He is fluent in English, French, and Hebrew, and intermediate in Arabic, Persian, and German.
Professional work
Rubin is director of studies and senior fellow at the Center on International Cooperation (CIC) of New York University,[2] where has worked since July 2000. From April 2009 until October 2013, he was the senior adviser to the special representative of for Afghanistan and Pakistan at the US Department of State.
Between 1994 and 2000, he served as director of the Center for Preventive Action and Director, Peace, and Conflict Studies at New York City's Council on Foreign Relations.
He was associate professor of political science and director of the Center for the Study of Central Asia at Columbia University from 1990 to 1996. Previous to this, he was a Jennings Randolph Peace Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace and assistant professor of political science at Yale University.
In November–December 2001 Rubin served as special advisor to the UN special representative of the secretary general for Afghanistan during the negotiations that led to the Bonn Agreement. He advised the United Nations on the drafting of the constitution of Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Compact, and the Afghanistan National Development Strategy.
Between 1996 and 1998, he served on the US secretary of state's Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad.
Toward Comprehensive Peace in Southeast Europe: Conflict Prevention in the South Balkans, Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1996. ISBN9780870784026, OCLC924817850
Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, Lloyd I. Rudolph, editors, "The U.S. Response to the JVP Insurgency in Sri Lanka," Coordination of Complexity in South Asia: A Study for the Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.) Reprinted in Lloyd I. Rudolph and Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, editors, The Regional Imperative: The Administration of U.S. Foreign Policy Towards South Asian States under Presidents Johnson and Nixon (New Delhi: Concept Publishing Co., 1980).
"Statistical Evaluation of Human Rights Violations: Implications for Policy," In U.S. Foreign Policy and Human Rights, Paula Newberg, editor, (New York: New York University Press, 1980).
Feudal Revolt and State Building: The 1938 Sikar Agitation in Jaipur State (Delhi: South Asia Publications, 1983).
"Economic Liberalisation and the Indian State," Third World Quarterly 7 (October 1985), pp.942–957.
"Journey to the East: Industrialization in India and the Chinese Experience," in Dilip K. Basu and John Richard Sisson, eds. Social and Economic Development in India: A Reassessment (New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 1985), pp.67–88.
"Afghan Resistances," Third World Affairs 1986. (London: Third World Foundation for Social and Economic Studies, 1986), pp.468–472.
"Financing Gross Capital Formation in the Indian Public Sector: A Quantitative Model," Economic and Political Weekly (November 1–8, 1986), pp.1943–1950.
"The Civil Liberties Movement in India: New Approaches to the State and Social Change." Asian Survey (March 1987), pp.371–392.
"Lineages of the State in Afghanistan," Asian Survey 28 (November 1988), pp.1188–1209.
With Patricia Gossman, "Accounting for 'Disappearances' in Sri Lanka: An Excerpt from an Asia Watch Report," South Asia Bulletin 8 (1988), pp.75–87.
"Afghanistan after Geneva: The Next Round," Orbis 33 (Winter 1988–1989), pp.57–72.
"Human Rights and Development: Reflections on Social Movements in India," in Human Rights and Development: International Views, ed. David Forsythe (London: Macmillan, 1989), pp.110 – 118.
"Human Rights in Mass-Based Ethnic Conflict: South Asian Examples of Dilemmas of Definition, Monitoring and Protection," in Claude E. Welch, Jr., and Virginia A. Leary, eds., Asian Perspectives on Human Rights (Boulder: Westview, 1990), pp.186–205.
"Afghanistan: 'Back to Feudalism,'" Current History (December 1989), pp.421–424+.
"Afghanistan: Political Exiles in Search of A State." Journal of Political Science 18 (Spring 1990), pp.63–93; also in Yossi Shain, ed., Governments in Exile.(New York: Routledge: 1991).
"The Fragmentation of Afghanistan," Foreign Affairs (Winter 1989/90), pp.150–168.
"The Old Regime in Afghanistan: Recruitment and Training of a State Elite," Central Asian Survey 10 (1991).
"Post-Cold-War State Disintegration: The Failure of International Conflict Resolution in Afghanistan," Journal of International Affairs 46 (Winter 1993), pp.469–492.
"Redistribution and the State in Afghanistan: The Red Revolution Turns Green," in Ali Banuazizi and Myron Weiner, eds., The Politics of Social Transformation in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1994): 187–227.
