Alternate versions of the Green Goblin | |
![]() The parallel universe versions of the Green Goblin and Spider-Man from Earth-20051, Marvel Age Spider-Man #13. | |
Publisher | Marvel Comics |
First appearance | The Amazing Spider-Man #14 (July 1964) |
Created by | Stan Lee Steve Ditko |
See also | Green Goblin in other media |
As a fictional character, the Green Goblin has appeared in a number of media, from comic books to films and television series. Each version of the work typically establishes its own continuity, and sometimes introduces parallel universes, to the point where distinct differences in the portrayal of the character can be identified. This article details the various versions of Norman Osborn and other incarnations of the Green Goblin depicted across multiple works published by Marvel Comics.
In the Marvel: 1602 Pocket Universe, Norman Osborne appears as a major villain, attempting to find "the Source", which is guarded by the Natives of Roanoke Island, and utilize it to gain unimaginable power; to achieve his goal, Osborne allies with King James I of England and makes several attempts to create conflict between his fellow American colonists and the Natives. Ultimately, Osborne is captured and imprisoned in stocks after peace between the colonists and Natives resumes and the English are forced from America. [1]
In Spider-Man: 1602, Osborne has been released from the stocks, and is now harbourmaster of Roanoke. When Peter Parquagh and Virginia Dare find evidence he is plotting against the natives again, he kills Virginia and exposes Peter's secret identity as The Spider. He is sentenced to be sent back to England, where capital punishment is still practiced. When the Mayflower is attacked by the pirate Wilson Fisk, Osborne's cell is hit by a cannonball. Covered in gangrenous wounds, his sentence is abandoned since he is not expected to live long enough to stand trial in England. He contacts the natural philosopher Henri Le Pym, asking to be cured in return for helping Pym acquire some of Peter's blood for his experiments.[ volume & issue needed ]
Le Pym's attempts to cure Osborne mutate him into a winged, green-skinned creature, and he uses these powers to capture Parquagh. During his final battle with Parquagh (in which Osborne uses exploding spherical vials as projectiles in combat) he is killed by a crossbow bolt fired by Fisk's first mate, the Bull's Eye, who has also been hunting Parquagh. [2]
In the Marvel 2099 setting, the Goblin is a radical trickster who wants to prove that Spider-Man (Miguel O'Hara) is in the pay of a megacorp like Alchemax. He has bat-like glider-wings and a bag of "tricks", similar to the 20th century version. He also has the ability to project illusions. [3]
He is eventually unmasked, and appears to be Spider-Man's brother Gabriel O'Hara, although it is later revealed, in a retcon, that he is a shapeshifter who took Gabriel's identity. Writer Peter David, who quit the book between creating the character and the unmasking, has said that it was his intent for the Goblin to be female Catholic priest named Father Jennifer, and for Gabriel to be a red herring. [4] [5] This Goblin was never called the Green Goblin, but instead simply Goblin 2099. [3]
In All-New, All-Different Marvel, during a travel to 2099, Spider-Man (O'Hara) is captured by that era's Venom and Doctor Octopus. Miguel later wakes up in Alchemax, which is run by that era's Sinister Six. The Sinister Six discover that the Goblin is actually Father Jennifer D'Angelo, an undercover ally of Kasey. After receiving a message from the Sinister Six, Miguel and Kasey go to Alchemax to rescue Father Jennifer. Upon escaping, Spider-Man and Father Jennifer arrive at an area where the time door appears, but Jennifer is killed by Doctor Octopus.
