2024 Liechtenstein referendums

Last updated

2024 Liechtenstein referendums
Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
21 January referendums
Mandatory photovoltaic panels
Proposal rejected
Reform of energy efficiency standards
Proposal rejected
Electronic health records opt-in
Proposal rejected
25 February referendum
Direct election of the members of government
Proposal rejected
16 June referendum
Building of a new state hospital
Proposal accepted
22 September referendum
Joining the IMF
Proposal accepted
27 October referendum
Privatizing Radio Liechtenstein
Proposal accepted
1 December referendum
State pension scheme
Proposal accepted

2024 Liechtenstein mandatory photovoltaic panels referendum.png
2024 Liechtenstein reform of energy efficiency standards referendum.png
Liechtenstein Health Record Referendum.png
Liechtenstein February 2024 Referendum.png
2024 Liechtenstein hospital referendum.png
2024 Liechtenstein IMF referendum.png
Liechtenstein October 2024 Referendum.png
Liechtenstein December 2024 Referendum.png
Results by municipality
Yes      50–60%     60–70%     70–80%     80–90%
No      50–60%     60–70%     70–80%     80–90%

Eight referendums have been held in Liechtenstein in 2024.


On 21 January 2024 voters were asked three questions: On introducing an obligation to install photovoltaic panels on non-residential buildings, on the reform of the energy standards in the building sector aimed at emulating those applied in Switzerland since 2014 and in the EU since 2010, as well as on stopping the automatic sending of electronic health records to health insurance beneficiaries. [1] [2] All three proposals were rejected by voters. [3] [4]

In addition, another referendum was held on 25 February 2024 with a question regarding direct elections of members of the government. [5] [6] The proposal was also rejected by voters. [7] One further referendum was held on 16 June 2024 regarding the building of a new state hospital in Liechtenstein. [8] The proposal was accepted by voters. [9] Another referendum was held on 22 September 2024 regarding accession to the International Monetary Fund. [10] The proposal was accepted by voters. [11] Another referendum was held on 27 October 2024 regarding the privatization of Radio Liechtenstein. [12] The proposal was accepted by voters. [13]

Topics and results

21 January 2024

Mandatory photovoltaic panels on non-residential buildings

Ballot used Bulletin de vote referendum Liechtenstein 2024a.png
Ballot used
Mandatory photovoltaic panels on non-residential buildings
ChoiceVotes %
Light brown x.svg No9,35066.95
Valid votes13,96599.42
Invalid or blank votes810.58
Total votes14,046100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,95067.05
Source: amtsblatt

Reform of energy efficiency standards

Ballot used Bulletin de vote referendum Liechtenstein 2024b.png
Ballot used
Valid votes13,94099.26
Invalid votes910.65
Blank votes130.09
Total votes14,044100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,95067.04
Source: amtsblatt

Electronic health records opt-in

Since 2023, all Liechtensteiner residents with health insurance receive an electronic health record, which contains medical history and treatments. [14] The creation of a file containing personal health information regardless of a consent of the patient faced criticism. [15]

In response, a signature campaign was launched by politicians of the Democrats for Liechtenstein to form a popular initiative. [15] The aim was to change the creation of the electronic health record from automatic to only created for those who specifically consent to its creation, with it receiving 1,828 valid signatures. The Landtag of Liechtenstein rejected the proposal by a vote of 5 for and 20 against on 3 November 2023, thus making it a subject for referendum. [14] The government called for the proposal to be rejected by voters. [16]

Ballot used Bulletin de vote referendum Liechtenstein 2024c.png
Ballot used
Valid votes13,87799.17
Invalid votes1050.75
Blank votes110.08
Total votes13,993100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,95066.79
Source: amtsblatt

25 February 2024

Direct election of the members of government

Under the constitution of Liechtenstein, the Prime Minister of Liechtenstein and government is appointed by the sovereign prince of Liechtenstein in conjunction with the Landtag of Liechtenstein and is to command the confidence of both the prince and Landtag. [17]

