2024 Curitiba mayoral election

Last updated

2024 Curitiba municipal election
Bandeira de Curitiba.svg
  2020 6 October 2024 (2024-10-06)(first round)
27 October 2024 (2024-10-27)(second round)
Mayoral election
Opinion polls
Turnout72.26% (first round)
69.63% (second round)
  Eduardo Pimentel 2024.jpg Cristina Graeml (foto oficial para o TSE) - 2024.jpg
CandidateEduardo PimentelCristina Graeml
Running matePaulo MartinsJairo Ferreira Filho
Popular vote531,029390,254

Mayor before election

Rafael Greca

Elected mayor

Eduardo Pimentel

Parliamentary election
PartyLeaderVote %Seats+/–
Municipal Chamber
PSD Beto Moraes11.166+2
PL Eder Borges8.754+4
UNIÃO Alexandre Leprevost8.644+4
PP Oscalino do Povo7.883+1
Republicanos Pastor Marciano Alves7.033+1
PODE Bruno Pessuti6.203+1
NOVO Amália Tortato5.923+1
MDB Noemia Rocha5.192+1
PDT Marcos Vieira4.132−1
Agir 2.811+1
PRD Ezequias Barros2.701+1
Solidarity Dalton Borba2.480−2
PV Maria Letícia0.540−1
This lists parties that won seats. See the complete results below.

The 2024 Curitiba mayoral election took place on 6 October 2024. Voters will elect a mayor, a vice mayor, and 38 councillors. The incumbent mayor, Rafael Greca (PSD) isn't eligible for a new term, since he was elected in 2016 and reelected in 2020.


If the most voted candidate on the first round doesn't achieve more than 50% of the votes, a second round will happen on 27 October 2024. The mayor's term will begin on 1 January 2025 and end on 31 December 2028. [1]


2020 election

The last mayoral election in Curitiba, held in 2020, resulted in the victory of incumbent Rafael Greca, from the Democrats (DEM), in the first round. Greca obtained 499,821 votes or 59.74% of the valid votes. In the second place, the state deputy Goura Nataraj, from the Democratic Labor Party (PDT) only obtained 110,977 or around 13.26% of the valid votes and the other candidates did not reach double digits in vote percentages. [2]

Greca's victory in the first round is linked to the enormous popularity he had and still has in the city. In December 2023, the mayor's management was approved by around 73% of Curitiba's inhabitants. [3] As he is in his second consecutive term, Greca cannot run for re-election, due to limitations imposed by the Federal Constitution. There is speculation that the current Vice Mayor of Curitiba, Eduardo Pimentel, will be his successor. [4]


In February 2024, Curitiba had around 1,419,395 people eligible to vote, [5] an increase of 5% in the electorate compared to the last election and around 80% of the city's population eligible to vote (1,773,718), according to the 2022 Brazilian Demographic Census. [6] The city is divided into ten electoral zones (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 145th, 174th, 175th, 176th, 177th and 178th). [7] Voters have until 8 May 2024 to make their first copy of the electoral title or regularize it with the biometric registration. [8]

Electoral calendar

Electoral calendar announced by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) on 3 January 2024 [9]
7 March – 5 AprilPeriod of the 'party window' for councillors. During this period, the councillors are able to move to other political parties in order to run for election while not losing their respective political terms.
6 AprilDeadline for all parties and party federations to obtain the registration of their statutes at the Superior Electoral Court and for all candidates to have their electoral domicile in the constituency in which they wish to contest the elections with the affiliation granted by the party.
15 MayStart of the preliminary fundraising campaign in the form of collective financing for potential candidates. During this period, candidates are not allowed to ask for votes and are still subjected to obey the rules regarding electoral propaganda on the Internet.
20 July – 5 AugustOn this date, party conventions begin to deliberate on coalitions and choose candidates for mayors and councillors tickets. Parties have until 15 August to register their names with the Brazilian Election Justice.
16 AugustBeginning of electoral campaigns on an equal basis, with any advertising or demonstration explicitly requesting for votes before the date being considered irregular and subject to fines.
30 August –3 OctoberBroadcasting of free electoral propaganda on radio and television.
6 OctoberDate of mayoral elections.
27 OctoberDate of a possible second round in cities with more than 200,000 voters in which the most voted candidate for mayor has not reached 50% of the valid votes.