In the Age of Apocalypse reality, Norman Osborn, known as Red, is a terrorist traitor to the human race, a member of Apocalypse's Marauders along with Dirigible, the Owl and Arcade. Red, along with the rest of the Marauders, is eventually killed by Clint Barton and Gwen Stacy. [7]
In the miniseries Avataars: Covenant of the Shield , which takes place in an alternative universe referred to as Eurth created by the Shaper of Worlds, the Green Goblin appears as the Goblin King. A small, nimble creature green in color and adorned in purple rags, the Goblin King is shown to speak solely in rhyme and runs a toll booth in the Webwood, extorting goods from travelers along with his henchmen the Six Most Sinister. [8]
In the alternative future of Earth X, Norman Osborn's business ventures have completely taken over the United States. Citizens work in his businesses, shop in his stores and eat his food. Norman is the prime economic power and de facto ruler of the country. The Terrigen Mists have shaped his face into a saner version of his Goblin mask. He is partially responsible for the deaths of the Avengers as he sent them to battle a now Super Intelligent Absorbing Man. The Enforcers and The Vulture seem to serve as his secret service. He is later used as a pawn for the Red Skull, until Spiders Man makes him think he's with Gwen Stacy (in reality the Red Skull) who shoves him out the window where his foot catches on a flag and his neck snaps similar to how Gwen died. Unaware of the irony, Skull orders his corpse be brought back up so he can push him out again, just so he can make a "splat" sound. [9] [10]
In the Spider-Man: House of M from the 2005 Marvel comics series House of M , there are two versions of the Green Goblin.
In the Amalgam Comics continuity, Green Goblin was combined with DC's Two-Face to create the Two-Faced Goblin (Harvey Osborn). He originally looked like the Green Goblin when in costume and had Two-Face's half-scarred face under his Goblin mask, but in Dark Claw Adventures #1, he was given a different design with a glider that looked like a giant coin.[ volume & issue needed ]
In Peter Porker the Spectacular Spider-Ham, Norman Osborn is a turkey and enemy to Spider-Ham calling himself the Green Gobbler.
In issue one of Spider-Man Fairy Tales (an adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood ) Osborn makes an appearance as one of the woodsmen in the employ of Jameson alongside Peter and Thompson. [12] Norman Osborn and Harry Osborn also appear in issue four of Spider-Man Fairy Tales, a gender-reversed retelling of the story of Cinderella. Norman is the cruel guardian of Peter Parker, and his coat of arms and armor have a goblin/pumpkin motif. [13]
In the Marvel Noir universe, Norman Osborn is a former circus freak who was mistreated by the audience for his reptile-like skin disorder. This fueled his ambitions in earning his "respect" by becoming the major Crime Lord in New York. He used a mask to hide his true appearance. Earning the name "the Goblin", he organized his group composing of former circus and carnival freak shows: Kraven the Hunter, Adrian Toomes, and Chameleon.
The Goblin's reputation earned him as a freelancer from among New York City's politicians and businessmen in hired to commit illegal acts such as suppressing public protests and even acts of assassinations on public objectors. These actions eventually caused him to come into conflict with Spider-Man after he order The Vulture to kill the vigilante's uncle. Later, reporter Ben Urich became a problem for Norman, so the mob boss sent The Chameleon dressed as J. Jonah Jameson to kill him as Osborn kidnapped the real one. After murdering Urich, the Chameleon was killed by Felicia Hardy.
The Goblin then took Felicia to one of his hideouts, only for Spider-Man track him down. Norman escaped to the sewers with Hardy as Spider-Man was fighting Osborn's thugs. During the battle, Kraven (one of the thugs) hit a glass full of spiders, causing the animals to fall on him. Spider-Man then saved Jameson and went after Osborn. New York City's vigilante and its main mob boss fought until each one of them got unmasked, Spider-Man was revealed to be Peter Parker and Osborn reveals his green and scaled skin to him. Parker decides not to kill Norman, however a spider-infested Kraven then shows up and attacks Osborn, apparently killing him.
