Black sigatoka | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Fungi |
Division: | Ascomycota |
Class: | Dothideomycetes |
Order: | Capnodiales |
Family: | Mycosphaerellaceae |
Genus: | Mycosphaerella |
Species: | M. fijiensis |
Binomial name | |
Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet 1963 | |
Synonyms | |
Pseudocercosporella fijiensis |
Black Sigatoka | |
![]() Advanced lesions | |
Common names | Black leaf streak |
Causal agents | Mycosphaerella fijiensis |
Hosts | Banana |
Black sigatoka is a leaf-spot disease of banana plants caused by the ascomycete fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis (Morelet), also known as black leaf streak. It was discovered in 1963 and named for its similarities with yellow Sigatoka, which is caused by Mycosphaerella musicola (Mulder), which was itself named after the Sigatoka Valley in Fiji. In the same valley an outbreak of this disease reached epidemic proportions from 1912 to 1923. [1]
According to new terminology, the Sigatoka disease complex is a cluster of three closely related fungi: Black Sigatoka and its congeners Yellow Sigatoka ( Ps. musae ) and eumusae leaf spot ( Ps. eumusae ). [2]
Plants with leaves damaged by the disease may have up to 50% lower yield of fruit, and control can take up to 50 sprays a year. [3]
M. fijiensis reproduces both sexually and asexually, and both conidia and ascospores are important in its dispersal. The conidia are mainly waterborne for short distances, while ascospores are carried by wind to more remote places (the distances being limited by their susceptibility to ultraviolet light). Over 60 distinct strains with different pathogenic potentials have been isolated. To better understand the mechanisms of its variability, projects to understand the genetic diversity of M. fijiensis have been initiated. [3]
When spores of M. fijiensis are deposited on a susceptible banana leaf, they germinate within three hours if the humidity is high or a film of water is present. The optimal temperature for germination of the conidia is 27 °C (81 °F). The germ tube grows epiphytically over the epidermis for two to three days before penetrating the leaf through a stoma. [4] Once inside the leaf, the invasive hypha forms a vesicle and fine hyphae grow through the mesophyll layers into an air chamber. More hyphae then grow into the palisade tissue and continue on into other air chambers, eventually emerging through stomata in the streak that has developed. Further epiphytic growth occurs before the re-entry of the hypha into the leaf through another stoma repeats the process. [5] [6] The optimal conditions for M. fijiensis as compared with M. musicola are a higher temperatures and higher relative humidity, and the whole disease cycle is much faster in M. fijiensis. [5]
Black Sigatoka is also known as black leaf streak, causing streaks that run parallel to the leaves. It affects banana trees specifically in tropical climates; including Asia, West Africa, China, and South America. [7] Tropical weather is the preferred climate for banana cultivation, but it is also the environment where the pathogen thrives: hot and humid, with plenty of rainfall to aid in dispersal. The optimal environment of the pathogen is similar to that of the banana tree. The fungus infects mature banana leaves and will continue to cause infection without proper control. [8]
In the early stages of the infection of the plant, the lesions have a rusty brown appearance and appear to be faint, paint-like specks on the leaves. They become more visible on the undersides of the banana leaf as the lesions and leaves grow. The spots on the undersides of leaf are the fungus itself. The sign of the pathogen consists of the ascocarp which holds the ascospores used for dissemination to infect healthy new plants when the environment is conducive. The pathogen then survives on dead plant tissue as mycelium. [9] The dimensions of the lesions are characteristically 20 by 2 millimetres (25⁄32 in × 5⁄64 in) with a well defined wall surrounding it. [10] After further development, they become darker, sink into the leaf, and turn into depressions. The depressions themselves and the chlorosis surrounding them are the visible symptoms of the plant pathogen. They eventually will merge, causing the rapid decline of plant morphological and physiological function. [11] Leaves with large infectious lesions will start to degrade and collapse because the leaf spots interrupt the plant's ability to perform photosynthesis, leading to the ultimate death of the plant. [7]
The yellow leaf streak pathogen is in the same genus as that of black leaf streak. Yellow leaf streak shows smaller, yellow-green lesions that appear on top of the leaves. [7]