Confirmed candidates

PartyMayoral candidateRunning mateCoalition
Progressistas logotipo (cortado).png

(PP 11)

2023-04-24 Sessao Plenaria, ALEP - 03 (cropped).jpg Maria Victoria Barros Progressistas logotipo (cortado).png


Walter Petruzziello em foto oficial para o TSE (2024).jpg Walter Petruzziello
  • Lawyer [10]
  • Candidate for Second Alternate of the senatorial candidate Alex Canziani (PTB) in the 2018 Paraná senatorial election. [11]
Curitiba Better for Everyone [12]
Logo PSTU.png

United Socialist Workers' Party
(PSTU 16)

Samuel de Mattos - Foto oficial enviada para o TSE (2024).jpg Samuel Mattos Logo PSTU.png

United Socialist Workers' Party

Leonardo Guedes Martinez ou Leo Martinez - foto oficial para o TSE (2024).jpg Leonardo Martinez
Logo PCO Institucional.svg

Workers' Cause Party
(PCO 29)

Felipe Gustavo Bombardelli (foto oficial para o TSE - 2024).jpg Felipe Bombardelli
  • Engineer of Development at Siemens AG [17] [18]
Logo PCO Institucional.svg

Workers' Cause Party

Paulo Cesar Costycha (foto oficial para o TSE - 2024).jpg Paulo Costycha
Logomarca Partido Mobiliza.png

National Mobilization

Foto oficial de Roberto Requiao.jpg Roberto Requião Logomarca Partido Mobiliza.png

National Mobilization

Marcelo Henrique Paula Pinto, ou Marcelo Henrique (foto oficial para o TSE - 2024).jpg Marcelo Henrique Pinto
Brazilian Woman's Party [a]
(PMB 35)
Cristina Graeml (foto oficial para o TSE) - 2024.jpg Cristina Graeml(under legal review) [a] Brazilian Woman's Party
Jairo Aparecido Ferreira Filho, ou Dr. Jairo Filho (foto oficial para o TSE - 2024).jpg Jairo Ferreira Filho(under legal review) [a]
Brazilian Socialist Party
(PSB 40)
Luciano Ducci em abril de 2016.jpg Luciano Ducci LogoPDT.svg

Democratic Labour Party

Goura - foto Dalie Felberg - 190319 (23) (46720086714) (cropped).jpg Goura NatarajA More Social and Human Curitiba [12]
Uniao Brasil logo.svg

Brazil Union
(UNIÃO 44)

Ney Leprevost (32216964898) (cropped).jpg Ney Leprevost
  • State Deputy of Paraná (2007–2018; 2023–present)
  • Federal Deputy from Paraná (2019–2023)
  • Councillor of Curitiba (1997–2006)
Uniao Brasil logo.svg

Brazil Union

Dep. Rosangela Moro (cropped).jpg Rosangela Moro
  • Federal Deputy from São Paulo (2023–present)
Curitiba Can Achieve More [12]
Psol ziraldo (cropped).png

Socialism and Liberty Party
(PSOL 50)

Andrea Caldas no lancamento do Livro "Constituinte - Avancos, Heranca e Crises Institucionais" (cropped).png Andrea Caldas Psol ziraldo (cropped).png

Socialism and Liberty Party

Leticia Faria (foto oficial para o TSE).jpg Letícia Faria
PSD Brazil logo.svg

Social Democratic Party
(PSD 55)

Eduardo Pimentel - Prefeito em exercicio de Curitiba (cropped).jpg Eduardo Pimentel
  • Vice Mayor of Curitiba (2017–present)
2023 logo of the Liberal Party (Brazil, 2006).svg

Liberal Party

Paulo Martins (cropped) (cropped).png Paulo Martins Curitiba Love and Innovation [12]
Logo of the Solidariedade.svg

(Solidariedade 77)

Luizao Goulart (cropped).jpg Luizão Goulart Logo of the Solidariedade.svg


Tiago Francisco da Silva, conhecido como Tiago Chico, em foto oficial para o TSE (2024).jpg Tiago Chico
  • Technological Director of the Curitiba Development and Innovation Agency (2017–2018)
  • Civil engineer [44] [45] [12]

Declined to run

The Workers' Party, through its National Executive, formally announced its support for the potential candidacy of former mayor Luciano Ducci on 27 May 2024. Due to this decision, it is unlikely that any of the party's potential candidates would be able to launch a candidacy. However, these former candidates can still have an appeal to the Workers' Party National Directorate, which has already signaled that it intends to support other candidacies from other parties that are supporting the government in the National Congress, such as the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) itself. [56] Dartora and Mongruel decided to not appeal the decision of the National Executive, putting an end once and for all to the aspirations of having their own mayoral candidacies. Only Dirceu decided to appeal to the National Directorate. The appeal does not yet have a date to be analyzed. [57] Along with the Workers' Party itself, the other parties that belong to the Brazil of Hope alliance, such as the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) and the Green Party (PV), will also support Ducci's candidacy. [58] Goura Nataraj was confirmed as Luciano Ducci's running mate on 24 July 2024, after his name was approved by the National Executive of the Democratic Labour Party. [27]

David Antunes withdrew his candidacy for mayor on 25 July 2024 in order to build a strong ticket, with strong candidates for the Municipal Chamber of Curitiba in the October elections. At the same meeting, the party declared its support for Eduardo Pimentel's candidacy. On 5 August 2024, Beto Richa withdrew his candidacy. The reasons that led him to make this decision were: a lack of party political broadcast time to present his proposals and a disagreement between some groups of Cidadania with a possible support for his candidacy. Cidadania is a party that has a national alliance (Always Forward – PSDB/Cidadania) with the Brazilian Social Democracy Party. Richa defends the neutrality of his party in the election. [59]

