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Some of our queries were answered in a manner which, although accurate, required considerable supplementary probing on our part before we felt reasonably confident that we had adequate information about the circumstances into which we were inquiring. ...
The account which we have given and the inferences which we have drawn are on the basis of the information we have received. [3]
Indeed, some of the information they received would be amended during the course of the subsequent Tribunal of Inquiry. The difficulties the Expert Group had obtaining information from BTSB staff had been reported in the press and were known to Minister Howlin. [25]
In Dáil debates following the publication of the Expert Group's report, during which there were calls for dismissals and resignations at the BTSB, Michael Noonan TD, the new Minister for Health adopted a defensive position, going so far as to express full confidence in the board of the BTSB, 9 of whom had been appointed since 1993. [26]
Following publication of the Expert Group's report Positive Action entered into negotiations with the Department of Health for appropriate compensation (medical and financial). [10] Negotiations ceased in September 1995 [27] and resumed on 1 November 1995 at the request of the Department of Health.
As a result, the following were introduced:[ citation needed ]
Positive Action criticized the "ad hoc" nature of the proposed tribunal, which meant that any government could take a decision to simply wind it up without a vote in the Dáil. [28] They demanded that any compensation tribunal should be established on a statutory basis by an act of the Oireachtas. They felt that the purpose of the tribunal was to enable the state to never admit its culpability in the case and to force women to accept smaller sums than would be awarded through a judicial process. Positive Action held a meeting in December 1995 at which 91% of members voted to reject and boycott the compensation tribunal. [29]
Transfusion Positive, the group representing people who had contracted hepatitis C through blood transfusions (rather than anti-D) from the BTSB also voiced concerns over the tribunal's requirement to prove infection "on the balance of probabilities". [27]
In December 1995, despite the misgivings of the representative groups, the government announced the establishment of the tribunal to award compensation to those infected with hepatitis C through BTSB products (anti-D and transfusions) under the chairmanship of former Supreme Court judge Mr. Justice Seamus Egan. [30]
The tribunal chairman would adjudicate on cases together with two other members selected from a panel that included Ms. Alison Cross BL, Ms. Sheila Cooney Solicitor and Ms. Eileen Leyden BL. [27]
In February 1996, the tribunal made its first compensation awards to two women whose cases were accelerated due to their terminal illness, [31] one of whom died within weeks of the award. [32]
At the end of February 1996 only 72 women had applied to the compensation tribunal [33] and some 400 had issued writs against the BTSB in the courts.
The government announced that the closing date for applications to the compensation tribunal would be 17 June 1996.
Positive Action re-iterated their rejection of the tribunal claiming the government was using it to discourage women from taking legal action to expose the truth. [34] [35]
Fearing they might miss out on all compensation members of Positive Action group took legal advice. Some members chose to apply to the tribunal while simultaneously initiating legal action against the BTSB.
Throughout the following weeks stories began to emerge of an aggressive legal strategy being pursued by lawyers acting for the Department of Health and opposition politicians accused the government of trying to bully the women into settling with the compensation tribunal. [36]
Over the following months the media reported on various awards made by the compensation tribunal. [37] [38]
By February 1997, the compensation tribunal had received 1,664 applications, of which 1,512 were primary claimants, 86 were dependents and 66 carers. [39] In the 267 cases heard to that point, the tribunal had made 169 lump sum awards, 96 provisional awards and had disallowed two claims.
In subsequent years several of the awards made or denied by the tribunal were challenged in the High Court, most of which were reviewed by Mr. Justice Bernard Barton.