In the Marvel Zombies universe, a zombified Green Goblin appears attacking Galactus alongside several other undead supervillains. [14] Also in Marvel Zombies: Dead Days, the zombified Green Goblin, alongside several other undead Spider-Man villains, appears to attack Wolverine and Magneto as the two are saving innocent civilians from zombies. An alternative version of the Green Goblin was also infected by a zombified Spider-Man, causing him to "participate" with other zombie members of the Sinister 6 into devouring Peter's friends. Grieving, dumb, angered, and devastated, the Zombie Spider-Man obliterates him along with the other undead Sinister 6 members. [15]
In the MC2 universe, Norman Osborn is very much the same character from his 1996-1999 portion of the original 616 timeline, only in this universe, he abducts Peter's daughter Mayday Parker and leaves her in the care of Allison Mongraine. However, Peter's wayward original clone Kaine, along with a remorseful Mongraine, returns baby May to the Parkers.[ volume & issue needed ]
Two years later, Norman would attempt to gain incredible power through the Gathering of Five, but in a final battle with Spider-Man, Osborn is slain in an explosion that also severely injures Peter, costing him one of his legs. [16]
May would later become a hero in her own right, Spider-Girl. [17]
After discovering a living twin of May Parker (kept in suspended animation) among his grandfather's possessions, Normie Osborn wondered whether it was a clone or whether the original Goblin had put the real May in suspended animation and arranged for her parents to receive a clone of May to raise. He visited Élan in prison and questioned her about this, but she refused to say anything. She was then later broken out of jail by an unknown benefactor, then she released the clone May on to the world and towards the original May. She also had Peter Parker kidnapped and brainwashed into thinking he was Norman Osborn. [18] The brainwashed Peter joins with the May clone, who is half symbiote, and becomes the Goblin God. [19] It is through this brainwashing that Norman Osborn's consciousness resurfaces.[ volume & issue needed ]
In a psychic duel, Peter, Mayday, the clone and the spirit of Aunt May defeated Norman's psychic representation, which in turn cured Peter of his condition, ending Osborn's threat yet again. [20]
Élan DeJunae, daughter of the San Mardeo DeJunae crime family in South America, is betrothed to Normie Osborn when she is just a baby because of her father's involvement with the Order of the Goblin.[ volume & issue needed ]
From then on, Élan learns the family business and eventually makes connections with the Black Tarantula. She grows up training to follow Norman Osborn's footsteps, and eventually becomes the leader of the Order of the Goblin. Following a near fatal attack on Normie, Élan returns to New York to follow through with their arranged marriage, but Normie was not aware of the betrothal. Meanwhile, Élan and the Black Tarantula plot to use Spider-Girl to destroy Lady Octopus and Canis so they can take control of the New York underworld. Following plans made by Norman Osborn before his death, the Queen of the Goblins tries to dose Normie Osborn with a new version of the Goblin Formula. Spider-Girl manages to defeat Élan, but in the battle, the formula explodes and the Queen escapes.[ volume & issue needed ]
Because Normie spurned her and denied his place in the Goblin legacy, Fury crashes his wedding to Brenda Drago and forcibly bonds the Venom-symbiote to him in an attempt to corrupt him. This backfires, as Normie gained control of the symbiote and went on to become a hero. After Fury crashed Normie's wedding, Phil Urich (the good Green Goblin) defeats her and sends her to prison.[ volume & issue needed ]
Normie Osborn is the son of Harry Osborn and Liz Allan, and the grandson of Norman Osborn. In the alternative timeline of the MC2 universe he becomes the Green Goblin and battles Spider-Man's daughter, May "Mayday" Parker, before reforming and becoming her ally.[ volume & issue needed ]
In the MC2 timeline, Phil Urich marries his girlfriend Meredith and is a forensic scientist and friends with Peter Parker. He is aware of both Peter and Spider-Girl's identities. Phil Urich resumes the Goblin identity, first under the name of the Golden Goblin, then as the Green Goblin with the assistance of Normie Osborn (III). After Phil lost a long series of battles, Normie recreates Phil's original mask, which grants him superhuman strength and other abilities, greatly enhancing his effectiveness. He is also a founding member of the New New Warriors. [21]
In The Amazing Spider-Man newspaper strip by Stan Lee and Larry Leiber a brief flashback showed Spider-Man fighting the Green Goblin, designed similarly to the version in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films, to save Mary Jane.[ citation needed ]
A later story showing Harry Osborn as the Hobgoblin flashed back to Norman Osborn's death in a battle against Spider-Man and showed Harry's realization that his father was the murderous Green Goblin.[ volume & issue needed ]