On 26 January 2024, the Brazilian Woman's Party (PMB) announced the journalist Cristina Graeml as a potential mayoral candidate for the Curitiba City Hall. [22] [60] She left Gazeta do Povo, where she worked as a columnist from January 2020 to April 2024, to run for the position. [23] However, there was uncertainty regarding the party convention that would officially confirm her candidacy in August due to a legal dispute involving the National President of PMB, Suêd Haidar, and the local party executives in Paraná. On 3 August, Haidar decided to dissolve the local PMB executives and removed Geonísio Marinho from his position as the municipal president of PMB Curitiba to prevent the convention that would officially confirm Graeml’s candidacy. [61] [62] Despite this, the convention was confirmed by the state president of the PMB Paraná Executive Committee, Fabiano dos Santos, and took place as scheduled on the evening of 5 August. Cristina Graeml’s candidacy was officially confirmed, and the slate of candidates for the Municipal Chamber of Curitiba by the PMB was also formalized at the same event. [24]

The legal dispute is ongoing, and on the last day of the convention, the local executives of PMB in Paraná and Curitiba filed a writ of mandamus with the Regional Electoral Court of Paraná (TRE-PR) to contest the legal effects of the National Executive’s intervention. On 7 August 2024, the electoral judge Cláudia Cristina Cristofani ruled that the state electoral court did not have jurisdiction over the case. She argued that, since it involved a decision by the National Executive of the Brazilian Woman's Party, the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) was the appropriate body to decide the matter and determine the status of Cristina Graeml’s candidacy. The case has not yet been scheduled for a hearing by the Superior Electoral Court. [61] [63]

Outgoing Municipal Chamber

The result of the last municipal election and the current situation in the Municipal Chamber is given below:

Elected [64] April 2024 [b] [66]
PSD 48 [c] Increase2.svg4
MDB 14 [d] Increase2.svg3
PP 24 [e] Increase2.svg2
PODE 24 [f] Increase2.svg2
PT 33Steady2.svg
PL 02 [g] Increase2.svg2
PRD didn't exist2 [h] Increase2.svg2
NOVO 22Steady2.svg
Republicanos 22 [i] Steady2.svg
UNIÃO didn't exist1 [j] Increase2.svg1
PRTB 01 [k] Increase2.svg1
REDE 01 [l] Increase2.svg1
Cidadania 11Steady2.svg
PV 11Steady2.svg
Solidarity 21 [m] Decrease2.svg1
PDT 31 [n] Decrease2.svg2
PSB 10 [o] Decrease2.svg1
DC 10 [p] Decrease2.svg1
PMB 10 [q] Decrease2.svg1
PROS 1extinct party [r] Decrease2.svg1
PTB 1extinct party [s] Decrease2.svg1
PSC 1extinct party [t] Decrease2.svg1
Patriota 1extinct party [u] Decrease2.svg1
PSL 3extinct party [v] Decrease2.svg3
DEM 5extinct party [w] Decrease2.svg5


Below is a list of the mayoral debates scheduled or held for the 2024 election (times in UTC−03:00).

Due to the crisis that unfolded within the Brazilian Woman's Party (PMB) following the dissolution of the local executives by the National Directorate and the suspension of Cristina Graeml's candidacy, she was not invited to the first Band debate. The conglomerate announced the decision of not inviting Graeml to the debate on the evening of 8 August. [71] She criticized Band Paraná for considering the decision to 'uninvite' her from the debate as undemocratic, especially after she had arrived at the broadcaster at the scheduled time and was forced to return home, [72] stated that she had prepared for the debate and, while the event was being broadcast on television, she hosted a live stream on social media to answer the questions directed at the other candidates. [73]

2024 Curitiba mayoral election debates
No.Date, time, and locationHostsModeratorsParticipants [x]
 P  Present  A  Absent  I  Invited  Out  Out of the election
PimentelDucciLeprevost Requião Barros GoulartCaldasGraemlMattos
18 August 2024, 22:15
Pilarzinho, Curitiba [76]
Bandeirantes Alessandra Consoli [77] PPPPPPPOP

Opinion polls

Polling aggregator

The CNN Index, developed by CNN Brazil and Ipespe Analítica, does not present sampling numbers or specific collection periods because it does not conduct its own polls. Instead, it aggregates and adjusts data from various polls conducted by different institutes, using statistical techniques and machine learning. The index provides an overview of voting intentions in 100 cities, including capitals, and is constantly updated based on the latest available data. Additionally, the CNN Index typically highlights only the top five candidates, potentially leaving out other relevant candidates.

