2015 in bryozoan paleontology

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List of years in paleontology (table)
In science

Paleontology or palaeontology is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils . [1] This includes the study of body fossils, tracks ( ichnites ), burrows , cast-off parts, fossilised feces ( coprolites ), palynomorphs and chemical residues . Because humans have encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science . This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 2015.


Acantholunaria [2]

Gen. et sp. nov


Ernst, Munnecke & Oswald

Silurian (early Wenlock)

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

A cystoporate bryozoan. The type species is Acantholunaria expansa.

Adeonellopsis incompta [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An adeonid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Adeonellopsis .

Amphiblestrum paleogenicum [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A calloporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Amphiblestrum .

Amplexopora crassiparietum [5]

Sp. nov


Ernst & Nakrem

Silurian (Wenlock)

Steinsfjorden Formation

Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

An amplexoporid trepostome bryozoan, a species of Amplexopora .

Amplexopora evae [5]

Sp. nov


Ernst & Nakrem

Silurian (Wenlock)

Steinsfjorden Formation

Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

An amplexoporid trepostome bryozoan, a species of Amplexopora .

Andreella dubia [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A microporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Andreella .

Anaphragma undulata [6]

Sp. nov


Jiménez-Sánchez, Vennin & Villas

Ordovician (late Katian)

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A trepostomate bryozoan, a species of Anaphragma .

Aostipora elongata [7]

Sp. nov


Jiménez-Sánchez in Jiménez-Sánchez, Villas & Vennin

Ordovician (late Katian)

Khabt-el-Hajar Formation

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A trepostomate bryozoan, a species of Aostipora .

Arachnopusia dimorpha [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An arachnopusiid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Arachnopusia .

Arthropoma renipora [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A lacernid schizoporelloid bryozoan, a species of Arthropoma .

Aspidostoma clava [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An aspidostomatid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Aspidostoma .

Aspidostoma gelasinus [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An aspidostomatid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Aspidostoma .

Aspidostoma twinn [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An aspidostomatid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Aspidostoma .

Atactoporella moroccoensis [6]

Sp. nov


Jiménez-Sánchez, Vennin & Villas

Ordovician (late Katian)

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A trepostomate bryozoan, a species of Atactoporella .

Baculopora redondensis [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A member of Fenestrata belonging to the family Acanthocladiidae; a species of Baculopora .

Bryopesanser bragai [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian to Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

An escharinid schizoporelloid bryozoan, a species of Bryopesanser .

Bryopesanser sanfilippoae [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (Burdigalian-Langhian boundary to Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

An escharinid schizoporelloid bryozoan, a species of Bryopesanser .

Buffonellaria sagittaria [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A celleporid celleporoid bryozoan, a species of Buffonellaria .

Caberoides gordoni [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A catenicellid bryozoan, a species of Caberoides .

Cavernella asturica [10]

Sp. nov


Suárez Andrés & Ernst


Moniello Formation

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

A member of the family Fenestellidae.

Celiopsis [11]

Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Zágoršek, Gordon & Vávra

Eocene to Oligocene

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

A chlidoniopsid cheilostome bryozoan. The type species is Celiopsis vici; genus also contains "Crisidia" vindobonensis Reuss (1847) and "Chlidoniopsis" vavrai Zágoršek (2003).

Cellaria bicuspidata [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A cellariid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Cellaria .

Cellaria gigas [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A cellariid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Cellaria .

Cellaria inarticulata [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A cellariid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Cellaria .

Cellaria palatum [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A cellariid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Cellaria .

Chaperiopsis cookae [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A chaperiid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Chaperiopsis .

Chataimulosia revelator [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A lepraliellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Chataimulosia .

Cladobryopastor [3]

Gen. et sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A bryopastorid cheilostome bryozoan. The type species is Cladobryopastor philipi.

Conopeum stamenocelloides [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A cheilostome bryozoan. Originally described as a species of Conopeum ; Dick, Sakamoto & Komatsu (2018) transferred this species to the genus Kenocharixa. [12]

Curvipora [2]

Gen. et sp. nov


Ernst, Munnecke & Oswald

Silurian (early Wenlock)

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

A cystoporate bryozoan. The type species is Curvipora monostylata.

Cyphotrypa regularis [7]

Sp. nov


Jiménez-Sánchez in Jiménez-Sánchez, Villas & Vennin

Ordovician (late Katian)

Khabt-el-Hajar Formation

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A trepostomate bryozoan, a species of Cyphotrypa .