During Infinity Wars, when the universe was folded, Norman Osborn got fused with Jack Russell to create Goblin by Night. Norman Russell was cursed to be the Goblin by Night and killed Ben Spector, May Spector and nearly killed Peter Spector leaving Peter to become ArachKnight. During a battle with Peter, Norman was injured and was saved by his son, Harry Russell. While Harry was taking care of his father, Norman lost control and bit Harry, passing the curse to him. Harry now as the new Goblin by Night, starts using the Glider that Peter built for him prior to becoming the Goblin, leaving Norman free from the curse and being forgiven by Peter and decide to find a way to cure Harry. [22]
In the retelling of the Clone Saga by Tom DeFalco, Norman did not survive his battle with Spider-Man following the death of Gwen Stacy. The Jackal plans to clone him as a plot to torment Ben Reilly and Peter Parker (though they are not aware of this) before he is murdered by Kaine. However, Harry Osborn, who is still alive in this reality, manages to obtain the clone pod and releases Norman. This clone is quite sane due to never being exposed to the goblin formula, and he makes repeated efforts to convince his insane son to stop his maniacal plans. He ultimately sacrifices himself to save the Parkers and baby May from Harry, who swears vengeance. [23]
Spider-Man: India features Nalin Oberoi, a ruthless businessman in Mumbai, who is ravaging villages for a mystical amulet to connect with evil, supernatural demons who once ruled the world. [24] The process works and transforms Oberoi into "Green Goblin". He also transforms a meek doctor into "Doctor Octopus" and sends him to find Pavitar Prabhakar (Spider-Man). Oberoi later burns down Pavitar's village (branding it with his initials NO), and kidnaps MJ, and Aunt Maya (Aunt May). [25] At Oberoi HQ, he tries to bring down the demons, until a reformed Octopus and Pavitar attack and rescue the ladies. After killing the doctor, Oberoi is later defeated by Pavitar. [26] Oberoi also has a son mentioned by Pavitar, Hari. [26]
Spider-Man: Life Story features an alternate continuity where the characters naturally age when Peter debuted as Spider-Man in 1962. In 1966, Osborn loses his memories as the Green Goblin shortly after a fight with Spider-Man. While initially fearful of Osborn getting his memory back and revealing his secret identity, Peter later gives an anonymous tip to the police to get Osborn arrested and prevent the Green Goblin from hurting anyone.
In 1977, the still imprisoned Norman convinces Harry to suit up as the Black Goblin to steal "The Gemini Project" from Miles Warren, which is revealed to be a clone of himself. Harry discovers that Miles also cloned Peter and Gwen Stacy and deduces that Norman cloned Peter because he still considered Peter the more worthy heir. After Peter convinces Harry of his father's manipulations, Harry blows up the containment tubes the clones were in, killing all of them except for Peter's clone. However, Miles reveals that the Gwen in the containment tube was actually the real Gwen.
Norman is eventually released from prison and feigns his old age affecting his mental state before disappearing from the public. In 1995, he reveals Spider-Man's secret identity and information about his clone Ben Reilly to Doctor Octopus, who kidnaps them and threatens Harry into using Oscorp technology to study a way to clone himself. In the process, he discovers that Peter is supposedly the clone while Ben is the original. In the ensuing chaos, Doctor Octopus kills Harry after attempting to kill Peter and Ben. Peter allows Ben to take over his life in New York before tracking down Norman to an industrial area in New Jersey with Jessica Jones' help. Peter reveals he kept tabs on Norman after he was released from prison and knew Norman rigged the machines to trick Peter into thinking he was the clone. After learning of Harry's death from Peter, Norman blames Peter for the incident and tries to attack him, but then dies in his old age cursing Spider-Man. [27]
There are different versions of Green Goblin in the Spider-Verse storyline:
The Ultimate Marvel version of Norman Osborn is a corrupt industrialist and scientist who is trying to perfect the Super Soldier drug for S.H.I.E.L.D., an obsession that leads to the neglect of his wife Martha Osborn and son Harry Osborn. When an OZ-injected spider bites Peter Parker on a field trip, [32] and develops amazing abilities, Norman theorizes that if the OZ combined with spider DNA were behind Parker's abilities of a spider, then Norman with OZ combined with his own DNA would become a heightened version of himself. But his experiment goes wrong, [33] and he himself is transformed into a muscular, grotesque, goblin-looking monster, granting him superhuman strength, reflexes, stamina, speed and durability, and enabling him to leap great distances. He is also pyrokinetic, as he can throw flaming balls of destructive energy. His alter-ego is later referred to as the "Green Goblin" by the public.