On 28 July 1995, lawyers acting for a HCV-positive Donegal woman with advanced liver disease who had received anti-D treatments during her 12 pregnancies made an application to the High Court to pursue for damages against the BTSB and the Irish State using an assumed name.[ citation needed ]
It was proposed that to protect the woman and her family from the stigma associated with the hepatitis C, she would take the case using the name "Bridget Roe". [40] Ms. Susan Stapleton, Solicitor said the woman wished to use an alias because she desired to protect her privacy, not merely as a means of preventing embarrassment to her but also to prevent real injustice to her. [41]
In January 1996, the Attorney General challenged the woman's right to take such a case using a false name. [42] On 14 February 1996, Miss Justice Laffoy ruled that to do so would contravene Article 34 (1) of the Constitution. [43]
The woman decided to continue with her case for damages against the BTSB, the NDAB, the Minister for Health, the Attorney General and the Irish State using her real name Brigid Ellen McCole. Given the advanced nature of her disease and poor prognosis, her legal team applied to the High Court to set a date for her action to be heard in June 1996. While adjudicating on the issue on 26 April, Mr Justice Costello, President of the High Court, asked if granting the request would mean 400 similar applications would follow and fixed 8 October as the date for the trial, which was expected to take six weeks . [44]
On 23 April the Oireachtas Select Committee on Social Affairs wrote to the BTSB requesting that it send a delegation to meet the Select Committee on Social Affairs on Thursday 2 May and discuss the hepatitis C issue. The Chief Executive of the BTSB wrote a response saying it would not be appropriate for board could to enter into such discussions while Mrs. McCole's action was pending in the High Court.[ citation needed ]
In June 1996 Mrs. McCole's legal team applied to the High Court for discovery of files held by the BTSB, which contained information relevant to Mrs. McCole's case. Ms. Justice Laffoy ruled that the woman was entitled to seek information from the board's employees relating to the case dating back to 1976 and gave the BTSB until 19 July to answer certain questions about its documentation. On 23 July Mr Donal O'Donnell SC, for the BTSB, said the BTSB was conducting an extensive search through a great volume of files and asked for an additional two to three weeks more to submit an affidavit concerning the discovery of documents. Miss Justice Laffoy said that it was an awkward situation for the BTSB and that she had no option but to grant its request . [45]
From files eventually disclosed by the BTSB, Mrs. McCole's legal team uncovered significant details that had not been shown to the Expert Group's investigation:[ citation needed ]
Based on these revelations, Mrs. McCole's legal team formulated a long list of questions which it sent to the BTSB and as it became increasingly unlikely that they would ever come to trial, leaked them also to the press . [46]
After attending a family wedding in Donegal in August 1996, Mrs. McCole was transferred to St. Vincent's Hospital in Dublin, where it quickly became clear that she was dying. The legal teams acting for the plaintiffs contacted Mrs. McCole's team to negotiate a settlement. On 20 September they wrote a letter of apology to Mrs. McCole and admitted liability in the case. In a series of letters Counsel for the BTSB offered £175,000 in compensation from the BTSB compensation tribunal provided the McCole family would agree never to sue them following their mother's death . [47]
If Mrs. McCole died without accepting this offer, the maximum compensation her family might win in the courts would be £7,500. Counsel for the BTSB also threatened her with legal costs if she did not accept the offer . [48]
When her doctors told her she would not live to the trial date, Mrs. McCole saw she had run out of time. Negotiations continued while she was on her deathbed where on 1 October 1996, she accepted the board's full admission and offer of £175,000 . [49] She died the next day.
The fact that the 1991 contamination of anti-D was not publicly announced until the report of the Export Group undermined confidence in the commitment of the BTSB and Department of Health to full transparency. The legal case taken by Brigid McCole had led to the discovery of additional facts (such as the scope of the Therapeutic Substances Act, 1932 and the labelling of Patient X's blood tests as "infective hepatitis") which had been kept from the Expert Group and contributed further to the public disquiet. However, Minister Michael Noonan resisted all calls for a full Judicial Inquiry into the affair until. His position changed after Mrs. McCole died.[ citation needed ]
In a statement to Dáil Éireann on 3 October 1996, [50] Minister Noonan revealed that the BTSB had agreed to admit liability in the McCole case on 20 September but when Maire Geoghegan-Quinn demanded an full judicial Inquiry, he cited the huge legal costs and lack of clarity that resulted from the Beef Tribunal.