Cystodictya gallensis [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A cystoporate bryozoan belonging to the family Cystodictyonidae; a species of Cystodictya .

Dactylostega spiralis [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A foveolariid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Dactylostega .

Diedropora [3]

Gen. et sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An adeonoid cheilostome bryozoan. The type species is Diedropora gravabilis.

Dybowskiella piriforme [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A cystoporate bryozoan belonging to the family Fistuliporidae; a species of Dybowskiella .

Dybowskiella rotunda [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A cystoporate bryozoan belonging to the family Fistuliporidae; a species of Dybowskiella .

Dyscritella ornata [13]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova, Ernst & Poty

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Namur-Dinant Basin

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Dyscritella perforata [14]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova et al.

Devonian (latest Famennian)

Comblain-au-Pont Formation

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

A dyscritellid trepostome bryozoan, a species of Dyscritella .

Eridopora suarezi [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A cystoporate bryozoan belonging to the family Fistuliporidae; a species of Eridopora .

Exechonella chathamensis [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An exechonellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Exechonella .

Exochella abigailae [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A romancheinid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Exochella .

Exochella linearis [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A romancheinid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Exochella .

Exochella reidae [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A romancheinid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Exochella .

Exochella woodae [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A romancheinid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Exochella .

Fabifenestella macrofenestrata [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A member of Fenestrata belonging to the family Fenestellidae; a species of Fabifenestella .

?Filaguria kalimantanensis [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A cribrilinid bryozoan, possibly a species of Filaguria .

Fistulipora tolokonnikovae [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A cystoporate bryozoan belonging to the family Fistuliporidae; a species of Fistulipora .

Floridina elegans [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An onychocellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Floridina .

Gephyrotes moissettei [15]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Rosso

Miocene (Tortonian)

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

A member of Ascophora belonging to the family Cribrilinidae.

Gigantopora milenae [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A gigantoporid schizoporelloid bryozoan, a species of Gigantopora .

Gigantopora grandis [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A gigantoporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Gigantopora .

Gigantopora modesta [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A gigantoporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Gigantopora .

Gorjunopora [9]

Gen. et sp. et comb. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A member of Fenestrata belonging to the family Acanthocladiidae. The type species is Gorjunopora gallica; genus also includes Gorjunopora triangulata (Schulga-Nesterenko, 1955).

Hemicyclopora dissidens [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A romancheinid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Hemicyclopora .

Hemicyclopora ventricosa [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A romancheinid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Hemicyclopora .

Heminematopora gaetula [16]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Jiménez-Sánchez & Baidder

Ordovician (Katian)

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A species of Heminematopora .

Hemitrypa adversa [10]

Sp. nov


Suárez Andrés & Ernst


Moniello Formation

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

A member of the family Fenestellidae.

Hemitrypa terentei [10]

Sp. nov


Suárez Andrés & Ernst


Moniello Formation

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

A member of the family Fenestellidae.

Heteropora scholzi [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A cerioporid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Heteropora .

Heterotrypa ringerikense [5]

Sp. nov


Ernst & Nakrem

Silurian (Wenlock)

Steinsfjorden Formation

Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

A heterotrypid trepostome bryozoan, a species of Heterotrypa .

?Hippomenella devatasae [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A romancheinid lepralielloid bryozoan, possibly a species of Hippomenella .

?Hippomenella uniserialis [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A romancheinid lepralielloid bryozoan, possibly a species of Hippomenella .

Hippopleurifera barbosae [17]

Sp. nov


Ramalho et al.


Pirabas Formation

Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil

A cheilostome bryozoan belonging to the superfamily Lepralielloidea and the family Romancheneidae, a species of Hippopleurifera .

Hippopleurifera confusa [17]

Sp. nov


Ramalho et al.


Pirabas Formation

Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil

A cheilostome bryozoan belonging to the superfamily Lepralielloidea and the family Romancheneidae, a species of Hippopleurifera .

Hippopodina indicata [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian to Langhian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A hippopodinid schizoporelloid bryozoan, a species of Hippopodina .

Hyporosopora nana [18]

Sp. nov


Wilson, Bosch & Taylor

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Matmor Formation

Flag of Israel.svg  Israel

A plagioeciid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Hyporosopora .