A Counter-Earth version of the Green Goblin appeared in the Spider-Man Unlimited animated series, voiced by Rino Romano. This version's alter-ego is Hector Jones, and is portrayed as a hero who is helping the rebellion against the High Revolutionary. He also uses a backpack that sprouts wings instead of a glider.
The Goblin first appears in the episode "Where Evil Nests", when mistaking Spider-Man for a villain, and soon teams up with him to save Naoko Yamada-Jones and Shayne Yamada-Jones from one of Venom's and Carnage's plans; it is also implied that the Goblin himself is Naoko's jealous ex-husband. In "Sustenance", the Goblin learns Spider-Man's secret identity and that he is from Earth, having come here to rescue John Jameson, but since Jameson refuses to leave until the High Revolutionary is defeated, the Goblin offers to help Spider-Man regain his ship from the High Evolutionary. The pair team up with the Rejects, a group of Beastials that the High Evolutionary got rid of since they proved useless, to do so, only for Spider-Man to then crash the ship into one of the High Evolutionary's towers. In the series finale, "Destiny Unleashed", the Goblin is revealed to have survived and joined the Rejects, and briefly leaves them to help Spider-Man and the rebels fight against the High Evolutionary. He is one of the characters who run off when thousands of symbiotes are unleashed upon Counter-Earth according to Venom's and Carnage's plans.
The Spider-Man Unlimited comics that tie in with the series depict the Green Goblin's first encounter with Spider-Man, and their rescue of several Beastials and humans from Venom and Carnage's cluthces. [34] Later, the Goblin helps Spider-Man look in the sewers for the missing people that were kidnapped by an octopus-like creature. They fight the creature that took them to a place called "Heaven" where they were taken hostage by the villagers, but were rescued by a Counter-Earth version of Gwen Stacy that lived in this village. [35]
In the New Exiles comic series, Norman Osborn of Earth-812145 of the Marvel Universe is an insane criminal called The Gold Goblin. The Gold Goblin was stopped by the Exiles after he began to wreak havoc on his home world. [36]
In the video game Lego Marvel Super Heroes , set in a reality identified as Earth-13122, Norman Osborn is the head of Oscorp, while his alter ego, the Green Goblin, is one of Spider-Man's main enemies. In the game, the Goblin is among the supervillains that help Doctor Doom obtain pieces of the Silver Surfer's board. He retrieves one from a defeated Doctor Octopus, and later escapes from Spider-Man, Hawkeye, and Black Widow, who came to Oscorp to claim it back, by pitting them against Venom. Later, the Fantastic Four and Nick Fury encounter the Goblin at Castle Doom in Latveria, and defeat him. In the final level, he is one of the villains enlisted by Fury to aid the heroes in stopping Loki and Galactus from destroying Earth and Asgard.
