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Abductive logic programming (ALP) is a high-level knowledge-representation framework that can be used to solve problems declaratively, based on abductive reasoning. It extends normal logic programming by allowing some predicates to be incompletely defined, declared as abducible predicates. Problem solving is effected by deriving hypotheses on these abducible predicates (abductive hypotheses) as solutions of problems to be solved. These problems can be either observations that need to be explained (as in classical abduction) or goals to be achieved (as in normal logic programming). It can be used to solve problems in diagnosis, planning, natural language and machine learning. It has also been used to interpret negation as failure as a form of abductive reasoning.
Abductive logic programs have three components, where:
Normally, the logic program P does not contain any clauses whose head (or conclusion) refers to an abducible predicate. (This restriction can be made without loss of generality.) Also in practice, many times, the integrity constraints in IC are often restricted to the form of denials, i.e. clauses of the form:
false:- A1,...,An, not B1, ..., not Bm.
Such a constraint means that it is not possible for all A1,...,An to be true and at the same time all of B1,...,Bm to be false.
The clauses in P define a set of non-abducible predicates and through this they provide a description (or model) of the problem domain. The integrity constraints in IC specify general properties of the problem domain that need to be respected in any solution of a problem.
A problem, G, which expresses either an observation that needs to be explained or a goal that is desired, is represented by a conjunction of positive and negative (NAF) literals. Such problems are solved by computing "abductive explanations" of G.
An abductive explanation of a problem G is a set of positive (and sometimes also negative) ground instances of the abducible predicates, such that, when these are added to the logic program P, the problem G and the integrity constraints IC both hold. Thus abductive explanations extend the logic program P by the addition of full or partial definitions of the abducible predicates. In this way, abductive explanations form solutions of the problem according to the description of the problem domain in P and IC. The extension or completion of the problem description given by the abductive explanations provides new information, hitherto not contained in the solution to the problem. Quality criteria to prefer one solution over another, often expressed via integrity constraints, can be applied to select specific abductive explanations of the problem G.
Computation in ALP combines the backwards reasoning of normal logic programming (to reduce problems to sub-problems) with a kind of integrity checking to show that the abductive explanations satisfy the integrity constraints.
The following two examples, written in simple structured English rather than in the strict syntax of ALP, illustrate the notion of abductive explanation in ALP and its relation to problem solving.
The abductive logic program, , has in the following sentences:
Grass is wet if it rained.
Grass is wet if the sprinkler was on.
The sun was shining.
The abducible predicates in are "it rained" and "the sprinkler was on" and the only integrity constraint in is:
false if it rained and the sun was shining.
The observation that the grass is wet has two potential explanations, "it rained" and "the sprinkler was on", which entail the observation. However, only the second potential explanation, "the sprinkler was on", satisfies the integrity constraint.
Consider the abductive logic program consisting of the following (simplified) clauses:
X is a citizen if X is born in the USA.
X is a citizen if X is born outside the USA and X is a resident of the USA and X is naturalized.
X is a citizen if X is born outside the USA and Y is the mother of X and Y is a citizen and X is registered.
Mary is the mother of John.
Mary is a citizen.
together with the five abducible predicates, "is born in the USA", "is born outside the USA", "is a resident of the USA", "is naturalized" and "is registered" and the integrity constraint:
false if John is a resident of the USA.
The goal "John is citizen" has two abductive solutions, one of which is "John is born in the USA", the other of which is "John is born outside the USA" and "John is registered". The potential solution of becoming a citizen by residence and naturalization fails because it violates the integrity constraint.
A more complex example that is also written in the more formal syntax of ALP is the following.
The abductive logic program below describes a simple model of the lactose metabolism of the bacterium E. coli. The program, P, describes (in its first rule) that E. coli can feed on the sugar lactose if it makes two enzymes permease and galactosidase. Like all enzymes, these are made if they are coded by a gene (Gene) that is expressed (described by the second rule). The two enzymes of permease and galactosidase are coded by two genes, lac(y) and lac(z) respectively (stated in the fifth and sixth rule of the program), in a cluster of genes (lac(X)) – called an operon – that is expressed when the amounts (amt) of glucose are low and lactose are high or when they are both at medium level (see the fourth and fifth rule). The abducibles, A, declare all ground instances of the predicates "amount" as assumable. This reflects that in the model the amounts at any time of the various substances are unknown. This is incomplete information that is to be determined in each problem case. The integrity constraints, IC, state that the amount of any substance (S) can only take one value.
The problem goal is . This can arise either as an observation to be explained or as a state of affairs to be achieved by finding a plan. This goal has two abductive explanations:
The decision which of the two to adopt could depend on additional information that is available, e.g. it may be known that when the level of glucose is low then the organism exhibits a certain behaviour – in the model such additional information is that the temperature of the organism is low – and by observing the truth or falsity of this it is possible to choose the first or second explanation respectively.
Once an explanation has been chosen, then this becomes part of the theory, which can be used to draw new conclusions. The explanation and more generally these new conclusions form the solution of the problem.
As shown in the Theorist system, [1] [2] abduction can also be used for default reasoning. Moreover, abduction in ALP can simulate negation as failure in normal logic programming.
