Anu (Irish goddess)

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Paps of Anu The Paps of Dana-01.jpg
Paps of Anu

Anu or Ana (sometimes given as Anann or Anand ) is the name of a goddess mentioned briefly in Irish mythology.


Myths and sources

The 9th century Sanas Cormaic (Cormac's Glossary) says in its entry for her:

"Ana – mother of the gods of Ireland; well did she feed the gods".

She may be a goddess in her own right, [1] or an alternate name for Danu. In the Lebor Gabála Érenn , Anand is given as another name for The Morrígan. [2] As her name is often conflated with a number of other goddesses, it is not always clear which figure is being referred to if the name is taken out of context. [1] The name may be derived from the Proto-Celtic theonym *Φanon-. [3] [4]

Anu has particular associations with Munster: the pair of breast shaped hills known as the Paps of Anu (Dá Chích Anann or "the breasts of Anu") [5] in County Kerry are said to have been named after her. [2]

While an Irish goddess, in parts of Britain a similar figure is referred to as “Gentle Annie”, in an effort to avoid offence, a tactic which is similar to referring to the fairies as “The Good People”. [6]

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  1. 1 2 MacKillop, James (1998). Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 10, 16, 128. ISBN   0-19-280120-1.
  2. 1 2 Macalister, R.A. Stewart (1941). Lebor Gabála Érenn[Book of Invasions of Ireland] (First Redaction ed.). Dublin, IE: Irish Texts Society. Part IV, § VII.
  3. "Celtic Lexicon". The Celtic Languages and Cultural Identity. Centre for Advanced Welsh Celtic Studies. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales.
  4. "Indo-European database". Leiden, NL: University of Leiden. Archived from the original on 11 February 2006.
  5. "The Paps of Anu". Prehistoric and Early Ireland. Archived from the original on 12 March 2016. Retrieved 23 March 2011.
  6. "Black Annis, Gentle Annie".