5–7 August 2024Beto Richa withdraws his candidacy for lack of political support
and party political broadcast time. [78] Cristina Graeml's candidacy was officially
confirmed by the Brazilian Woman's Party amid a legal battle that led to the
dissolution of the party's local executives and the suspension of the convention.
The Superior Electoral Court is set to rule on whether her candidacy
can stay on the ballot in the upcoming election. [24] [61] [63]
3–4 August 2024Maria Victoria, Roberto Requião and Eduardo Pimentel were nominated by
their respective parties as mayoral candidates. [10] [79] [36] Felipe Bombardelli is
nominated as a mayoral candidate by the Workers' Cause Party (PCO). [18]
27 July–2 August 2024Andrea Caldas is nominated by the PSOL REDE Federation as a mayoral candidate. [35]
Luizão Goulart is nominated by the Solidarity as a mayoral candidate. [80]
Ney Leprevost is nominated by the Brazil Union as a mayoral candidate. [30]
24–25 July 2024Goura Nataraj is announced as Luciano Ducci's running mate. [27]
Paulo Martins is announced as Eduardo Pimentel's running mate. [81]
Samuel de Mattos is nominated as a mayoral candidate by his party. [15]
Poll aggregatorLast updatePimentel
IPESPE/CNN 8 July 202422%15%13%10%10%7%
30 May 2024Deltan Dallagnol's name is removed from the IPESPE/CNN
aggregator due to his withdrawal from the race.
Poll aggregatorLast updatePimentel
NOVO [y]
IPESPE/CNN 30 May 202417%16%13%11%9%1%
27 May 2024The Workers' Party (PT) announces their support to
Luciano Ducci's candidacy for mayor of Curitiba. [56]
It's the second time since 2012 that the party will
not have a candidate for mayor. [82]
Poll aggregatorLast updatePimentel
NOVO [z]
IPESPE/CNN 14 May 202420%16%13%12%9%4%
3 May 2024Deltan Dallagnol announces the withdrawal of his
potential candidacy for mayor of Curitiba. [49]
Poll aggregatorLast updatePimentel
IPESPE/CNN 25 April 202417%16%11%10%9%1%
22 April 202415%12%14%12%12%1%
27 March 202416%13%14%12%11%2%
21 March 202416%11%15%14%12%1%
18 March 202415%10%13%13%12%2%
1 January 2024The election year begins. All election polls from this date onward
must be registered with the Superior Electoral Court. [83]
Poll aggregatorLast updateDucci
Moro [aa]
IPESPE/CNN 13 December 202318%16%13%9%3%2%

First round

Polls are designed to assess what the election outcome would be if it were held on the day the respondents' data were collected. They do not aim to predict the final election result based on the confidence percentage.


Pollster/client(s)Date(s) conductedSample SizePimentel PSD Leprevost
Victoria PP Luizão
Caldas PSOL Bombardelli PCO OthersAbst.
IRG/Band 22–26 August100028%14.6%16%10%2.7%3%6%0.7%0.1%0.1%18.7%12%
Quaest/G1 24–26 August90019%14%18%18%4%4%5%2%0%1%15%1%
Radar/Tribuna 19–21 August81625.1%15.7%13.8%12.6%5.4%5%3.7%1.2%0.5%0.5%16.5%9.4%
5–7 AugustBeto Richa withdraws his candidacy for lack of political support and party political broadcast time. [78]
Cristina Graeml's candidacy was officially confirmed by the Brazilian Woman's Party amid a legal battle
that led to the dissolution of the party's local executives and the suspension of the convention.
The Superior Electoral Court is set to rule on whether her candidacy can proceed in the upcoming election. [24] [61] [63]
3–4 AugustMaria Victoria, Roberto Requião and Eduardo Pimentel were nominated by their respective parties as mayoral candidates. [10] [79] [36]
Felipe Bombardelli is nominated as a mayoral candidate by the Workers' Cause Party (PCO). [18]
27 July–2 AugustAndrea Caldas is nominated by the PSOL REDE Federation as a mayoral candidate. [35] Luizão Goulart is nominated
by the Solidarity as a mayoral candidate. [80] Ney Leprevost is nominated by the Brazil Union as a mayoral candidate. [30]
24–25 JulyGoura Nataraj is announced as Luciano Ducci's running mate. [27] Paulo Martins is announced as Eduardo Pimentel's
running mate. [81] Samuel de Mattos is nominated as a mayoral candidate by his party. [15]
Paraná Pesquisas [84] 29 June–3 July80024.1%14.9%13.6%12.4%10.1%1.8%3%5.7% [ab] 14.6%9.2%
24.8%15.4%14.5%12.9%10.6%1.9%3.4%1.5% [ac] 15.2%9.4%
27.3%17.8%13.3%12%1.9%3.3%7.2% [ad] 17.5%9.5%
27 MayThe Workers' Party (PT) announces their support to Luciano Ducci's candidacy for mayor of Curitiba. [56]
It's the second time since 2012 that the party will not have a candidate for mayor. [82]
Paraná Pesquisas 8–13 May80022.9%13.1%12.8%11%6.5%8.1%1.4%5.4%3.6% [ae] 15.4%9.8%
Futura/100% Cidades [85] 7–8 May80015.2%9.9%11.2%9.3%4.5%9.4%1.9%3.8%4.3%10.6% [af] 20%4%
17.6%13.1%13.4%4.8%8%1.6%6.4%13.7% [ag] 21.2%4.2%
17.4%13.8%12.4%10.4%6.3%7.7%5.8%5.9% [ah] 20.2%3.6%
3 MayDeltan Dallagnol announces the withdrawal of his potential candidacy for mayor of Curitiba. [49]
AtlasIntel 18–23 April86017.9%3.8%18.2%7.7%18%8.7%3.1%7.9%4.4%8.4% [ai] 1,9%0.2%
18.4%4.1%21.5%8.3%12.7%3.8%9%19% [aj] 3,3%3.1%
20.2%7.9%10.7%18.1%10.8%3.5%13% [ak] 15.9%2.1%
Instituto Opinião [86] 17–19 April1,20013.1%14.1%10.8%12.5%3.7%11.7%2%3.1%4.6%6.4% [al] 18.2%1%
19.9%21.1%19.2%13.9% [am] 26%1.2%
22.6%23.5%14.7%12.6% [an] 26.7%0.9%
Ágili Pesquisas 21–25 March80017.84%11.93%18.72%10.43%4.15%5.78%3.77%27.39%0.88%
Paraná Pesquisas [87] 15–20 March17.4%15.9%11%13.1%4.9%14.5%1.9%5.6%2.8% [ao] 13%1.5%
21.1%20.3%8%16.4%2.1%6.1%6.9% [ap] 19.2%0.8%
25.5%23.8%22.8%3.1%0.9% [aq] 24%1.7%
Radar Inteligência [88] 11–13 March81615.8%12.3%11.5%10.9%4.7%13.1%3.2%2.6%2.5%3.3% [ar] 20.1%2.7%