There are several ways to control black Sigatoka, either by cultural and chemical means or by genetic engineering. Cultural control includes the destruction of leaves that have been infected with M. fijiensis. This will help reduce the initial (ascospores) and secondary (conidia) spread of inoculum of new plant leaves and interrupt the pathogen's polycyclic disease cycle. Another way of reducing primary/secondary inoculums is via efficient drainage and irrigation. Keeping the environment around the plants at low humidity helps keep the ascospores/conidia produced by the pathogen from being dispersed in the water draining towards other healthy, susceptible hosts. [10] Other techniques include planting the banana trees more than 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) above sea level and practicing multi-cropping, mixing banana with other trees or vegetation. [8]
One form of chemical control is preemptive use of fungicides on banana trees in order to protect them from primary inoculum. The fungicide does not kill the pathogen itself, but works on the pre-necrotic spots on the leaves, stopping the secondary spores from inoculating new, healthy plant tissue. The best time to apply this protective fungicide is in the beginning of the season in order to stop any initial infection. [11] The class of fungicides widely used to control black leaf streak is the triazoles. [9] These are demethylation inhibitors and should be rotated with compounds having other modes of action to slow the development of resistance. [12] Leaves that have already been infected must be removed mechanically to save the rest of the tree. [11] Research has shown that there may be fungicide resistance developing for M. fijiensis. It has been observed that following the intensive application of chemicals, the fungus persisted and spread. The same observations were found in fields with no chemical interference; the belief now being that the untreated fields are “breeding grounds for (the) development of resistant strains”. [13] Methyl benzimidazole carbamates are also used and there is also resistance known to these. [14] Although fitness penalties are common in resistance evolution many MBC resistant pathogens do not suffer any penalty and a few have the opposite effect. [14] M. fijiensis is one such case: Romero et al., 1998 find MBC resistant isolates benefit from enhanced virulence (specifically tested with benomyl). [14]
Research today shows continuous action towards reinventing banana breeding programs. However, some cultivars of bananas are resistant to the disease. Research is done to improve productivity and fruit properties of these cultivars. A genetically modified banana variety made more resistant to the fungus was developed and was field tested in Uganda in the late 2000s. [15] Furthermore, the search for genetic resistance shows promise with the discovery of a protein that can produce a hypersensitive response to control M. fijiensis that is being introduced into banana trees. This may lead to the identification of a resistance gene that could be transferred to banana trees. [16]
The worldwide spread of the disease has been rapid, with its naming and first reported occurrence in 1963. [17] [18] The disease was reported in 1972 in Honduras, from where it spread north to central Mexico and south to Brazil and into the Caribbean islands [18] in 1991. [19] The fungus arrived in Zambia in 1973 and spread to the banana-producing areas of Africa from that introduction. [18] The first occurrence of black Sigatoka in Florida was reported in 1999. [20] As it spread, Black Sigatoka replaced the yellow form and has become the dominant disease of bananas worldwide. [18] [21]
The most likely route of infection is via the importation of infected plant material, and infection can spread rapidly in commercial areas where bananas are farmed in monoculture. [18] Removal of affected leaves, good drainage, and sufficient spacing also help to fight the disease. Although fungicides improved over the years, the pathogen developed resistance. Therefore, higher frequency of applications is required, increasing the impact on the environment and health of the banana workers. In regions where disease pressure is low and fungicide resistance has not been observed, it is possible to better time the application of systemic fungicides by using a biological forecasting system. [22]