A few days later, the Minister had received a letter from the family of Brigid McCole in which they listed a series of questions they expected the Minister to answer.
On 8 October, the minister brought a motion before the Dáil to institute a tribunal of Inquiry into the entire controversy. The terms of reference for this tribunal were based in large part on the questions submitted in the McCole family's letter. [51] He stated that he had previously felt such a tribunal unnecessary because he expected the McCole case in the High Court to clarify any issues outstanding from the Expert Group's investigation but given the death of Mrs. McCole, that case could no longer proceed. [52]
Under Justice Thomas Finlay, this tribunal commenced on 5 November 1996 and sat for a total of 27 days, with the press reporting daily on hearings. Although the Expert Group's report had established most of the facts of the case, the reporting of first-hand testimonies and cross examinations of victims, [53] [54] BTSB staff, [55] [56] [57] [58] independent experts, [59] [60] [61] civil servants [62] and politicians [63] [64] had a huge impact on public opinion.
One of the first witnesses to appear before the tribunal was 27-year old Bríd McCole, [51] [65] daughter of the late Brigid McCole who said it was her "mother's dying wish that the truth of now she suffered and the circumstances surrounding it would be revealed".
At the final hearings on 4 February 1997, Justice Finlay expressed his deep admiration for those victims who had given evidence and for the manner in which they had contributed to the tribunal with rare courage and great moderation. [66]
At the final hearings of the tribunal, counsel for the tribunal, Mr James Nugent SC said that would not be appropriate for the tribunal to send its report to the DPP or to recommend prosecutions in the hepatitis C scandal. This opinion was echoed by Mr. Frank Clarke SC, counsel for the public interest, by Mr Patrick Hanratty, counsel for the NDAB and by Mr Paul Gallagher SC representing the BTSB. [67] [68]
On behalf of the BTSB, Mr Paul Gallagher SC issued an apology to all those who had become infected with hepatitis C due to the BTSB's negligence, repeated wrong decisions and breach of protocols. [69] Counsel for the Department of Health used the final sitting to voice a comprehensive defense of the department's actions throughout the controversy. [66]
Mr. Justice Thomas Finlay then took another four weeks to finalize his report and submit it to the Minister for Health who had it published on 11 March 1997. [70]
Amongst the findings in the report were:
Responsibility for these failures lay to a major extent with 3 named employees of the BTSB:
The report made many recommendations, which included re-structuring the BTSB and moving from its out-dated facilities at Pelican House.
Following the tribunal findings, Positive Action again lobbied for a statutory compensation tribunal with power to award exemplary and punitative damages. In May 1997 the bill to establish this statutory compensation tribunal, [71] was passed in the Oireachtas, and included provision for a reparation fund of 20% of the tribunal award for exemplary and punitive damages or the option of a hearing on such damages.
The speed and efficiency with which Thomas Finlay's BTSB Tribunal conducted its business, restored confidence in the tribunal as a mechanism of resolving great controversies in the public interest. [72]
Following the tribunal Cecily Cunningham was the only employee of the BTSB to be sacked and later took an action for unfair dismissal against them. [4] Dr. Terry Walsh had retired but both he and Ms. Cunningham would be called before the Lindsay Tribunal examining the contamination of BTSB's products for the treatment of haemophilia with HIV and hepatitis C.
Walsh and Cunningham were arrested in 2003. [73] Walsh died before facing court, and charges against Cunningham were dropped in 2009. [74]
In a series of heated Dáil debates that followed the death of Brigid McCole, [50] [75] [76] the influence of the Government on the BTSB's legal strategy towards her case and those of other women seeking compensation came under scrutiny.