Consider the classic example of reasoning by default that a bird can fly if it cannot be shown that the bird is abnormal. Here is a variant of the example using negation as failure:
Here is the same example using an abducible predicate normal_flying_bird(_)
with an integrity constraint in ALP:
The abducible predicate normal_flying_bird(_),
is the contrary of the predicate abnormal_flying_bird(_)
Using abduction in ALP it is possible to conclude canfly(mary)
under the assumption normal_flying_bird(mary)
. The conclusion can be derived from the assumption because it cannot be shown that the integrity constraint is violated, which is because it cannot be shown that wounded(mary).
In contrast, it is not possible to conclude canfly(john),
because the assumption normal_flying_bird(john)
together with the fact wounded(john)
violates the integrity constraint. This manner of reasoning in ALP simulates reasoning with negation as failure. [3]
Conversely, it is possible to simulate abduction in ALP using negation as failure with the stable model semantics. [4] This can be done by adding, for every abducible predicate p,
an additional contrary predicate negp,
and a pair of clauses:
This pair of clauses has two stable models, one in which p,
is true, and the other in which negp,
is true. This technique for simulating abduction is commonly used in answer set programming to solve problems using a generate and test methodology.
The formal semantics of the central notion of an abductive explanation in ALP can be defined in the following way.
Given an abductive logic program, , an abductive explanation for a problem is a set of ground atoms on abducible predicates such that:
This definition leaves open the choice of the underlying semantics of logic programming through which we give the exact meaning of the entailment relation and the notion of consistency of the (extended) logic programs. Any of the different semantics of logic programming such as the completion, stable or well-founded semantics can (and have been used in practice) to give different notions of abductive explanations and thus different forms of ALP frameworks.
The above definition takes a particular view on the formalization of the role of the integrity constraints as restrictions on the possible abductive solutions. It requires that these are entailed by the logic program extended with an abductive solution, thus meaning that in any model of the extended logic program (which one can think of as an ensuing world given ) the requirements of the integrity constraints are met. In some cases this may be unnecessarily strong and the weaker requirement of consistency, namely that is consistent, can be sufficient, meaning that there exists at least one model (possible ensuing world) of the extended program where the integrity constraints hold. In practice, in many cases, these two ways of formalizing the role of the integrity constraints coincide as the logic program and its extensions always have a unique model. Many of the ALP systems use the entailment view of the integrity constraints as this can be easily implemented without the need for any extra specialized procedures for the satisfaction of the integrity constraints since this view treats the constraints in the same way as the problem goal. In many practical cases, the third condition in this formal definition of an abductive explanation in ALP is either trivially satisfied or it is contained in the second condition via the use of specific integrity constraints that capture consistency.
Most of the implementations of ALP extend the SLD resolution-based computational model of logic programming. ALP can also be implemented by means of its link with Answer Set Programming (ASP), where the ASP systems can be employed. Examples of systems of the former approach are ACLP, A-system, CIFF, SCIFF, ABDUAL and ProLogICA.
In artificial intelligence, with implications for cognitive science, the frame problem describes an issue with using first-order logic to express facts about a robot in the world. Representing the state of a robot with traditional first-order logic requires the use of many axioms that simply imply that things in the environment do not change arbitrarily. For example, Hayes describes a "block world" with rules about stacking blocks together. In a first-order logic system, additional axioms are required to make inferences about the environment. The frame problem is the problem of finding adequate collections of axioms for a viable description of a robot environment.
Logic programming is a programming, database and knowledge representation paradigm based on formal logic. A logic program is a set of sentences in logical form, representing knowledge about some problem domain. Computation is performed by applying logical reasoning to that knowledge, to solve problems in the domain. Major logic programming language families include Prolog, Answer Set Programming (ASP) and Datalog. In all of these languages, rules are written in the form of clauses:
Abductive reasoning is a form of logical inference that seeks the simplest and most likely conclusion from a set of observations. It was formulated and advanced by American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce beginning in the latter half of the 19th century.
Constraint programming (CP) is a paradigm for solving combinatorial problems that draws on a wide range of techniques from artificial intelligence, computer science, and operations research. In constraint programming, users declaratively state the constraints on the feasible solutions for a set of decision variables. Constraints differ from the common primitives of imperative programming languages in that they do not specify a step or sequence of steps to execute, but rather the properties of a solution to be found. In addition to constraints, users also need to specify a method to solve these constraints. This typically draws upon standard methods like chronological backtracking and constraint propagation, but may use customized code like a problem-specific branching heuristic.
In computer animation and robotics, inverse kinematics is the mathematical process of calculating the variable joint parameters needed to place the end of a kinematic chain, such as a robot manipulator or animation character's skeleton, in a given position and orientation relative to the start of the chain. Given joint parameters, the position and orientation of the chain's end, e.g. the hand of the character or robot, can typically be calculated directly using multiple applications of trigonometric formulas, a process known as forward kinematics. However, the reverse operation is, in general, much more challenging.
