1930 Liechtenstein local elections

Last updated
1930 Liechtenstein local elections
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
 192726 January 1930 1933  

Local elections were held in Liechtenstein on 26 January 1930 to elect the municipal councils and the mayors of the eleven municipalities. [1]




Progressive Citizens' Party 9
Christian-Social People's Party 2
Source: Liechtensteiner Nachrichten

By municipality

MunicipalityPartyElected mayor
Balzers Christian-Social People's Party Basil Vogt
Eschen Progressive Citizens' Party Josef Marxer
Gamprin Progressive Citizens' Party Wilhelm Näscher
Mauren Progressive Citizens' Party David Bühler
Planken Progressive Citizens' Party Ferdinand Beck
Ruggell Progressive Citizens' Party Franz Xaver Hoop
Schaan Progressive Citizens' Party Ferdinand Risch
Schellenberg Christian-Social People's Party Adolf Goop
Triesen Progressive Citizens' Party Adolf Frommelt
Triesenberg Progressive Citizens' Party Heinrich Beck
Vaduz Progressive Citizens' Party Bernhard Risch
Source: Liechtensteiner Nachrichten


  1. "Ergenbis der Gemeindewahlen 26 January 1930". Liechtensteiner Nachrichten (in German). 28 January 1930. pp. 1–2. Retrieved 27 January 2025.