Instituto Veritá 13–16 December90017%16%10%12%4%6%4%5%6% [as] 20%1%
Ágora Pesquisa [89] 11–19 December1,2455%14%15%10%11%5%2%2%3%12% [at] 22%1%
15%16%12%6%5%3%3%1% [au] 37%1%
Paraná Pesquisas [90] 10–12 December84516%16.2%12.5%13.5%2.7%8.4%2.8%5.1%10.3% [av] 12.4%0.2%
19.6%22.1%15.9%3.4%10.8%7.3%6.9% [aw] 14%2.5%
21.2%25.2%16.7%11.1%8.4% [ax] 17.4%4%
23.1%27.1%19.9%9% [ay] 20.9%4%
Instituto Veritá [91] 5–7 December1,00224.2%4.6%1.2%5.7%7.6%1.5%5.7%8.7%3.3%37.5%15.5%
1 NovemberLuizão Goulart (Solidariedade) announces he will run for mayor in the 2024 Curitiba general election. [42]
Paraná Pesquisas [92] 26–29 October80525.6%14.7%6.6%11.4%6.6%15.3% [az] 19.8%10.9%
IRG Pesquisa [93] 4–8 July1,20022%14.2%12.6%11.3%9.1%6.4%6%5.4%12.9%7.8%
Instituto Veritá July [ba] n/a [bb] 5.5%5.2%10.8%4.9%12.3%2.7%4.2%1.4% [bc] 52%1.5%

Second round

These are the hypothetical scenarios of a second round.

Luciano Ducci and Eduardo Pimentel

Futura/100% Cidades [85] 7–8 May 202480031.6%39.7%28.7%8.1%
Instituto Opinião [94] 17–19 April 20241,20040.7%32.8%26.5%7.9%
Radar Inteligência 11–13 March 202481628.8%30.6%40,6%1.8%
Instituto Veritá 13–16 December 202390041%30%29%11%
Paraná Pesquisas [90] 10–12 December 202384544%31.7%24.2%12.3%

Luciano Ducci and Ney Leprevost

Futura/100% Cidades [85] 7–8 May 202480034.4%32.8%32.8%1.6%
Instituto Opinião [94] 17–19 April 20241,20039.3%33.4%27.3%5.9%
Instituto Veritá 13–16 December 202390035%38%27%3%
Paraná Pesquisas [90] 10–12 December 202384540.4%35.1%24.5%5.3%

Luciano Ducci and Roberto Requião

Futura/100% Cidades [85] 7–8 May 202480040.6%25.4%34%15.2%

Ney Leprevost and Eduardo Pimentel

Futura/100% Cidades [85] 7–8 May 202480034.8%35.1%30.1%0.3%
Instituto Opinião [94] 17–19 April 20241,20039.4%31.7%29%7.7%
Radar Inteligência 11–13 March 202481629.4%31.6%39%2.2%
Instituto Veritá 13–16 December 202390043%29%28%14%
Paraná Pesquisas [90] 10–12 December 202384541.8%32.4%25.8%9.4%