Hyporosopora negevensis [18]

Sp. nov


Wilson, Bosch & Taylor

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Matmor Formation

Flag of Israel.svg  Israel

A plagioeciid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Hyporosopora .

Idmonea snehi [18]

Sp. nov


Wilson, Bosch & Taylor

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Matmor Formation

Flag of Israel.svg  Israel

A multisparsid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Idmonea .

Illusiopora [3]

Gen. et 2 sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A schizoporelloid cheilostome bryozoan. The type species is Illusiopora bifax; genus also contains Illusiopora recta.

Isostylus veserensis [19]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Tolokonnikova & Denayer

Devonian (late Frasnian)

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

A species of Isostylus .

Lacerna ordinaria [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A lacernid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Lacerna .

Lagenipora sciutoi [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A celleporid celleporoid bryozoan, a species of Lagenipora .

Lenapora gurievensis [20]

Sp. nov




Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A rhabdomesid bryozoan, a species of Lenapora .

Leptotrypa enodis [2]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Munnecke & Oswald

Silurian (early Wenlock)

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

A trepostome bryozoan, a species of Leptotrypa .

Leptotrypa hexagona [13]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova, Ernst & Poty

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Namur-Dinant Basin

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Leptotrypa perforata [2]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Munnecke & Oswald

Silurian (early Wenlock)

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

A trepostome bryozoan, a species of Leptotrypa .

Macrocamera obesa [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An eminooeciid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Macrocamera .

Margaretta amitabhae [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (Burdigalian-Langhian boundary to Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A margarettid schizoporelloid bryozoan, a species of Margaretta .

Marssonopora connexa [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A calloporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Marssonopora .

Mediaporina kiaeri [5]

Sp. nov


Ernst & Nakrem

Silurian (Wenlock)

Steinsfjorden Formation

Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

An arthrostylid cryptostome bryozoan, a species of Mediaporina .

Megacanthopora enodata [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A member of Cryptostomata belonging to the family Rhomboporidae; a species of Megacanthopora .

Melychocella bilamellata [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An aspidostomatid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Melychocella .

Melychocella obliqua [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An aspidostomatid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Melychocella .

Mesenteripora jamesi [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A plagioeciid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Mesenteripora .

Microeciella yoavi [18]

Sp. nov


Wilson, Bosch & Taylor

Middle Jurassic (Callovian)

Matmor Formation

Flag of Israel.svg  Israel

An oncousoeciid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Microeciella .

Micropora chathamica [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A microporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Micropora .

Monticulipora globulata [6]

Sp. nov


Jiménez-Sánchez, Vennin & Villas

Ordovician (late Katian)

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A trepostomate bryozoan, a species of Monticulipora .

Monticulipora irregularis [6]

Sp. nov


Jiménez-Sánchez, Vennin & Villas

Ordovician (late Katian)

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A trepostomate bryozoan, a species of Monticulipora .

Moyanopora [3]

Gen. et sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An arachnopusiid cheilostome bryozoan. The type species is Moyanopora hugoi.

Multescharellina pisiformis [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A lepraliellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Multescharellina .

Myriapora sciutoi [21]

Sp. nov


Rosso & Di Martino

Miocene (Tortonian and Messinian) to Pleistocene (Gelasian)

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A member of Neocheilostomina belonging to the family Myriaporidae; a species of Myriapora .

Nematopora rara [20]

Sp. nov




Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A rhabdomesid bryozoan, a species of Nematopora .

Nikiforovastylus [14]

Gen. et sp. nov


Tolokonnikova et al.

Devonian (latest Famennian)

Comblain-au-Pont Formation

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

A nikiforovellid cryptostome bryozoan. The type species is Nikiforovastylus ourthensis.

Nikiforovella dinantia [14]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova et al.

Devonian (latest Famennian)

Comblain-au-Pont Formation

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

A nikiforovellid cryptostome bryozoan, a species of Nikiforovella .

Nikiforovella tobolensis [22]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Ogiva ellinorvoigtae [23]

Sp. nov

Valid [24]

Martha et al.

Cretaceous (middle Santonian)

Gehrden Formation

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

An onychocellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Ogiva .

Onychocella exilis [25]

Sp. nov


Koromyslova & Shcherbinina

Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)

Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan

An onychocellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Onychocella .

Onychocella subtriangulata [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An onychocellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Onychocella .

