The Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Españolas (ANME), was a women's rights organisation active in Spain from 1918 to 1936.
It was not the first women's rights movement in Spain, but was to last longer than any of its predecessors. It was founded in Madrid in 1918 by Consuelo Gonzalez Ramos and Maria Espinosa de los Monteros. Its purpose was to work for women's rights, particularly women's suffrage. It had no support from the Catholic church or any political party, and relied on contributes from sympathizers, and had its meetings on the home of its presidents. In 1919, the ANME founded the umbrella organisation Consejo Feminista de España together with the other smaller women's organisations: the Sociedad Progresiva Femenina and La Mujer del Porvenir in Barcelona, and the Sociedad Concepción Arenal and Liga para el Progreso de la Mujer in Valencia.
From 1921, it published its own paper, the Mundo Femenino.
In 1934, the organisation founded a political feminist party, the Acción Política Feminista Independiente, who tried unsuccessfully to join the leftist coalition. Both the party and the organisation was dissolved under the Spanish civil war.
Zoila Ugarte de Landívar, also known by her pseudonym Zarelia, was an Ecuadorian writer, journalist, librarian, suffragist, and feminist. She was the first female journalist in Ecuador. Together with Hipatia Cárdenas de Bustamante, she was a key defender of women's suffrage in Ecuador.
Marta Lamas Encabo is a Mexican anthropologist and political science professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and lecturer at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). She is one of Mexico's leading feminists and has written many books aimed at reducing discrimination by opening public discourse on feminism, gender, prostitution and abortion. Since 1990, Lamas has edited one of Latin America's most important feminist journals, Debate Feminista. In 2005, she was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
Feminism in Argentina is a set of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women in Argentina. Although some women have been considered precursors—among them Juana Manso and Juana Manuela Gorriti—feminism was introduced to the country as a result of the great European immigration wave that took place in the late 19th and early 20th century. The first feminists did not form a unified movement, but included anarchist and socialist activists, who incorporated women's issues into their revolutionary program, and prestigious freethinker women, who initially fought for access to higher education and, later, legal equality with men. Despite the efforts of the first-wave feminists, Argentine women did not acquire the right to vote until 1947, during Juan Perón's first government. His highly popular wife, Eva, championed women's suffrage and founded and ran the nation's first large-scale female political party, the Female Peronist Party. Although she refused to identify herself as a feminist, Eva Perón is valued for having redefined the role of women in politics.
Mercedes Sandoval de Hempel was a Paraguayan lawyer and feminist. She was one of the leading proponents of women's suffrage in the country, drafting the Anteproyecto de Ley de Reforma Parcial del Código Civil. In 1992, the amendment of the Paraguayan Civil Code finally recognized equality between men and women. The wording of Article 1 of Law 704/61 was simple: “Reconócese a la mujer los mismos derechos y obligaciones políticos que al hombre.”
Ximena Bedregal Sáez is a Chilean-Bolivian architect, writer, theoretician, professor, editor, photographer, and feminist lesbian. In Mexico, she founded Centro de Investigación, Capacitación y Apoyo a la Mujer, and edited its magazine, La Correa Feminista.
The Asociación para la Enseñanza de la Mujer or AEM, was a women's rights organisation active in Spain from 1870.
María Julieta Kirkwood Bañados was a Chilean sociologist, political scientist, university professor and feminist activist. She is considered one of the founders and impellers of the Chilean feminist movement in the 1980s. She is considered the forerunner of Gender studies in Chile.
Marta Vergara Varas was a Chilean author, editor, journalist and women's rights activist. Introduced to international feminism in 1930, she became instrumental in the development of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) helping gather documentation on laws which effected women's nationality. She pushed Doris Stevens to broaden the scope of international feminism to include working women's issues in the quest for equality. A founding member of the Pro-Emancipation Movement of Chilean Women, she was editor of its monthly bulletin La Mujer Nueva. When she was ousted from the Communist Party she moved to Europe and worked as a journalist during the war. At war's end, she returned to Washington, D.C. and worked at the CIM continuing to press for women's suffrage and equality, before returning to Chile, where she resumed her writing career.