Minister Noonan's attempts to describe Mrs. McCole's acceptance of an ex gratia payment from the ad-hoc compensation tribunal as a negotiated settlement were attacked by opposition TDs who pointed out her acceptance came only when she realized she had hours to live and might otherwise get no compensation for her family. The minister faced many questions about his knowledge of and influence on the BTSB's legal strategy, its admission of liability, the scheduling of the McCole case in the High Court and the retirement of senior managers from the BTSB without ever facing sanction.[ citation needed ]
In his statement to the Dáil on 16 October 1996, [76] Mr. Noonan suggested that Mrs. McCole's legal team had not properly represented her interests asking: "Would not the solicitors for the plaintiff have served their client better if they had advised her to go to the compensation tribunal early this year? Was it in the interest of their client to attempt to run her case not only in the High Court, but also in the media and the Dáil simultaneously?"
This course of argument caused outrage amongst opposition TDs and in the public gallery of the Dáil where representatives of Positive Action stood in protest and left. The minister returned to the house later that evening to issue an unreserved apology, [77] for any offense his statement may have caused but the episode would dog him for the remainder of his political career. [78] [79]
While neither Brendan Howlin T.D. nor Michael Noonan T.D. were responsible for the Department of Health or any of its client organizations (BTSB/NDAB) when the contaminations occurred, their management of the crises and treatment of victims was subject to severe criticism by witnesses to the tribunal of inquiry chaired by Justice Finlay. [80] [81] [82]
In June 1997 the new Fianna Fáil Minister for Health, Mr. Brian Cowen TD released the McCole papers. [48] These revealed that the BTSB had information since 3 April 1995 that they were negligent, had no defence in the McCole case, but continued to fight her application for anonymity and sent her a threatening letter on her death bed.[ citation needed ]
The government sent the Finlay Report to the DPP who responded on 6 October 1997 with the decision that no criminal prosecutions would be forthcoming as a result of the report.[ citation needed ]
The McCole family wrote first to the new Minister for Health [83] and subsequently to the Garda Commissioner, Patrick Byrne [84] to demand an investigation. A Garda investigation began in late November 1997 which in 2003 resulted in charges being brought against two former employees of the BTSB - Dr. Terry Walsh and Ms Cecily Cunningham (Dr. Jack O'Riordan had since died) - on seven counts of Grievous Bodily Harm.
Both Dr. Walsh [85] and Ms. Cunningham [86] sought court injunctions to prevent their prosecutions but failed.
While their court cases were pending, the untimely death of Dr. Terry Walsh [87] was announced and the case against Ms. Cecily Cunningham was dropped by the DPP due to the deaths of crucial witnesses.
In January 2002, RTÉ broadcast a four-part TV drama series called No Tears [88] based on the story of the anti-D contamination and the scandals that ensued.
Written by Brian Phelan the drama was based on real events but did not use the real names of any of the parties involved and through artistic license amalgamated aspects and experiences of different people into composite characters. It starred the Oscar-winning actress, Brenda Fricker as Gráinne McFadden (based very closely on Brigid McCole), Tina Kellegher as Monica O'Callaghan (based on Jane O'Brien) and Mark Lambert as "The Minister for Health". Most other characters were composites of real women and families that were impacted by the contamination and employees of the BTSB and State Agencies who are focused on damage limitation.[ citation needed ]
Whereas, most viewers' knowledge of the story came from factual and often dry court reports and newspaper articles, the TV drama could show the emotional impact of many years of inexplicable illness on these women all over Ireland, as it first explored their back stories before the events that brought the controversy to light. The series proved hugely popular, [89] breaking viewing figures for an Irish-produced TV drama serial but attracted a certain amount of controversy also.
Some members of Positive Action challenged the sequence of and participants in certain events but it was whether the depiction of the Minister for Health was unfair or unduly unsympathetic that stimulated most discussion. [90] [91]
The family of Brigid McCole denied ever giving their "blessing" to the production. [92]
Intensive plasma exchange was used to reduce the maternal anti-D concentration in case of severe rhesus haemolytic disease.
In Ireland between January 1991 and January 1994, 46 batches of anti-D immunoglobulin were produced including 10 donations in 1989 from a donor who tested negative for hepatitis C.