Bananas are a principal crop for people with limited access to other resources, and the decrease in production of the fruit can limit their diet. There is also the possibility that the cost of bananas will rise with the substantial loss of bananas, leading to unaffordability. [10] M. fijiensis has been found in all regions of the world that are major producers of bananas and is a constraint for these countries; specifically, Africa, Asia, and South America. Black Sigatoka is a very destructive disease to the foliage of banana trees. The disruption of photosynthesis can reduce fruit yield by up to 50%. [8] Infection with black streak deaf can interrupt ripening, causing fruit to “ripen prematurely and unevenly, and as a result becoming unsuitable for export”. [11] A disruption in the maturation of the fruit can lead to a major shift in the economy of the international commerce. 10% of the bananas that are grown are sold to other countries while the other 90% is consumed by the farmers and local communities. Small farmers growing bananas for local markets cannot afford expensive measures to fight the disease. Black Sigatoka of Bananas threatens the fruit's economy and the lives of the people who depend on the fruit for subsistence. [23]
Apple scab is a common disease of plants in the rose family (Rosaceae) that is caused by the ascomycete fungus Venturia inaequalis. While this disease affects several plant genera, including Sorbus, Cotoneaster, and Pyrus, it is most commonly associated with the infection of Malus trees, including species of flowering crabapple, as well as cultivated apple. The first symptoms of this disease are found in the foliage, blossoms, and developing fruits of affected trees, which develop dark, irregularly-shaped lesions upon infection. Although apple scab rarely kills its host, infection typically leads to fruit deformation and premature leaf and fruit drop, which enhance the susceptibility of the host plant to abiotic stress and secondary infection. The reduction of fruit quality and yield may result in crop losses of up to 70%, posing a significant threat to the profitability of apple producers. To reduce scab-related yield losses, growers often combine preventive practices, including sanitation and resistance breeding, with reactive measures, such as targeted fungicide or biocontrol treatments, to prevent the incidence and spread of apple scab in their crops.
Grape black rot is a fungal disease caused by an ascomycetous fungus, Guignardia bidwellii, that attacks grape vines during hot and humid weather. “Grape black rot originated in eastern North America, but now occurs in portions of Europe, South America, and Asia. It can cause complete crop loss in warm, humid climates, but is virtually unknown in regions with arid summers.” The name comes from the black fringe that borders growing brown patches on the leaves. The disease also attacks other parts of the plant, “all green parts of the vine: the shoots, leaf and fruit stems, tendrils, and fruit. The most damaging effect is to the fruit”.
Diplocarpon rosae is a fungus that creates the rose black spot disease. Because it was observed by people of various countries around the same time, the nomenclature for the fungus varied with about 25 different names. The asexual stage is now known to be Marssonina rosae, while the sexual and most common stage is known as Diplocarpon rosae.
Venturia inaequalis is an ascomycete fungus that causes the apple scab disease.
Pseudocercosporella capsellae is a plant pathogen infecting crucifers. P. capsellae is the causal pathogen of white leaf spot disease, which is an economically significant disease in global agriculture. P. capsellae has a significant affect on crop yields on agricultural products, such as canola seed and rapeseed. Researchers are working hard to find effective methods of controlling this plant pathogen, using cultural control, genetic resistance, and chemical control practices. Due to its rapidly changing genome, P. capsellae is a rapidly emerging plant pathogen that is beginning to spread globally and affect farmers around the world.
Mycosphaerella brassicicola is a plant pathogen. The pathogen is the teleomorph phase of an ascomycete fungus, which causes the ring spot disease of brassicas. The supplementary anamorph phase Asteromella brassicae produces conidia through its asexual reproduction, however these spores are not confirmed to cause disease in host plants.
Zymoseptoria tritici, synonyms Septoria tritici, Mycosphaerella graminicola, is a species of filamentous fungus, an ascomycete in the family Mycosphaerellaceae. It is a wheat plant pathogen causing septoria leaf blotch that is difficult to control due to resistance to multiple fungicides. The pathogen today causes one of the most important diseases of wheat.
Taphrina deformans is a fungus and plant pathogen, and a causal agent[s] of peach leaf curl. Peach trees infected with T. deformans will experience leaf puckering and distortion, acquiring a characteristic downward and inward curl. Leaves will also undergo chlorosis, turning a pale green or yellow, and later show a red or purple tint. Fruit can either drop prematurely or show surface distortions. Severe infection can also produce lesions on the flowers. The host tree will experience defoliation if the leaves are badly diseased. If a seedling is severely infected, it may die. Almond trees display similar symptoms.
