Lucía Corpacci wins the elections for governor of Catamarca.
The elections for governor of Chubut end in a technical tie; the candidate Carlos Eliceche denounced electoral fraud. Mario Das Neves, governor of Chubut, declines his candidature to the 2011 presidential elections.
The judiciary of Suiza requests information about truck union leader Hugo Moyano. Moyano calls for a massive strike.
Mauricio Macri declines his candidature to run for the presidency of Argentina, running instead for reelection as mayor of Buenos Aires.
Cristina Fernández choose Daniel Filmus to run for mayor of Buenos Aires.
A show of the rock band La Renga ends with a death caused by pyrotechnic flare.
River Plate lost a two-ledged match against Belgrano, being relegated to the National B tournament. The second match ends with a massive riot at the Monumental.
Mauricio Macri runs for reelection as mayor of Buenos Aires, getting nearly 47% of the vote. The results call for a runoff election against Daniel Filmus, the second candidate, who got the 27% of the vote.
Socialist Antonio Bonfatti becomes governor of Santa Fe. Miguel del Sel gets an unexpected second place in the election, leaving the kirchnerist candidate Agustín Rossi in the third place.
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