In the 2018 Spider-Man video game, set in a reality identified as Earth-1048, Norman Osborn is elected the mayor of New York, and it's revealed prior to this, he and Dr. Otto Octavius created Oscorp Industries together. Still running Oscorp, he searches for a cure for a genetic disease his son Harry who inherited from his mother and in this process resulted in Mister Negative getting his powers and the creation of GR-27, a deadly serum dubbed "Devil's Breath." With the help of Wilson Fisk, he had set up research labs around the city so he could keep working secretly. He shows dislike against Spider-Man and he even blames him for the release of Devil's Breath in city and orders Silver Sable to capture him. He is later captured by a vengeful Octavius, now the supervillain Doctor Octopus, who threatens him to admit that he cheated Otto out of his contribution to Oscorp. However, Norman only insults him, saying Otto was only ever worth anything working for him. He is saved by Spider-Man after Doc Ock drops him. Following the final battle against the two, Norman rescinds as mayor and goes to his secret lab, which held modified spider specimens (one of which bit Miles Morales) where it's revealed that he had put Harry in a chamber and bonded him to GR-35, as life support. In his home, he has a technological helmet and when wearing it, it shows a glider. In the lab, there are also purple hand-grenades near a little green container. When talking to Harry, the green light from Harry's chamber reflects on Norman's face, all of which possibly allude to him becoming the Green Goblin in the future. [44]
In an alternate reality, Osborn acquired the Infinity Gems after manipulating an army of villains to do the work for him and used them to reassemble the Infinity Gauntlet, defeating most of the heroes while trapping Spider-Man in a time loop where he witnesses/"causes" Gwen Stacy's death over and over again. However, when Norman uses the Gauntlet's power to resurrect his abusive father to show him what he has accomplished, his father dismisses him as a petty tyrant and a monster until Norman uses the Gauntlet to change his father's opinion. When Thanos appears, killing the rest of the Dark Avengers while taunting Osborn about the hollow nature of his father's current approval, Osborn destroys him, but when his altered father only says that he loves Norman as a son, Osborn erases him in a fit of anger as he wanted to be praised for his accomplishments, realizing too late that erasing his father automatically erases him as well.
Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy is a fictional character who appears in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually as a supporting character in those featuring Spider-Man. A college student, she was a romantic interest for Peter Parker before she was murdered by the Green Goblin. Her death has haunted Peter ever since, and stories published long afterwards indicates she still holds a special place in his heart.
The Hobgoblin is the alias of several fictional supervillains appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly depicted as enemies of Spider-Man. He is inspired by his predecessor, the Green Goblin, and utilizes similar equipment. The Hobgoblin was created by Roger Stern and John Romita Jr. and the first use of the Hobgoblin identity by Roderick Kingsley happened in The Amazing Spider-Man #238 where only his secret hideout was revealed, and not his secret identity. The Hobgoblin mantle was then carried on exclusively by Jason Macendale during the late 1980s and most of the 1990s. Another character to assume the Hobgoblin alias was Phil Urich.
Carnage is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually depicted as an enemy of Spider-Man and Venom. The character first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #361, and was created by writer David Michelinie and artist Mark Bagley, although the first published artwork of Carnage was penciled by Chris Marrinan. Carnage belongs to a race of amorphous extraterrestrial parasites known as Symbiotes, which form a symbiotic bond with their hosts and give them super-human abilities. The Carnage symbiote is usually depicted as an offspring of Venom that is more powerful than him due to the symbiotes' nature, and is much more sociopathic and sadistic. Like Venom, Carnage has had multiple hosts over the years, but his most infamous one remains his first, serial killer Cletus Kasady, whose personality perfectly matches that of the symbiote. Other hosts include Ben Reilly, Karl Malus, and Norman Osborn.
Doctor Octopus, also known as Doc Ock for short, is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. A highly intelligent and somewhat stocky and myopic mad scientist who utilizes four mechanical appendages for both movement and combat, the character debuted in The Amazing Spider-Man #3, and has since been featured as one of the most enduring foes of the superhero Spider-Man, which earned him a position as one of his archenemies. Doctor Octopus is notable for forming and leading the first supervillain team to oppose Spider-Man: the Sinister Six.
Harry Osborn is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with the superhero Spider-Man. He first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #31, and was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Harry is the best friend of Peter Parker, the son of Norman Osborn, and the father of Normie Osborn and Stanley Osborn. He is the second character to assume the Green Goblin alias, after his father, and also donned the Iron Patriot armor to become the superhero American Son.