Ney Leprevost and Roberto Requião

Futura/100% Cidades [85] 7–8 May 202480043.4%27.6%28.9%15.8%

Eduardo Pimentel and Roberto Requião

Futura/100% Cidades [85] 7–8 May 202480045.7%28.6%25.7%17.1%

Hypothetical scenario with Deltan Dallagnol

Eduardo Pimentel and Deltan Dallagnol (withdrawn)
D. Dallagnol
Radar Inteligência 11–13 March 202481635.1%20.5%44.4%14.6%

Rejection of candidates

In some opinion polls, the interviewee can choose more than one alternative (the so-called "multiple rejection"), therefore, the sum of the percentages of all candidates can exceed 100% of the votes in some scenarios.

5–7 August 2024Beto Richa withdraws his candidacy for lack of political support and party political broadcast time. [78]
Cristina Graeml's candidacy was officially confirmed by the Brazilian Woman's Party amid a legal battle
that led to the dissolution of the party's local executives and the suspension of the convention.
The Superior Electoral Court is set to rule on whether her candidacy can proceed in the upcoming election. [24] [61] [63]
3–4 August 2024Maria Victoria, Roberto Requião and Eduardo Pimentel were nominated by their respective parties as mayoral candidates. [10] [79] [36]
Felipe Bombardelli is nominated as a mayoral candidate by the Workers' Cause Party (PCO). [18]
27 July–2 August 2024Andrea Caldas is nominated by the PSOL REDE Federation as a mayoral candidate. [35] Luizão Goulart is nominated
by the Solidarity as a mayoral candidate. [80] Ney Leprevost is nominated by the Brazil Union as a mayoral candidate. [30]
24–25 June 2024Goura Nataraj is announced as Luciano Ducci's running mate. [27] Paulo Martins is announced as Eduardo Pimentel's
running mate. [81] Samuel de Mattos is nominated as a mayoral candidate by his party. [15]
Could vote in anyoneOthersAbst.
Paraná Pesquisas [84] 29 June–3 July 202480049%37.6%17.4%11.1%8%13.8%12.6%7.2%4%18.5% [bd] 8.9%
27 May 2024The Workers' Party (PT) announces their support to Luciano Ducci's candidacy for mayor of Curitiba. [56]
It's the second time since 2012 that the party will not have a candidate for mayor. [82]
Could vote in anyoneOthersAbst.
Paraná Pesquisas 8–13 May 202480056.3%41.3%12.1%16%10.3%12%10.8%10.8%9.9%3.1%37.2% [be] 7.8%
3 May 2024Deltan Dallagnol announces the withdrawal of his potential candidacy for mayor of Curitiba. [49]
Could vote in anyoneOthersAbst.
Instituto Opinião [95] 17–19 April 20241,20051.6%11%13%10.7%4.8%7.8%7.8%8.7%8.5%10.9%3.4%18.4% [bf] 9.3%
Ágili Pesquisas 21–25 March 202480043.11%2.51%6.27%1.38%7.39%3.38%4.26%1.75%6.14%
Paraná Pesquisas [96] 15–20 March 202447.4%12%15.9%6.9%11.5%8.1%8.9%12.5%5.3%26.9% [bg] 13.3%
Instituto Veritá 13–16 December 202390055%20%16%13%13%13%11%9%9%13% [bh]
Ágora Pesquisa [89] 11–19 December 20231,24531%6%6%9%1%3%6%4%<1% [bi] 4%≈8% [bj] 20%
Paraná Pesquisas [90] 10–12 December 202384550.8%8.9%12%11.7%7.2%6.5%9.3%8.5%7.8%9.8%14.5% [bk] 20.7%



CandidateRunning matePartyFirst roundSecond round
Eduardo Pimentel Paulo Martins (PL) Social Democratic Party 313,34733.51531,02957.64
Cristian GraemlJairo Ferreira Filho Brazilian Woman's Party 291,52331.17390,25442.36
Luciano Ducci Goura Nataraj (PDT) Brazilian Socialist Party 181,77019.44
Ney LeprevostRosangela Moro Brazil Union 60,6756.49
Luiz GoulartTiago Chico Solidariedade 41,2714.41
Maria VictoriaWalter Petruzziello Progressistas 20,4972.19
Roberto Requião Marcelo Paula Pinto National Mobilization 17,1551.83
Andrea CaldasLeticia Faria Socialism and Liberty Party 8,0210.86
Samuel de MattosLeonardo Martinez United Socialist Workers' Party 5690.06
Felipe BombardelliPaulo Costycha Workers' Cause Party 3410.04
Valid votes935,16990.90921,28392.93
Invalid votes47,7284.6441,0824.14
Blank votes45,9134.4628,9792.92
Total votes1,028,810100.00991,344100.00
Registered voters/turnout1,424,02672.251,424,02669.62
PSD hold