Orthopora worsleyi [5]

Sp. nov


Ernst & Nakrem

Silurian (Wenlock)

Steinsfjorden Formation

Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

A rhabdomesid cryptostome bryozoan, a species of Orthopora .

Osthimosia aurora [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A celleporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Osthimosia .

Osthimosia curiosa [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A celleporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Osthimosia .

Oviexechonella [8]

Gen. et sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

An exechonellid arachnopusioid bryozoan. The type species is Oviexechonella digeronimoi.

Paracuneatopora egregia [20]

Sp. nov




Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A rhabdomesid bryozoan, a species of Paracuneatopora .

Paracuneatopora kuvaschensis [20]

Sp. nov




Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A rhabdomesid bryozoan, a species of Paracuneatopora .

Paranicklesopora ornaisa [13]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova, Ernst & Poty

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Namur-Dinant Basin

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Parvohallopora cystata [7]

Sp. nov


Jiménez-Sánchez in Jiménez-Sánchez, Villas & Vennin

Ordovician (late Katian)

Khabt-el-Hajar Formation

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A trepostomate bryozoan, a species of Parvohallopora .

Perkhurovella [26]

Gen. et sp. nov




Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A diploporariine acanthocladiid bryozoan. The type species is Perkhurovella clara.

Phonicosia sinuosa [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A lacernid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Phonicosia .

Plagioecia zatoni [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A plagioeciid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Plagioecia .

Platonea dilatata [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A tubuliporid cyclostome bryozoan, a species of Platonea .

Porella tiorioriensis [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A bryocryptellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Porella .

Porina turrita [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A porinid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Porina .

Primorella variata [22]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Prophyllodictya simplex [27]

Sp. nov

Valid [28]

Ma et al.

Ordovician (early Tremadocian)

Nantzinkuan Formation

Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China

A cryptostome bryozoan, a species of Prophyllodictya .

Pseudobatostomella parva [14]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova et al.

Devonian (latest Famennian)

Comblain-au-Pont Formation

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

A dyscritellid trepostome bryozoan, a species of Pseudobatostomella .

Pseudothyracella campbelli [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A bryopastorid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Pseudothyracella .

Puellina bontangensis [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A cribrilinid bryozoan, a species of Puellina .

Pyrisinella primazelandiae [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A pyrisinellid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Pyrisinella .

Quasitrilaminopora [3]

Gen. et sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

An arachnopusiid cheilostome bryozoan. The type species is Quasitrilaminopora curiosa.

Radiotrypa alnifensis [16]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Jiménez-Sánchez & Baidder

Ordovician (Katian)

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A species of Radiotrypa .

Rectifenestella covae [10]

Sp. nov


Suárez Andrés & Ernst


Moniello Formation

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

A member of the family Fenestellidae.

Reptadeonella curvabilis [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

An adeonid bryozoan, a species of Reptadeonella .

Reptadeonella toddi [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian or early Langhian to Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

An adeonid bryozoan, a species of Reptadeonella .

Reteporella mediocris [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A phidoloporid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Reteporella .

Revalotrypa ramosa [16]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Jiménez-Sánchez & Baidder

Ordovician (Katian)

Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco

A species of Revalotrypa .

Saevitella renemai [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A hippopodinid schizoporelloid bryozoan, a species of Saevitella .

Saffordotaxis spinigerus [13]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova, Ernst & Poty

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Namur-Dinant Basin

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Salairella [20]

Gen. et 5 sp. nov

Junior homonym



Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A rhabdomesid bryozoan. Genus contains five species: S. petaloida, S. variabilis, S. maculata, S. baskuskanensis and S. recta. The generic name is a junior homonym of Salairella Khalfina (1961) and Salairella Severgina (1984). Hernández (2019) coined a replacement name Devonavictoria. [29]

Schizoretepora tamagawensis [30]

Sp. nov


Zágoršek, Takashima & Hirose


Tanosawa Formation

Flag of Japan.svg  Japan

A member of Phidoloporidae, a species of Schizoretepora .

Sendinopora [8]

Gen. et sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (Serravallian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A tessaradomid lepralielloid bryozoan. The type species is Sendinopora prima.

Siphonicytara litotes [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A siphonicytarid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Siphonicytara .

Siphonicytara primitiva [3]

Sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A siphonicytarid cheilostome bryozoan, a species of Siphonicytara .