"The Fragmentation of Tajikistan," Survival 35 (Winter 1993–1994): 71–91.
"Contradictory Trends in the International Relations of Central Asia," Central Asia Monitor no. 6 (1993): 11–16.
"Afghanistan in 1993," Asian Survey 34 (February 1994): 185–90.
"The Failure of an Internationally Sponsored Interim Government in Afghanistan," in Yossi Shain and Juan Linz, eds., Between States: Interim Governments and the Transition to Democracy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995): 211–236.
“Post-Colonial State Formation and Post-Cold-War State Disintegration,” in International Solidarity and National Sovereignty, pp.39–66. Edited by Giandomenico Picco and Giovanni Delli Zotti. Gorizia: Istituto de Sociologia Internazionale, 1995.
“Afghanistan: The Forgotten Crisis,” in Refugee Survey Quarterly, v. 15, n. 2 (1996), pp.1–35. Also published as “Afghanistán: La Crisis Olvidada,” in Informe: Observatorio de conflictos 5 (1996), published by Centro de Investigación para la Paz (Madrid).
“U.S. Policy in Afghanistan,” in Muslim Politics Report, 11 (Council on Foreign Relations, January/February 1997).
“Central Asia: Problems of Wealth, A Wealth of Problems,” in 1997 Freedom Review Around the World, v. 28, n. 1 (1997), pp.77–90.
“Women and Pipelines: Afghanistan's Proxy Wars,” in International Affairs 73, no. 2 (April 1997), pp.283–296.
"Arab Islamists in Afghanistan," in John L. Esposito, ed., Political Islam: Revolution, Radicalism, or Reform? (Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Reinner, 1997), pp.179–206.
“Russian Hegemony and State Breakdown in the Periphery: Causes and Consequences of the Civil War in Tajikistan,” in Barnett R. Rubin and Jack Snyder, eds., Organizing the Former Soviet Space: Origins of Political Order and Conflict (London: Routledge, 1998).
"Conclusion: Managing Normal Instability," in Barnett R. Rubin and Jack Snyder, eds., Organizing the Former Soviet Space: Origins of Political Order and Conflict (London: Routledge, 1998).
"Introduction: Experiences in Prevention," in Barnett R. Rubin, ed., Cases and Strategies for Preventive Action (New York: The Council on Foreign Relations and The Twentieth Century Fund, 1998).
With Michael S. Lund and Fabienne Hara, "Learning from Burundi’s Failed Democratic Transition, 1993-96: Did International Initiatives Match the Problem?," in Barnett R. Rubin, ed., Cases and Strategies for Preventive Action (New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1998), pp.47–92.
"Afghanistan under the Taliban," Current History 98 (February 1999), pp.79–91.
"Prévention des conflits: l'Europe et les leçons de l'expérience." In Robert Bussière, ed., L'Europe et la prévention des crises (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2000).
"Afghanistan: The Last Cold-War Conflict, the First Post-Cold War Conflict." In Wayne Nafziger, Frances Stewart, and Raimo Väyrinen (eds), The Origins of Humanitarian Emergencies (Vol 2). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999 or 2000.
"The Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan," World Development 28 (2000), no. 10, pp.1789–1803.
With Andrea Armstrong. "Regional Conflict Formations in Central Asia and Central Africa," in Making States Work: State Failure and the Crisis of Governance (eds. Simon Chesterman, Michael Ignatieff, and Romesh Thakur), Tokyo: UN University Press, 2005.
With Humayun Hamidzada (editors). Towards a New Constitution for Afghanistan. Kabul: Maiwand Press, 2003. (English, Dari, and Pashto editions.)
“Transitional Justice and Human Rights in Afghanistan.” International Affairs 79,3 (2003), 567–581.
“Identifying Options and Entry Points for Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration in Afghanistan.” In Mark Sedra (ed), Security in Afghanistan (Bonn: ZEF, 2003).
“U.S. and Iranian Policy in Afghanistan,” in Iran and Its neighbors: Diverging Views on a Strategic Region (Berlin: Wtiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, July 2003), ed. Eugene Whitlock, pp.29–34.
“(Re)Building Afghanistan: The Folly of Stateless Democracy,” Current History (April 2004), pp.165–170.