Diplocarpon earlianum is a species of fungus that causes disease in strawberry plants called strawberry leaf scorch. The disease overwinters in plant debris and infects strawberry plants during the spring season when it is wet. The five main methods to reduce strawberry leaf scorch include: irrigation techniques, crop rotation, planting resistant and disease-free seeds, fungicide use, and sanitation measures. Control of strawberry leaf scorch is important because it is responsible for the majority of disease in strawberries. Diplocarpon earliana affects the fruit quality and yield of the strawberry crop. Losses range from negligible to severe depending on numerous epidemiological factors including cultivar susceptibility, type of cropping system, and weather conditions
Mycosphaerella angulata is a fungal plant pathogen infecting muscadine grapes. This pathogen causes the common disease angular leaf spot. Mycosphaerella angulate is an ascomycete in the fungi kingdom.
Elsinoë mangiferae, common name "mango scab", is also known Denticularia mangiferae or Sphaceloma mangiferae (anamorph). It is an ascomycete plant pathogen native to tropical regions and specific for survival on only one host, the mango. Originally described in 1943 from Florida and Cuba specimens, this pathogen has since spread worldwide and is becoming a pathogen of great concern for the mango industries in Australia and India. The species was first described formally in 1946.
Didymella bryoniae, syn. Mycosphaerella melonis, is an ascomycete fungal plant pathogen that causes gummy stem blight on the family Cucurbitaceae, which includes cantaloupe, cucumber, muskmelon and watermelon plants. The anamorph/asexual stage for this fungus is called Phoma cucurbitacearum. When this pathogen infects the fruit of cucurbits it is called black rot.
Elsinoë ampelina is a plant pathogen, which is the causal agent of anthracnose on grape.
Mycosphaerella musicola is a fungal plant pathogen, which is the causal agent of Yellow Sigatoka leaf spot disease on banana plants.
This article summarizes different crops, what common fungal problems they have, and how fungicide should be used in order to mitigate damage and crop loss. This page also covers how specific fungal infections affect crops present in the United States.
Citrus black spot is a fungal disease caused by Phyllosticta citricarpa(previously known as Guignardia citricarpa). This Ascomycete fungus affects citrus plants throughout subtropical climates, causing a reduction in both fruit quantity and quality.
Ascochyta blights occur throughout the world and can be of significant economic importance. Three fungi contribute to the ascochyta blight disease complex of pea. Ascochyta pinodes causes Mycosphaerella blight. Ascochyta pinodella causes Ascochyta foot rot, and Ascochyta pisi causes Ascochyta blight and pod spot. Of the three fungi, Ascochyta pinodes is of the most importance. These diseases are conducive under wet and humid conditions and can cause a yield loss of up to fifty percent if left uncontrolled. The best method to control ascochyta blights of pea is to reduce the amount of primary inoculum through sanitation, crop-rotation, and altering the sowing date. Other methods—chemical control, biological control, and development of resistant varieties—may also be used to effectively control ascochyta diseases.
Raspberry leaf spot is a plant disease caused by Sphaerulina rubi, an ascomycete fungus. Early symptoms of infection are dark green spots on young leaves. As the disease progresses, these spots turn tan or gray in color. Disease management strategies for raspberry leaf spots include the use of genetically resistant raspberry plant varieties, chemical fungicide sprays, and cultural practices such as pruning and thinning out canes.
Common spot of strawberry is one of the most common and widespread diseases afflicting the strawberry. Common spot of strawberry is caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella fragariae. Symptoms of this disease first appear as circular, dark purple spots on the leaf surface. Mycosphaerella fragariae is very host-specific and only infects strawberry.
Cherry leaf spot is a fungal disease which infects cherries and plums. Sweet, sour, and ornamental cherries are susceptible to the disease, being most prevalent in sour cherries. The variety of sour cherries that is the most susceptible are the English morello cherries. This is considered a serious disease in the Midwest, New England states, and Canada. It has also been estimated to infect 80 percent of orchards in the Eastern states. It must be controlled yearly to avoid a significant loss of the crop. If not controlled properly, the disease can dramatically reduce yields by nearly 100 percent. The disease is also known as yellow leaf or shothole disease to cherry growers due to the characteristic yellowing leaves and shot holes present in the leaves upon severe infection.
In St. Vincent and the Grenadines the value of exports of the fruits was reduced by 90%. Exports of plantains from Guyana declined by 100% within 2-3 years of the disease taking hold there.