On 27 June 2023 the Democrats for Liechtenstein proposed a popular initiative for the constitution to be amended to change the election of Prime Minister and government to be elected then is given to the Landtag as a proposal, which is then voted for in secret ballots. If the parties with the highest number of votes enter into a coalition agreement following the election, then five of the six nominated candidates will form the future government. If no coalition agreement is reached, the party with the highest vote must nominate two additional government ministers who are not already a member. [18]

The initiative received 1,994 valid signatures and was rejected by the Landtag by the vote of 3 for and 22 against on 5 December 2023, thus making it as a subject for referendum. [19] The Patriotic Union came out against the proposal. [20]

Ballot used Bulletin de vote referendum Liechtenstein 2024d.jpg
Ballot used
Valid votes13,68999.39
Invalid votes570.41
Blank votes270.20
Total votes13,773100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,96465.70
Source: sudd.ch

16 June 2024

Building of a new state hospital

A fifth referendum on the building of a new state hospital took place on 16 June 2024 that asked voters regarding the provision of 6 million Swiss francs towards the building of a new state hospital in Liechtenstein. [8] The initiative received 1,692 valid signatures on 12 April 2024, thus making it a subject for referendum. [21] The proposal was accepted by voters. [9]

Ballot used Bulletin de vote referendum Liechtenstein 2024e.jpg
Ballot used
Valid votes13,82099.47
Invalid votes600.43
Blank votes140.10
Total votes13,894100.00
Registered voters/turnout21,01866.11
Source: amtsblatt

22 September

Accession to the International Monetary Fund

A sixth referendum took take place on 22 September 2024 regarding Liechtenstein's accession to the International Monetary Fund. [10] The accession received 2,743 valid signatures against it on 21 June 2024, thus making it a subject for referendum. [22] The initiative was supported by Alois, Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein and prime minister Daniel Risch. [23] [24] The proposal was accepted by voters. [11]

Ballot used Bulletin de vote referendum Liechtenstein 2024f.jpg
Ballot used
Valid votes12,40198.92
Invalid votes1190.95
Blank votes160.13
Total votes12,536100.00
Registered voters/turnout21,11459.37
Source: amtsblatt

27 October

Privatization of Radio Liechtenstein

A seventh referendum took place on 27 October 2024 regarding the privatization of Radio Liechtenstein, the state broadcasting radio station of Liechtenstein. [12] The initiative was spearheaded by the Democrats for Liechtenstein and received 1,729 valid signatures in favour of the privatisation on 2 August 2024. [25] The Landtag rejected the proposal on 4 September, thus making it a subject for referendum. [26] The proposal was supported by the Patriotic Union, but opposed by the Progressive Citizens' Party. [27] The proposal was accepted by voters. [13]

Ballot used Bulletin de vote referendum Liechtenstein 2024g.jpg
Ballot used
Valid votes12,24399.21
Invalid votes720.58
Blank votes250.20
Total votes12,340100.00
Registered voters/turnout21,11858.43
Source: amtsblatt

1 December

State pension fund

An eighth referendum took place on 1 December 2024 regarding a package of measures proposed by the Liechtenstein Employee Pension Foundation (SPL), directed at a state pension fund. The proposal received 1,962 valid signatures on 11 October 2024, thus making it subject for referendum. [28] The proposal was accepted by voters.

Valid votes12,50099.33
Invalid votes690.55
Blank votes150.12
Total votes12,584100.00
Registered voters/turnout21,13559.54
Source: abstimmungen