With Abby Stoddard, Humayun Hamidzada, and Adib Farhadi. “Building a New Afghanistan: The Value of Success, the Cost of Failure.” Paying for Essentials: A Policy Paper Series (New York: Center on International Cooperation, New York University, March 2004), http://www.cic.nyu.edu/pdf/Building.pdf.
“Crafting a Constitution for Afghanistan,” Journal of Democracy (July 2004) 15: pp.5–19.
“Road to Ruin: Afghanistan’s booming Opium Industry.” Washington and New York: Center for American Progress and Center on International Cooperation, NYU, 2004.
“The UN and the Prevention of Armed Conflict,” Security Dialogue 36 (3), pp.381–383. Special Section on UN High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change.
“Peace Building, State Building: Constructing Sovereignty for Security,” Survival 47, no. 4 (Winter 2005–06), 93–106. Also appeared as: “Consolidación de la paz, consolidación del estado: construir soberanía para la seguridad,” Centro de Investigacíon para la Paz (CIP-FUHEM), Madrid, 2005.
“Afghanistan: la souveraineté comme condition de la sécurité,” Critique Internationale 28 (July–September 2005), 169–183. Also published as “Peace Building and State Building in Afghanistan: Constructing Sovereignty for Whose Security?” Third World Quarterly 47:4 (Winter 2005–6).
“Propuestas para la estabilidad de Afganistán,” Papeles, no. 91 Centro de Investigación para la Paz (CIP-FUHEM), (Madrid, Autumn 2005), 91–102.
“The Politics of Security in State-Building,” in Charles T. Call, ed., The Challenges of State-Building and Peacebuilding (International Peace Academy).
"Prevention of Violent Conflict: Tasks and Challenges for the United Nations,” Global Governance (forthcoming 2006). Also published as “La prevención de conflictos violentos: tareas y desafíos para Naciones Unidas,” Centro de Investigación para la Paz (CIP-FUHEM), Madrid, September 2005.
“Central Asia and Central Africa: Transnational Wars and Ethnic Conflicts,” The Journal of Human Development, Volume 7 (2006), Issue 1, pp.5–22.
With Bruce Jones. “Prevention of Violent Conflict: Tasks and Challenges for the United Nations,” Global Governance 13:3 (July–September 2007): 391–408.
With Humayun Hamidzada, “From Bonn to London: Governance Challenges and the Future of Statebuilding in Afghanistan,” International Peacekeeping 14:1 (February 2007): 1.
Barnett R. Rubin and Alexandra Guaqueta, “Fighting Drugs and Building Peace: Towards Policy Coherence between Counter-Narcotics and Peace Building,” Dialogue on Globalization 37 (2007). Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, OSI, CIC, and Ideas para la Paz.
“Afghan Dilemmas: Defining Commitment,” The American Interest 3:5 (May–June 2008).
With Ahmed Rashid, “From Great Game to Grand Bargain: Ending Chaos in Afghanistan and Pakistan,” Foreign Affairs (November–December 2008): 2–16.
. Alexander Thier (ed.), “The Future of the Afghan State,” in Afghanistan in Ten Years Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace, 2009.
“A Tribe Apart: Afghan elites face a corrosive past,” Boston Review (January/February 2009): 21–27.
Sara Daniel and Huber Védrine (eds.), “Afghanistan,” in Guerres d’Aujourd’hui, Paris: Editions Delavilla, 2009.
L'Afghanistan sur le Point de Bascule: Conversations avec Barnett R. Rubin (Montreal: Varia, forthcoming).
“Afghanistan,” in Challenges for the New Administration (Washington, D.C.: Institute for National and Strategic Studies, 2008).
“Afghanistan and Pakistan,” Great Decisions 2009 (New York: Foreign Policy Association, 2009).
Afghanistan from the Cold War through the War on Terror. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Public service publications
With Jeri Laber, "Tears, Blood, and Cries": Human Rights in Afghanistan Since the Invasion, 1979-1984 (New York: Helsinki Watch, 1984).
To Die in Afghanistan: Human Rights in Afghanistan 1985 (New York: Helsinki Watch, 1985). Translated as Afghanistan: Ein Volk Stirbt, trans. Renate Schmid and Theodor Heinrich (Munich: Promultis, 1986).