Elida Luisa Campodónico Moreno was a Panamanian teacher, women's rights advocate and attorney. She was one of the founders of the National Feminist Party of Panama and worked for women to gain voting rights. She established the Panamanian branch of La Gota de Leche and was the second woman in Panama to become an attorney. After women won the right to vote, Campodónico joined the diplomatic corps and became the first woman ambassador in Latin America, when she was appointed as Panama's ambassador to Mexico in 1952.
Carmen Velacoracho de Lara (1880s–1960) was a Spanish-Cuban writer, journalist, feminist, monarchist, and women's rights activist. She was co-author of El libro amarillo, a pro-feminist manifesto published in Cuba in the early 20th century, which she drafted along with her husband, landowner Pío Fernández de Lara Zalda.
Elisa Soriano Fisher was a Spanish teacher and ophthalmologist. She founded the Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Españolas and was the president of the Juventud Universitaria Femenina association. She is considered a leading figure of universal suffrage and associative and intellectual feminism of the 1920s and 1930s, until the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
XHCDMX-FM "Violeta Radio" is a community radio station on 106.1 FM in Mexico City. The station describes itself as a "feminist" radio station; its concession is held by Alianza por el Derecho Humano de las Mujeres a Comunicar, A.C., a civil association formed by several women's organizations and activists.
Montserrat Boix Piqué is a Spanish journalist, considered among the most influential women in her country. In early 2000, she created and developed the concepts of social cyberfeminism, and a year later those of feminist hacktivism. Another of her main areas of work is gender violence and communication. She has also stood out as a defender of the right to communication and citizenship rights for women. Since 1986, she has been a journalist for the Information Services of Televisión Española (TVE), in the international section.
Women in modern pre-Second Republic Spain were marginalized by society, with very few legal rights. Pre-1900s, the most important feminists were in Spain were Teresa Claramunt and Teresa Mañe, who drew inspiration from foreign feminists. Prior to the 1900, literacy rates for women were at 10%. Education for women was primarily being pushed by freethinkers. This period saw low percentages of women in the workforce, with industrialization having failed to bring women into the labor market. The most female industry with the greatest women's led labor movement was the tobacco industry.
Women rights in Francoist Spain (1939–1975) and the democratic transition (1975–1985) were limited. The Franco regime immediately implemented draconian measures that legally incapacitated women, making them dependents of their husbands, fathers or the state. Moderate reforms would not begin until the 1960s, with more dramatic reforms taking place after Franco's death in 1975 and the ensuing democratic transition.
Feminism in Francoist Spain and the democratic transition period took place in a specific socio-historical context. Spanish feminism went through several waves in the Francoist period. Broadly speaking, they are first-wave feminism taking place from the mid-nineteenth century to 1965, second-wave feminism taking place from 1965 to 1975, and third-wave feminism taking place from 1975 to 2012.
Lidia Falcón O'Neill is a Spanish politician and writer. With a degree in law, dramatic art, and journalism, and a PhD in philosophy, she has stood out for her defense of feminism in Spain, especially during the Transition.
María Espinosa de los Monteros y Díaz de Santiago, also María Espinosa Diaz, (1875–1946) was a Spanish women's rights activist and business executive. She is remembered in particular for founding in 1918 the Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Españolas which she headed until 1924. In 1898, she established the Spanish branch of the American Yost Typewriter Company, Casa Yost, which she headed until 1921. In 1926, she was appointed to serve as a councillor for the Municipality of Segovia.
Spain's National March in Opposition to Male Violence(s) Against Women, also known as 7N, was a mass citizen mobilisation, convened as a "feminist movement", which came to occupy the centre of Madrid on 7 November 2015. Organised by three hundred and thirty-two feminist organisations, it had the support of two hundred and twenty-two bodies, including political parties, unions and national and international feminist organisations, as well as one hundred and thirty-five district councils. The final event consisted in the reading of a manifesto compiling the condemnations and demands of the organisations involved, negotiated over nine months through working committees.
Raquel Ramírez Salgado is a Mexican researcher, communicator, feminist and women's rights activist.