Municipal Chamber

Party or allianceVotes%Seats+/–
Social Democratic Party 100,29311.186Increase2.svg2
Liberal Party 78,6238.764Increase2.svg4
Brazil Union 77,7028.664New
Brazil of Hope Workers' Party 72,9318.133Steady2.svg
Green Party 7,9560.890Decrease2.svg1
Communist Party of Brazil 4,8830.540Steady2.svg
Progressistas 70,8177.893Increase2.svg1
Republicans 63,1837.043Increase2.svg1
Podemos 55,7386.213Increase2.svg1
New Party 53,2005.933Increase2.svg1
Brazilian Democratic Movement 46,6215.202Increase2.svg1
Brazilian Woman's Party 43,0524.801Steady2.svg
Democratic Labour Party 37,1694.142Increase2.svg2
Brazilian Socialist Party 30,8673.441Steady2.svg
Agir 25,2682.821Increase2.svg1
Democratic Renewal Party 24,2632.701New
Solidariedade 22,2902.480Decrease2.svg2
Brazilian Labour Renewal Party 15,8381.770Steady2.svg
Sustainability Network 14,8721.660Steady2.svg
Socialism and Liberty Party 14,5591.621Increase2.svg1
Christian Democracy 10,4971.170Decrease2.svg1
PSDB Cidadania
Cidadania 10,2811.150Decrease2.svg1
Brazilian Social Democracy Party 8,3790.930Steady2.svg
National Mobilization 7,8770.880Steady2.svg
Valid votes897,15987.20
Invalid votes52,3635.09
Blank votes79,2887.71
Total votes1,028,810100.00
Registered voters/turnout1,424,02672.25