  1. "Koalition Energiezukunft wirbt für ein zweifaches Ja am 21. Januar". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 13 November 2023. Retrieved 3 December 2023.
  2. "Abstimmung über elektronisches Gesundheitsdossier am 21. Januar 2024". www.llv.li (in German). Retrieved 2023-12-15.
  3. "So hat Ihre Gemeinde abgestimmt". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 21 January 2024. Retrieved 21 January 2024.
  4. "Abstimmungssonntag 21. Januar 2024". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 21 January 2024. Retrieved 21 January 2024.
  5. "Abstimmung über das Initiativbegehren "Einbezug des Volkes bei der Bestellung der Regierung" am 25. Februar 2024". www.llv.li (in German). Retrieved 2023-12-31.
  6. "Volkswahl der Regierung: Tag der Abstimmung steht fest". liwelt.li. Archived from the original on 2023-12-31. Retrieved 2023-12-31.
  7. "Abstimmung über die «Volkswahl der Regierung» (25.2.2024)". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 25 February 2024. Retrieved 25 February 2024.
  8. 1 2 "Spitalabstimmung findet am 16. Juni statt" . Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 19 April 2024. Retrieved 26 April 2024.
  9. 1 2 "Abstimmung Ergänzungskredit Neubau Landesspital (16.6.2024)". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 16 June 2024. Retrieved 16 June 2024.
  10. 1 2 "IWF-Abstimmung findet am 22. September statt" . Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 5 July 2024. Retrieved 5 July 2024.
  11. 1 2 "Liechtenstein tritt dem IWF bei". www.radio.li (in German). 2024-09-22. Retrieved 2024-09-22.
  12. 1 2 "Am 27. Oktober entscheidet das Stimmvolk über Radio L". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 6 September 2024. Retrieved 22 September 2024.
  13. 1 2 "Abstimmung über die Privatisierung von Radio L, 27.10.2024". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 27 October 2024. Retrieved 27 October 2024.
  14. 1 2 "Liechtenstein, 21. Januar 2024 : Zustimmungslösung für das elektronische Gesundheitsdossier". Base de données et moteur de recherche pour la démocratie directe (in French). 2024-01-21. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  15. 1 2 Meier, Gregor (14 September 2023). "eGD-Gesetzesinitiative – Unterschriftensammlung beginnt". Landesspiegel (in German). Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  16. regierung.li. "Das sind die Vorteile des elektronischen Gesundheitsdossiers und des aktuellen EGDG" (in German). Retrieved 23 December 2023..
  17. "CONSTITUTION OF THE PRINCIPALITY OF LIECHTENSTEIN". EUROPEAN COMMISSION FOR DEMOCRACY THROUGH LAW (VENICE COMMISSION). Strasbourg. 27 November 2002 [5 October 1921]. pp. 22–23. Archived from the original on 11 February 2022. Retrieved 15 February 2024.
  18. "Verfassungsinitiative angemeldet". DPL - Demokraten pro Liechtenstein (in German). 27 June 2023. Retrieved 19 February 2024.
  19. "Liechtenstein, 25. Februar 2024 : Einbezug des Volkes bei der Bestellung der Regierung". Base de données et moteur de recherche pour la démocratie directe (in French). 2024-02-25. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  20. "VU-Parteivorstand beschliesst einstimmig die Nein-Parole". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 22 January 2024.
  21. "Landesspital-Neubau: Es wird ein drittes Mal abgestimmt" [New state hospital building will be voted on for a third time]. Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 12 April 2024. Retrieved 13 April 2024.
  22. Quaderer, Elias (21 June 2024). "2743 Unterschriften gegen den IWF-Beitritt eingereicht" . Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). Retrieved 5 July 2024.
  23. Fritz, Daniela (15 August 2024). ""Dem IWF sollten wir auf alle Fälle noch beitreten"". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). Retrieved 18 August 2024.
  24. Schädler, Patrik (23 August 2024). "Regierungschef Risch fordert den Abgeordneten Kaiser auf, bei den Fakten zu bleiben". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). Retrieved 14 September 2024.
  25. "DpL übergeben 1729 Unterschriften" . Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 2 August 2024. Retrieved 22 September 2024.
  26. Sele, David (4 September 2024). "Landtag lehnt Privatisierung von Radio L ab". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). Retrieved 22 September 2024.
  27. "Radio-Abstimmung: VU-Parteivorstand beschliesst Ja-Parole". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 7 October 2024. Retrieved 27 October 2024.
  28. "Liechtenstein stimmt dieses Jahr noch ein achtes Mal ab". Liechtensteiner Vaterland (in German). 11 October 2024. Retrieved 12 October 2024.