"Prepared Statement," in The Situation in Afghanistan, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, May 1, 1986, (Washington: U.S. Government Priority Office, 1986), pp.79– 98.
Cycles of Violence: Human Rights in Sri Lanka since the Indo-Sri Lanka Agreement (Washington, D.C.: Asia Watch, 1987).
"Afghan Repatriation," World Refugee Survey—1988 in Review (Washington: U.S. Committee for Refugees, 1989), pp.70–71.
"Actions of the Pakistan Military with Respect to Afghanistan: Human Rights Concerns," News from Asia Watch, February 27, 1989.
Testimony before Joint Hearing of Subcommittees on Europe and the Middle East and Asia and the Pacific, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, March 7, 1990.
Testimony before Congressional Task Force on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission), April 23, 1990.
Testimony before Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, June 20, 1991.
With Paul Goble, Nancy Lubin, and Robert Oakley, "Afghanistan and Post-Soviet Central Asia: Prospects for Political Evolution and the Role of Islam," A Special Report of the Study Group on the Prospects for the Southern Tier of Former Soviet Republics, United States Institute of Peace (USIP: Washington, 1992).
"Asia Survey: New Technologies Breach the Five Barriers to Freedom of Information," Intermedia 21(January–February 1993), pp.2–8.
With Rachel Denber, Human Rights in Tajikistan: In the Wake of Civil War (Human Rights Watch/Helsinki Watch and Memorial, New York and Moscow: 1993).
Testimony on Afghanistan, Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, 8 May 1996.
“Conflict and Peace in Afghanistan.” Afghanistan Outlook (UN, Islamabad), December 1999, pp.6–12.
Testimony on Afghanistan, Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, 7 November 2001.
Testimony on Reconstruction of Afghanistan, Committee on International Relations, U.S. House of Representatives, 13 June 2003.
With CARE. “Afghanistan: The Cost of Doing Too Little,” CARE and the Center on International Cooperation, New York University, March 2004, http://www.cic.nyu.edu/pdf/CICBrief_final.pdf.
Testimony before Senate Committee on Armed Services, March 31, 2007.
“Afghan Dispatch,” The Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2004.
“In Kabul, the Government Owns the Peace,” International Herald Tribune, May 6, 2004.
“Let Afghans Vote When They’re Ready,” International Herald Tribune, June 14, 2004.
“Afghanistan’s Vote could Trigger Mayhem,” International Herald Tribune, August 4, 2004.
“Afghanistan’s Fatal Addiction,” International Herald Tribune, October 28, 2004.
With Omar Zakhilwal, “A War on Drugs or a War on Farmers?” The Wall Street Journal, January 11, 2005.
“The Wrong Voting System in Afghanistan,” International Herald Tribune, March 16, 2005.
“Turmoil at the heart of Central Asia Slaughter in Andijon,” International Herald Tribune, May 25, 2005.
“What Did the Spanish Soldiers Die For?” (“Afganistán: ¿por qué murieron los soldados españoles?”) Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diàlogo Exterior (FRIDE), E-Newsletter #11, September 2005.
“Toward a Post-Bonn Framework,” Afghanistan Update (October 2005), Kabul.
“Just When Things Were Looking Up in Afghanistan,” International Herald Tribune, November 24, 2007.
“The Musharraf Problem,” The Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2007.
“Borderline State,” The Nation (Abu Dhabi), September 12, 2008.
Other academic publications
With Adam Przeworski and Ernest Underhill, "The Evolution of the Class Structure of France, 1901-1968," Economic Development and Cultural Change (July 1980).
With Sheppard G. Kellam, C. Hendricks Brown, and Margaret E. Ensminger, "Paths Leading to Teenage Psychiatric Symptoms and Substance Use: Developmental Epidemiological Studies in Woodlawn," in Robert Guze editor, Childhood Psychopathology and Development (New York: Raven Press, 1983).
With Margaret E. Ensminger and Sheppard G. Kellam, "School and Family Origins of Delinquency: Comparisons by Sex," in Katherine Teilmann Van Dusen and Sarnoff A. Mednick editors, Prospective Studies of Crime and Delinquency (Boston: Kluwer-Nijhoff, 1983).
↑ "Barnett Richard Rubin". Contemporary Authors Online. March 29, 2007. Retrieved on December 18, 2010.
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