  1. The party asked to change its name to “Por Mais Brasil” (For More Brazil), but the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) hasn't allowed the name change yet. [22]
  2. Between March and April 2024, councilors were able to change parties during the so-called "party window" without losing their respective terms. [65]
  3. Mauro Ignácio, Sabino Picolo, Serginho do Posto, Toninho da Farmácia and Zezinho Sabará, all previously affiliated with the Brazil Union (UNIÃO) are the four councillors who joined the Social Democratic Party (PSD) during the "party window".
  4. Tito Zeglin, previously affiliated with the Democratic Labour Party (PDT) and João da 5 Irmãos (previously affiliated with the Brazil Union (UNIÃO) joined the Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB) during the party window.
  5. Mauro Bobato, previously affiliated with Podemos (PODE) joined Progressistas (PP) during the party window, and in the same period, Eder Borges left the party.
  6. Leonidas Dias, previously affiliated with Solidariedade and Sargento Tânia Guerreiro, previously affiliated with the Brazil Union (UNIÃO) joined Podemos during the party window, and in the same period, Mauro Bobato left the party.
  7. Eder Borges, previously affiliated with Progressistas (PP) and Rodrigo Reis (previously affiliated with the Brazil Union (UNIÃO) are the two councillors who joined PL during the party window.
  8. Ezequias Barros, previously affiliated with the Brazilian Woman's Party (PMB), joined the Democratic Renewal Party (PRD) during the party window.
  9. Hernani, previously affiliated with the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) and Pastor Marciano Alves (previously affiliated with Solidariedade) joined the Republicans during the party window, and in the same period, Osias Moraes left the party.
  10. All the eight councillors affiliated with UNIÃO (Mauro Ignácio, Sabino Picolo, Serginho do Posto, Toninho da Farmácia, Zezinho Sabará, Rodrigo Reis, Sargento Tânia Guerreiro and João da 5 Irmãos) left the party in April 2024, during the so-called "party window". As a result, the UNIÃO bench was emptied until Alexandre Leprevost (previously affiliated with Solidariedade) joined the party.
  11. Osias Moraes (previously affiliated with the Republicans) joined the Brazilian Labour Renewal Party (PRTB) during the party window.
  12. Salles do Fazendinha, previously affiliated with the Christian Democracy (DC), joined Sustainability Network (REDE) during the party window.
  13. Dalton Borba, previously affiliated with the Democratic Labour Party (PDT) joined Solidariedade during the party window; and in the same period, the councillors Leonidas Dias, Alexandre Leprevost and Pastor Marciano Alves left the party.
  14. Councillors Dalton Borba and Tito Zeglin left the party during the party window.
  15. Hernani left the party during the party window, leaving the party without representation in the Municipal Chamber of Curitiba.
  16. Salles do Fazendinha left the party during the party window, leaving the party without representation in the Municipal Chamber of Curitiba.
  17. Ezequias Barros left the party during the party window, leaving the party without representation in the Municipal Chamber of Curitiba.
  18. The Republican Party of the Social Order (PROS) merged into Solidariedade in February 2023. [67]
  19. Brazilian Labour Party (PTB) and Patriota merged into the Democratic Renewal Party (PRD) in November 2023. [68]
  20. The Social Christian Party (PSC) merged into Podemos in June 2023. [69]
  21. Brazilian Labour Party (PTB) and Patriota merged into the Democratic Renewal Party (PRD) in November 2023. [68]
  22. Democrats (DEM) and the Social Liberal Party (PSL) merged into the Brazil Union in February 2022. [70]
  23. Democrats (DEM) and the Social Liberal Party (PSL) merged into the Brazil Union in February 2022. [70]
  24. Debates broadcast on television or radio were legally required to invite all candidates whose parties or coalitions had at least five members in the National Congress based on the most recent election. [74] The candidates listed in this table satisfied this condition. [75]
  25. Deltan Dallagnol withdrew from his candidacy for mayor at the beginning of May 2024. During that month, some polling institutes still listed him as a candidate, which justified his presence in the IPESPE/CNN polling aggregator. Dallagnol’s name appeared on the aggregator until the end of May. After that period, his name was removed, reflecting subsequent polls that no longer included him in the electoral scenario.
  26. Deltan Dallagnol withdrew from his candidacy for mayor at the beginning of May 2024. During that month, some polling institutes still listed him as a candidate, which justified his presence in the IPESPE/CNN polling aggregator. Dallagnol’s name appeared on the aggregator until the end of May. After that period, his name was removed, reflecting subsequent polls that no longer included him in the electoral scenario.
  27. Rosangela Moro
  28. Maria Victoria (PP) with 4.4%; Andrea Caldas (PSOL) with 0.9% and Samuel de Mattos (PSTU) with 0.4%
  29. Andrea Caldas (PSOL) with 1% and Samuel de Mattos (PSTU) with 0.5%
  30. Maria Victoria (PP) with 5.8%; Andrea Caldas (PSOL) with 1% and Samuel de Mattos (PSTU) with 0.4%
  31. Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 2.3%; Zeca Dirceu (PT) with 0.8%; Samuel de Mattos (PSTU) with 0.4% and Andrea Caldas (PSOL) with 0.1%
  32. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO) with 3.5%; Rosangela Moro (UNIÃO) with 3.1%; Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 2.7% and Maria Victoria (PP) with 1.3%
  33. Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 4.4%; Rosangela Moro (UNIÃO) with 4.2%; Maria Victoria (PP) with 3.6%; Zeca Dirceu (PT) with 1.4% and Valdemar Jorge (NOVO) with 0.1%
  34. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO)
  35. Cristina Graeml (PMB)
  36. Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 10.3%; Ricardo Arruda (PL) with 5.2%; Zeca Dirceu (PT) with 3.4% and Maria Victoria (PP) with 0.1%
  37. Cristina Graeml (PMB)
  38. Maria Victoria (PP) with 4.1%; Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 1.8% and Andrea Caldas (PSOL) with 0.5%
  39. Maria Victoria (PP) with 5.8%; Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO) with 4.6% and Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 3.5%
  40. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO) with 6.8% and Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 5.8%
  41. Cristina Graeml (PMB)
  42. Rosangela Moro (UNIÃO) with 6,4% and Valdemar Jorge (NOVO) with 0,5%
  43. Valdemar Jorge (NOVO)
  44. Maria Victoria (PP)
  45. Maria Victoria (PP) with 3% and Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO) with 3%
  46. Gustavo Fruet (PDT) with 6%; Maria Victoria (PP) with 2%; Márcia Huçulak (PSD) with 2%; Professor Euler (MDB) with 1% and Denian Couto (PODE) with 1%
  47. Denian Couto (PODE)
  48. Maria Victoria (PP) with 5.6% and Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO) with 4.7%
  49. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO)
  50. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO)
  51. Maria Victoria (PP)
  52. Rosangela Moro (UNIÃO)
  53. The opinion poll was carried out in July 2023 by the Instituto Veritá, without specifying a sample size.
  54. The opinion poll was carried out in July 2023 by the Instituto Veritá, without specifying a sample size.
  55. Indiara Barbosa (NOVO)
  56. Maria Victoria (PP) with 12.6% and Samuel de Mattos (PSTU) with 5.9%
  57. Zeca Dirceu (PT) with 17.5%; Samuel de Mattos (PSTU) with 10.3% and Andrea Caldas (PSOL) with 9.4%
  58. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO) with 6.6%; Andrea Caldas (PSOL) with 6% and Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 5.8%
  59. Rosangela Moro (UNIÃO) with 13.3%; Cristina Graeml (PMB) with 7% and Valdemar Jorge (NOVO) with 6.6%
  60. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO)
  61. The opinion poll does not specify the exact percentage, but rather a value below 1%
  62. Gustavo Fruet (PDT) with 6%; Márcia Huçulak (PSD) with 1% and Denian Couto (PODE) with 1%; Professor Euler (MDB) didn't achieve 1% of the votes.
  63. Fernanda Dallagnol (NOVO) with 7.5% and Ilana Lerner Hoffmann (Ind.) with 7%

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