastroConservative476
4thSalustiano Ferreira de Moraes RegoLiberal205
5thSinval Odorico de MouraLiberal264
6thJosé Vianna VazLiberal321
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 373

Mato Grosso

1stAntônio Gonçalves de CarvalhoLiberal277
2ndAugusto César de Pádua FleuryLiberal399
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 377

Minas Gerais

1stCarlos Afonso de Assis FigueiredoLiberal460
2ndCandido Luiz Maria de OliveiraLiberal472
3rd Afonso Augusto Moreira Pena Liberal499
4thIgnacio Antônio de Assis MartinsLiberal544
5th Martinho Álvares da Silva Campos Liberal481
6thFrancisco Ignacio de Carvalho RezendeConservative700
7thJosé Rodrigues de Lima DuarteLiberal678
8thCarlos Vaz de MeloLiberal613
9thJosé de Resende MonteiroConservative753
10thJoão Nogueira PenidoLiberal587
11thJosé Manoel Pereira CabralConservative705
12th Francisco Silviano de Almeida Brandão Liberal750
13thOlympio Oscar de Vilhena ValadãoConservative703
14thManoel José SoaresConservative561
15thJoão Caetano de Oliveira e SousaConservative403
16thEduardo Augusto MontandonLiberal364
17thJoão da Matta MachadoLiberal326
18thJoaquim Vieira de AndradeLiberal296
19thAntônio Felicio dos SantosLiberal254
20th Afonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo Junior Liberal449
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 377

Neutral Municipality and Rio de Janeiro

1stLuiz Joaquim Duque Estrada TeixeiraConservative958
2ndJoaquim Antônio Fernandes de OliveiraConservative757
3rdAdolfo Bezerra de MenezesLiberal859
4thPaulino José Soares de SousaConservative802
5thFrancisco Belisario Soares de SousaConservative550
6thManoel Rodrigues PeixotoLiberal647
7thJoão de Almeida PereiraConservative621
8thAlfredo Rodrigues Fernandes ChavesConservative397
9thJoão Manoel Pereira da SilvaConservative546
10thManoel Peixoto de Lacerda WerneckConservative484
11thDomingos de Andrade FigueiraConservative581
12thAntônio Ferreira ViannaConservative450
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 375


1stJosé Ferreira CantãoConservative1,008
2ndGuilherme Francisco da CruzConservative588
3rd Samuel Wallace MacDowell Conservative725
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 373


1stAnisio Salathiel Carneiro da CunhaConservative456
2ndManoel Tertuliano Tomás HenriqueConservative316
3rdJosé Evaristo da Cruz GouveiaConservative265
4thManoel Carlos de GouveiaLiberal299
5thAntônio Alves de Sousa CarvalhoLiberal355
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 374


1stGeneroso Marques dos SantosLiberal492
2ndManoel Alves de AraújoLiberal601
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 376


1stManoel do Nascimento Machado PortellaConservative725
2ndJosé Mariano Carneiro da CunhaLiberal715
3rdManoel da Trindade PerettiConservative395
4thJoaquim Tavares de Mello BarretoLiberal302
5thFrancisco do Rego Barros de LacerdaConservative331
6thHenrique Marques de Holanda CavalcantiConservative304
7thIgnacio Joaquim de Sousa LeãoConservative362
8thFrancisco de Caldas LinsConservative480
9thJosé Bernardo Galvão Alcoforado JuniorConservative237
10thUlysses Machado Pereira ViannaLiberal313
11thFrancisco Seraphico de Assis CarvalhoLiberal275
12thAntônio Gonçalves FerreiraConservative328
13thAntônio Manoel de Siqueira CavalcantiLiberal531
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 374


1stCandido Gil Castelo BrancoLiberal544
2ndJosé Basson de Miranda OsórioLiberal405
3rdFranklin Américo de Menezes DóriaLiberal796
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 373

Rio Grande do Norte

1stAmaro Carneiro Bezerra CavalcantiLiberal521
2ndTarquínio Bráulio de Sousa AmarantoConservative803
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 374

Rio Grande do Sul

1stAntônio Eleutério de CamargoLiberal1,319
2ndAntônio Antunes RibasLiberal711
3rdHenrique Francisco de ÁvilaLiberal758
4thFrancisco Antunes MacielLiberal947
5thJosé Francisco DianaLiberal1,085
6thFelisberto Pereira da SilvaLiberal807
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 376

Santa Catarina

1st Alfredo de Escragnolle Taunay Conservative648
2ndManoel da Silva MafraLiberal479
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 376

São Paulo

1stLaurindo Abelardo de BritoLiberal656
2ndAntônio Moreira de BarrosLiberal676
3rdJosé Luiz de Almeida NogueiraConservative789
4thBento Francisco de Paula e SousaLiberal551
5thMartim Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada FilhoLiberal575
6thMartim Francisco Ribeiro de AndradeLiberal351
7thFrancisco Antônio de Sousa Queiroz FilhoLiberal667
8thAntônio da Costa Pinto e SilvaConservative572
9thAntônio Pinheiro de Ulhôa CintraConservative748
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 376


1stGraciliano Arístides do Prado PimentelLiberal519
2ndAntônio Dias Coelho e MeloLiberal393
3rdGeminiano Brasil de Oliveira GóisConservative273
4thJosé Luiz Coelho e CamposConservative379
Source: Câmara dos Deputados 1889 , p. 374




  • Câmara dos Deputados (1889). Organisações e programmas ministeriaes desde 1822 a 1889: notas explicativas sobre moções de confiança, com alguns dos mais importantes Decretos e Leis, resumo historico sobre a discussão do Acto Addicional, Lei de Interpretação, Codigo Criminal, do Processo e Commercial, lei de terras, etc., etc., com varios esclarecimentos e quadros estatisticos (in Portuguese). Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Nacioanal.
  • Ferraro, Alceu Ravanello (2013). "Educação, classe, gênero e voto no Brasil imperial: Lei Saraiva - 1881". Educar em Revista (in Portuguese): 181–206. doi:10.1590/S0104-40602013000400012. hdl: 10183/112030 . ISSN   0104-4060.