The Sinister Six are a group of supervillains appearing in Spider-Man comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are drawn from Spider-Man's list of enemies. The original incarnation of the group was organized by Doctor Octopus and consisted of Vulture, Electro, Mysterio, Sandman and Kraven the Hunter. While the team has had different members in its various iterations over the years, Doctor Octopus generally remained the leader across all versions.
The Spider-Slayers are a series of fictional robots appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Spencer Smythe, they were designed specifically to hunt down, capture, or kill Spider-Man. A new generation of Spider-Slayers was later created by Spencer's son, Alistair Smythe.
Elizabeth "Liz" Allan, also known as Elizabeth Allan-Osborn and commonly misspelled as "Liz Allen", is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. In the character's earliest appearances, she was a popular girl at the high school Peter Parker attends. She has been a regular supporting character in the various Spider-Man series in an on-and-off basis, and has ties to the Green Goblin and Molten Man.
Oscorp, also known as Oscorp Industries, is a fictional multibillion-dollar multinational corporation appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, predominantly Spider-Man comics. According to Forbes, highlighting the 25 largest fictional companies, it had an estimated sales of $3.1 billion, ranking it at number 23.
Normie Osborn is a fictional character in Marvel Comics. He is the grandson of Norman Osborn and the eldest son of Harry Osborn.
"Spider-Man" is the name of multiple comic book characters from the Marvel Comics Multiverse. The original and most well known is Peter Parker created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko originating from the Earth-616 universe. Within the mainstream Marvel Universe there have been characters that have taken the mantle such as Ben Reilly, Mac Gargan and Doctor Octopus.
Norman Osborn is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko, and first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #14 as the original and most well-known incarnation of Green Goblin.
The Green Goblin is the alias of several fictional supervillains appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The first and best known incarnation, Norman Osborn, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, is generally considered to be the archenemy of Spider-Man. Originally a manifestation of chemically induced insanity, others such as Harry Osborn would take on the persona. The Green Goblin is a Halloween-themed supervillain whose weapons resemble bats, ghosts and jack-o'-lanterns.
The Green Goblin is a fictional Marvel Comics supervillain that has appeared in a range of media, usually in association with his archenemy, the superhero Spider-Man. Multiple characters have assumed the Green Goblin alias in comics. The first and most well-known iteration Norman Osborn was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and debuted in The Amazing Spider-Man #14, though the Goblin's identity as Osborn was not revealed until The Amazing Spider-Man #37. The second character to adopt the Green Goblin alias was Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man #136.
Alchemax is a fictional corporation appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, usually depicted as part of the 2099 universe.
The Superior Spider-Man is a superhero comic book series published by Marvel Comics that ran between January 2013 and June 2014. The series was written by Dan Slott, with artwork by Ryan Stegman, Humberto Ramos, and Giuseppe Camuncoli. The storyline sees a dying Otto Octavius swapping bodies with Peter Parker and allowing Parker to die in his body. However, he later learns about responsibility and redeems himself. Adopting the alias "Superior Spider-Man", he becomes a superhero and is determined to prove himself as a better Spider-Man than Parker ever was, and a better man than Octavius.
"Spider-Verse" is a 2014 comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics. It features multiple alternative versions of Spider-Man that had appeared in various media, all under attack by Morlun and his family, the Inheritors. The last two episodes of Spider-Man: The Animated Series (Spider-Wars) about multiple Spider-Men going across dimensions fighting villains, served as inspiration for Spider-Verse. Beginning in August 2014, the event was preceded by two new issues of the cancelled Superior Spider-Man, issues of Spider-Man 2099 and a five issue run of one shots-all under the Edge of Spider-Verse banner.
"Go Down Swinging" is a four-issue comic book storyline in The Amazing Spider-Man, first published by Marvel Comics between March and May 2018 and featuring the fictional superhero Spider-Man.
The Green Goblin is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is the Ultimate Marvel version of Norman Osborn, and was rendered by artist Mark Bagley to resemble actor Brian Dennehy, as per writer Brian Michael Bendis's instructions.
Whe were so close. But I'll keep trying. I will find a cure. I will. I love you son.