Spinofenestella nodosa [13]

Sp. nov


Tolokonnikova, Ernst & Poty

Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Namur-Dinant Basin

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Stellatotrypa [2]

Gen. et sp. nov


Ernst, Munnecke & Oswald

Silurian (early Wenlock)

Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

A trepostome bryozoan. The type species is Stellatotrypa hirsuta.

Sulcoretepora regularis [22]

Sp. nov



Carboniferous (Tournaisian)

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

Terepennipora [26]

Gen. et comb. nov




Flag of Russia.svg  Russia

A diploporariine acanthocladiid bryozoan. A new genus for "Pinnatopora" longicellata Morozova (1955); genus also contains "Pinnatopora" volgensis Shishova (1959), "Pinnatopora" inconstans Shishova (1959), "Pinnatopora" subpunctata Shishova (1959) and "Pinnatopora" distincta Shishova (1950).

Trematopora maculata [5]

Sp. nov


Ernst & Nakrem

Silurian (Wenlock)

Steinsfjorden Formation

Flag of Norway.svg  Norway

A trematoporid trepostome bryozoan, a species of Trematopora .

Triznotrypa potii [19]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Tolokonnikova & Denayer

Devonian (late Frasnian)

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

A species of Triznotrypa .

Trypostega hasibuani [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A trypostegid hippothooid bryozoan, a species of Trypostega .

Tubiporella magnipora [8]

Sp. nov


Di Martino & Taylor

Miocene (late Burdigalian)

Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia

A didymosellid didymoselloid bryozoan, a species of Tubiporella .

Tumaiella [3]

Gen. et sp. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A calloporid cheilostome bryozoan. The type species is Tumaiella dieffenbachi.

Volgia deftera [9]

Sp. nov


Ernst, Wyse Jackson & Aretz

Carboniferous (Viséan)

Flag of France.svg  France

A cystoporate bryozoan belonging to the family Hexagonellidae; a species of Volgia .

Zagorsekia [3]

Gen. et comb. nov

Valid [4]

Gordon & Taylor

Early Eocene

Tumaio Limestone

Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand

A tubuliporid cyclostome bryozoan; a new genus for "Heteropora" nodulosa MacGillivray (1895).

See also

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Monticulipora is an extinct genus of Ordovician bryozoans belonging to the family Monticuliporidae. It was first named in 1849, and its description was published the following year by French paleontologist Alcide M. d'Orbigny, making it one of the earliest bryozoans to be recognized in science. It is still one of the most widespread fossil bryozoan genera. Though colonies that grow in masses made of multiple layers are characteristic of the genus, its colonies have varying shapes, able to be encrusting, branching, massive, or frond-like, and are covered in monticules (bumps). Most Monticulipora species have distinctively granular walls, and Monticulipora and can be distinguished from Homotrypa by the presence of axial diaphragms.

Dekayia is an extinct genus of Ordovician bryozoans of the family Heterotrypidae. Its colonies can be branching, encrusting, or massive. All species have acanthopores in varying sizes and numbers. The autozooecia appear angular or sub-angular viewed through a cross-section of the colony, and their walls are distinctively undulating or crenulated. Maculae generally protrude from the colony surface very little or at all, and can contain unusually large autozooecia and a cluster of mesozooecia in their centers.

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Eridotrypa is an extinct genus of bryozoans of the family Aisenvergiidae, consistently forming colonies made of thin branches. Diaphragms are very common in colonies. Distinctively, in the exozone there are serrated dark borders separating the autozooecia.

Leptotrypa is an extinct genus of bryozoans of the family Atactotoechidae that formed unifoliate encrusting colonies, growing on surfaces like the shells of brachiopods.

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Arthrostyloecia is an extinct genus of bryozoan of the family Arthrostylidae, that lived in the Ordovician period. Its colonies are articulated, distinctively containing ball and socket joints. It contains a single species, Arthrostyloecia nitida.

Fistuliphragma is an extinct genus of cystoporate bryozoan of the family Fistuliporidae that lived in the Devonian period. Its colonies could have branched or encrusting forms, with hollow tubular branches in the case of the branched form, and possessed a well-developed vesicular skeleton. Its autozooecia possessed prominent lunaria and hemiphragms. The genus is distinct from Cliotrypa and Strotopora because of the absence of gonozooecia.


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