The lactose operon is an operon required for the transport and metabolism of lactose in E. coli and many other enteric bacteria. Although glucose is the preferred carbon source for most enteric bacteria, the lac operon allows for the effective digestion of lactose when glucose is not available through the activity of beta-galactosidase. Gene regulation of the lac operon was the first genetic regulatory mechanism to be understood clearly, so it has become a foremost example of prokaryotic gene regulation. It is often discussed in introductory molecular and cellular biology classes for this reason. This lactose metabolism system was used by François Jacob and Jacques Monod to determine how a biological cell knows which enzyme to synthesize. Their work on the lac operon won them the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1965.
In computer science, the process calculi are a diverse family of related approaches for formally modelling concurrent systems. Process calculi provide a tool for the high-level description of interactions, communications, and synchronizations between a collection of independent agents or processes. They also provide algebraic laws that allow process descriptions to be manipulated and analyzed, and permit formal reasoning about equivalences between processes. Leading examples of process calculi include CSP, CCS, ACP, and LOTOS. More recent additions to the family include the π-calculus, the ambient calculus, PEPA, the fusion calculus and the join-calculus.
Default logic is a non-monotonic logic proposed by Raymond Reiter to formalize reasoning with default assumptions.
Robert Anthony Kowalski is an American-British logician and computer scientist, whose research is concerned with developing both human-oriented models of computing and computational models of human thinking. He has spent most of his career in the United Kingdom.
Answer set programming (ASP) is a form of declarative programming oriented towards difficult search problems. It is based on the stable model semantics of logic programming. In ASP, search problems are reduced to computing stable models, and answer set solvers—programs for generating stable models—are used to perform search. The computational process employed in the design of many answer set solvers is an enhancement of the DPLL algorithm and, in principle, it always terminates.
Circumscription is a non-monotonic logic created by John McCarthy to formalize the common sense assumption that things are as expected unless otherwise specified. Circumscription was later used by McCarthy in an attempt to solve the frame problem. To implement circumscription in its initial formulation, McCarthy augmented first-order logic to allow the minimization of the extension of some predicates, where the extension of a predicate is the set of tuples of values the predicate is true on. This minimization is similar to the closed-world assumption that what is not known to be true is false.
The event calculus is a logical theory for representing and reasoning about events and about the way in which they change the state of some real or artificial world. It deals both with action events, which are performed by agents, and with external events, which are outside the control of any agent.
An inquiry is any process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or solving a problem. A theory of inquiry is an account of the various types of inquiry and a treatment of the ways that each type of inquiry achieves its aim.
Epistemic modal logic is a subfield of modal logic that is concerned with reasoning about knowledge. While epistemology has a long philosophical tradition dating back to Ancient Greece, epistemic logic is a much more recent development with applications in many fields, including philosophy, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, economics and linguistics. While philosophers since Aristotle have discussed modal logic, and Medieval philosophers such as Avicenna, Ockham, and Duns Scotus developed many of their observations, it was C. I. Lewis who created the first symbolic and systematic approach to the topic, in 1912. It continued to mature as a field, reaching its modern form in 1963 with the work of Kripke.
In computer science and mathematical logic, satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) is the problem of determining whether a mathematical formula is satisfiable. It generalizes the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) to more complex formulas involving real numbers, integers, and/or various data structures such as lists, arrays, bit vectors, and strings. The name is derived from the fact that these expressions are interpreted within ("modulo") a certain formal theory in first-order logic with equality. SMT solvers are tools that aim to solve the SMT problem for a practical subset of inputs. SMT solvers such as Z3 and cvc5 have been used as a building block for a wide range of applications across computer science, including in automated theorem proving, program analysis, program verification, and software testing.
In logic, the monadic predicate calculus is the fragment of first-order logic in which all relation symbols in the signature are monadic, and there are no function symbols. All atomic formulas are thus of the form , where is a relation symbol and is a variable.
The scenario approach or scenario optimization approach is a technique for obtaining solutions to robust optimization and chance-constrained optimization problems based on a sample of the constraints. It also relates to inductive reasoning in modeling and decision-making. The technique has existed for decades as a heuristic approach and has more recently been given a systematic theoretical foundation.
In information technology a reasoning system is a software system that generates conclusions from available knowledge using logical techniques such as deduction and induction. Reasoning systems play an important role in the implementation of artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems.
Logic is the study of correct reasoning. It includes both formal and informal logic. Formal logic is the science of deductively valid inferences or logical truths. It studies how conclusions follow from premises due to the structure of arguments alone, independent of their topic and content. Informal logic is associated with informal fallacies, critical thinking, and argumentation theory. It examines arguments expressed in natural language while formal logic uses formal language. When used as a countable noun, the term "a logic" refers to a logical formal system that articulates a proof system. Logic plays a central role in many fields, such as philosophy, mathematics, computer science, and linguistics.
In model checking, a branch of computer science, linear time properties are used to describe requirements of a model of a computer system. Example properties include "the vending machine does not dispense a drink until money has been entered" or "the computer program eventually terminates". Fairness properties can be used to rule out unrealistic paths of a model. For instance, in a model of two traffic lights, the liveness property "both traffic lights are green infinitely often" may only be true under the unconditional fairness constraint "each traffic light changes colour infinitely often".